Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 25

Mantrax 25
04:50:02 Feb 25th 14 - Mr. Hungry Hielf:

Will we have another era of FW (LGC) stomping small KDs

or will RoC/Grim show us that small KDs do stand a chance?

09:23:07 Feb 25th 14 - Konspyre (Mr. Slavik):

I would hereby like to declare my intention to crush... well... everybody, preferably.
Also, I want an OOP war, so please land next to me. Thank you.

19:00:02 Feb 25th 14 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

"Will we have another era of FW (LGC) stomping small KDs"

Kingdoms in Mantrax

Forgotten Warriors 18 Lady Jade 100
Hungry Hungry Hippos 10 Mr. Hungry Hielf 100
Royal Order of Claidmore 17 Prince Taniwha 28

Brotherhood of the Wolf 10 Mr. Reddragon 0


20:00:31 Feb 25th 14 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax):

ROC will figth, no doubt about that.

23:09:36 Feb 25th 14 - Mr. Epididymitis:

04:50:02 Feb 25th 14 - Mr. Hungry Hielf:

Will we have another era of FW (LGC) stomping small KDs

Another charming, misguided forum crusade.

23:29:08 Feb 25th 14 - Mr. Hungry Hielf:

Elsin singlehandedly took out half of a kingdom. As someone who played for Forgotten Warriors last era, I watched this happen. Are you saying it didn't happen? BoW was a small Kingdom. That KD got stomped. Not sure what's misguided about the statement?

One on One, I don't know of any Mantrax KDs capable of standing toe to toe with Forgotten Warriors. Either that's true, or Elsin's a puppy dog and Binh's the kingdom kitty cat.

00:07:29 Feb 26th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Innoruuk):

Who cares. Let's just play the game and stop turning everything about it into a ridiculous debate. Reading these "thread crusades" is a huge turn-off for a lot of players. We've all been on both sides of the slaughter fest - it's just a fact of VU that the remaining KDs are not well-balanced. Take it or leave it, because as far as I'm concerned the game is lucky to have this many players still.

08:02:46 Feb 26th 14 - Konspyre (Mr. Slavik):

Nod VS. FW.
Thank you to whoever put me next to them. <3

19:21:06 Feb 26th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

 I'm concerned the game is lucky to have this many players still.

^this, we're all vets at this point right?

00:30:02 Feb 27th 14 - Sir Moon Knight:

You would think so Horus

19:05:28 Feb 28th 14 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

Why won't you all just let me farm in peace? Jeez....

20:49:13 Feb 28th 14 - McMax (Mr. Trollius Mcmax):

Because you can't control you troops.... Sad but true (and you know it, because you don't want to pay the wages yourself).

18:31:40 Mar 9th 14 - Ms. Rotten Tomatoe:

Roc and FW fighting HHH... seems a bit unbalanced but its Politics as usual on Mant.

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Forgotten Warriors18Lady Jade173
Royal Order of Claidmore25Prince Taniwha163
Hungry Hungry Hippos14Ms. Rotten Tomatoe100
Darkfire9Dark Knight Endo62

21:58:59 Mar 9th 14 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Or lack of politics. What happened to the anti-FW CF?

Not that I'm sad to see that sort of thing gone.

00:53:13 Mar 10th 14 - The Sorcerer (Mr. Forever Sin):

I'm excited for the war. We will probably lose, but at least no one'll be farming (hopefully.)

02:20:21 Mar 10th 14 - Venomz (Mr. Fortis Eques):

Oh.. I'll send back the pitchforks

15:05:00 Mar 10th 14 - Dark Knight Endo:

Mr. Binh The Mantraxian
really binh? can't you be original? always 'move.' don't you ever get tired of that? :p

15:06:23 Mar 10th 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Regular):

I sometime do "kill" if i'm confident I can kill the enemy :D

16:49:46 Mar 10th 14 - Mr. Epididymitis:

18:31:40 Mar 9th 14 - Ms. Rotten Tomatoe:

Roc and FW fighting HHH... seems a bit unbalanced but its Politics as usual on Mant.

If you check the map dear, you will see that you happen to be in the path of both KDs to eachother. I appreciate the irony of an attempted mass NAP against FW backfiring like this though. ^^

17:03:02 Mar 10th 14 - Ms. Angelic Reminder:

actually, we arent in the path of both kingdoms as we are in the south west corner, Roc is in the North West corner and FW is in the South East corner, you could easily "cross" the map, so please dont make an excuse of "your in the way" lol, If RoC choose's to fight us over FW, you just give FW an easier way of winning this era... which is fine, from how its going they deserve the win..

 I just wish that Roc would play smart for one era.. Just 1, too much to ask?

17:04:32 Mar 10th 14 - Mr. Edd The Magnificent:

Uh you guys attacked us first lol. I rather fight FW myself which I will when the time is right.

17:05:34 Mar 10th 14 - Ms. Angelic Reminder:

correction Vesperus attacked you, then left our kingdom and joined yours.. 

17:08:10 Mar 10th 14 - Mr. Edd:

Vesperous which was your kingdom. That counts as an aggressive act. You guys were not initially on our minds if that attack hadn't happened.

17:09:41 Mar 10th 14 - Mr. Edd:

I personally didn't want vesperous in our kingdom after what he pulled in Valhalla but I'm only one person 

17:18:31 Mar 10th 14 - Venomz (Mr. Fortis Eques):

I'm hungry

17:28:16 Mar 10th 14 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Hunger):

No point in arguing really, it is what it is, so we go with it.
We are a new kingdom on this world I think, and my first era playing Mantrax, so I will make the best of it. Sure our position is quite bad, we end up basically between two large kingdoms who decide its better to attack us rather than attack each other.

I do not know if FW are as good as they say, but considering RoC does not give them any credit, I will have to see what they are made of. If nothing this era I was able to test my oop halfer, and found out that what I and Venomz did was better than what Binh is doing, so he lost his armory. Now its just a matter of measuring dicks between me and Venomz to see who will come challenge the other.

I do not know what to make of Polydueces, after he broke a MAP on another world, he comes to our kingdom, starts war with RoC and then joins them? I do not understand how come he was accepted by them, and was the entire goal to get us in trouble or what was the idea? He said it is useless for him to be in the kingdom and left but only after he started the war that will get us in a battle between two kingdoms. Thank you Poly, I will remember your name for future references to person to avoid in kingdoms.

You (3/4/2014 9:41:03 AM)
Hey, why did you leave the Kd? :(
Mr. Vesperus (3/4/2014 11:10:09 AM) GOOD BAD
No communication or support, quite far from anyone else there it was useless for me to be in the kingdom.

17:36:53 Mar 10th 14 - Mr. Edd The Magnificent:

Yup I agree with you there.

17:36:54 Mar 10th 14 - Mr. Edd The Magnificent:

Yup I agree with you there.

17:44:40 Mar 10th 14 - Dark Knight Endo:

can i join in on the dick measuring?
and binh, what happened? your army dropped very low on the hoh. after seeing what you pulled on fant, i am disappoint :p

17:45:45 Mar 10th 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Mantraxian):

I'm just a noob :( Fant was all luck

17:46:30 Mar 10th 14 - Dark Knight Endo:

if only that was the case. i would feel much better if it were true.

17:48:12 Mar 10th 14 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Hunger):

Binh is doing what he does every era. Gets hit and gains experience.
He will have his army out in the open with exp now for the rest of the era.
Shame we were not able to prevent him from getting experience

18:38:36 Mar 10th 14 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"between two large kingdoms who decide its better to attack us rather than attack each other."

Well yeh... We've got Hippos, Darkfire and Grim next door. Roc is in the opposite corner. Why would we attack RoC first?

I just wish that Roc would play smart for one era.. Just 1, too much to ask?"

Maybe they just realised Nap-to-win is really cheesy?

18:59:49 Mar 10th 14 - Sir Moon Knight:

Interesting developments...

19:12:32 Mar 10th 14 - Ms. Angelic Reminder:

we didnt want a nap with roc... so yeah

21:47:09 Mar 10th 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Seraph):

Even when I was in ROC now that im in HH I will still say.. WHO CARES! ITS A WAR GAME HAVE FUN!....and die.

22:02:31 Mar 10th 14 - Dark Knight Endo:

why you heff to be mad, is only game

00:18:14 Mar 11th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Innoruuk):

07:47:09 Mar 11th 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Seraph):

Even when I was in ROC now that im in HH I will still say.. WHO CARES! ITS A WAR GAME HAVE FUN!....and die.

Whoops, thought this was the model U.N. club...

01:12:05 Mar 11th 14 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

I thought it was the model farmers club... right? Right??

01:28:38 Mar 11th 14 - Wilberforce (Mr. Roxburys Sex Slave):

You'd fit in well Doom ;)

04:54:10 Mar 11th 14 - The Sorcerer (Mr. Oxydon VI):

yeah guys well my farmers have more DP than your farmers :/

13:54:09 Mar 11th 14 - Mr. Wot:

Might I say something about a point someone made about HHH not being in the middle of RoC and FW.

HHH oop city dropped our core so it would be rationally to retaliate. 2nd, why would you attack a kingdom on the other side of the world when another enemy is even closer leaving your core more vulnerable. 3rd We are also fighting reapers. and finally Darkfire is in the middle of us dumbdumb, a kingdom of 9. You can't simply walk straight past another kingdom to attack someone.

Also to the point of Elsin killing half a kingdom by himself. Thats nothing, FW has done much better than 1 person killing half a kingdom. But that was a few years ago and only a few of those core members still live on.

15:05:50 Mar 11th 14 - Dark Knight Endo:

to be fair, besides me, most of darkfire isnt close to you at all.

14:57:38 Mar 22nd 14 - Sir Moon Knight:

Good battles coming along

18:55:56 Mar 29th 14 - Mr. Snaky:

Poll: How much does Forgotten Warriors suck?

1) A lot.

2) Too much.

3) So much.

4) So so much.

5) Sucks too much to quantify, but definitely a huge amount.

6) Other (Specify Below) 

18:58:46 Mar 29th 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Solodolo):

12:55:56 Mar 29th 14 - Mr. Snaky:

Poll: How much does Forgotten Warriors suck?

1) A lot.

2) Too much.

3) So much.

4) So so much.

5) Sucks too much to quantify, but definitely a huge amount.

6) Other (Specify Below) 

They do not suck because if it wasn't for them, I would never return to Visual Utopia. 

19:40:55 Mar 29th 14 - Konspyre (Mr. Slavik):

Please explain how a kingdom that's currently winning can suck? I'm either misinterpreting your definition of "suck", or you're not making any sense.

20:07:26 Mar 29th 14 - The Sorcerer (Mr. Beorn):

It could be both, Slavik. 

19:26:11 Mar 31st 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Sister Fister):

gg fw...

19:41:06 Mar 31st 14 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

You're saying its already over?
So basically instead of working with Hungry Hippos to have a good battle vs FW, you in RoC decided to gang up on us with FW, and therefore singing your own death penalty. I told guys in the kingdom that you guys probably think you are as good as FW, considering you refused to discuss relations with us. But I see you died again, without any big discussion or anything?
What was the reason to not NAP Hippos, may I ask that? Did you think you will beat FW? Or did few bad dice rolls happen so you lost? Give me some update on the era, what happened after we died?

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