Forums / In game politics / Lenard The Knight I

Lenard The Knight I
02:04:22 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Asmuth:

Cool name Lenard, well done zeta for changing to summink cool!

02:31:09 Dec 11th 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

I bet he got the name from "Cinderella." : )

03:54:15 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Does anybody know what that little epithet is all about anyway? It's the first time I saw such a thing.

04:00:16 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

Perhaps it's a tribute to the White Knight Chronicles.

11:53:47 Dec 11th 07 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Raistlin got "warlord" way back when he won 3 eras in a row. Maybe its something similar here? Or Lenard simply bought the title:P

12:06:42 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

i think this happened cuz he got 2 era's in his names with deffernt ruler name .

if he got the third he will be the lord, the fourth the genral, the fifth the prince .

just guessing

12:36:39 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Agent Johnson:

Not sure, Zeta never explained it :P. I assume it was because my name had Knight in it before he renamed me to Lenard

13:25:54 Dec 11th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

I know why this is.

In the beginnen of the era, Lenard was called white knight. But many people thought of this as an offensive name. So Zeta had changed it into Lenard.

I guess that's how it went?

13:37:21 Dec 11th 07 - Prince Mielo:

hmm... The never revealed stories of VU!

14:06:36 Dec 11th 07 - Sir Santa The Loser:

Why is White Knight offensive? Something im missing here?? :S

14:25:20 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Clonexxxvii:

My guess is something to do with the KKK...

14:46:08 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Oh dear, better let Tolkien's and Lewis Carrol's ghosts know before someone bans their books. Alice was a racist and Wonderland should be shut down at once! Also better let those poor sodding Japs know...

Next up for banning is Wikipedia. They even mention Black Knights. Uh oh, save the poor chillens--filter them out!

Ho hum. *yawn*

17:40:52 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

I like the white knight name. It is more origianal since black is really overused. I dont see how it is rasict though, its just a color, not a knight wearing a white hood lol

18:50:47 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Agent Johnson: was where it was from. Can ban MTG too :P

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