Forums / In game politics / Lost for words 3.

Lost for words 3.
18:52:16 Aug 1st 07 - Ms. Spoon:

It is just recently that I discovered Music doing a filthy trick on Starta. Not even Nirvana, where they belong.
It's a guy(?) called Spoon.

As you can all see, Spoon is going to lakejump.
Please comment what you all think of such a twisted act.

By this he is about 15 ticks faster on the place of destination as normally. Brute! Horrible!

18:55:09 Aug 1st 07 - Duke Mielo:

... I think someone is trying to get some attention ...

19:02:28 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Epyon:

lakejumping... thats just a disgrace

19:04:39 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Durza The Destroyer:

You deserve a slap...!

19:06:01 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Epyon:

*Epyon slaps Spoon, then turns to Durza*

"I was thinking of going for a back-hand slap but I thought that straight palm would be better."

19:13:37 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks at the slap

"I showed him how to slap, and gave him Slapping for Dummies!"

19:16:07 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Epyon:

hahaha I remember that :D :D :D

*Epyon turns to Septim*

"You taught me everything I know about slapping by giving me that book."

*Epyon grabs Spoon and shows Septim Spoon's face*

"See? I got so good that I left a mark! There's my thumb, my forefinger...."

19:17:49 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Sin:

lake-jumping :D

19:23:11 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim slaps Spoon and she falls down on the ground, out cold.

"There is a priory, in northeast asia, They call themselves the Lords of Slap, go to them if you want to be a true slapper, like me!"

19:26:29 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Durza The Destroyer:

*Turns to epyon after the slap*]

" I agree completly the full on palm slap was the obviouse choice"

*Turn's back to spoon, who is just getting up after the slap, Durza slaps him  on the other cheek for good measure*

"Spoon that'll teach you to attention seek"

19:29:10 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Chavistan Sansierra:

ha :)

Spoon should get spooned!
*aims for your head with a spoon*

19:29:29 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim takes off his padded glove and slaps Spoon with it

"I challenge you to a duel!"

*Septim grabs her head and move it in a nodding motion

"You accept? Good!"

*Septim quick-draws a Deagle and blows Spoon's leg off"

"I WIN!" :D

19:37:20 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Poet:

Mr. Poet, attracted by all the slapping, walks over  to introduce a manly punch!
We gon hit em wit da left! hit em wit da right!
We gon hit em wit da left! hit em wit da right!
It's a fight, it's a fight, head buster, head buster...
It's a fight, it's a fight, head buster, head buster...

Suddenly he stops to find out that he's the last man standing, so he turns around and walks away, mumbling and laughing:
Come. Raise Hell. Leave... Muwahaha!!!...

19:41:13 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim gets up off the ground and shoots Poet with his Deagle

"Your poems suck, you just used the AABB rhyme scheme, and you used the same sentance twice!"

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