Forums / In game politics / Luna Wolves: Recruiting

Luna Wolves: Recruiting
19:10:45 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Meh:

Luna Wolves is currently seeking new recruits for the next era.  We would prefer players who have some experience, but are willing to work with players who do not.  The only real requirement is that you be an active player and be willing to work as a team.

If you're interested send an app or message me in-game if you have any questions.

07:03:00 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Eargit Prewett The Ugly:

They're my neighbors...=)

07:21:43 Jan 24th 09 - Saint Tuff Nuff:

Very nice Kingdom.  I'm beside them too.   Okay I just like wolves.  Now you know.

11:11:41 Jan 24th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

so you are Zorkhana ?

11:36:56 Jan 24th 09 - Saint Tuff Nuff:


23:25:32 Jan 24th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

i didnt ask you...



Meh = Zorkhana ?

05:59:05 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Meh:

No meh = Mako, Thardin, Ganondorf...  I ran LW for a few eras around era 26 before we disbanded.

19:28:40 Jan 25th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

i just remember zorkhana in era 27 mantrax

16:51:15 Jan 26th 09 - Mr. Meh:

I don't remember who zorkhana was, it's been a long time; but if it was era 27, I was leader / king / whatever you want to call it.

18:35:20 Jan 26th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

12.Mr. ZorkhanaLuna WolvesDwarf2855493

19:20:01 Jan 26th 09 - Mr. Quiner The Dwarf:

Can i join you

23:01:12 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Meh:

Anyone may join as long as they're active and willing to work with the kd. However you'll have to wait till the era ends (but before you restart (next era)) before you can join.

As for Zorkhana, I believe he may have been the leader / king when I joined LW but a few days after I joined I was appointed the leader.  I remembered the name, but it's been a awhile and I don't remember exactly who most people in the kd were.

16:30:05 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Meh:

Still recruiting, *bump*

01:29:45 Feb 2nd 09 - Mr. Alatril:

it's started..join us :)

20:44:39 Feb 16th 09 - Duke Slade:

lol i PWNED LW in one of my first eras on Fant ... era 28 i believe

21:00:47 Feb 16th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

ohhhhh... He wants a flaming war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Zyrike inflames Slade by setting him on fire*

21:26:07 Feb 16th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

LW? No no no, LW is taken. You need a different abbreviation. Like... LuWo.

01:22:37 Feb 17th 09 - Duke Slade:

lol a flaming war with a Luna wolf is like Ford and Chuck norris going at it in a fight.... Chuck will win

but if its a war you want it is a war you will get

*runs to Sp@malot and steals the Sp@m-bomb and The Sp@m-Cannon*

*lights the Sp@m on fight and shoots it at Zyrike*

01:42:11 Feb 17th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

*Zyrike quickly puts on his anti sp@m armor ( check ye old tavern on the page you go to first or the one right before it) and blocks the shot. He then uses his ice powers to freeze Slade in his own special metal ice combination*

[Oh, then i must be chuck norris }: )

09:48:20 Feb 17th 09 - Duke Slade:

*Quickly grabs nimic and throw's him into the line of fire*

*Pull's out Pengu's golden dildo and charges towards Zyrike*

14:50:20 Feb 17th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

[hey you wanna move this battle someplace else? I don't think it should be in here]

*Zyrike uses his ice powers to put his ice on ground in front of Slade, He then shots Slade up on a ice pillar and makes a slide to the bottom with a wall of ice spike at the end. Slade starts to slip down, what will he do!

00:34:06 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:

*shoves pengu's golden dildo into the ice slide thus stopping him*

*uses his fire powers to defrost himself*

*Showers Z with meteor's*

10:32:37 Feb 20th 09 - Sir Penguin:

golden dildo is invincible :)

02:06:53 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Hel The Sunshine:

does any1 Remember Calloe Wolf?

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