Forums / In game politics / Mant 80

Mant 80
13:38:43 Jan 11th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

[Sun is about to set] 

Shush... we're sleepy.

06:15:01 Jan 12th 22 - Jarl Rahzalgul:

Anyone hiring? 

09:07:05 Jan 12th 22 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Jack Fvckin Daniels):

shit ice go ruin some ones day that isnt mine this era so i can brag how i beat people who lost oop wars

10:36:13 Jan 12th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

then you better not get in my way this era :P

10:43:09 Jan 12th 22 - Prophet Ellestria:

Did we brag about beating people who lost oop?

12:59:11 Jan 12th 22 - Mr. Kossss:

depends on how badly you beat them...

17:53:16 Jan 12th 22 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

another episode of QM farms to a victory? :D

17:58:14 Jan 12th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

Thats insane! Someone get their booty...!

18:01:37 Jan 12th 22 - Lady Jasmina:

Why? You all spawned together? 

11:45:05 Jan 13th 22 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Niugnep):

No. We are in QM(dafuq is that) core! 

12:40:28 Jan 13th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

lots of things happened when you were away penguin. since the system says you're playing let's see if you can kill 1 or 2, or die oop :P

Clown Biggus Dikkus    	-no kingdom-      	Fantasia 	Dead 
Lord Penguin           	Hydra             	Zetamania	Dead 
Mr. Penguin The Niugnep	Forgotten Warriors	Mantrax  	Alive

13:01:48 Jan 13th 22 - Prophet Ellestria:

Several QM vets left us this era, and some are taking a break
So it will be a very casual era for us, we have no expectations
Only reason I did not disban is so that we have a place to return when we are more active in the future

19:45:43 Jan 13th 22 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Niugnep):

@ice hey,

New phone, who dis? 

20:07:13 Jan 13th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

"who dis? "

@penguin i prolly didnt play against you yet. So you don't know me. But no worries, it's your lucky era ;) 

20:16:55 Jan 13th 22 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Niugnep):

Sorry, my bank account got better after this break, seems like ill spend a lot on bts. 

20:20:00 Jan 13th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

nah it's great! spend more n build juicy cities. I'll take care of em after i beat you. 

20:23:02 Jan 13th 22 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Niugnep):

Oy young blood, get in line. I bet like most of the map wants my @ss. 

20:30:18 Jan 13th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

Nah, your rating gone down too low these days...

20:32:24 Jan 13th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:


my bank account got better after this break... 

feels like,

20:53:09 Jan 13th 22 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Niugnep):

Mr. Ice Blizzard:

Nah, your rating gone down too low these days...

Oh thanks! Even better! I can farm at last. Good to know! 

21:18:59 Jan 13th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

If you know @Bran, tell him to bring his farting ass back to da next val map. n stop killing cute cats (da fak he's doing RL 4 so long!). pm him via skype or discord.

21:45:38 Jan 13th 22 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrow):

<Oy young blood, get in line. I bet like most of the map wants my @ss. >

I always want your ass, pengy.

(yeah Im back from the vu retirement home>

21:48:43 Jan 13th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

welcome back @Stormy. Hope your healh is well now! God bless. 

21:58:45 Jan 13th 22 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrow):


Thanks, mate. I like to come back every now and then to see if anything has happened or you bunch of deviants are still around.

11:28:26 Jan 14th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

@Pengu Pengu you disappointed me a bit. I thought you'd get QM's booty this era, now seems they'll play farmvilla again! 

14:07:19 Jan 17th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

SLAKINGs declare WAR with FW for their sudden aggresive & hostile behaviour. Blood will be shed.

14:10:24 Jan 17th 22 - Legend (I am Legend):

Who are you and why should we be scared?

14:12:58 Jan 17th 22 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):


14:18:04 Jan 17th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:


Who are you and why should we be scared?

Where does it say you should be scared! We like to declare war traditionally. You either read it wrong or you are really scared :P 

14:35:50 Jan 17th 22 - Legend (I am Legend):

Im so scared of a bunch of no names brrr

14:37:30 Jan 17th 22 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Niugnep):

Oh noe, mommy! Halp! Call papa penguin! 

14:44:43 Jan 17th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

01:51:02 Jan 19th 22 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

FW started this era being surrounded by enough tagless players to outnumber us, and bc everyone presumably didn't communicate the way they would if they were in a KD together, anyone still left tagless after that might consider joining existing KD's? Would make Mant more competitive in the long term

06:26:23 Jan 19th 22 - Mr. Yoso:


18:29:54 Jan 25th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:


Im so scared of a bunch of no names brrr

A Few Days Later...


Army Info
Commander:I am LegendKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Forgotten Warriors
Size:Regiment (2000-4000)
Status:Moving South East

We have made 4 hostile attacks on them and they have made 3 hostile attacks on us.

This ruler owns a bit more land than we do.


Army Info
Commander:Jarl RahzalgulKingdom Banner
Size:Regiment (2000-4000)
Status:Camping (frozen)

We have not attacked them and they have not attacked us.

This ruler owns a bit more land than we do.

A Few Moments Later... 

18:36:42 Jan 25th 22 - Legend (I am Lange Frans):

I think you need to learn to read... I said that you and your kd are a bunch of no names.. never mentioned Riven..

Jarl did a nice play. Was warned but meh. 

So unless you get some IQ points dont start trolling...

18:41:42 Jan 25th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

And you need to see the Map b4 playing. We're not the only one besides you sadly :P

18:46:35 Jan 25th 22 - Legend (I am Lange Frans):

So? Come with a proper argument, regarding yourself. Stop pointing at other peoples accomplishments...

18:50:16 Jan 25th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

i just... couldn't stop laughing. So expressed myself :)

03:04:27 Jan 29th 22 - Jarl Rahzalgul:

Buy my tree and food! Haha

04:06:57 Jan 29th 22 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

Don't take my city! Haha

08:06:58 Jan 29th 22 - Jarl Rahzalgul:

Hehe 😁😁😁😂😂

19:30:35 Jan 29th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Myrddin of Camelot):

Jarl is having WAY too much fun.

12:42:19 Feb 1st 22 - Prophet Ellestria:

Is it possible to prep and take over a city over a river? Or was that fixed?

11:40:16 Feb 2nd 22 - Kobuskan (Mr. Busy):

Yes, but is that cheatingg or game dynamics ?

12:34:39 Feb 2nd 22 - Prince of Bel Air:

I was gonna write that it should not be done
But as I seen it listed in "known bugs" and its considered as same as walking over a city after cw, I guess its ok...

06:37:54 Dec 25th 08 - VU Admin:
  • You can make the market price go up if you are alone on the market and sell several times, increasing the price every time. 
  • Resources can change due to cached pages.
  • An army can hide under another army.
  • Rounding in battle losses may make the losses be one man off.
  • If the army path is set before the gates are closed, the army will move over the gates.  
  • News about plague and other simultaneous news will only tell you about one city, even if it affect many cities.
  • Teleport might not work if the map is full: "We succeeded with the spell, but... is so big we couldn't find any place to teleport it."
  • When joining another kingdom you might have to stay out of the chat for a bit before you can join your new kingdom chat.  
  • Spells can be successful but have an effect of 0 (zero) days. Get more magic power to get one or more days.
  • When you use the scrolling function by pressing the middle wheel, it will cause the clock to freeze while you are scrolling. Same thing with moving armies in IE - the clock freezes.
  • When you get over 2,147,483,647 in any resource it will go into the negative.
  • It's possible to attack a city located on the other side of a river if it's close enough.
  • It's possible to merge over great walls


We are currently working on fixing these bugs. You will not be banned for using the listed bugs for your advantage. But I am not encouraging you to do it.

15:09:27 Feb 2nd 22 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

Though it’s a listed bug… why would you seek that out? That’s a universally accepted “we aren’t going to do that” cause we all know it’s a bug that can be incredibly era-altering. 

Walking over a city after a CW is by no means a bug, thats what you’re supposed to do… I honestly don’t understand how you can even compare the two cases? No one cries fouls over the CW thing cause that’s literally a game mechanic. Attacking a city over water is NOT a game mechanic

20:38:30 Feb 2nd 22 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Nifzab):

every time i have seen it done my only complaint is at the guy who built to close to the water we used to plan cores around the fact some one could jump across the river by attacking your city it happens less nowadays because there aren't as many tiny rivers to jump across like old manx map had all over it

21:07:43 Feb 2nd 22 - Prophet Ellestria:

I have absolutely no intentions of using this method of attack, and I believe only map that really has an issue with this is the Mantrax one, where the rivers are too small. Maps should just have larger water areas to avoid this kind of stuff.

We will never plan to do such actions, and since FW is the main force on this world, I do not think there will be any problem with river jumping. I was only stating that its sad the river jumping stuff is on the same list as crushing walls and moving over, which I do not think are the same thing.

Jack has a good point as well, people should not build close to river, but when you have new players and semi inactive people in the kingdom, its hard to make sure nobody builds near a river. I personally did not know if its possible to prep over a river so some of my cities are also too close, I just did not know that. Its not common knowledge. People will say don't have semi inactive people in the kingdom, but the game is dead enough to not accept inactive people, even if that makes us a target as a sort of a large kingdom. So be it.

06:27:26 Feb 3rd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Myrddin of Camelot):

I haven't seen anyone attack across a river since I've been back. 

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