Forums / In game politics / Lie, lie and lie some more!

Lie, lie and lie some more!
06:07:27 May 21st 07 - Sir Paffician:

Here is some lier from kingdom named ''Wild Boys'' in Mantrax.....

You (5/20/2007 8:39:31 AM)
Is this army heading to my  lands? If so then it means war.....
Mr. Conqueror The Worlds [WB] (5/20/2007 1:10:01 PM) GOOD BAD
oO ... haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmm
You (5/20/2007 4:42:03 PM)
so that means you will attack eh?
Mr. Conqueror The Worlds [WB] (5/20/2007 4:57:25 PM) GOOD BAD
You (5/20/2007 6:32:59 PM)
ok.... so can i ask what your going to do then?
Mr. Conqueror The Worlds [WB] (5/20/2007 6:33:41 PM) GOOD BAD

And this is place where he screwed me.... he attacked me and almost killed... well, it looks like Wild Boys kingdom are liars.....

06:11:03 May 21st 07 - Duke Dork:


06:12:57 May 21st 07 - Mr. Excelsior:

He doesn't really have to tell you but it is pretty unethical to do that.

08:11:21 May 21st 07 - Mr. YI Sun:

what does that say? you need troops regardless whether he will attack or not.

and it is pretty clear that he would've attacked.

09:42:58 May 21st 07 - Mr. Morgan:

You are one to talk.

10:02:09 May 21st 07 - Mr. Bertrand IN Shame:

he just stalled you, and you fell for it  ...

10:55:11 May 21st 07 - Sir Paffician:

yep :D i totally fell on it.... Well this will be a lesson, don't trust new player's..... :D

10:59:48 May 21st 07 - Sir Paffician:

And Mr.YI Sun i already had troops in city... he just had more troops.....

12:25:56 May 21st 07 - Prince Tharok Bonecrusher:

Sir Paffician - I think the Wild Boys are MAD, so they're not necessarily new.

13:30:10 May 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Why would they be angry?... or crazy...

13:34:23 May 21st 07 - Mr. Kimma:

MAD is a kingdom :P

13:46:21 May 21st 07 - Sir Paffician:

As far as i know in Wild boys are only one MAD member! And its the leader! The rest are just new players....

14:19:11 May 21st 07 - Mr. Patas:

if u think that Aloysius or Srawberry is the new ones, u really play this game quite short time :))

14:25:47 May 21st 07 - Sir Dead OR Dying:



14:51:20 May 21st 07 - Sir Paffician:

I said '' as far as i know'' i didn't know their in Wild Boys....  But from guys i have seen Hilario is the only one.

22:41:39 May 21st 07 - Lord Arzun:

Oh crap! I just reported you Patas... it was an accident lol, I went to copy and past it so I could just say I second that :P


23:55:36 May 21st 07 - Lady Tantulii:

I don't really think he was lying.  The closest is when you asked whether he was coming to attack and he said nope, but if you had no NAPs or anything it's all fair game.

01:10:43 May 22nd 07 - Ms. Noadea:

Alas, it seems that his motives were quite obvious.  You can not trust anyone who plays unless   a)he or she is your mate, or b)there is a NaP between your kingdom and the other.  I know that this has been said over and over again throughout this thread, but it is the truth.  Now you know not to trust someone with such blatant intentions next time.  ~.^

01:49:32 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I would say I trust ppl as far as I can through them, except I'm a Dragon. I need a different saying. I second Noadeas statement.

14:51:41 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Knight The Round Table:

Actually i was the one who attacked him. He is obviously a new player though:

1. I took him down with a couple of 1000 warlords.

2. All his citys are rainbows.

3. He built armouries and farms inside a wall.

4. He got mistaken that Conqueror is me.

16:57:53 May 22nd 07 - Sir Paffician:

you are talking about me? I got attacked by Mr. Conqueror The Worlds, and my city didn't had any armory's because the city he took had mines only....

17:18:51 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian:

just one question: "Rainbow cities" are those with every kind of building and usually rounded numbers right?

19:41:18 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Knight The Round Table:

Oh crap, my bad... was someone named Mr. Paciffic. Yeah it was Conqueror, hehe... back under my rock i go.

06:11:35 May 23rd 07 - Sir Paffician:


03:47:45 May 26th 07 - Sir Razios:

wow Somaks you actually fell for that? Seriously all the EP vets have actually gotten into high KD's Examples:

Natalia = Abydos (Kassius, Pesterd may also be in but need confirmation by the Nefari... whoops, said too much!)

Lelouch = Phi *cough* scum *cough* Empire

Razios (me) = Current Leader of The Reaping and Helper of Fordius (known in mIRC as Evil_Ates) now know as one of the people in the wabbit kingdom.

10:08:25 May 26th 07 - Sir Paffician:

Yeah well at the start of the era i were in pretty good kingdom to i were member in Zeons (fantasia) but i died and born in Mantrax and yeah i fell for that....

Ei Razios me and my friend will make a kingdom up next era on fant, are you interested to join? Am now recruiting best friends i know for next era!

01:11:18 Jan 27th 18 - Mr. Jeremybeadlehand:

why would you lie about this?

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