Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 69

Mantrax 69
19:16:29 Mar 3rd 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The White):

Just as well be nasty toward others (read FW) before they (again, read FW) get nasty to you.....



The city of Dabridge is now under our command!

They had 5467 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 1101 of their peasants as slaves!

The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 0 troops that stayed to defend it.


Troops Alive Dead Injured
Move (your army)
Ghosts 0 0 0
Archers 0 0 0
Riders xxxxx 0 0
Spellweavers 0 0 0
Archmages 0 0 0
- close -

03:13:38 Mar 4th 20 - Emperor Leprechaun:

I mean I guess you randomly sent 300 riders around the map and took a city i just built.. it had what like 100 buildings... What an achievement, make sure you include this to your weekly letter to your grand kids to remind them you don't have dementia yet.  

03:56:35 Mar 4th 20 - Cao Cao (Ghostmaster Caos All Alone):

Lol Max I think you made him mad, must've taken his favorite city

06:45:19 Mar 4th 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The White):


Let me have one FW while I'm waiting. Shaken not stirred. And add large thin slice of lemon peel.

19:45:21 Mar 20th 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The White):

Well, it's no secret anymore why I did what I could to prevent TheEmperor from making a city east of the bridge. When I could see what he did, it wouldn't take long before he could see what I worked with (a 90K city).

Of course it wasn't just to annoy him (well, that was a reason too, but not the main reason).

But what is more interesting now is, that a FW player actual helps a Riven player..........  That is somewhat unusual, but I'm sure there is a good reason.

17:58:56 - Our Army of the Dead got attacked by a dense swarm of locust, hindering our preparations to attack Jackass.

17:58:11 - Our Army of the Dead got attacked by a dense swarm of locust, hindering our preparations to attack Jackass.

17:58:07 - Emperor Leprechaun attempted to cast a spell upon us.

20:04:04 Mar 20th 20 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

Maybe there's a good reason.
It's a mystery.
Who knows.

20:08:58 Mar 20th 20 - Mr. One More Chade:

Not sure how much vision you have on the east, Max, but Riven and FW have been engaged in war since the start (mine and Penguin's kills can testify for that, among other people).

I also know for a fact both FW and Riven have no relations with anyone this era.

i also know for a fact that I locust you earlier today but not sure which time it was.

What The Emperor did, I thank him, but i can assure you this was not an allied request. If it was me, the good reason would be for me to locust an enemy that is prepping someone else in order to delay that enemy, but its just me, I might be wrong.

Fact stays though - Riven does not and will not have any relations with anyone this era.

20:10:27 Mar 20th 20 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

Why spoil it chade :(

20:12:19 Mar 20th 20 - Mr. One More Chade:

honesty, dignity, honor, just being chade ... multiple reasons, bro ;)

18:33:37 Mar 23rd 20 - Emperor Leprechaun:

I dont even have any magic.. I dont know why you keep on trying to annoy me mcmax, is it because im impatient? I had applied to RoC first and got no response for 2 days, maybe cao's still mad at me?. doesnt matter regardless FW took me in... like a lost latex puppy.

20:11:29 Mar 23rd 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax):

I'm not casting on you and have not done so for quite some days.

As for your application - I didn't see it. Besides, Cao isn't angry at anyone for long time, so you don't have to worry about that.

20:27:36 Mar 23rd 20 - Mr. Bonno Ways:

RoC is a mysterious kingdom. And they're pretty strict on their rules. 

21:09:29 Mar 23rd 20 - Cao Cao (Duke Cao Cao):

Emperor, I'm too lazy to go get the meme, but imagine the Thanos meme saying "I don't even know who you are"

But seriously, why would I hate you?

13:03:32 Mar 24th 20 - Dakarta (Mr. Dackarta):

Here you go, Cao.
Image result for thanos meme i don't even know who you are

13:34:45 Mar 24th 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. The Banished):

Did the final battle started, or y'all gonna farm 1 more month! And then another month to end era like last val.

01:10:28 Apr 13th 20 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

After a happy month of farming, this era has turned into Riven vs everyone else :D let's have fun regardless of how it goes ^^

06:10:10 Apr 13th 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The White):

No, the era hasn't "turned into".

Chade made that choice 24-25-26 days ago when he first attacked TheChurch, then me in the south - knowing his kingdom already had a hot war against FW.

A brave decision for sure. But let's see if he can ride that swayback and keep it alive throughout the whole era.

07:55:56 Apr 13th 20 - Mr. Old School Chade:

guilty as charged!!! My fault :)

08:38:34 Apr 13th 20 - Waifu Blah Blah The Brutal:

"After a happy month of farming, this era has turned into Riven vs everyone else :D let's have fun regardless of how it goes ^^"

A day or two ago you told me you were bored :)

Really this is just the first and only real chance FW has had to take a meaningful shot at Riven, before they roll over everything.

Church casting arma adds a little more tension though. Will Riven let it run or cancel it? :D

09:00:00 Apr 13th 20 - Mr. One More Chade:

whatever the result, for me, personally it has been an awesome experience! It's not everyday you can say "I went against Penguin and Rox and came out on top" ... im sure this was just a fluke and it wont happen again, but still ... for a tier B player like me to fight two of the best players in VU ... well, im going to remember this era just as i remember the very first Riven era when Pest and few RoC players attacked the then 4 member Riven and lost.

17:08:15 Apr 13th 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The White):

As far as I can see, Chade/Riven wants to fight as long as possible.

So Blah...... this world isn't going to end in 200 days/tics.

17:52:09 Apr 13th 20 - Prince Chade:

the way i see it - there is no single kd that can be classed as winner or loser of the era. All 5 kds have chance to win it, regardless of what HoH says.

So if you ask me - the arma cast was completely unnecessary at this stage when conflicts are nowhere near being resolved.

It seems this was more of an egoistic action from someone who is either bored and don't care about other's  opinion, or just being scared, or over-confident, or just wanted to try stuff. I don't know and frankly - im not interested in the reasoning.

I will attempt to stop arma, even if it means that Riven will lose this round. We don't mind losing but we certainly mind arma cast in the middle of the era progression. Completely ruins the game for everyone, bar a handful of people

18:12:07 Apr 13th 20 - Penguin (Ms. Lauren Hashian):

Yeah chade you did a good job, lack of my activity was the last bit that let you easily take over se corner. ive had more nazz but less mili, dunno how it would have rolled out with some activity to make aotd hits. might have been the same, or not, pretty much you did the same as i did last era. kudos to good job! keep on rolling!

08:49:42 Apr 18th 20 - Mr. One More Chade:

Well played FW again :)

timed your attack to perfection, and with a bit of communication and BTs - you killed it!!!

nicely done!

Until next era ;)

10:11:29 Apr 18th 20 - Waifu Blah Blah The Brutal:

Only a few, but I'm sure you guys used your BTs at some point too.

Am surprised it went as well as it did. I am impressed that you didn't fall in line with the alliance.

10:13:57 Apr 18th 20 - Mr. Old School Chade:


05:18:40 Apr 21st 20 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade):

So much for a pay to win game.

05:56:34 Apr 21st 20 - Waifu Blah Blah The Brutal:

Only pay to win if you buy bts.

06:10:35 Apr 21st 20 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXXVII):

Yes, so far we saw multiple BTs used to kill our armies, exceeding the free BTs.

12:13:26 Apr 21st 20 - Waifu Blah Blah The Brutal:

"Yes, so far we saw multiple BTs used to kill our armies, exceeding the free BTs."

Didn't mention when or who you are talking about, but since you said "kill our armies" I assume you mean either me or Salamon.

I used my last BT to hit Darkmoors army near Sharptooth.
Sal used one BT to hit Darkmoors army near Sharptooth and his other two to hit Chades army near Blacktooth.

Since we're apparently throwing around accusations of bought BTs, can we talk about Stormborns suspicious movements?

12:40:40 Apr 21st 20 - McMax (Mr. Featherfoot):

Some players doesn't mind using BT just as some-others either doesn't want to use real money and/or use more BT than the 3 free each era.

Same can be said about crossing/building in terrain, where it obvious not should be possible to do that.

Not to mention the use of other glitches - and there have been (there still are) a "good" number since I joined this game back in 2008.

Most annoying in my opinion are those mapping-mismatches between what the player can see and what actually have been plottet, but it's more likely the insane advantage the halflings had finding gold and sciences would be remembered longest, even though that glitch only was "open" a few years

One last thing. Buying and using BT is legal and part of the game - and its Admins main income from here (if you can call it an income).

12:46:30 Apr 21st 20 - Mr. Old School Chade:

I've also been saying this for ages that BTs ARE part of the game, and when i made my initial comment about BTs ...

09:49:42 Apr 18th 20 - Mr. One More Chade:
Well played FW again :)

timed your attack to perfection, and with a bit of communication and BTs - you killed it!!!

nicely done!

Until next era ;)


... I only meant to say that through good communication and use of 1 or 2 BTs - FW killed my army. It was just that - a war commendation.

I didn't wanted to enter into a new "BT saga" since we've seen this many times in the past and the VU community is divided ... there are the guys who have the financial ability or will to buy BTs and use them, and then there are those who either don't have financial stability or just refuse to use/buy BTs.

Both sets of people are right for their own but lets not forget that a cylinder looks like a circle from one side and like a rectangle from another (meaning that two sets of opinion can very often be both right, depending on the point of view)

16:47:25 Apr 21st 20 - Waifu Blah Blah The Brutal:

" I only meant to say that through good communication and use of 1 or 2 BTs "

Archblade doesn't seem to agree with that.

16:56:00 Apr 21st 20 - Duke Chadee:

come on elsin, dont take my words out of context ...

"I only meant to say that through good communication and use of 1 or 2 BTs - FW killed my army"

this doesnt mean i wanted to say FW used only 1-2 BTs all era ...

I side with Archblade that some of your squad used bought BTs

18:18:58 Apr 21st 20 - Waifu Blah Blah The Brutal:

"this doesnt mean i wanted to say FW used only 1-2 BTs all era ..."

I didn't mean that either, but I obviously misunderstood what you were saying.

I disagree with Archblade that some of my squad used bought BT's, and side with my squad that one of your squad used bought BTs.

Here we are :)

18:23:48 Apr 21st 20 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

Shit, I knew I forgot something.

Even if any party bought BTs, it doesn't really matter to me, since it's not like it's extra money thrown at some kind of big entertainment company but to Zeta himself, and probably helps with server costs and all that stuff, so it's pointless to demonize bought BTs. :)

18:26:57 Apr 21st 20 - Mr. Old School Chade:

fcuk it :))) decent attempt from Riven ... we tried, we failed, we'll try again :)))

19:53:47 Apr 21st 20 - Dakarta (Mr. Dackarta):

If it helps, you destroyed my economy by B&D my full built 90k mining city as well as others lol. I'm just now starting to recover.

20:18:56 Apr 21st 20 - The Wolflord (Mr. Mashadar):

I think you guys (FW) did great, BTs or not. My army was nothing to sneeze at, and through tried and true methods you guys handled it with far weaker armies. Now I hate those tried and true methods, but you guys employ them perfectly (I'm looking at penguin who has done that to me far too many damn times). 

So, well done, but there's always next era ;) And I have a feeling it won't be so easily won next era :P

05:16:10 Apr 22nd 20 - Waifu Blah Blah The Brutal:

Won't be so easily won? :o

We saw one opportunity to kill some stuff before a certain death and took it. If that's easy then what is your definition of hard? ^^

12:12:16 Apr 22nd 20 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac):

Chade when he sees stormy?

12:22:17 Apr 22nd 20 - Mr. Old School Chade:

d@mn straight!!!

15:20:43 Apr 22nd 20 - Penguin (Ms. Lauren Hashian):

Some people never learn... *cough* karac...

16:01:43 Apr 22nd 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax):


Those youngsters........

19:16:03 Apr 23rd 20 - HorusPanic (Mr. Pand):

end this shit already

20:31:04 Apr 23rd 20 - Exalted Berserker Salamon:

trying our best, cant be helped when people stack cities with allied armies and extend the time :p

20:51:42 Apr 23rd 20 - Dakarta (Mr. Dackarta):

To be fair *Letterkenny echo*.

Arma was cast earlier this era..

20:56:15 Apr 23rd 20 - Mr. Old School Chade:

.... under very different circumstances

21:32:08 Apr 23rd 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Agreed lol

22:01:25 Apr 23rd 20 - Mr. One More Chade:


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