Forums / In game politics / MIDGARD WARS II

10:16:41 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwiwiiwi:

hello guys, post stuff about the wars about midgard..... :)

11:25:45 Apr 22nd 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol... Who wants to war with me?? Come on PEACE!! Fight with me!!  xD

11:58:32 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Knight Hunter:

13:42:28 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Sakreo:

n royal gonna kill you

13:48:48 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Sakreo:

royal royal 6

Mr. Sakreo



wolf Knights of White Wolf 9 General Wolfenstien
OP Ownified Pzornification 3 Mr. Rapter

16:22:48 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Slave:

Lol wolfies suck :)

19:21:51 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Knight Hunter:

lol slave u suck and ur an arrogant git! yes u killed me but i started late and u attacked me straight out of protection! big deal, and royal is going down ;)

19:23:45 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Knight Hunter:

Kingdoms in Midgard
PredsPredators10Sir Darkmarsbar179
wolfKnights of White Wolf9General Wolfenstien100
royalroyal6Mr. Sakreo84
UNSCUnited Nations Space Corporation8Mr. Terrence Hood67
OPOwnified Pzornification3Mr. Rapter60
LotRLords of the Ring4Mr. Aragorn II48
DHDeath Hill3Master Cloutier45
KOThe Kingdom of Oxy*beep*s2Mr. Killer32
dethhells rejected blood avengers1Mr. Deth3

21:47:27 Apr 22nd 08 - Ms. Zulikha Bouchtati:

Lord of the rings!!!!

23:33:44 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Shep:

Kingdoms in Midgard
Preds Predators 10 Sir Darkmarsbar 203
wolf Knights of White Wolf 9 General Wolfenstien 117
UNSC United Nations Space Corporation 9 Mr. Terrence Hood 100
royal royal 7 Mr. Sakreo 93
OP Ownified Pzornification 3 Mr. Rapter 63
DH Death Hill 4 Master Cloutier 55
LotR Lords of the Ring 4 Mr. Aragorn II 51
KO The Kingdom of Oxy*beep*s 2 Mr. Killer 40
deth hells rejected blood avengers 1 Mr. Deth 4

04:32:29 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Jackdaniels V:

hey val hows midgard

06:16:10 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Odissius:

my question is... What exactly is the world Midgard name actually come from?? Im thinking Final Fantasy 7 (woot woot) or is there something else that the name comes from that i am not aware of?

06:18:04 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Jackdaniels V:

i think your right on that one because it is a major city in ff7 but if it comes from some where else I'm lost on where it comes from

06:57:45 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Don Cherry:

Midgard loosely translates into Middle-Earth (which is in LotR).

07:46:13 Apr 23rd 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

Val...I'll fight you. As long as we are wearing giant/fat panda suits.

07:54:05 Apr 23rd 08 - Sir Slade:


09:55:36 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Water:

;DD i recieved like 1M msg to join kds ;D

10:53:41 Apr 23rd 08 - Sir Slade:



is all that comes to mind

10:58:51 Apr 23rd 08 - Sir Slade:

Mr. Slave


4/22/2008 6:22:48 PM
Lol wolfies suck


Slave you suk

Wolfy him self would PWN you

Hell im tippin anyone of them could PWN you by thm self

11:24:35 Apr 23rd 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

preds will win here this era but its not really an achievement

11:39:11 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Knight Hunter:

hmm i reckon gonna be a close one between wolf and pred. wolfs busy with royal so could give pred a chance to build up

12:45:19 Apr 23rd 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


14:12:42 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

.... hmm Darkmarsbar.... you underestimate the forces in this world.... but... the wolfs.. will die and it will be funny and i will laugh...

14:26:12 Apr 23rd 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

hmm thatguy im not really underestimating this world

17:51:49 Apr 23rd 08 - Sir Valentine:

Mr. Jackdaniels V


4/23/2008 11:32:29 AM hey val hows midgard


Well.. it was boring at first.. I have to search my preys.. Now its fine.. I have found afew and yeah.. As usual, attack them.. xD

Btw, what's the point though... 16 more days to end of era.. Hmmmm... T_T

Ohhhh... Come on Spud!! Fight with me!!  xD 

I have upgraded my Headgear and have a mini-me.. xD ... What do you have Spud? xD

06:58:33 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

Oh Val, you dont want non of this. PICTURE WAR! LET IT BEGIN!

08:21:48 Apr 24th 08 - Master Cloutier:


11:58:42 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Wanna piece of me, PUNK... Heh heh  xD

16:41:56 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

Hmmmm, I see that you are a worthy admersary. Yet, you are still no match for....

Rocky Bal-hamster!

17:01:55 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Oh really? Then what is this? I have just punched you.. Is that the best you got? xD

Let me pump some muscles for the next round! Heh heh.. xD

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