Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 93

Mantrax 93
16:49:17 Feb 5th 24 - Prophet Rhea:

Place your bets

16:58:44 Feb 5th 24 - Ms. Drogana Earthshaker:

I think we would have had to place our bets pre-oop if we're talking about who is to win. I bet on FW though 😂

17:06:33 Feb 5th 24 - Prophet Rhea:


I’m not really a gambling man

17:19:04 Feb 5th 24 - Mr. Candyman:

What’s it looking like on Mant?! 

17:19:58 Feb 5th 24 - Dark Lord Anewbis:


17:21:35 Feb 5th 24 - Prophet Rhea:


17:21:55 Feb 5th 24 - Prophet Rhea:


17:25:11 Feb 5th 24 - Prophet Rhea:

17:30:02 Feb 5th 24 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

RIP me

14:34:20 Feb 7th 24 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Mantrax Era 93: The Rise of Konspyre

In the kingdom of Mantrax, anticipation buzzed through the air as the dawn of Era 93 approached. Among the hopeful warriors stood Konspyre, a young man whose journey from humble beginnings to formidable warrior had captivated the hearts of many.

As whispers of greatness surrounded the upcoming era, Konspyre reflected on his personal growth over the years. Here are ten pivotal points in his transformation:

The Boy with a Dream: Born into a family of farmers, Konspyre was a boy with a wild imagination and dreams of adventure beyond the fields of his homeland.

Early Trials: At a young age, Konspyre faced adversity when his family's farm was raided by bandits. Despite the loss, this experience fueled his determination to protect his loved ones and seek justice.

Apprenticeship: Seeking to hone his skills, Konspyre sought apprenticeship under a seasoned warrior. Under his mentor's guidance, he learned the art of combat, discipline, and strategy.

Trial by Fire: Konspyre faced his first real test when his village came under attack by marauders. With bravery and resourcefulness, he rallied his fellow villagers to defend their home, earning their respect and admiration.

Victory and Loss: Through triumphs and setbacks, Konspyre learned the value of resilience and perseverance. He mourned the loss of friends and comrades but carried their memories as a reminder of his purpose.

Spiritual Awakening: Amidst the chaos of battle, Konspyre discovered a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. Embracing his inner strength, he learned to harness the power of his ancestors and the elements.

Leadership Emerges: As conflicts escalated, Konspyre emerged as a natural leader among his peers. His charisma, integrity, and tactical prowess inspired others to follow him into battle.

Forging Alliances: Recognizing the importance of unity, Konspyre forged alliances with neighboring kingdoms and tribes. Through diplomacy and mutual respect, he expanded his network of allies and strengthened his position.

Facing Inner Demons: Along his journey, Konspyre confronted his inner demons and insecurities. Through introspection and self-discovery, he found the courage to overcome his fears and embrace his destiny.

The Fierce Warrior: Now, as Era 93 dawns, Konspyre stands ready to face the challenges ahead. Armed with experience, wisdom, and an unyielding spirit, he embarks on a new chapter of his journey, determined to make Mantrax Era 93 the best ever.

As the sun sets on the eve of Era 93, Konspyre's journey serves as a testament to the power of resilience, growth, and the indomitable human spirit. With each step forward, he paves the way for a brighter future and leaves an indelible mark on the annals of history.

17:32:49 Feb 7th 24 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

ignis killed me within 12hrs of me starting a new job so i strongly doubt that

17:47:55 Feb 7th 24 - Mr. Perrin:

Did they Conspire to cause expiration of Konspyre?  

Salutations followed by conspiration,  secret preparations for the rapid expiration, utter destruction of Konspyre nation. Humiliation, lamentation....followed by sudden realization....your dead, schedule the cremation. 

04:32:17 Feb 8th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Holy crap Venomz is here

16:54:37 Feb 14th 24 - Mr. Ghostish:

Just because I decided to do sone stg does not mean you all increase price. If its high I will not get it. But I decided to do favor to everyone and do some stg.

18:12:18 Feb 14th 24 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):


15:14:29 Feb 16th 24 - Mr. Ghostish:

You might laugh but people have been nice and keeping prices fair, and I buy from everyone, except that greedy Roxton guy. What does he think, just cause he’s been playing the game longest among the active players, that he can keep price high? Hell nah! Lower yo!

08:40:04 Feb 18th 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dementor):

Last era on Valhalla our new members settled cities near Renaissance, and since they had a lot less land then Ren members, they were under 50% rule. We were all accused of cheating by using this game mechanism, which lead to my confusion as I did not understand what the problem was, to straight up threats that I did not like and to deleting of the kingdom. Only because our members could attack when they decided and enemy could not do anything about that. 

Come to this era on Mantrax, Newb of FW is doing exactly the same, using the game mechanic of being in protection and settling cities in Souls of Abyssal, and building up army while under protection, so that SoA can not attack and Newb will attack once protection ends. He is using game mechanic to get in this advantage, but nobody is saying anything. 

If this is not double standard then I don't know what is. Why does he not get threats like we did? Why is he not ruining the game for everyone, like we were accused of doing? 

09:36:39 Feb 18th 24 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Pretty sure restarting late into the Era is a big disadvantage. I can't believe nobody is calling him out on that!!11!1

10:12:52 Feb 18th 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dementor):

Ah so having a new player that comes oop with 7k Gaia vs most active and skilled player of the game Konstant who has 3 times more land than our new player is cheating? Ok thank you for the explanation.

10:31:09 Feb 18th 24 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

You're complaining someone with a big disadvantage is trying to fight you.

The only way it would be an advantage for him is if you guys dropped at the start of the era and then didn't play the game until Newb dropped. 

You can always help your new players out so they won't be 10+ days behind. If that's not something u can help them with, u might want them to join another kingdom so they can get proper training and don't become cannon fodder.

10:52:20 Feb 18th 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dementor):

Our new player was at disadvantage cause he had 3 times less land that Halfers (because orcs build slower, plus less active player) so we were forced to attack a scout to remove a 50% rule that protects low land players, because he could attack and Konstant could not due to 50% rule, therefore is cheating.

To say they are cannon fodder is a bit of a stretch cause our new player Plizzard is still holding his own against FW. They wrecked their buildings in Val last era cause of cheating accusations. By that Konstants logic Newb should now say exact VU date when he comes out of protection so that its fair and not cheating.

I should explain better, I do not think Newb is cheating the same as we were not cheating but I wanted the point out the absurdity of last era accusations that made the era bad for everyone. Since it was just me and few others saying how absurd that was last era, just wanted to compare with current situation. 

11:08:03 Feb 18th 24 - Edi (Sir Edi The Great):

I do not think Venomz was around last era, here is a quick summary. In Valh our orc settled 10 ticks away from Ren, low land and weak army. Konstant writes to Dark telling him to attack a scout so that 50% rule is gone. Dark did not understand what the issue was and asked for clarification. Konstant then writes then to entire roster of the kingdom, writing to new players they are cheating and threats to leadership that he will play the game only to core drop and kill us, PDC is no longer playing so he would do that to us. We consider that as threats above just ingame but more so we disban and move to Mant where we are enjoying the game threats free. The main problem is that entire community stood behind Konstant with few exceptions, and I think Dark just wanted to show ecample of what we experienced and just how bad all that was. Carry on, we do not think Newb is doing anything wrong.

11:21:49 Feb 18th 24 - Dark Lord Anewbis:

what Edi said. I'm pretty sure that was regarding the 50% rule on valhalla because you can hide under it for an entire era if you wanted to. I'm under protection until I am not, it was 81 days for the record. I'd also like to point out that darkytje is the only one I saw actually put some defences in his cities, so naturally I avoided him. 

a late era core drop though annoying sure, is easy to  squash. I got lucky with the timing of coming oop. 

22:53:47 Feb 18th 24 - Konstant (The Ancient Ancient):

Don't waste your time on these cheaters, Venz. They tried to use the 50% rule to settle a city within our core, then send those armies while using the 50% rule to try and pick a specific first army we couldn't touch. I asked them to attack a scout so that the 50% rule was broken, and they replied "why would we do that", thereby confirming they knew exactly what they were doing.

Now they're whining that they got caught cheating and are trying to equate it to something else. It should tell you everything you need to know that after reviewing the evidence pretty much the entire VU community recognized they were trying to cheat. Then they threw a hissy fit by casting D16 arma.

If they were smart they would admit they got caught, and move on. Instead they keep brining it up to remind everyone that they tried to cheat. Then again, if they were smart they would be good at the game and wouldn't need to cheat in the first place. Only people who can't play well try to cheat to protect their fragile little egos.

If anyone has a problem with these folks please let me know. 

23:38:19 Feb 18th 24 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

wait wait wait is this guy actually claiming someone is abusing 50% rule on mant?????
that's the most hilarious thing i've read in a long time

05:35:18 Feb 19th 24 - Lady Jasmina:

Only exception is that never happened, and now Konstant is making stuff up as he goes. Only thing that came out of last era issue is that nobody except Konst and a small portion of BC kingdom think there was anything going on, and Konstant lost respect of several players that had great respect for him. 

20:59:01 Feb 19th 24 - Mr. Grendel:

Are they the same kingdom that was feeding on val the era previous?

22:39:01 Feb 19th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Blackbrush):

Yes, went afk, didnt demo, two of their kd mates left kd and took all their things

23:04:49 Feb 19th 24 - Mr. Grendel:

Thought so... but of course thinking they were cheating partially the same way as era before would be crazy right??

23:47:46 Feb 19th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Blackbrush):

Just hard to look past the fact that they were testing how the 50% rule works in regards to when someone leaves their KD, then their whole KD gets eaten up, then they send someone protected by the 50% rule in super late to core drop. 

Just hard to look past all those coincidences. Noob's situation is different because it's symmetrical. He also can't attack you while he's in protection. Not hard to see how that's different. 

02:47:15 Feb 20th 24 - Mr. Paladin:

03:09:38 Feb 20th 24 - Mr. Paladin:

Anyone playing on Mantrax is wasting their time. Don't go to this world looking for a fun experience; it is BY FAR the worst world with the worst meta.

04:17:11 Feb 20th 24 - Mr. Rick Sanchez:

Really? I actually had been hustled a bit but I got back to normal now.

07:29:16 Feb 20th 24 - Lady Jasmina:

Maybe I am all wrong here, I did stop trolling on forums while back so maybe BC are now taking over the trolling and making stuff up on forums now to get people to argue xD 

I do not think saying Ignis, Darky and Chuck are the same people as Pulse (Bannerless this era) is really a good troll? Or maybe it is? Maybe you guys saying they are all the same people, multi maybe? You saying SoA was the ones testing with 50% rule last era? That is so far from truth that it does not even qualify as a troll lol.

17:31:38 Feb 20th 24 - Mr. Perrin:

Not a good time? 

But it said on the Tavern bulletin board, "if you want a good time go to Mantrax".  Sad now. 

19:33:32 Feb 20th 24 - Prophet Eldarion:

Mantrax is fun, the trick is to stay away from forums and Discord so you’re away from all the not needed drama. 

02:32:33 Feb 21st 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Lady Jasmina:

Maybe I am all wrong here, I did stop trolling on forums while back so maybe BC are now taking over the trolling and making stuff up on forums now to get people to argue xD 

I do not think saying Ignis, Darky and Chuck are the same people as Pulse (Bannerless this era) is really a good troll? Or maybe it is? Maybe you guys saying they are all the same people, multi maybe? You saying SoA was the ones testing with 50% rule last era? That is so far from truth that it does not even qualify as a troll lol.

I don't know if you really read what I was saying at all lol..

I said Bannerless was the the same as Syndicate. The same people Kon threatened were the same people that fed Curse by going afk and not demoing.

12:42:42 Feb 22nd 24 - Mr. Perrin:

@Prophet, so Discord causes discord. Good to know. 

13:50:29 Feb 22nd 24 - Phat (Lord Crados):

It’s so much easier to play when you don’t communicate with your team. Just do whatever you want. They will do the same. #winning

15:49:06 Feb 22nd 24 - Prophet Eldarion:

Call players as “randoms” and twist peoples words to make you look cool


18:14:16 Feb 22nd 24 - Mr. Perrin:


19:31:29 Feb 22nd 24 - Dark Lord Anewbis:


23:15:15 Feb 22nd 24 - Mr. Perrin:

It's a talent. 

19:08:33 Feb 23rd 24 - Mr. Paladin:

It will be a great day for VU when all the non FW players realize that they should just boycott Mantrax and play on other worlds. The best case scenario is FW dropping and having no one to fight. You aren't helping the game by playing on this world; you are perpetuating a toxic and terrible meta for the game.

19:09:25 Feb 23rd 24 - Mr. Rick Sanchez:

Well, this era has been interesting.

19:46:27 Feb 23rd 24 - Dark Lord Anewbis:

Cyrus, what are you so salty about? Believe it or not many people enjoy a challenge. With the world against FW it's a challenge for both parties. Just do yourself a favour and follow through with your idea to quit. 

If it wasn't fun or worth the challenge, people would simply not play it. Like that time you core dropped the clan with bt's on fant this era. 

Ah, that's it isn't it? We took that away from you so you want nothing more than to take something from us now? 

15:46:00 Feb 25th 24 - Mr. Grendel:

They killed me when I tries to bt spam them lol 

12:07:42 Mar 18th 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dementor):

After all the planning and waiting for days to get all details, we still managed to do several mistakes. Even after we got the freeze, we still lost an army against a frozen enemy, and one army frozen outside the city. Fact that we got ourselves in such situation shows there is always room to improve, and best way is by fighting the best. And Venomz is exactly that, currently the best VU player and arguably in the top of all time.

It was an honor to fight you, indeed we needed 4 people and we almost died. Good game Venomz, hopefully next era you start on time, and pick a more suitable late era race, and show us how late era is supposed to be played. Looking forward to all the sufferings that will cone to us next era. Gg :-) 

13:04:53 Mar 18th 24 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Cheers for the kind words, it was a fun little run I had defending against you and your kingdom + Rhea & Darkytje.

That loss was pretty rough with all the build up to it. I had to manage resources nearly each tick just to be able to have the opportunity in the first place. 

I go to sleep before D-day. I was worried about waking up to my news page filled with locusts in the morning or being AOTD hit. After all that anxiety I got to click that button. And I knew it was a decisive moment, so it gave a rush...which then sadly dissapeared quickly as soon as I noticed the report starting with an L instead of a V. I knew it was over from that point. I had the opportunity to take both of your armies out and I never expected to get that chance. It might've only pushed back the inevitable, but we won't know now. So for sure there's lots of improvements that can be made to not get into that position. I've made plenty of mistakes too, but I'm not too bothered now as it was a great battle and I'm happy you also enjoyed and respected it.

Although I'd prefer we swap sides regarding the outcome next time ;)

20:36:23 Mar 18th 24 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

venomz so shit
trash player
go home

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