Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Prediction

Mantrax Prediction
18:18:02 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Grim:

Whats going to happen?

Post what you think will happen, nothing outragouse. xD

I think Ret and Preds will take map and war at end with possible elements in the middle

18:55:33 Jul 7th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol, i dont think that but it IS going to be a fun era.

also i hope your not saying preds will take alot of the map due to our numbers

20:56:01 Jul 7th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

well , if you have got 32 members, you're bound to atleast be a bit good.

20:57:12 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

lol yeah....32 members should take a lot of space lolz....

21:14:06 Jul 7th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol if only they were all vets :(

21:23:51 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Bob Marley:

i see major wars happening this era.

i think it will come out as retribution, cannabis, and elements as the major kds and a few small kds.

21:34:28 Jul 7th 08 - Sir Ilia:

I think preds will fall with ret kuz of their intimidating numbers and players
and medium sized kds will take the world:)

00:19:12 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol i agree that we have to many members but saying that preds and Retribution will fall coz of our intimidating numbers is a little silly since Retribution only have 11 members.

also looking at who is on mantrax this era i think the top 5 will be, not in the order i think they will win,:



the musketers



00:20:43 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Evans The Hogthrob:

i dont think 5 will survive xD

retribution (go lew)

02:42:41 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Jones:

I think that given the size of the map, at least 4 kds will survive.

02:49:34 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Bob Marley:

i agree with marsbars.

03:16:38 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Way to leave RoC out of the race -.- especially since it is the 2nd largest on Mant....

03:31:29 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Bob Marley:

its not personal, im not familiar with that kd and not sure how good they are.

its just a prediction.

03:31:50 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Ilia:

-to darkmars
but I also said intimidating players
which ret has plenty of:)

03:41:44 Jul 8th 08 - Lord Spud The Illusionist:

With the KD's that are on Mant this era, there really is no saying in who will take the winning spot. It really could be anybody depending on who takes what sides. I dont like predicting unless im I'll stay outa this one. ;)

06:17:15 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Bob Marley


7/7/2008 10:31:29 PM

its not personal, im not familiar with that kd and not sure how good they are.

its just a prediction.

RoC won zeta last era.....but I guess if you are not familiar with it, it isn't a problem....guess we will find out....actions speak louder than words

06:18:43 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Water:

FF will win :)

06:34:11 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Bob Marley:

well we will all find out in a week or two :)

who all will stay alive and who goes to lower lvl :p

cough cough water cough cough.....jkjk

06:41:19 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Skyer:

to be far i think we should have war one on one(big kingdom vs big kingdom, small vs small, and middle vs middle.) when other kingdom in war with other , no one should help.(which mean no more than one att one kingdom at same time) this way will make game more far and more fun, also we can  find out who is win in here.

06:53:13 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Onex:

 It would also take out the political, and some of the strategical aspects of the game, so please don't ever post that on Suggestions Skyer, because you would get torn apart.

07:41:29 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Phoenix:

even "good" kingdoms have bad eras and "unknown" kingodms can end up as good all depends on their players skill and team work. with the diff players in the kingdoms it will certainly be interesting. still rooting for roc though >_>  they have me =-D

07:44:55 Jul 8th 08 - Lord Anarkist The Wraith:

And that is why we'll lose then Phoenix. ;)

09:19:57 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwowowowowowowo:

lets all have organizational warfare, one at a time...

09:48:56 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Sir Ilia


7/8/2008 2:31:50 AM
-to darkmars
but I also said intimidating players
which ret has plenty of:)


LOL, thats ture, good point

10:38:08 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Im going to farm ALL era...

14:30:52 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

We have Phoenix and "Warith" how can we NOT be on the top 5!?

15:03:07 Jul 8th 08 - Prince Sprout:

me too bob ... lol gonna farm some lvl 5's :P

15:47:39 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Attrill:

everyone seems to have writen roc off maybe this should be re thought not of a race for 5 but of six i think that the order will go

1) Predators

2) Retribution

3) Elements

4) Royal Order of Claidhmore

5) Cannabis

6) The Musketeers

greetings attrill

16:42:53 Jul 8th 08 - Lord Anarkist The Wraith:

Hmm, theres a problem with that list. Numbers 1,2,3,5,6 are wrong =P

16:55:26 Jul 8th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Well, we seem to be doing good in predictions.


17:11:28 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Bob Marley:

looks like war is already bieng set up...

17:32:14 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Pirate Lewatha


7/8/2008 11:55:26 AM

Well, we seem to be doing good in predictions.


.......umm fail?

@Kev - This messege is not a flame

18:14:58 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

there should be alot of wars this era and alot of fun

good luck to every one

18:40:20 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Yes be scared.....Me and Lewatha FTW!

18:42:24 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

You and Lewatha?

Pfft *beep*!



18:45:51 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

How do you think Alban + 50 other multies think about this? Have you had your daily pills yet?

18:48:33 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Gravity:

<-- grits teeth, cracks knuckles, waits for a target.

18:50:40 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

I have never multied, and no one finds that funny anymore
Its old, please find something new or shut up ^_^

19:53:06 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Revenge's confidence is making his head swell -.- we wont find out anything until we actually START....(as in getting OOP)

20:49:17 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Mr. Might The God of Cows


7/8/2008 5:40:20 PM

Yes be scared.....Me and Lewatha FTW!


oh no a cow is coming after us run,

lol how u been might ?


21:48:28 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Wonderful! Ive had plenty to yell and flame at! ITS THE fact....its FANTASTIC.

How bout you, my brother?

22:03:12 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Grim:

off topic, lets keep it on please, also any OOP wars already inteneded?

22:12:04 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Bob Marley:

yes. i already stated above.

01:56:24 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Turnip:

is it me or does theworld seem way to big?
for the amount of kds on it?

01:59:00 Jul 9th 08 - Sir Plague:

i say retribution will do good.

02:05:00 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Bob Marley:

i like the space. more room to grow for the small kds :)

09:18:55 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Bling pull out a spliff and opens in song "ALL WE ARE SAYING .....IS GIVE PEACE A CHANCE" altgether now...

10:06:31 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Phoenix:


o was that wrong? my bad....

12:44:00 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Attrill:

anyone ever been cow pushing lol

its a gr8 idear cows sleep standing up so you walk and push them over lol they genraly chase you but its funny

* note to kev this is not a flaim lol

20:05:59 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Phoenix:

=-(   i want to cow tip sounds like loads of fun XD

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