Forums / In game politics / MAD round 36

MAD round 36
16:16:07 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

we are open for players who just want to do both good and bad things in VU, lol.

16:20:52 Oct 26th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

if you are open to bad things you will have dishonourable players and KD hoppers flocking in to join you...

16:24:57 Oct 26th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

So are you offering to join them?

16:31:09 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Milk And Cereal:

You don't have to join now, you can join mid era too ;)

16:40:35 Oct 26th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

I am gonna ignore your comment wyzer..

16:54:55 Oct 26th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Lord Wolven Warrior


10/26/2008 11:20:52 AM
if you are open to bad things you will have dishonourable players and KD hoppers flocking in to join you...

You just love to be the hypocrite dont you ^^

17:14:25 Oct 26th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

lol i wasnt calling anyone either of those things only commnting on who they would have joining Arzun :P

18:15:27 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

ofc, we are not open for dishonorable players, we have no history of that.

if you are from the past , you will know my sarcastic invitation. ;)

18:21:20 Oct 27th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Warrior:



Just send application !

@milk what KD are you from?

18:25:11 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Pussy Monsta:


18:26:38 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

thats an interesting kingdom.

18:27:50 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Pussy Monsta:

good luck tila tequila :)

18:59:16 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Hilario:


19:34:05 Oct 27th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Hilario


10/27/2008 6:15:27 PM

ofc, we are not open for dishonorable players, we have no history of that.

if you are from the past , you will know my sarcastic invitation. ;)

>Lol, am I the only one noticing the self-sarcasm in that post?

20:07:10 Oct 27th 08 - Sir Wilber:

I thought he was just inviting the multis back in, Mielo.

08:10:01 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

slightly true., Sir Wilber. :)

19:23:46 Oct 28th 08 - Duke Slade:

Mr. Hilario


10/27/2008 8:15:27 PM

ofc, we are not open for dishonorable players, we have no history of that.

if you are from the past , you will know my sarcastic invitation. ;)


mmmmm... KD with most deleted accounts

19:41:24 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

kd witch most people are from philipines and which know each other in RL . all went to internet pub and as the same ip for house they go deleted.

09:44:02 Oct 29th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Warrior:

Hey! anyone to join us?

again we are recruiting now.
Just send application.

10:35:35 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Lightbringer:

i'll join. kung pilipino ka? sali ako sa inyo tol!

10:46:19 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Xypher:

Can I join?

10:55:41 Oct 29th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Warrior:

Yeah! Light pinoy kmi nila Hilario.

@Xypher you are welcome, I think I played with you during Asystole with Jumpers.

12:16:28 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

yeah, we are also known in the fantasian world as the kingdom with the most deleted accounts. we cannot deny our past... accused of being multis but we have our own reasons why. :)

but we have and had members who are not from the Philippines.

13:06:55 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Zoltan Hodito:

for example me :)

13:14:09 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

yeah... and still counting...

22:06:50 Oct 30th 08 - Mr. Falazar:

they have more multies than i could even handle.

23:55:01 Oct 30th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:


00:28:37 Oct 31st 08 - Duke Arzun:

Has it become cool to admit you need to cheat to be good??

14:38:45 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Wow, you MAD guys sure do like talking about me.

Aloysius, zoltan, hilario.

Am I the topic of your daily real life convos? :D

15:02:44 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Zoltan Hodito:

whos talking about you and where did you see that ?
i never mantioned you before ewer not on public forums or on kingdom forums never  ...   you just imagening things ... 

15:17:49 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

hehe, messages of course :)

17:49:02 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

alert! alert!

high on drugs detected... now im getting mad. ;)

17:53:56 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Am I just imagining these then? :D


You (11/11/2008 9:19:29 AM)
Unfortunatly for you, you've picked the wrong area to come into and the wrong *beep*er to mess with.

I hope your KD enjoys the free razed cities around this area... because I'll enjoy slaughtering everything.

Just a warning from an older friend. An EITS on Tera maybe? :)

Mr. Hilario [MAD] (11/11/2008 9:24:30 AM) GOOD BAD
we already know what's inside Tera. No need my friend. :)
You (11/11/2008 9:25:40 AM)
Jolly good. I'm guessing that from the failed attempt you had :)

There more to come my good man. How are you feeling?

Did I stop your little attack? "The Killers" is retreating back :D
Mr. Hilario [MAD] (11/11/2008 9:30:04 AM) GOOD BAD
You just got lucky getting Methane's gold. Before, we can say the war is even, but maybe right now, you got the edge. :)


You (11/11/2008 2:17:00 PM)
Aww all this attention for little old me?

Calling off your assault and such? I feel honoured.
Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:23:13 PM) GOOD BAD
i was not atacking nobody ... and im not caling of anyting
You (11/11/2008 2:24:09 PM)
Don't pretend we didn't know you were preparing to assault our souther blocker down in darmoury!
Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:25:05 PM) GOOD BAD
i still am but i dint call of anithing
You (11/11/2008 2:25:41 PM)
Then why are you retreating? :(
Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:27:41 PM) GOOD BAD
im not retreating ... why do you think that im retreating ?
You (11/11/2008 2:29:36 PM)
The Killers
Army Info
Commander: Mr. Zoltan Hodito
Kingdom: Mad Against Drugs
Size: Corps (Around 50,000)
Status: Moving East

From darmoury. Seems to me your coming from there. I may be wrong though :P
Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:30:12 PM) GOOD BAD
and if im heading your way it means im retreating ?
You (11/11/2008 2:30:51 PM)
so your coming over here for me? should i feel honoured, or scared?
Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:32:17 PM) GOOD BAD
you schukd nt feel anithyng becosue you are much stronger then me .. thx to Mr. Methane gold ...
You (11/11/2008 2:34:01 PM)
You sure do discuss your things with KD-mates don't you.

How I came to power was not only because of Methane.
Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:35:08 PM) GOOD BAD
yeah im sure of that but it it gave you a big adwanteg .
Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:35:55 PM) GOOD BAD
maby you are a multi and methane was your second acount ... : p
You (11/11/2008 2:36:58 PM)
I didn't get that much of methanes gold.

oh wait, aloysius probably posted on forum :)

Yes then i did get a little gold.
You (11/11/2008 2:37:30 PM)
Lets not go into multi'ing. Basch is not me. I don't suck :)

Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:43:48 PM) GOOD BAD
yeah .. i know man .. you were just lucky to get there first ..
.and any how we were nap'd whit anarchy and tought that methane and the ex mebers maby join us .. we din't know that methane is inactive for 2 weeks until it was to late and so you got his citys first ...
You (11/11/2008 2:45:18 PM)
Lucky? I was far, far too quick for MAD :)
Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:49:58 PM) GOOD BAD
hehe :) man you were lucky we coulded eliminate methane for long before you were here .. but we were naped thats all
You (11/11/2008 2:50:50 PM)
I know, thats why I came over here. I only saw Saburu and Safeguard. Seems I stumbled upon a goldmine :)
Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:55:40 PM) GOOD BAD
yeah you did : ) and literary a gold mine we never tougth taht methane is inactive :( we tought he has some major troops:P
You (11/11/2008 2:59:05 PM)
He did, until we killed his attacking armies. Then he had some in safeguard and golden aswell. Killed them both though fortunatly :)



Mr. Hilario [MAD] (11/8/2008 3:16:41 PM) GOOD BAD
Old friend,
Haha... sell more stones then. :P
You (11/8/2008 3:23:02 PM)
Long time no talk matey.
I'm selling as much stone as I get :D
Unfortunatly, I spend all my gold on troops to fight KDs like Anarchy, AoA, munch, BC, WoW.... you :P
Mr. Hilario [MAD] (11/8/2008 3:37:37 PM) GOOD BAD
I just spend my gold on building cities we got from BOW. :)

I thought Munch was your ally. Anarchy got attacked by both Munch and your kingdom right? or our intels are wrong. lol.
You (11/8/2008 7:00:38 PM)
Wrong. Anarchy and munch attacked us first.
We were still in the process of war'ing BC, AoA and WoW when Anarchy attacked.
And we were still fighting AoA and BC when Munch attacked us.

18:32:07 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

is that enough attention? i dont like you now.. hmmp.. ;;)

I will not message you anymore. :P

18:37:15 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Aww thats not cool :(

18:48:56 Nov 11th 08 - Prince Mielo:

funny the part where a MAD member accused you for being a multi :)

18:56:51 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

hahaha! criminals can also pinpoint enemy criminals, Mielo. :P

anyway, MAD multying this era? that will need Pro/Munch times 3. Our queen Strawberry is not around so be assured that we are Multi Sweep safe, lols. But i cant assure if our new members are too. Screening the applications are the boring part for me.

22:41:44 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Are you saying it will need Pro and Munch to take you down as it is?

23:10:02 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Zoltan Hodito:

it always was MAD  against two of the next strongest  kingdoms  : ) none  of them  could  take mad alone : ))  this 2v1 war happend many times  when i was in mad :)

23:17:43 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

You have freedom to farm thats why. Then when we're out of targets we're obviously going to go for some juicy cities!

23:20:56 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Zoltan Hodito:

well i never farmd  ...  and  i don't know any of mi kingdomn mates who are farming ...

23:27:43 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Its MAD, you guys always farm.

Infact, I haven't seen half your KD move yet.

01:35:25 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

Tis' a true fact.

02:14:59 Nov 12th 08 - Ms. Penelope:

well, thats beacuse we have invisibility. ;-)

as a matter of fact 5K nazzies are on their way to your core already! lol

02:24:35 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

Awesome! Can't wait to kill them. I need a few more nazzy skulls for my trophy room.

02:46:26 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Aloysius:

My gosh... I dont know this people, except Wilber. :)

03:30:04 Nov 12th 08 - Duke Arzun:

And me! : )

Mr. Zoltan Hodito [MAD] (11/11/2008 2:43:48 PM) GOOD BAD
yeah .. i know man .. you were just lucky to get there first ..
.and any how we were nap'd whit anarchy and tought that methane and the ex mebers maby join us .. we din't know that methane is inactive for 2 weeks until it was to late and so you got his citys first ...

And I spoke to Methane just the other day, whoever told you he was inactive was sadly mistaken, he is extremely active actually. Nocturnal as well :s

03:35:20 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

Flame Lord Phoenix Marked [Phenix] (11/11/2008 12:01:56 AM) GOOD BAD
dont waste time on my cities they are wreckages go for methanes he has been inavtive for over a week and he made wel over a million each tick his gold would be MASSIVE now though would be nice for you to kill me after taking his stuff though as i am trying to restart but wont do it till nirvana is open

We got this message.

09:34:26 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Wilber:

hes attacking my razed cities :o

guess he does want to die, not before you guys die though :)

10:15:34 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Aloysius:

Um. We cannot die in VU. We restart in VU. So make us restart. ;;)

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