Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 24

Mantrax 24
05:15:54 Dec 10th 13 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Wassup?! BoW is back in action, looking for some good fights ;)  Started a few ticks late, due to some spawning bugs, but I think we'll still be able to compete.

Place your bets people! Predictions?  Gossip? Lets get the ball rolling.

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Forgotten Warriors16Lady Jade1772
The Grim Reapers11Mr. Ryan The Archblade IX940
Royal Order of Claidmore11Prince Taniwha936
Army of Anubis2Prince Anonymous601
pokemon masters18Prince Sladen199
Brotherhood of the Wolf10Mr. Reddragon100
Crater and Bean6Mr. Jelly Bean9
Desert Punks3Mr. Cantbefuked8

06:59:17 Dec 10th 13 - Mr. Maviches:

I'll give you all a head start before I spawn. =)

11:37:52 Dec 10th 13 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

I will win!!!

22:36:40 Dec 10th 13 - Ms. Farmaton Action:

Exampler  will take 2nd place no idea who will take first though.

19:05:05 Dec 11th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Archblade IX):

So how it is going?
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Forgotten Warriors17Lady Jade230
The Grim Reapers12Mr. Ryan The Archblade IX100
Royal Order of Claidmore11Prince Taniwha94
Brotherhood of the Wolf11Mr. Reddragon67
Army of Anubis3Prince Anonymous52
pokemon masters18Prince Sladen39
Desert Punks3Mr. Cantbefuked10
Crater and Bean6Mr. Jelly Bean7

As for my account we have 47 players in different KDs, not included those KDless.

So FW has the biggest numbers, where all of its members are actually alive on the realm.
Follow by BoW with 9 players alive.
Next is us (GR) with 6 players alive.
RoC and PM follows with both 5 players alive.
AoA comes with 3 players alive.
Lastly DP and CB have each one players alive.

So how this era will come out? Would it be still FW's or some small KD's?

19:14:27 Dec 11th 13 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

AoA is only 2, idkno where the other guy is but I think he spawned in anons city and didn't leave

19:46:35 Dec 11th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Werewolf):

It's going to be a very tough era, the entire BoW roster had a late start and now we have to deal with FW oop.

20:56:40 Dec 11th 13 - Ms. Drizzt Urden:

I thought FW had to deal with BoW OOP..

21:01:48 Dec 11th 13 - Mr. Token:

FW - JellyBean in our core
Stormy of GR in our core
Fighting BoW in their core

I think we are being fair :)

21:12:45 Dec 11th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Werewolf):

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

21:13:24 Dec 11th 13 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jelly Bean):

I hardly see me being much of a threat...

21:23:15 Dec 11th 13 - Mr. Token:

I guess you could say our guy who landed in BoW core isn't much of a threat either :)

21:46:11 Dec 11th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Werewolf):

Oh yeah, no threat at all. I guess being no. 2 HoH city isn't anything to worry about huh... Lol

22:13:46 Dec 11th 13 - Mr. Token:

You like a good challenge. Hush :P

23:11:56 Dec 11th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Werewolf):

Just giving you shit

05:03:31 Dec 12th 13 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"2 HoH city isn't anything to worry about huh... Lol"

Oh. It is too. Or was. Orcy spam :(

05:25:08 Dec 13th 13 - Mr. Garret Jax:

Orc tastes like spam? Mmmm Donuts...huh, what?

16:24:51 Dec 16th 13 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

guys sell me some tree pweasse :)

18:34:49 Dec 16th 13 - Mr. Edward:

I put 1.5m tree up for 3.38.

19:08:54 Dec 16th 13 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

thanks Edd :D
now I need 2 more mill then I can get involved in this world :)

19:29:40 Dec 16th 13 - Mr. Edward:

well ok if you wanna buy I'll sell

19:31:40 Dec 16th 13 - Mr. Edward:

Another 1.5m tree up just for you.

19:36:40 Dec 16th 13 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

ok will get it when I can  

16:19:14 Jan 13th 14 - Mr. Token:

Wonder why RoC players are selling stone at 1.2?

22:27:18 Jan 13th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

well someone is buying it so obv feeding a player, probably a dwarf and probably JD :P

23:07:26 Jan 13th 14 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Crown Royal):

woah woah woah i would never sell stone at that price you can ask common he's bought most of mine this era lol and any ways sfd i'm an stger myself i would never sell at a price that i wouldn't buy it at

23:09:13 Jan 13th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

your STG game is wack dawgg so you probably would >:P

03:06:20 Jan 14th 14 - Ms. Drizzt Urden:

speaking buying.. someone buy my 100 million food and 45 million tree, please and thank you. 

06:42:20 Jan 14th 14 - Teirdel (Saint Teirdel):

ive been selling stone like crazy but not at 1.2. I feel jipped now.

10:12:18 Jan 16th 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Valael Teirdel):

Anyone else have troops just vanishing off the map? Had some troops there and refreshed page not even tick change and now they are gone.. just gone. Checked messages, army pages, overview etc and they are just gone..

11:41:24 Jan 16th 14 - Ms. Drizzt Urden:

was it a scout that you didnt move?

22:05:16 Jan 16th 14 - Mr. Token:

You must not have gotten the message where I killed it

22:47:20 Jan 16th 14 - Teirdel (Saint Talveron):

No wasn't a scout and not token you didn't kill it. I would've gotten a message in the news that would've made me shat my pants.

22:58:02 Jan 16th 14 - SFD (Lord Steal For Drugs):

is it still in your army scroll bar?

00:02:37 Jan 17th 14 - Rora (Ms. Auroraa):

I appear to have lost the majority of troops I had stationed in a city as well..

00:09:13 Jan 17th 14 - Captain Common:

And I lost troops as well.  Had my city near full with troops and next I looked I had 28,000 empty beds!!  Nothing in the NEWS, plenty of food and gold.  I'm at a loss to explain it.

00:54:04 Jan 17th 14 - Mr. Token of Lost Souls:

Don't mess with me, i'm a WIZARD

01:35:26 Jan 17th 14 - Ms. Ereshkigal:

oh jeesh mantrax is making excuses already.. 

03:10:06 Jan 17th 14 - Rora (Heavenly Aurora):

Actually I'm new and I didn't know about losing troops from lack of beds. Lesson learned :/

03:14:45 Jan 17th 14 - Mr. Token:

Please tell me you are being sarcastic, aurora

03:58:10 Jan 17th 14 - Rora (Heavenly Cristal):

I wish I were, I can promise that wont be happening again though.

23:37:24 Jan 19th 14 - Ms. Drizzt Urden:

This map used to be great, Grim and RoC fighting each other, AoA spanking FW, FW Spaking BoW, everyone was fighting, then AoA, Grim, and Roc all napped each other.

Coulda been a fun era, all era now its a boring era. I blame grims. 

00:20:44 Jan 20th 14 - Mr. Edward:

Lol bow didn't put much of a fight to you guys not like grim did to us. Also we were fighting all 3 of you and big time fighting. 

02:30:37 Jan 20th 14 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Jackdaniels Old Number Seven):

you know i was of the same opinion drizzt

02:52:37 Jan 20th 14 - Prince Taniwha:

well maybe you and Drizzt should go fight by yourself's in a little corner of the map while your 'teammates' try and keep each other out of there cores 

14:43:10 Jan 20th 14 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"Also we were fighting all 3 of you and big time fighting."

Couldn't have been too serious since Anons naz army came all the way over to our core.
You've both trained some pretty big armies for kingdoms who are "big time" fighting :)

Still a pretty good era though.

17:20:11 Jan 20th 14 - Mr. Edward:

I trained my army because of the war . I got some nice plunders.

17:27:37 Jan 20th 14 - Mr. Edward:

And duke broke our core as well.

17:45:06 Jan 20th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

and i would have gotten away with it to if it wasnt for you....................... Inactivity :(

22:41:19 Jan 20th 14 - Jondy (Mr. Nemesis):

So many farmed up elves around! Would explain all the fighting going on. lmao

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