Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 36

Mantrax 36
15:07:45 May 19th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Royal Order of Claidmore15Prince Ranginui100
The Doomblade Few5Mr. Zanneiros Hollysword45
Assassins Creed Unity4Lord Iceworks36
Forgotten Warriors15Lady Jade33
Warhounds1Mr. Slow Poke6
Brotherhood of the Wolf6Mr. Reddragon5

08:21:35 May 20th 15 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Well this is going to be boring...

13:41:15 May 20th 15 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Well if you get the rest of your kingdom to log in you will have more people playing than we do :)

Would make things much more even ^^

15:10:38 May 20th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

ROC too, is less than 50% active

22:14:34 May 20th 15 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

well that makes it about 5 vs 5 vs 6 if all Doomblades play. Plus Assassins creed.

11:41:54 May 26th 15 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

It is relatively quiet on this forum...
Seems we're mostly the silent type

12:26:17 May 26th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Im not

14:36:48 May 26th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

Assasin Creed merged into Doomblade

ROC and Doomblade are fighting each other.

FW gets to farm farm farm... i know how this ends...

Kingdoms in Mantrax
The Doomblade Few14Mr. Zanneiros Hollysword171
Forgotten Warriors15Lady Jade132
Royal Order of Claidmore13Prince Ranginui100

18:53:04 May 29th 15 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Some of us do some of us are attacking.
You shouldn't really complain though. Last era we were fighting orcs in our core while RoC players got to farm farm farm.

20:01:17 May 29th 15 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

i wan't here last era

06:31:31 May 30th 15 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

So it's just you venting on your behalf then? :)

09:17:23 Jun 1st 15 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

This is going to get interesting.

Just saying...

16:37:10 Jun 3rd 15 - Micwu (Mr. Zanneiros Hollysword):

So much quietness. What's up guys? Where's the trash talk? Where's the hearty laughter? Where's everyone revealing to me their secrets and strategies??

07:41:29 Jun 4th 15 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Those days are over apparently :p

12:16:58 Jun 4th 15 - Mr. Golliwog The Black:

People are to sensitive and crii and quit. Bling and I are the last flamers left and no one takes the bait.

13:11:32 Jun 4th 15 - Mr. Bling:

damn, these homofhags still trying to play this map and claim to be skilled? are there even any wars going on here or you all holding hands around the campfire before buttplugging each other???

14:52:44 Jun 4th 15 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

*Fires buttplugs at Doomblade Few*

23:20:43 Jun 4th 15 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Now that's more like it! rofl

*Kumbaya singing in distace

01:19:44 Jun 5th 15 - Micwu (Mr. Zanneiros Hollysword):

New strat. Bling enjoys butt plugs. I have my in. (see what I did there??)

18:57:03 Jun 7th 15 - Juicebox (Mr. Haguk Mothtongue):

Is anyone else going to mention the caves in the mountains that look like paths but aren't? Seriously, what's up with that?

18:57:04 Jun 7th 15 - Juicebox (Mr. Haguk Mothtongue):

Is anyone else going to mention the caves in the mountains that look like paths but aren't? Seriously, what's up with that?

06:17:59 Jun 8th 15 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Yeah, I noticed it. It was the first thing I tried.
Made me sad

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