Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 28

Mantrax 28
04:27:42 Jun 18th 14 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Noooobhammer):

Right? Isn't it Mantrax 28? Why is Mantrax 26 getting bumped?


Kingdoms in Mantrax
Sol Invictus16Mr. Slayer of Worlds126
Forgotten Warriors16Lady Jade100
Dragon Returns4Lord Kellaine43
Royal Order of Claidmore15Prince Twhirimatea28
The Shaolin Monks7Mr. Bran23
Brotherhood of the Wolf8Mr. Reddragon8
The Pirates1Mr. Jack Sparrow7
Crater and Bean6Mr. Jellybanes6

02:27:01 Jun 20th 14 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Sol Invictus17Mr. Slayer of Worlds1330
Forgotten Warriors16Lady Jade1294
Dragon Returns4Lord Kellaine497
Royal Order of Claidmore15Prince Twhirimatea289
The Shaolin Monks9Mr. Bran138
Brotherhood of the Wolf8Mr. Reddragon100
Crater and Bean6Mr. Jellybanes72

Bump... ;)

So an update for everyone not on Mant... Mant is a world of farming. Haven't seen an army in my third of the map in two days now despite there being Sol, FW and RoC cities all one or two ticks apart.

02:50:00 Jun 20th 14 - Captain Common:

Lol, JLT, my view is quite different.  I can tell you where Sunk Ship (#1 on HoH), People of Brashen, Blammo III (#2 on HoH), Blah Blah's army, and Forgotten Hafling's army are.  C'mon over, great party! 

02:58:25 Jun 20th 14 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

Legend has an army? This I have to see, send me the coordinates. :P

03:05:30 Jun 20th 14 - Mr. Sam Sung:

JLT's view of farmers till the eye can see, with a very happy JLT in picture, seems to be building a fence, or welcoming someone into his garden, maybe some combination of both. JLT, enlighten us of what your up to here.

03:26:11 Jun 20th 14 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

Just minding my own business, you're welcome to join me any time.

06:03:03 Jun 20th 14 - Grag (Mr. Froats):

No worries, sunk ship is just 40k farmers.   Complete gov run mopup crew mostly interested in phosphorous and nitrate runoff in to waterways.
Typical thumb up its ass mantrax lets have a barbecue army......maybe more of a extended family gathering if you will.

22:43:19 Jun 20th 14 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"Haven't seen an army in my third of the map in two days now despite there being Sol, FW and RoC cities all one or two ticks apart."

Seen plenty of them, but no BoW armies :o

00:42:01 Jun 21st 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybanes):

BoW is one person though :P 

01:09:32 Jun 21st 14 - Mr. Ozymandias:

But he has one third of the map, so surely that counts for something? 

02:20:46 Jun 21st 14 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

My armies will come out once I have level 12 mining, I'm only 200mil gold off.

Besides, if I sent them out, who would I kill. I'm sitting here watching SoL and FW, (Who's armies are finally out doing stuff) walking through RoC straight towards one another. Why would I wanna get between that? (Not to mention the full days walk it would take me to get there.)

Ozymandias, I didn't say I controlled one third of the map, I said I could see it. Any noob with 5k gt's could see as much. I'm surprised you can't. ;)

04:13:57 Jun 21st 14 - Mr. Ozymandias:

Haha nah mate you said "my third if the map" which sounds like ownership to me. 

04:18:18 Jun 21st 14 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

Regardless, it will be soon enough. 

FW and Sol. Can you leave Ozy for me, haven't killed him in a few eras. ;)

05:40:26 Jun 21st 14 - Mr. Ozymandias:

haha good luck. Don't think we have ever fought properly JLT, given we are usually in the same kd

11:20:48 Jun 21st 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

if JLT says its his third of the map, then who are we to say otherwise?

and why stop at level 12? are you going soft??

13:43:04 Jun 21st 14 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

Finally, a man who knows what he is talking about. You're welcome in my third of the map any time you like Bran. 
As for stopping at 12 mining, I thought I'd try something different this era, and get a military level before arma is cast. ;)

A quick update on happenings in my third. Sol captured two cities, now running away... RoC are looking scary. FW have taken 3 more RoC cities. BoW have done nothing. :D

14:05:09 Jun 21st 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

I thought I'd try something different this era, and get a military level before arma is cast. ;)

thats precisely the kind of innovative thinking that keeps you at the top of the pile  dave! ill send a scout over so i can farm in peace with you

14:46:00 Jun 21st 14 - Mr. Ozymandias:

My god JLT with a mil science... I never thought I would see that again. Good luck with the farming though

10:44:12 Jun 22nd 14 - Valar (Mr. Val Arion):

YAY farming! Can I join, pwetty pwease? I promise I'll handle security by bringing plenty of knights. :)

11:20:15 Jun 22nd 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

knights? im not sure youre cut out for this farming business. how much mining bonus do knights give?

11:35:19 Jun 22nd 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

Bran, their swords can be turned into plowshares.

11:37:24 Jun 22nd 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

take another look, they clearly use a pike/lance. what good is a pike/ when farming?

11:41:25 Jun 22nd 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

Pikes and lances can be turned into fence poles to keep the cows and pigs boxed in!

11:45:00 Jun 22nd 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

that is some Satlin-level farming policy right there

13:29:00 Jun 22nd 14 - Mr. Ozymandias:

Can I bring some archers? They can be good for hunting animals (which is sort of part of farming). But would love to come and farm as well

18:10:44 Jun 22nd 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Teirdel):

Ya so do catapults. How else are you suppose to spread the chicken feed?

18:13:41 Jun 22nd 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos):

me too my mages have mastered the ability to clone livestock 100% healthy :P

18:23:33 Jun 22nd 14 - shyers (Grandmaster of Binh):

Can I bring some archers? They can be good for hunting animals (which is sort of part of farming). But would love to come and farm as well

hunter/gathers are different than farmers. hunter gathers tend to be nomadic, giving up thier old home to find a new one, the whole point is to live off what the land can provide you rather than to "take over " the land and force it to do what you want.....however all the redneck farmers i know love to go fishing and hunting.

00:00:37 Jun 23rd 14 - Mr. Ozymandias:

You do make a good point. I was more talking about pest control (such a rabbits and foxes etc) which makes farming a lot easier.

12:12:53 Jun 23rd 14 - shyers (Mr. Short Short Shyers):

they you need a trapper, not a hunter, or some cats...pfft, city boys

13:03:28 Jun 23rd 14 - Mr. Sam Sung:

JLT is on the move! I see him!


Army Info
Commander:Lord ApeironKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Brotherhood of the Wolf
Size:Regiment (2000-4000)
Status:Moving North East

13:43:12 Jun 23rd 14 - Mr. Ozymandias:

haha not sure about city boy, I live on a farm mate. 

And I was amazed that he has moved already, this has to be a record

14:08:22 Jun 23rd 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

That JLT army is only on the move to set up his 6th 90K mine. Its of no threat to anyone.

You only see a genuine offensive JLT army after he has completed 8 90K dwarf mines and staffed them with full cavers!

03:36:48 Jun 24th 14 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

Wow TBL, you know me far too well. Unfortunately, there weren't many mountains where i settled, so had to travel into more hostile territories. Hence I trained a few Cavers to boost my production and protect my city.

We all know if I send out an army it is indestructible.

19:44:20 Jun 27th 14 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Noooobhammer):

Most Powerful Cities:

Mr. Noooobhammer

Mr. Noooobhammer

Mr. Noooobhammer

I am farmer, hear me roar

14:41:32 Jun 29th 14 - Mr. Sam Sung:

Well, for what it's worth, early indications suggest not even Forgotten Warriors will be able to handle Trojan and co.

16:47:44 Jun 29th 14 - Polydeuces (Mr. Slayer of Worlds):

Lol, FW would walk all over them.

13:58:45 Jul 22nd 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

how long do we have to wait before we can restart? my kds shrinking the longer we have to wait :(

someone can cast arma on this map?

01:20:25 Jul 23rd 14 - Ms. Kisara Nanjo:

Hey they just armed the entire era, so now that they're enjoying themselves why ruin their fun? let them enjoy the fruits of their labor :)

07:02:30 Jul 23rd 14 - Valar (Mr. Val Arion):


09:42:55 Jul 23rd 14 - Ms. Kisara Nanjo:

*Farmed :)

13:49:56 Jul 23rd 14 - Valar (Mr. Val Arion):

Mr. Val Arion has won 94 battles, captured 61 cities and killed a total of 2419853 men and women

Doesnt look like farming to me :P

14:18:22 Jul 23rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Scruffy The Janitor):

ofc they farmed, you say it sarcastically like its not a legit strategy. its up to the other kds on the map to see that theyre farming and to do somehting about it. unfortunately dragons decided to blow their resources flogging a dead horse (my kd) rather than hitting FW while they farm.

now can we end this  era so that there are enough ppl willing to play again next era? the longer you wait the more ppl that will either quit or use their characters on another map

14:47:29 Jul 23rd 14 - Ms. Strawberry:

O really? You only got those kills after farming like crazy. You can't fool me early on i even had more kills than you even if I just got out of protection and a late spawner, my kingdom mates can asses to that. Bottom line is your not a good player that you think you are, you're just the same as everyone playing here don't let it get to your head fool.

14:54:59 Jul 23rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Scruffy The Janitor):

yea asses yo'self fool!

18:23:23 Jul 23rd 14 - Valar (Mr. Val Arion):

No idea who strawberry is, but he/she/it seems to have some anger problems.

Farming or no farming, you guys had a lead and squandered it. We had some people attack right oop and others join in later. Personally i decided to fund everybodies farming (including dragons) by stging, built up my 200k and attacked.

Complaining about farming is useless as economy is a key part to victory in this game (unless you're a halfer ofc -.-). Crying about it now simply shows how poor a sport you are and that you failed to utilize your economical advantage from your oh so great early campaign.

Oh and you've been reported as well, there is no reason to start insulting people.

19:47:54 Jul 23rd 14 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Noooobhammer):

Yeah, how dare FW farm! Everyone every era should just build 2 mines, 10 homes, and build troops non stop; screw economies.

In fact, we should all follow Kisara Nanjo's lead instead and try to take advantage of bugs in the game; aka merging across a river. Yeah, that's totally more acceptable.

03:25:19 Jul 24th 14 - Grag (Mr. Froats):

Was that a general accusation about farming?  If it was my response is this.  

I like Cheese.  It's tasty.

I was interested to see if the river merge still worked, thought it was nixed 5+ years ago. 

08:23:11 Jul 25th 14 - Argyle (Mr. Wargyle):

So who is casting arma? I think it's the winners responsebility to do it!

17:56:53 Jul 25th 14 - Argyle (Mr. Wargyle):

Amazing, arma was casted, right after I requested it.

I have a new request, all players who are still alive, please retire your armies and raze all your cities, so I can win.

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