Forums / In game politics / Mad and Dangerous Recruiting

Mad and Dangerous Recruiting
21:04:44 Jun 27th 10 - Lady Niques The Priestess:

Mad and Dangerous

Kingdom Banner

Name: Mad and Dangerous
Members: 4
Created: 6/27/2010 5:32:19 PM
Leader: Mr. Aloysius

Compare kingdom


MAD is founded on Era 19. We are in our new banner and KD name.

We are open to players who will stay with us for many eras.


We are open for players who:

  • are atleast have one full era experience.
  • are cooperative
  • are online for at least twice a day.
  • knows the basic of the game.
  • read the kingdom forum
  • interact and coordinate with other members.
  • are willing to obey the kingdom

*old players are very much welcomed.

21:07:15 Jun 27th 10 - Dr. Evil:

Best of luck

21:15:00 Jun 27th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Yes best wishes to you guys.

21:25:56 Jun 27th 10 - Lord Deno The Ruby Ninja:

Good luck guys. 

21:49:05 Jun 27th 10 - Ice Prince Aureola:

gl Aloy

22:00:49 Jun 27th 10 - Princess Aisha:

Love the new banner, new name is great, much better, didnt like the previous name at all :)

Good luck guys, you always had lots of skilled people :)

12:57:57 Jun 28th 10 - Lady Niques The Elven Priestess:

Thanks Guys!

We are still recruiting!

18:44:06 Jun 28th 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

Yep. We badly needed all your charms and good lucks. :) thanks guys.

19:04:11 Jun 28th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

gl multies

19:44:32 Jun 28th 10 - Mr. Griff The Dragon Master:

There not multies :(

03:27:55 Jun 29th 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

hahaha! He got nightmares everynight when he failed to say that. :))

06:43:20 Jul 7th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

that banner is awesome

12:09:21 Aug 3rd 10 - Mr. Aloysius:


We are recruiting for new members next era. :)

15:49:17 Aug 3rd 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

GL Aloy and MAD :D

16:03:25 Aug 3rd 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

MAD sounds sexy...

17:46:18 Aug 3rd 10 - Ms. Bluishlight:

yes we are so sexy! ;-)

seriously, i do hope we can reach 25 active players next era.

17:47:26 Aug 3rd 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

Best of luck Bluelight :)

06:47:29 Aug 4th 10 - Ms. Bluishlight:


08:03:12 Aug 4th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

He said Bluelight, not Bluishlight! >:O

08:03:12 Aug 4th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

He said Bluelight, not Bluishlight! >:O

09:33:21 Aug 4th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

Vuggy your funny as well as annoying :P

14:46:20 Aug 4th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

If we ignore him long enough he will go away :P

18:43:54 Aug 4th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

/me disagrees.

21:10:37 Aug 7th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archion IV:

Again, we are still looking for active players to join our ranks next era to have some fun and excitement.

Mad and Dangerous

Kingdom Banner

Name: Mad and Dangerous
Members: 17
Created: 6/27/2010 5:32:19 PM
Leader: Mr. Aloysius

Compare kingdom



We are open for players who:

  • are atleast have one full era experience.
  • are cooperative
  • are online for at least twice a day.
  • knows the basic of the game.
  • read the kingdom forum
  • interact and coordinate with other members.
  • are willing to obey the kingdom

*old players are very much welcomed.

21:18:08 Aug 7th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Ryan can I touch you?

23:45:21 Aug 7th 10 - Toaster Struddle:


23:56:19 Aug 7th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archion IV:

@ Vuggy, yes you can. You can even kiss me.

00:36:14 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:


00:44:24 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

^ That's so sexy I might have to join you guys.  But then I realized it was Vuggy so I changed my mind. :P

00:55:24 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Don't be jealous cuz you don't have what I have.

13:41:01 Aug 8th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

Ryan!!!  You are letting Vuggy kiss you??  ewwww

18:56:57 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Be quiet! Don't be hatin' on Ryan because he has excellent judgment! 

22:17:17 Aug 8th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archion IV:

@ Doc, don't worry. I will send my copycat on him. Niques will kill me if he found about this. Lucky, he has no appetite in the forums nowadays. LOL!

13:22:49 Aug 9th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

Much better Sir Ryan :P

00:02:03 Aug 10th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Get out of the thread! >:( this is my thread!

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