Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Age 4

Mantrax Age 4
01:43:42 Oct 31st 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe:

Thought we should have a new thread, cause we do know what age it is. Pretty simple mathematics really. If last age was 3, then this age is four. And it looks like the Royal Guard are winning. :P

Kingdoms in Mantrax
The Royal Guard4Mr. Wolfgore2328
Army of Anubis26Prince Anonymous561
METAL6Mr. Manowar475
Sol Invictus4Mr. Duude274
Music24Lord Gilth100
Black Veil1Ms. Liliana Vess98
Royal Order of Claidmore23Mr. Wattdidusay1
Riders of Rohan1Mr. Joebob0
Forgotten Warriors19Lady Jade0
Lulz Cats1Mr. Chimey Chonga0
kingdom1Ms. Peach0

02:57:15 Oct 31st 10 - Sir Ozymandias Back:

good reasoning... has it even started yet?

02:37:40 Oct 31st 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe:

Nope... still .7 of a day to go.

04:53:25 Oct 31st 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

But.. last era was Mantrax Era Unknown.. According to the forums. :o

05:38:06 Oct 31st 10 - Mr. Manowar:

~Sighs~ I wanted to go to a lower word but unfortunatly we couldn't. :P Guess we'll have to tough it out again. :P Good luck everyone. :)

20:29:40 Oct 31st 10 - Mr. Binh Mantrax:

Good luck everyone. May everyone have a fun and bloody era :)

20:31:09 Oct 31st 10 - Mr. Manowar:

Or a bloody fun era. :D lol.

21:09:39 Nov 1st 10 - Mr. Reddragon Cousin:

Update on KD on mantrax. GOTF II is on. I hope we have a nice era here.

21:13:46 Nov 1st 10 - Mr. Gonna Try Mage:

heeeeey Red! :)

23:10:49 Nov 1st 10 - Mr. Reddragon Cousin:

Hey unknow guy. ^^

04:00:03 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

its benji.

04:24:49 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Shamus Mcteirnan:

I think everyone should help me attack Forgotten Warriors.  I'm just trying to solo over here and they plan on going oop with me.  20 vs 1 just doesn't feel fair...

05:23:59 Nov 2nd 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

dont worry Im sure that somebody will be inclined to stop them, whether they are successful or not is a different question

06:40:26 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Elsin:

"Mr. Shamus Mcteirnan


14:24:49 Nov 2nd 10 I think everyone should help me attack Forgotten Warriors.  I'm just trying to solo over here and they plan on going oop with me.  20 vs 1 just doesn't feel fair..."

Yeh. Our oop is all about you...

You already know from our pm's that your towns are in the way. Venting on the forums seems a little silly. If you choose to play solo, expect to fight solo O.o

06:59:48 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Eye Love Black Puddin:

I thought we are attacking for his mis-spelling of SEAMUS..;)

07:01:42 Nov 2nd 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

I would say more desperate than silly Elsin, I think he knows he is going to die

08:04:59 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Pure:

I reckon both. Stupid and desperate.

Shamus are you a retard. Not even the best players can solo on mant at this stage.

08:35:55 Nov 2nd 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

yeh fair call pure. I would like to see someone solo and even survive through half this era, there are some pretty strong kds around

10:54:43 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Iesus Rex:

Seriously considering taking yu up on that one next era Ozy...

11:06:24 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Iesus Rex:

I'll do it, i'll show you al!!!!

12:35:38 Nov 2nd 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

ok then, I will make it my busines to hunt you down, esp since you will go dwarf as usual... (btw wrong char JLT?)

13:04:13 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Panic VIII:

maybe i'll try as well....

I do have some experience with 2 person KDs...

14:08:41 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Pure:

Yer but on mantrax. It probs has 2 or 3 of the best kds in VU at this time

18:11:18 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Wattdidusay:

So are you ppl going to go with the "Era of No Relations" idea or are you gonna NAP your butts off?

18:35:29 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

lol its more or less impossible to get a no relations era that everyone would participate in XD

22:24:09 Nov 2nd 10 - Mr. Pure The Nub:

Most kds will do what it takes to survive. So if they get offered a NAP from kd that would kill them but they aren't smart enough to do so correctly of course they would take the NAP. I would push for this tho.

00:21:50 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Reddragon Cousin:

Oh benji
*Waves at benji*
(a litle late)

01:24:59 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Duude:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Army of Anubis26Prince Anonymous217
Music26Lord Gilth197
Forgotten Warriors20Lady Jade170
Sol Invictus9Mr. Duude100
Royal Order of Claidmore20Mr. Wattdidusay87
The Royal Guard7Mr. Wolfgore25
METAL8Mr. Manowar23
GOTF II5Mr. Reddragon Cousin19
kingdom3Ms. Peach5
Riders of Rohan1Mr. Joebob0
Lulz Cats1Mr. Chimey Chonga0
Bianchi1Mr. Lazyness0
Free The Bees2Mr. Dffgfg0
and the wars begin.

gl hf everyoneee

01:25:16 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Ignisa The Orcis:

wow most of the kd are real close so this oop war will be long one :) i feel bad for the ones that are stuck between kds

01:25:45 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Ignisa The Orcis:

wow most of the kd are real close so this oop war will be long one :) i feel bad for the ones that are stuck between kds

01:47:18 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Duude:

haha check this out;

SIN, AOA, MUSIC and FW are all right beside eachother. :)

01:51:17 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Ignisa The Orcis:

ooh like we didnt notice that from the start :)
is it just me or does zeta make the kds land to each other closer and closer for every era

01:56:16 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Duude:

Lol, true enough.  But maybe no one else did?  :P  Yeah they definitely seem to do that, it's really quite strange.. And since the new character system I always start in the exact same place lol

06:44:19 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

Lol thats weird o.O

And gl hf everyone

13:18:55 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Krom:

Any kingdoms looking for another member?

13:31:57 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

yap, SIN is :)

16:54:13 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Manowar:

Join METAL! We have Chocolate cake! (was my birthday on the 2nd. lol.)

20:56:35 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Happy Turtle:

Just like I did last era, I want to let you all know that you can sell your stone stockpiles. I was STGing before OOP, but I don't think many of you noticed that stone was at .9 because you haven't checked the market. I'm sure you could have all used, and still can use the boost of gold; since there is a lot of fighting going on!

I found that actually saying it in the Mantrax thread had a positive effect last era, as people immediatly pushed off their stone stockpiles when I did so last era.


Goodluck and have fun everyone!

23:17:31 Nov 3rd 10 - Mr. Gaia of The Zulu Tribe:

lol :)

00:16:13 Nov 4th 10 - Mr. Panic VIII:

Happy... just FYI, you were not the only one buying stone before OOP 


03:35:23 Nov 4th 10 - Mr. Manowar:

Actually, ALL KDless people are welcome to join METAL. :)

08:10:23 Nov 4th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

Detox is a kd hopping coward, a really pathetic excuse for a VU player. But crime boss kobushit is even worse for accepting him into music. I respected music before this as a good and honourable kd with a long history, kobushit just threw the name music into a garbage can.

09:19:34 Nov 4th 10 - Mr. William The Evul One:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Army of Anubis26Prince Anonymous197
Forgotten Warriors21Lady Jade193
Music28Lord Gilth192
Royal Order of Claidmore21Mr. Wattdidusay100
Sol Invictus9Mr. Duude91
The Royal Guard6Mr. Wolfgore24
GOTF II5Mr. Reddragon Cousin21
METAL8Mr. Manowar18
Free The Bees2Mr. Dffgfg2
kingdom3Ms. Peach1
Riders of Rohan1Mr. Joebob0
Lulz Cats1Mr. Chimey Chonga0
Bianchi1Mr. Lazyness0

09:47:17 Nov 4th 10 - Mr. Pure:

Tyrgalon - I said last era that he really didnt do much to get his age win. You would of noticed if you were on mantrax last era. He desnt really have much skill at all. Just a normal player  like me or you.

11:05:18 Nov 4th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe:

Yawn... Here we go Again... :D

11:09:00 Nov 4th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

Well I am not talking about his skill as a player, but his actions as the kd leader of music.

I guess you think its hounourable and all right to accept a kd hopper left toe?

11:19:15 Nov 4th 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

yeh JLT does, I was talking about it with him today... his reasoning was that he was in the middle of Music's core anyway, so no point trying to fight that. but I agree, let the flames begin

11:41:18 Nov 4th 10 - Sir Farimer:

OMG why does everyone gotta have an oppinion nowadays. We understand why detox has left and are ok with it (at least somewhat ok). I just would've like to see him joining another kingdom but that is how this game is played. Now quit the whining already and play the game.

11:50:26 Nov 4th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

Well it really screwed us over, because we suddenly had a strong army attacking solarific from an unexpected dirrection. Solarific was our strongest player.

12:24:56 Nov 4th 10 - Mr. Duude:

Hooray for KD hoppers yay...

05:19:15 Nov 4th 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

yeh JLT does, I was talking about it with him today... his reasoning was that he was in the middle of Music's core anyway, so no point trying to fight that. but I agree, let the flames begin 

He was also in the middle of our core.  He even messaged me early on that he wanted to be friendly as soon as he was over here.

And even Kobu was hilarious coming in to our area before era started and telling US to move out because it was theres.  I had even messaged Gilth as soon as I saw them coming in.  I didn't mind I was up for the challenge of fighting a strong kingdom OOP it's fun, and OOP is my specialty(i suck at farming).   We actually had pretty good chances of removing them from our area until the oh great player Knish decided to KD hop.  And I mean it's not that horirble because we didn't have a NAP with AoA but we were in talks with them.

but it's okay I know why ya'll gettin' mad 'cause you know we got a lotta whatever you never had, supa skills and all the kills yall wish you could handle the heat from our strong wills.


oh and BTW Farimer, Detox had told us his reasoning for leaving AoA was that he thought AoA did not deserve to win the war, and that he was going to prevent this any way possible :)

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