Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Age 9

Mantrax Age 9
23:32:39 Aug 12th 11 - Mr. Lokken:

Sooo quiet on Mant this era. Did everyone get tricked into moving to Zetamania with the promise of Great wall battles and merges?

23:40:41 Aug 12th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

I know I did..... lol

23:49:26 Aug 12th 11 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobu):

Nah, we are just so sick and tiered about hyperactive Orcs in our core OOP  spamming gaia which are almost impossible to get rid off.

All thanks to the brilliant idea of making gaia 1/2, cheap and fast trainable.

Semi active players, like the majority  of player are getting more and more frustrated and one by one leave the game that they enojed so much.

Do i say more.

00:16:33 Aug 13th 11 - Mr. Lokken:

You did a decent amount of gaia spamming in our core yourself :D

09:24:23 Aug 13th 11 - Kobuskan (Judge Kobuskan):

Yes that is what i mean, really frustrating to get an orc out of there, all because of gaia 1/2, no pezz needing and fast traning times.

What can you do ? Orc vs Orc does not work and other races cannot train so fast and dont have the pezz to do it.

Magic can stop it by doing freeze , EQ, Ownage but when a mage is ready for that the evil has allready been done and your core is infected.

And if you have hyperactive players like Binh and Glad then forget about it, people get frustrated, become inactive, play another char or leave the game.

Only on Zetamania there is the option to merge, that would help to get an Orc out.


09:37:40 Aug 13th 11 - Mr. Lokken:

Protections more about trying to make your core orc proof now :)
Have you made a suggestion thread yet? ^^

"Only on Zetamania there is the option to merge, that would help to get an Orc out."

Leave this bit out please. Zetamania can keep their merging.

09:48:02 Aug 13th 11 - Endless (Lady And The Tramp):

You could feed a dwarf OOP to get an orc out of the core like AOA did :p

ya ya Canucks swears he just lost to Bintok and wasn't intentionally feeding
just saying 
not all orcs are created equal  (sounds like you didn't fair so well either Kobu? neither did our orc) so the argument about an orc in the core should be revised to either a Binh or Barny orc (or Glad if he's doing a Binhster) is a pain to get rid off
*still smarting from being Binh'd in RED last era* >.>

10:06:00 Aug 13th 11 - Kobuskan (Mr. Aeroloop):

I seem to be banned from suggestions topic :(



11:41:18 Aug 13th 11 - Mr. Barny:

So you guys quit because you got rolled?

12:36:35 Aug 13th 11 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobu):

WTF you suppose to be banned like some others that got banned at the same time and  still are sitting out there punishment.

Seems really unfair to me towards the others that still are banned for the same reason.

Can we have an explanation from Zeta please

13:55:30 Aug 13th 11 - Legend (I am Legend):

Rawr Binh is hot <3

15:43:48 Aug 13th 11 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrowe):

bihn is always hawt...

16:41:23 Aug 13th 11 - Mr. Snoopy:

Judge Kobuskan


02:24:23 Aug 13th 11

Yes that is what i mean, really frustrating to get an orc out of there, all because of gaia 1/2, no pezz needing and fast traning times.

What can you do ? Orc vs Orc does not work and other races cannot train so fast and dont have the pezz to do it.

Magic can stop it by doing freeze , EQ, Ownage but when a mage is ready for that the evil has allready been done and your core is infected.

And if you have hyperactive players like Binh and Glad then forget about it, people get frustrated, become inactive, play another char or leave the game.

Only on Zetamania there is the option to merge, that would help to get an Orc out.

First aotd, now orc? Let's quit dancing around the main problem; why don't we just ban binh?!?!? 

16:55:28 Aug 13th 11 - Mr. Lokken:

Well to be fair aotd is still very usable for orc.

17:26:40 Aug 13th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

"First aotd, now orc? Let's quit dancing around the main problem; why don't we just ban binh?!?!?"

You mad brah?

19:06:41 Aug 13th 11 - Mr. Snoopy:

Yes, I am uber duper butt hurt about all this. 

16:26:05 Aug 19th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Solo Arthur):

""First aotd, now orc? Let's quit dancing around the main problem; why don't we just ban binh?!?!?"

You mad brah?"

I'm mad too.  It's just not fair... :(  How can he be so good and so hawt?  Just... leave me alone.

21:16:20 Aug 19th 11 - Zond (The Shh Iit):

Apparently he wasnt as good this era :p my magic got him away XD

21:33:51 Aug 19th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

Just might not be the era for the OOP core drop to work, seems Glad got booted too XD

21:38:09 Aug 19th 11 - Zond (Mr. Sharpty):

yeah :( we were in each others.. both booted out.

05:44:48 Aug 20th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

AOA hasn't been so lucky, he's still there 

21:34:10 Aug 20th 11 - Mr. Jacobd:

yeah turns out 6900 nazgul are tough to kill

03:47:18 Aug 21st 11 - Mr. Puppy That Likes Drooling:

LOL and endless, canucks wasnt feeding aoa, he tries to solo in that spot that only need 1 blocker. It turned out that his blocker didnt block and bintok went by and took his mine. Then he took out his blocker :P

06:06:59 Aug 21st 11 - Endless (Lady And The Tramp):

hi Zombie, I already said that your cousin Canucks said he just sucked OOP somewhere on the thread 

11:47:23 Aug 21st 11 - Canucks (Mr. Hermes):

love ya endless <3

03:09:33 Aug 30th 11 - Prince Sladen:

lol you people are crazy! Orc gaia spam is a good tactic, i do believe at one point halfers were sent in to spam Slingers. Easiest way to stop an orc from doing that? is stop them from dropping an armoury -_- or if they do take out their income... :P

08:38:44 Aug 30th 11 - Mr. Puppy That Likes Drooling:

OMG What a bummer, look who it is, the old princess sladen :P How you been buddy? BTW its Zombie LOL ;)

22:13:21 Sep 10th 11 - Jennaside (Ms. Shanawdithit):

12:40:16 - Age 9 of Mantrax has ended by Armageddon votes! There where 16 people who wanted the age to end, 0 didn't, and 14 did not vote.

22:17:53 Sep 10th 11 - Zond (The Deus):

That means it ended.

00:08:39 Sep 11th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

I'm just happy I held on to 2nd, didn't do shit there for a while.... lol

00:12:17 Sep 11th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

Voilą! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both
victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere
veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished.
However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified
and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding
vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of

00:15:21 Sep 11th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

Did you just watch "V for Vendetta" or something Zond :p

00:16:11 Sep 11th 11 - Megamasturbs (Mr. Hiroshima The Troll):

Hold on hold on....


Sorry counter trolling here just wait...


*throws a wrench at zondervan*


00:18:26 Sep 11th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

Oh Endless.. last time u will ever hear that :p Least in that tone xD

But yes, yes I did. And next era on mant, The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

00:19:37 Sep 11th 11 - Megamasturbs (Mr. Hiroshima The Troll):

Fuck he did it again hold on...



*impales himself on a spear*


00:20:36 Sep 11th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

p.s. binh isnt winning :p

19:59:03 Sep 11th 11 - Mr. Millman XXVII:

I think a blocker should be able to block even if you are in protection. 

20:03:25 Sep 11th 11 - Mr. Pluto:

Mr. Millman XXVII


12:59:03 Sep 11th 11
I think a blocker should be able to block even if you are in protection.  

Only way that would work is if protection for those with gates closed would be void. 

Even then, there are a half a dozen problems with that. :P

21:45:18 Sep 11th 11 - Mr. Amaroq:

Not really.  That means you'd have to work as a team.  Rely on ur teamates to fill the blocker with troops so it isn't taken.  Teamwork, isn't that wat being in a kingdom is about?  And if you dont want it taken before your OOP, then simply dont close the gates.  Kinda work the same way as 50% rule.  Can't attack if gates aren't closed, if they are then fair game...

00:40:49 Sep 12th 11 - Mr. Scooby Doo:

Yes really - Can their armies be casted on too then? Can their other towns be attacked as well? Even if you void protection while their gates are closed, you could have someone hopping in and out of protection on a whim, unless you completely end their protection time as soon as they close gates. Then there's getting into issues with that concept. :P

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