Forums / In game politics / MAD town swappers

MAD town swappers
12:19:12 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Titty Titty Bang Bang:


12:48:29 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Patas:

stupid blame

12:58:37 Oct 30th 07 - Duke Mielo:

... Soo obvious :) but sure ... stupid blame

13:02:59 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Patas:

3 members created their own kingdom, some of their cities now are ruled by Native People, why dont take them... or leave those cities for someone else... maybe LGC players :)

13:06:06 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Titty Titty Bang Bang:

13:35:07 Oct 30th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

I guess feeding is alright for you PHI and MAD guys?

14:41:22 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Mongi:

Feeding? they leave the kingdom.. and they want to restart to another world... they even take Lireo...

Don't blame to us what you are doing... like last era...

and we don't do unhonorable thing like you do... crosswall... thrash talking... wall jumping... etc...

do you always do this? or you only do this to us? why afraid of PHI and MAD?

14:47:53 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Actually Mongi, let's set the record straight:

  • You are feeding, the guys armies are saying explicitly for MAD to take their cities and that theyr'e empty of troops for you. There had already been rumours of you town-swapping earlier this round.
  • You do crosswall. Last round, for instance.
  • You do trash talk. Remember the thread you made?
  • You do wall jump. You can see Aloy trying it west of the "stop here" wall.

15:19:30 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Mongi:

Mr. Moe Lester


10/30/2007 9:47:53 PM
Actually Mongi, let's set the record straight:

  • You are feeding, the guys armies are saying explicitly for MAD to take their cities and that theyr'e empty of troops for you. There had already been rumours of you town-swapping earlier this round.
  • You do crosswall. Last round, for instance.
  • You do trash talk. Remember the thread you made?
  • You do wall jump. You can see Aloy trying it west of the "stop here" wall.

 * Rumors of feeding? rumors? lol you make me laugh.  for your info Moe they leave the kingdom.. three of them. two of them attacks us... taking cities... so we take theirs. clear? or you are just a monkey so it is unclear

* we do crosswall last round and so were you...  also does it make you do it this round?  wooohooo that's the honorable legacy... or should i say unhonorable... does MAD the only kingdom that makes you do unhonorable thing?

* i do thrash talk? yeah right where? if I do, I do it after you.

*lastly where's the wall jump? aloysius cannot pass the blocker yet so is a wall jump when you stop your armies in the wall? you do it not us remember? desperate act moe?

15:40:48 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Sun:

 * Rumors of feeding? rumors? lol you make me laugh.  for your info Moe they leave the kingdom.. three of them. two of them attacks us... taking cities... so we take theirs. clear? or you are just a monkey so it is unclear

Can you not read what was written on the picture? "Mad Take Cities They are Cleared"

Not to mention the city that zerocool betted on something like "i bet you the phi city mad is preping on will not be taken over" but it still happened, as well as the mad city that an phi took over. I could be blind, there may be more or less.


* we do crosswall last round and so were you...  also does it make you do it this round?  wooohooo that's the honorable legacy... or should i say unhonorable... does MAD the only kingdom that makes you do unhonorable thing?

Many individuals will agree that the db xwall last era or certain xwall like nemesis's last era built in front of lgc right as arma kicked in are creations out of pure ingenuity, same as lgc's wall this era. Many of ex-nemesis and people from all over fantasia agreed on this part.


* i do thrash talk? yeah right where? if I do, I do it after you.

what is this "you do it so i do it" mentality? People debate b/c it has some values to be debated on, for instance to point out hypocricy in this case. There is no need to trash talk when one is out of argument.


*lastly where's the wall jump? aloysius cannot pass the blocker yet so is a wall jump when you stop your armies in the wall? you do it not us remember? desperate act moe?

There are quite a few desperate acts that I do not need to name, but i wouldnt call lgc's move desperate. Its moral could be argued, thats a different issue previously addressed in the deleted topic. And I remember moe lester pointing out MAD/CARNAGE doing it to LGC when they were allied with PHI, and phi not saying anything about it back then.

16:31:48 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Wow, threads like this make me laugh and cry at the same time. The hypocrisy is so ludicrous it makes me laugh, and then I realize that these are humans doing this, humans I may meet sometime... That makes me cry.
And your spelling is horrendous, much like your grammar. "THrash" I haven't seen any thrashing recently. Could you mean trash?

17:15:14 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Jinchuuriki:

 * Rumors of feeding? rumors? lol you make me laugh.  for your info Moe they leave the kingdom.. three of them. two of them attacks us... taking cities... so we take theirs. clear? or you are just a monkey so it is unclear

Can you not read what was written on the picture? "Mad Take Cities They are Cleared"

Not to mention the city that zerocool betted on something like "i bet you the phi city mad is preping on will not be taken over" but it still happened, as well as the mad city that an phi took over. I could be blind, there may be more or less.

no it didn't, it wasn't taken over, it was taken OUT, the colonies were destroyed and not exchanged like you are intending to make it seem like!

* i do thrash talk? yeah right where? if I do, I do it after you.

what is this "you do it so i do it" mentality? People debate b/c it has some values to be debated on, for instance to point out hypocricy in this case. There is no need to trash talk when one is out of argument.

wierd for you to say that... cuz that is exactly the way lgc justified the wall hopping... they did it to us 2 eras ago, so we do it to them now...

18:01:11 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Sun:

"It was taken out"
Are you refering to the city that phi was preping on mad? I think its not just one city or one way. Again, I may be blind cuz I dont pay as much attention to other's core.

Think its this one that went back and forth? Pretty sure the peasants were taken out for him to take it (back?) since he used something like 500-1500 troops which cant break the peasants defence...


Owner: Mr. Hilario
Size: 15679 building(s).
Kingdom: Mad Against Drugs
Gates: no gates



I was refering to "trash talking" not "wall jumping" regarding the mentality. It is meaningless to trash talk or trash talk back.

22:06:23 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

I remember LGC doing the some kind of swap to some other *beep* kd a few eras back while we were warring them/ the era baggus won.
*beep*s build towns lgc turned into armories.. now i remember it was the same era they (okay 1 or 2 players) river jumped us and also the era theyy killed a merge couse of 400%+  Bless.....
hmmmm not good memories...

22:07:57 Oct 30th 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

Dragonfly please take your BS somewhere else, Legacy NEVER townswapped.

22:30:10 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

I'm gonna have to defend MAD on this one....though I don't think anyone ever cares about my opinion. I think my opinion on these kinds of threads has been acknowledged like once when Zerocool told me to shut up...ah well.

Not their fault that 3 of their members decided to leave. Of course they'd let Mad have the towns. I don't know about Phi/Mad stuff. But if I left a kingdom mid-era, I'd prbly remove my armies and stuff and let them take the cities so it wouldn't be as bad for them.....if it was planned for them to do that then it would be bad. But if they just decided to leave then imo it's ok...

00:02:29 Oct 31st 07 - Mr. Lionel Vincent:

@atreides they suddenly leave without notice. they just pm us after they leave.


@ Gene Legacy Never townswapped? you sure about that? lol

08:17:42 Oct 31st 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

"@ Gene Legacy Never townswapped? you sure about that? lol"

Yes, I'm very sure and if you think otherwise please bring proof. I repeat Legacy NEVER townswapped.

08:32:12 Oct 31st 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Indeed, they never have.

09:30:00 Oct 31st 07 - Mr. Mongi:

@ Titty Titty Bang Bang you sure about that? if you haven't build crosswall and wall jump. we have defended ourselves.. and if you aren't there FF would be dead by now

12:38:14 Oct 31st 07 - Mr. Red Back:

Every kingdom has taken advantage of the above mentioned tactics at one time or another. If they haven't then they are stupid. Usually they come into play when a kingdoms back is against the wall. To survive or to get the edge in a tight contest 'someone' in the kingdom will do one or all of the frowned upon 'tricks'. We are human after all and this is a game..

12:44:54 Oct 31st 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav:

Townswapping has been forbidden in Legacy since "the beginning" btw.

14:31:11 Oct 31st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Mongi why do you keep going back the wall jump.

#1 its stated that it is possible in another thread unlike the river jump. which means it isnt abuse but just frowned upon.

#2 PHI did this, so if u say Legacy are unhonorable and cheating then so are PHI.

#3 there is already a wall jumping thread


This is to do with MAD members 'quitting' and giving their cities to your main members. After all they were assigned to the main members, probably well in advance. As Hilario had an army called For Wazzyss of about 500-1500 to take down a 15k city called Wassyss.

How long until theres another 'rebellion' and you guys have to take more cities from them?

23:49:18 Oct 31st 07 - Mr. Mongi:

Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow


10/31/2007 9:31:11 PM

Mongi why do you keep going back the wall jump.

#1 its stated that it is possible in another thread unlike the river jump. which means it isnt abuse but just frowned upon.

#2 PHI did this, so if u say Legacy are unhonorable and cheating then so are PHI.

#3 there is already a wall jumping thread


This is to do with MAD members 'quitting' and giving their cities to your main members. After all they were assigned to the main members, probably well in advance. As Hilario had an army called For Wazzyss of about 500-1500 to take down a 15k city called Wassyss.

wazzyss is a magic city if it is assigned in advance it should be me that takes that city..

also you are stupid for crying about "For wazzyss" army. the army is created after the 3 quits. i saw it moving out the city after.. you can create an army with the name easily.

23:58:04 Oct 31st 07 - Mr. Mongi:

Dreadlord Noiralav


10/31/2007 7:44:54 PMTownswapping has been forbidden in Legacy since "the beginning" btw

but feeding is not.. we have evidence of it last era..

00:17:11 Nov 1st 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

"but feeding is not.. we have evidence of it last era.."

What feeding would that be exactly? By all means please post this so called evidence. The way the market has been the last couple of eras feeding is a hell of a lot harder to do.

I think you're just BSing just like the 'townswapping'. You said we did that also because 'it's cool' to blame Legacy for everything.

01:31:12 Nov 1st 07 - Mr. Mongi:

Ms. Gene.. ok i'll post it by monday. it is in the office

01:32:19 Nov 1st 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav:

I cant really fathom why people engage in these utterly futile discussions. I meanno matter what is said the other side wont ever budge anyway.


But by all means, if you guys have so much sparetime that you can sit here and waste it on repeating yourselves x times, go ahead and waste away.

23:18:52 Nov 1st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

report it if u think its off topic, dont add to the out of topic list.

To get mine back on topic MAD swapped towns. Im not happy.


*See easy to get it back on topic*

09:57:12 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex:

Well I guess this is rock bottom for Legacy, Im sorry to break it to you once more. The fact that you keep getting your butt kicked, era after era isnt because others cheat(However you seem to take every chance you have to gain any advantage) Its because you no longer are top of the line at this game.

To compensate this you created Dark Blood to gain numbers, I cant say this has worked your way either... Because even with Dark Blood on your side(23 members), Freedom Fighters(25) and of course yourselves with 20 members, totaling 68 people youve failed so far with having a breakthrough against the PHI+MAD team at 47 members(Of Phis members I personally havnt even been playing for the last week, and with alot of our members inactive)

Im guessing this topic is just another sign of Legacy going down the drain... Sure is frustrating not being no. 1 anymore I guess...

10:23:00 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Titty Titty Bang Bang:

I created this topic as a joke. Quite funny to see all the moths come to the flame.

Carolus Rex, get a clue. DB were created because of leadership differences and to train new members, and are doing well considering they are 80% newish players.
Legacy have much less than 20 this age, with several of our best players taking the age off.
Regarding the situation on the MAD/PHI front, the era is still going. Right now its about a dozen lgc players against all of MAD and half of PHI there. Forgive us for not breaking through just yet. As I said, the era is still going and once we turn the flames on you will realise why we are the greatest kd VU has ever seen. Feel free to recruit more members phi, it won't make a difference.

11:11:17 Nov 2nd 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav:

Spite, Malice and Envy :o

12:00:13 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Mongi:

@ Titty Titty Bang Bang i am sorry coz the "against all of MAD" is a lie. you were only againts a few of us about ten (4 of them are new players including me lol)..

12:03:13 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Titty Titty Bang Bang:

" (4 of them are new players including me lol).."
Well that much is obvious

12:31:57 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Mongi:

it's a joke.. let's not flame.. let's have fun..

13:52:42 Nov 2nd 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

Mongi I'm still waiting on that 'proof' you have, otherwise I'm expecting a post from you where you admit you don't know *beep* and were talking BS.

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