Forums / In game politics / Mant 78

Mant 78
19:51:43 Oct 24th 21 - Mr. Cant Get Married:

As the world is totally imbalanced currently, we request an Arma to RESET the world early within a week. Question Mark kd has ~14 or more active players at the beginning when other kingdoms had 5 or lower members which gave them a HUGE advantage.

Please end the world within 30 days (total world day count) or more lesser time. Ty.

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Question Mark10Prophet Ellestria2790965❓
Riven9Mr. Tok822412
Retribution4Den Norske Forskeren Sam689786
Forgotten Warriors28Senpai Metamorphic Rock325419
Japan1Ms. Bleached Starfish189987
Incognito5Death God Clone536
Musical Flower2Ms. Orchestra88

19:57:08 Oct 24th 21 - Mr. Peaceful Cyrone:


fw should have accepted the application from Friendly, Peaceful Cryone!

22:09:05 Oct 24th 21 - Prophet Ellestria:

Its not imbalanced, you just showed the situation at end of the era.
The era is going to the final stage, there are still wars to happen.
Patience is a virture, focus on Fantasia now while Mantrax is calm :)

Huge advantage in numbers was made by simply recruiting, asking if people want to join. Thats like saying "hey you guys are using magical casts like eits, cw etc and we're not, therefore you have the unfair advantage"

I believe FW has had 6 active players this era, Musical and Incognito happened to have an oop war, if they had time to farm they would put much bigger fight. Riven gets beaten but bounces back, thumbs up for that. And Retribution is a cool kingdom that will do only better next era. Both Retri and Riven are still fighting.

22:29:40 Oct 24th 21 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

We just do our best, bit awkward to keep writing huge excuses, sorry

23:15:22 Oct 24th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

doesn’t  seem outrageous considering current number of actives /semi-actives playing 

IMGKingdom NameActivesLeader%P
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Question Mark10Prophet Ellestria340
Riven4Mr. Tok100
Retribution2?Den Norske Forskeren Sam86
Forgotten Warriors1Senpai Metamorphic Rock39
Japan1Ms. Bleached Starfish23
Incognito0Death God Clone0
Musical Flower0Ms. Orchestra0

23:29:29 Oct 24th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Plague Between Real):

You can request arma all you want, but unless you cast it yourself it's typically the winning KD's prerogative as to when that happens.

That said, there is no "winning KD" yet. Half of the map still belongs to the anti-QM alliance with just as many people as there are in QM.

There is no size limit on Mantrax for KDs. No agreements. If a KD wants to have 10, 15, hell 100 players, the more power to them. QM went out of its way to recruit players who were looking for a stable presence on Mantrax. Others can do the same.

Lastly, how long did last era last on Mantrax? Wasn't it 60+ days of farming? It has only been 24 days since era started on Mantrax, and every second of those days QM has been in an active war. At least QM is making this Mantrax era a total war world rather than a farmfest.

02:15:42 Oct 25th 21 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

I personally don't care much and am patiently waiting, but:
We just do our best, bit awkward to keep writing huge excuses, sorry

03:42:48 Oct 25th 21 - Mr. Peaceful Cyrone:

imo definitely a l2p issue. Numbers are just a poor excuse for brainless noob play; get good and cry less. This isn't medieval Farmville!


04:24:17 Oct 25th 21 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

i pm'd you asking you to join and you ignored me lol, you're as full of shit as anyone Cyr

05:53:35 Oct 25th 21 - Mr. Peaceful Cyrone:

I was declined initially, which broke my heart! The peaceful, friendly villagers of Cyrone were forced into war when all they wanted to do was create a flourishing farm village! Didn't you see the name of the village? Friendlyville. Does that really seem like a warlike peoples to you?


07:25:22 Oct 25th 21 - Mr. Ghostface:

Out of 6 top players in the world there are 2 not belonging to QM, Riven has a nice safe core blocked off and filled with armies, Retribution still has sections of the map in their control with large armies defending. 

And its not 20 people, its 10 with 2-3 people not doing much, either busy or farming. You guys have not faced the full Kd at all. Not to mention the entire south of the map is fighting Konstant, the only vet in the Kd. Its not like bunch of vets got in the Kd to destroy people, we are all either new or returning rusty players. 

10:30:20 Oct 25th 21 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

No matter what you guys say, its a fun map with lots of fighting since oop, thumbs up for everyone

  1. The Ancient Plague Between Real has won 48 battles, captured 34 cities and killed a total of 736338 men and women.
  2. Mr. Igniz has won 24 battles, captured 28 cities and killed a total of 510792 men and women.
  3. Prophet Ellestria has won 23 battles, captured 14 cities and killed a total of 120719 men and women.
  4. Friendly Peasant Cyrone has won 6 battles, captured 12 cities and killed a total of 36970 men and women.
  5. Mr. Mad Hatter has won 11 battles, captured 3 citiesand killed a total of 294133 men and women.
  6. Prophet Rhea has won 7 battles, captured 5 citiesand killed a total of 200643 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

Your character Lord Dark Spawn has won 6 battles, captured 3cities and killed a total of 198445 men and women

15:55:15 Oct 26th 21 - Edi (Mr. Edd The Great):

Its 3:3 now in HoH

Interesting :-)

Mr. Ghostface
Question Mark

Mr. Brain Freeze
Question Mark

Mr. Archblade

Mr. Seek

The Ancient Plague Between Real
Question Mark

Lady Endless Loop

22:54:17 Oct 27th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

apparently losers can only win one way, so impressive lol

Todays news
Earthquakes shake our Sweet Peas colony, 35864 buildings were destroyed!
Earthquakes shake our Azalea colony, 36000 buildings were destroyed!

22:57:02 Oct 27th 21 - Prophet Ellestria:

I don't understand. I casted eits on you multiple times.
Also locusted Arc city by mistake.
You did not complain about eits casts?

You're complaining about me using a legal magical cast in the game?
Whats the problem?

Arc has two large towns as well. I checked his as well.
He actually has mages so I can't.
What stopped you from defending your cities by having mages?
You think I would not EQ his cities if I could?

23:03:12 Oct 27th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

I think it’s a lame way to try and win. I’m not rebuilding them so if your kingdom manages to take them you cost a team mate (2) 90Ks , excellent mage work. Yay team lol

23:14:44 Oct 27th 21 - Prophet Ellestria:

When at war you try to beat your enemy
War spoils come in second really.
If there are some, great, if not, well no luck.
Most people will wreck stuff anyways.

If you have your cities, you will train more and have larger armies
Its funny you try to make you losing some of your income bad for my Kd
In the end its simply a mistake by you, take it as a learning experience and never leave your 90k cities undefended when you know enemy is right there at your door step.

23:19:29 Oct 27th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

thanks for your unsolicited assessment :) lmao

10:24:01 Oct 28th 21 - Mr. Peaceful Cyrone:

Yo is this guy Endless part of Forgotten (how to play) Warriors?

11:16:53 Oct 28th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits 

I’m missing guy parts, you must be new. 


12:44:13 Oct 28th 21 - Mr. Peaceful Cyrone:

I'm not following, are you saying you play Elf when you say you're missing guy parts?

15:43:45 Oct 28th 21 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

She’s been playing for a long time, so she assumes everyone knows her. Its a small community so I guess 90% of actives do know her. 

I have been around for a long time and nobody knows me, only Kool seems to remember me cause I started playing in kingdoms he was leading

Lord Dark Spawn

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Dark Spawn) and was a member of Mirror

Joined kingdom of Mirror, world called Fantasia
Right in the beginning of the era we were at war against Pink Legacy. 

Lord Dark Spawn

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Dark Spawn) and was a member of Beothuk Evil Ops

20:01:27 Oct 28th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

I assume if I’ve irritated someone who knows me they know better and won’t respond to my baiting, if they do then they probably don’t know me. It’s an endless scouting method that gathers intel lol   Ellestria is a EQ fan and 1 amongst many that like that spell for strategy. 

If they don’t remember I’m not a guy they might just be lazy. I know a few that are always doing the dude thing when they message me. 

I’ve seen your name Dark Spawn around but you don’t post alot therefore I recognize your character but don’t know specifics. You might like Dragon Age. That’s as far as my intel gathering goes. You could be anybody incognito or ‘always been and only use that name’ .

20:49:54 Oct 28th 21 - Prophet Ellestria:

All spells are basically for strategy
Except dragons and plague cause those can't really be controlled.
I do not cast those.

But when you cast eq, enemy has to react
And my mission is achieved that way, made you train more

Through the eye we can see this information about Archcity, owned by Mr. Archblade:

Through the eye we can see this information about Balls Inn, owned by Mr. Archblade:

And I will keep watching, if those Mages go for a walk
Another one is coming :)

20:57:50 Oct 28th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

see, intel lol

21:55:24 Oct 28th 21 - SFD (Duke Salvator Fabricius Decimus):

"If they don’t remember I’m not a guy they might just be lazy. I know a few that are always doing the dude thing when they message me."

In my defense, it's my name XD :p 

23:03:58 Oct 28th 21 - Den Norske Kongen Sam III:

I'm all about casting plague on people! It's one of my go to spells in an era.

Earthquake is probably one of the most effective spells though. Mostly because it ends up costing a fortune to rebuild, so you just never do. 

On a side note, Mantrax has been fun this era, but could we look at casting Armageddon soon please? :)

23:20:39 Oct 28th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

and SS we’ve noticed :p

00:06:23 Oct 29th 21 - Den Norske Kongen Sam III:

Eh, you know, I might be partial to the occasional SS cast. Just every so often.

00:19:11 Oct 29th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

halfer is cheap rebuild, probably more effective on another race

00:51:54 Oct 29th 21 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade):

LOL! You are talking about me? Dream on.

06:56:13 Oct 29th 21 - Mr. Ghostface:

I think as soon as we take down some of these big armies, Riven has few

So does Retribution

Through the eye we can see this information about The Swordsmen Unlimited IX from Mr. Archblade:
Swordsmen Unlimited IX from Mr. Archblade

Through the eye we can see this information about The Yamato from Mr. Tok:
Yamato from Mr. Tok

Good job Riven bouncing back after first defeat
We should have probably chased them around earlier not allowing rebuilding

Den Norske Kongen Sam III:

On a side note, Mantrax has been fun this era, but could we look at casting Armageddon soon please? :)

07:34:19 Oct 29th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

undies show, calling all voyeurs;)

09:05:08 Oct 29th 21 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade):

We didn't bounce back. You guys are just sh1t.

21:25:52 Oct 29th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Plague Between Real):

That's mighty tough talk from Riven...

22:27:31 Oct 29th 21 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade):

Oh, Mr. Stupid Whiner returned to the game? I thought you rage quit already.

22:35:11 Oct 29th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Plague Between Real):

I came back just to say hi specifically to you (and to see if you built me any more 200ks).

22:50:06 Oct 29th 21 - SFD (Duke Salvator Fabricius Decimus):

Mant sounds fun :D 

06:30:46 Oct 30th 21 - Mr. Tok:

👀👀👀 that's a terrible army I have. Too shameful to look at. Take it away someone....

06:54:52 Oct 30th 21 - Endless (Lady Endless Loop):

Technically I was the only one who rebuilt, that’s what halfers do 😂 the rest of them dropped late

09:35:52 Oct 31st 21 - Mr. Tok:

Good technique Question Mark for sending 4 powerul armies at once with cw to walk pass our blockers. Hope y'all got enough mus for aotd.

12:10:18 Oct 31st 21 - Mr. Ice With Babes And Butter:

They're pretty powerful as i expected ;) A small kingdom literally can do nothing against such strong kingdoms. It's not even possible most cases even if there's few small kingdoms working together as vu has no Ally functions like Alliance magics :(

12:17:52 Oct 31st 21 - Prophet Ellestria:

What are you talking about Ice?
Most of our armies got bounced
One is retreating and only one is in their core...
I mean...

Mr. Ice With Babes And Butter	Albatross	Valhalla	Alive

You're not even playing this map, so you don't know whats going on?
Not to mention its 4 of our armies vs 3 big armies from Riven plus FW army moving now... Rest of the Kingdom (2 people) is vs Retribution
We're basically outnumbered lol

12:26:49 Oct 31st 21 - Mr. Ice With Babes And Butter:

RoFL ;

01:59:05 Nov 1st 21 - Mr. Tok:

If you really look at the numbers. It's 4 big armies from QM versus 1 big army and 2 good sized armies to Riven. In the south 3 big QM armies versus I believe 2 big Retribution armies. Surprised y'all having difficulties since 2/3s of the map belong to yall.

Tacticians are clearly missing within QM ranks this era as the numbers and yall earlier success only gave y'all a core distance advantage it seems. Hopefully after this era we could go back to the slower game style mantrax was besides ppl attempting to make a point. I got real scores to settle. 😜😜😜

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Question Mark10Prophet Ellestria279
Riven9Mr. Tok100
Retribution4Den Norske Forskeren Sam84
Forgotten Warriors28Senpai Metamorphic Rock31

02:24:54 Nov 1st 21 - Mr. Peaceful Cyrone:

Hopefully next era we can not play the game again and we can go back to playing farmville instead!

02:32:02 Nov 1st 21 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade):

I totally agree with Cyrone. Let me have my farms abundant again.

02:48:29 Nov 1st 21 - Mr. Tok:

Who said farmville? You can still farm while at war. I've demonstrated that to QM as they took over retribution in the north. Instead of 80k zerks I went for 33k. Had no army nor any sci with barely 300k income when they looked at Riven blockers. Only endles had an army at that time. Now look at us. Fighting successfully with the little we have and they fear us.

04:50:49 Nov 1st 21 - Mr. Peaceful Cyrone:

Yo did you guys see that play Mr. Tok did when he built 658 farms? Truly riveting gameplay. This is the type of epic gameplay we need on Mantrax!

05:52:37 Nov 1st 21 - Mr. Tok:

Yeah. Was so dope that I'll demonstrate how to infiltrate a core and do damage the right way. 

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