Forums / In game politics / Legion of Roma Dishonourable
Legion of Roma Dishonourable | ||||||||||||||||||||
21:51:47 Aug 25th 10 - Mr. Money Bags: I find that their tactics contradict their portrait of what they say they are. Legion of Roma![]()
Compare kingdom InformationHey = ) That is completely false, throughout this long era there has been many trials and tribulations. We established an era long NAP, The first offense was on my behalf for accepting someone they were warring. But I did not know, but due to our NaP agreement the player was still doomed. So after all the smoke was cleared there was peace. But LOR kept attacking him. I messaged the leader and he assured he would stop it and he did for a day or so before his mate continued. The second offense was on them, their mates all attacked my kingdom members, I messaged the leader and the vice and they again assured they would stop and did for a day or so. Their third offense was when their leader was the one attacking! They kicked him from the kd but my mate quit mine and I was unaware why so I attacked both of them. I took 2 of my mates cities then asked him why he quit, he asked for a CF AFTER taking over half my cities. Then LOR accepted him and as my member violated the terms so did his(my former) the leader said he'd stay out of it. After the member took my cities and killed one of my mates I finally retook my cities about 3 of his and right before completely killing him the leader threatened me with war assuming he was more powerful than me but in reality we owned almost the same land and my army was stronger than his he just owned more cities. After that was cleared he actually let another one of his members attack me and this time they are not messaging me back just keep attacking. This is by far the highest of insults and i am fed up. | ||||||||||||||||||||
22:16:50 Aug 25th 10 - Mr. Captain Nemo: I dont quite understand. Who is "he". Who are you referring to? Is it Samual or who? | ||||||||||||||||||||
22:45:50 Aug 26th 10 - Mr. Roderian Dragoria: That explains why they stopped trying to kill me off..... &#$*(& .....and here I thought it was because they feared the additional losses taking my last city would cause. | ||||||||||||||||||||
01:20:52 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Captain Nemo: Haha roderian ur funny. Moneybags, I am sorry that became your issue. It is I, Liu Bei or Ignotus to you. I see that the NAP i had made between your kingdom and my ex-kingdom has caused you grief. I am sorry my friend that thats what has happened. | ||||||||||||||||||||
03:28:28 Aug 27th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude: ;) | ||||||||||||||||||||
05:09:15 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Valael: LOL, this happens every other era bud. Dont fret about it and learn from it. I know it sucks and personally if it makes you feel better i have seen 2 people this era already backstabbed by their own teamates let alone a NAP partner. | ||||||||||||||||||||
05:32:58 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Galacticus: This has nothing to do with Legion of Roma This is just me being bored with nothing to do so leave them out of it and stop spamming the forums with your crap. | ||||||||||||||||||||
08:16:23 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Roderian Dragoria: @Galacticus, well who is your alt that is part of LoR, because this character isn't even on Nirvana. | ||||||||||||||||||||
11:45:16 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Mvm: Money bag. We could take you off, if we were dishonourable. Pls check your news, see who attacking you. Have you talk to the person who kicking you?Have you talk to LoR leader Mr. Samuel? Don't blame LoR. Because I haven't send any catalpult to you yet. | ||||||||||||||||||||
19:43:13 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Percious: I have attacked him I am the only one who attacked him its plain and simple aswell I have no probs leaving but its samuals decision to message me. | ||||||||||||||||||||
19:58:50 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Valael: The simple fact is that you are a member of LoR. Therefore when you join a kingdom you represent them through yourself. So your actions have not only stained your own reputation but that of your kingdom. I for one will be sure to remember to avoid LoR in the future if you dont even realize this much. | ||||||||||||||||||||
21:21:16 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Captain Nemo: Look everyone is sorta tired of being on a world where there is nothing going on. We should all just chill and just relax. Drink some party some and it will be kay. | ||||||||||||||||||||
12:36:38 Aug 29th 10 - Mr. Samual: I will be honest and I would hope people can trust me, though if they can't then so be it. When I was checking through the threads I was rather gutted to see this thread. I thought all of the members of my kingdom were loyal and would respect relations. Though don't get me wrong Money Bags, I haven't just been sitting back ignoring what is happening. I have in-fact been trying to find why and when this happened, because I wanted to be sure the cause of action I would be taking was right. We have two options though, I can kick Percious and attack him. Or we can ask him to return the cities to their previous owned (you I assume) and make him give a public apology in this thread and of course if he refuses, I will kick him and attack him. I am giving you (Money Bags) the option as it is you, who's cities have been taken. As for not attacking you Roderian, I haven't been that active recently because I have just met my half brothers and one of them are staying round my house so I have found it hard to get the time to come on-line. I hope this matter can be dealt soon as it is better for both parties that way. Thanks Samual | ||||||||||||||||||||
13:23:51 Aug 29th 10 - Mr. Samual: Sorry I thought originally what Money Bags posted was just our kingdom page but I will answer it. The first offense was on my behalf for accepting someone they were warring. But I did not know, but due to our NaP agreement the player was still doomed. So after all the smoke was cleared there was peace. This is a lie we never accepted any refugee's, in-fact if anyone accepted refugees it was you. As while we were attacking Zoo/Felicity I think the name Hugh will remind you of someone who was and still is in your kingdom. 'Hugh the Dwarf' is his name now though when he was in Felicity and we were attacking him he was called 'Hugh the Farmer' and you accepted when we were at war with Felicity so your kingdom is the kingdom who accepted refuges. The second offense was on them, their mates all attacked my kingdom members, I messaged the leader and the vice and they again assured they would stop and did for a day or so. I don't usually get annoyed by these type of games but this is a lie again, we never openly attacked your kingdom if you are willing to actually say the truth and stop speaking a load of crap then we can talk about this properly but I am not willing to talk with you when you lie. Their third offense was when their leader was the one attacking! They kicked him from the kd but my mate quit mine and I was unaware why so I attacked both of them I know who you are talking about, Parapooper and Deadpool. This is not LOR really is it, it is just Parapooper. Also when you said you messaged 'the leader' who is that, is it me or Parapooper. Also I would like to point out for when Parapooper was in our kingdom he never took your cities he was just preping on one of them, he was not in LOR when he actually took your cities. Also to add onto this you decided once Deadpool had left your kingdom it was all green light to attack him. When Roderian left my kingdom to create a kingdom with Mr. Percy we didn't attack them straight away they in- fact attacked us first as I told my members they were friendly as I thought they were only two people so it wont hurt to just leave them alone. So you are the person who decided to attack you ex- kingdom mates straight when they were kingdom-less. I took 2 of my mates cities then asked him why he quit, he asked for a CF AFTER taking over half my cities. Then LOR accepted him and as my member violated the terms so did his(my former) the leader said he'd stay out of it. This shows exactly why you shouldn't lead a kingdom. As firstly you ask why they left your kingdom before you attack them. Secondly why shouldn't he ask for a CF you pounce on his cities straight after he leaves. As he was leaving to join my kingdom long before this happened. So that is why I accepted him. Seconly, about us saying we would stay out of it, we did so I don't see why you are moaning about that. After the member took my cities and killed one of my mates I finally retook my cities about 3 of his and right before completely killing him the leader threatened me with war assuming he was more powerful than me but in reality we owned almost the same land and my army was stronger than his he just owned more cities. Oh I am sorry Money Bags the powerful, obviously you are much power fuller than myself and my kingdom.. so lets see.. Before you were attacked were you were you top of the HoH list in any category.. no I don't seem to remember seeing that. Lets see when Purgatory (9 members) and Testers (3 members) did you manage to kill them by yourself.. no I don't seem to remember that either. Did LOR have to come in and finish them of on behalf of your kingdom... Funny enough, I remember that.. Let me see again when 'Not Farmer' of Felicity was right near you did you manage to take him out of did he just by himself manage to defend himself and in-fact launch many attacks on your kingdom by himself and win.. Actually I seem to remember that.. When I saw he was attacking you did I decide I would try to save your kingdom and attack him as well.. Yes I remember that... Let me see did you actually ever send any armies to aid us in taking out Felicity... No I don't remember that.. Did you ever actually attack anyone else but 'Farming Hoe', who was running rings around you.. Nope I don't remember that.. Did you actually do anything to aid us in taking out Felicitys core.. No I don't remember that.. Finally let me use Percious.. When Percious attacked you did 'Money Bags The Powerful' manage to stand his ground and launch attacks on Percious.. No I don't remember that.. In-fact what I do remember is Money Bags getting owned by just Percious.. So to summarise let me see you didn't actually attack Felicity apart from defending your own cities from 'Farming Hoe'. You attempted to farm up while we were attacking Rising Phoenix but failed. And finally at several occasions you were pretty much taken out by one member. After that was cleared he actually let another one of his members attack me and this time they are not messaging me back just keep attacking. This is by far the highest of insults and i am fed up. Ah yes I think I know why this is, it is because I messaged you saying it was only Percious who was attacking you and I have asked him to stop when you messaged me asking what was happening. It is because you decided to post in your kingdom forums you were at was with our kingdom although I messaged you saying it was only Percious attacking. It is because another one of your members attacked my other member and so he defended himself. So you have no right to say you are insulted. | ||||||||||||||||||||
15:03:00 Aug 29th 10 - Mr. Percy: When Roderian left my kingdom to create a kingdom with Mr. Percy we didn't attack them straight away they in- fact attacked us first as I told my members they were friendly as I thought they were only two people so it wont hurt to just leave them alone. This, Samual, is a lie as your very kingdom members casted rain of fire on both me and Roderian. After we told them to stop, which they never did, they decided to take my cities up north and show hostility down south. this lead us to attack you back. If you are ignorant to their attacks, then you truly are dishounorable. Also I would like to point out for when Parapooper was in our kingdom he never took your cities he was just preping on one of them, he was not in LOR when he actually took your cities. I dont know how long you have played, Samual, but this action still breaks a NAP. Casting magic, attacking, and prepping on cities are only a few of the NAP terms. Before striking people down, be sure that EVERYTHING you say is true, or other can do the same to you. It is because you decided to post in your kingdom forums you were at was with our kingdom although I messaged you saying it was only Percious attacking. It is because another one of your members attacked my other member and so he defended himself. Which member are you speaking of? If you are saying me, you are sadly mistaken. Let me see did you actually ever send any armies to aid us in taking out Felicity... No I don't remember that.. Well you have short term memory loss because we lead the assualt on Felicity when they were near us. My army was one of the lead ones, but due to inactivity, I never actually took a city, but some of them were taken by Purgatory, namely Money Bags. | ||||||||||||||||||||
15:29:58 Aug 29th 10 - Mr. Darksword: Thats funny cuz I dont remember Moneybagz taking any city other than Testers cities. | ||||||||||||||||||||
19:23:57 Aug 29th 10 - Mr. Samual: When Roderian left my kingdom to create a kingdom with Mr. Percy we didn't attack them straight away they in- fact attacked us first as I told my members they were friendly as I thought they were only two people so it wont hurt to just leave them alone. This, Samual, is a lie as your very kingdom members casted rain of fire on both me and Roderian. After we told them to stop, which they never did, they decided to take my cities up north and show hostility down south. this lead us to attack you back. If you are ignorant to their attacks, then you truly are dishounorable. Oh right Percy, so while myself and my kingdom mates were up in the north-east of the map finishing of Purgatory we happened to magically move our armies north-west and south-west to attack you, you are trying to say. No in-fact while myself and my kingdom were taking out the last of Felicity you attacked our southern core in hope we would be off-guard. In-fact we were off-guard as we had not planned such a dishonourable move on your part to attack your former NAP partner and Roderian's former kingdom. Though once we got our armies into your area we were able to counter attack you and push you back. Also I would like to point out for when Parapooper was in our kingdom he never took your cities he was just preping on one of them, he was not in LOR when he actually took your cities. I dont know how long you have played, Samual, but this action still breaks a NAP. Casting magic, attacking, and prepping on cities are only a few of the NAP terms. Before striking people down, be sure that EVERYTHING you say is true, or other can do the same to you. I have been playing since era 33 and so I do know the terms. It is in-fact how long you have been playing what should be questioned because NAP terms can vary and in-fact most NAP terms say 'If an army or scout of the NAP partner is preping on a city, the ruler of the city has to message the ruler who owns the army/scout and if it not moved within 24 hours the ruler of the city can attack it. It is because you decided to post in your kingdom forums you were at was with our kingdom although I messaged you saying it was only Percious attacking. It is because another one of your members attacked my other member and so he defended himself. Which member are you speaking of? If you are saying me, you are sadly mistaken. This was much after you abandoned Purgatory Percy, I would have thought you would even have the common sense to work that out baring in mind that Money Bags has just posted this thread today. Let me see did you actually ever send any armies to aid us in taking out Felicity... No I don't remember that.. Well you have short term memory loss because we lead the assualt on Felicity when they were near us. My army was one of the lead ones, but due to inactivity, I never actually took a city, but some of them were taken by Purgatory, namely Money Bags. Ah dude you must have must better memory and sight than I do as Purgatory does not own any of Felicities cities, even before they were attacked apart from retaking the cities Farming Hoe single handedly took from them. Also do you even know the definition of assault it isn't sending a scout to one of there cities. If we hadn't have come and killed Farming Hoe Purgatory would have been dead a long time ago. So you never lead any 'assault' mate.... 14:29:58 Aug 29th 10 - Mr. Darksword: Thats funny cuz I dont remember Moneybagz taking any city other than Testers cities. Thanks, not sure who you are but thanks anyway = ) So Percy I don't even know this person and he even knows that Money Bags did not take any of Felicities cities.. | ||||||||||||||||||||
21:38:13 Aug 29th 10 - Mr. Jesus Freak: Ok then whatever. I know what I know and you know what you know so for the sake of future (possible) relations Im going to leave this issue alone. | ||||||||||||||||||||
21:49:52 Aug 29th 10 - Mr. Captain Nemo: Ah samual its funny cuz its Liu Bei :) I am Captain Nemo and Darksword. I was the one who originally had the idea of LoR NAPping Purgatory. | ||||||||||||||||||||
23:17:29 Aug 29th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude: you saying your liu or samy's liu? | ||||||||||||||||||||
01:28:37 Aug 30th 10 - Mr. Captain Nemo: Here SFD this might shed some light:
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01:33:48 Aug 30th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude: ^_^ Liu <3 | ||||||||||||||||||||
02:38:38 Aug 30th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu: ^_^ Hello SFD. Okay everyone. LoR and Purgatory alike. You are all good players. You guys need to realize that you all were hallucinating that someone attacked someone because it was me who caused all of this. Last week instead of spraying weed killer I sprayed cocaine into the air. You all need to see doctors and just relax XD | ||||||||||||||||||||
07:36:01 Aug 30th 10 - Mr. Roderian Dragoria: @Samuel, | ||||||||||||||||||||
17:49:07 Aug 30th 10 - Mr. Mvm: well, moneybag ,you seemed inactive. Rohan left only 1 defending city. LOR owned Nirvana after all. | ||||||||||||||||||||
00:32:31 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Diodan: So not that Roderian of RoR is dead, who is LoR fighting? | ||||||||||||||||||||
12:56:09 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Samual: Well now apart from like 5 cities we have world domination though as I said in a different forum the only elf in our kingdom is inactive and he had like level 8 magic only needed one more level up to cast Armageddon but now someone other than him is going to have to cast it and we have already upgraded loads in military so we will be here for a long time Added to that with world domination it will cost a large amount of money to build a new city also our price for building new buildings is ridiculously high so to build the MT's will take a long time and a lot of gold | ||||||||||||||||||||
09:21:24 Sep 5th 10 - Mr. Diodan: Ouch. That totally sucks. Have you petitioned to simply have Zeta restart the world now. Because wasn't that one of the options, if the world gets completely taken, then it would be auto-reset without the need for Armageddon. | ||||||||||||||||||||
01:05:33 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Path: I'm not playing this round but I had an idea regarding this. Maybe just
make a new kingdom on another world when it opens. If people in your
kingdom don't have an extra character slot, you can have them leave the
kingdom to take their cities so they can restart. Make Nirvana your
world, for all time. Whenever someone thinks of Nirvana, they will
think Legion of Roma. Tell your people they no longer have to worry
about logging in to Nirvana, and just keep that world as your own for
all time. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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