Forums / In game politics / Looking for fant kd to join

Looking for fant kd to join
03:35:39 May 25th 09 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Looking for fant kd to join and leave. I want play in my own kd again in fant  but right now it only lets me in armageddon. If anyone lets me in his fant kd, I will quit and start my own, If you do this then we can have some naps if youd like or other goodies. Message me  as soon as possible, looking to join a fant kd before the first tick of the era, thanks

03:52:25 May 25th 09 - Duke Arzun:

You can join Juicy and then land and we will kick you. You can create your Kingdom but we will just eat you :)

04:00:19 May 25th 09 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Alright please accept me in then. But Arzun, I warn you that it might be dangerous. If you want I can give you a full era nap, or if not then we'd have to fight, it's up to you really but I must thank you for accepting me in

04:18:17 May 25th 09 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Arzun thanks for your generous offer, I have sent in an application, please accept me so I can start and then u kik me out... accept me now or ill have to join another kd, thx

18:24:28 May 25th 09 - Mr. The Gladiator:

arzun, why didint you accept me??

18:25:45 May 25th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

haha rejected :P

18:29:31 May 25th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

your ego must be too large for them, glad :P

19:03:05 May 25th 09 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Yeah, I am Arzun's worst nightmare, and he knows it!                   

19:12:21 May 25th 09 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

tut tut tut arzun chickend out! :P

20:31:51 May 25th 09 - Mr. Ajax:

you can just join us and stay with us :) we need more good players :)

21:31:48 May 25th 09 - Lord Deadpool:

Good luck Glad.

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