Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Wars (Era 37)

Mantrax Wars (Era 37)
16:50:02 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Fever Fang:

Thought I would get this started up.

Kingdoms in Mantrax
CE Cease to Exist 18 Lord Cao Cao 129
DE Dorian Empire 10 Sir Evans 100
BoW Brotherhood of the Wolf 16 Duke Drakos 75
Ghost Mystical 14 Sir Thray The Resistant 56
myst Mystic 8 Duke Snake 44
GOTF Guild Of The Fallen 7 Duke Darkfaith 41
IPF Internal Primates Forever 8 Lord Primate Death 32
MUNCH The Chompers 4 Lord Soccernoposter 21
WRCD WaR ChilD 3 Lord Delete 19
Preds Predators 7 Sir Darkmarsbar 17
RD Ruby Death 3 Mr. Valhahas 16

oo I think De will rule over Mantrax =PPPPP

18:31:13 Dec 23rd 08 - Necromancer Blood Reigned:

I believe CE will take the Gold this time


18:35:59 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Jacques Molay:

ehehehe those who wernt good enough for a spot on fant :):)

18:45:02 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Evans:

not quite i got no choice on starting location....because.... half the KD was dead at the end so our average score was low. anotehr third werent even playing :P

18:47:28 Dec 23rd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Actaully a bunch of the kd's currently on Fantasia weren't good enuf for Fant this eraeither. They just got around Zeta's intended landing spot for them and spawned on fant anyways.

18:50:38 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Jacques Molay:

well not my KD...

19:02:43 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Fever Fang:


Hopefully we get enough action in Mantrax =P


21:18:13 Dec 23rd 08 - Lord Cao Cao:

We only had 13 when the era started, the rest were old CE players who joined late. Should be an interesting era tho. Mystical and Mystic should fight for the right to use that name ^^

21:36:47 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Struddle:

Eye spy with my little eye random CE cities........ you guys kinda have cities randomly placed around the map xD =P lol

21:42:10 Dec 23rd 08 - Lord Cao Cao:

Our kd reaches everywhere ;)

22:00:43 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Struddle:

i know we kinda were curious why you had like 2 cities and no core xD well hopefully we can all be best friends and we will all love each other forevers!!!!!!

23:02:15 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Jacques Molay:

The empire and fate are now on mant hehehe lol.

23:48:56 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Evans:

interesting :P

07:30:56 Dec 24th 08 - Sir Fever Fang:


(every intresting....)

Be a good era  I suppose....:[)

08:37:51 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Fever Fang:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
CE Cease to Exist 18 Lord Cao Cao 130
DE Dorian Empire 9 Sir Evans 100
BoW Brotherhood of the Wolf 17 Duke Drakos 85
Ghost Mystical 15 Sir Thray The Resistant 62
MUNCH The Chompers 6 Mr. Pie Maker 36
IPF Internal Primates Forever 8 Lord Primate Death 32
GOTF Guild Of The Fallen 8 Duke Darkfaith 27
myst Mystic 9 Duke Snake 23
Preds Predators 7 Sir Darkmarsbar 12
RD Ruby Death 4 Mr. Valhahas 7

12:00:43 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Evans:

RD falling under DE pressure :)
Preds have a resilient player called rix who is on level footing with Evans in a one on one. (for now)
CE vs. BoW vs. Mystic.... a nice theesome :P
IpF vs. Fate....interesting....

not much i can think of now ...

12:03:28 Dec 26th 08 - Lord Cao Cao:

CE vs. Mystical
Mystical vs. GOTF

Is Fate fighting anyone on Fant, or are they just coming here?

19:10:27 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Soki:

CE Cease to Exist


BoW Brotherhood of the Wolf 17 Duke Drakos
Ghost Mystical 15 Sir Thray The Resistant
MUNCH The Chompers 6 Mr. Pie Maker

21:56:37 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Santa The Returned:

RD=Dead :-)
Next up, Preds...

23:40:02 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Rix:

errr.... Gulp!

09:39:40 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Fever Fang:


Sorry guys...=P

its time to go. =P

RB is not dead but well get umm soon enough...^.^

10:38:12 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

CE Cease to Exist

DE Dorian Empire 8 Sir Evans


BoW Brotherhood of the Wolf 17 Duke Drakos
Ghost Mystical 15 Sir Thray The Resistant
MUNCH The Chompers 6 Mr. Pie Maker



thought a small edit was in order :) lets unbalance this fight :D

18:18:06 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Struddle:

Due to the fact that CE has attacked our members and is still sieging our cities we find it necessary to go to war.

18:20:32 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Thray The Resistant:

LOL CE is dead now... You guys can't stop me :P

18:24:28 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Fever Fang:



Lmao im only enough to kill you ^.^

18:26:32 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Thray The Resistant:

your in DE i wasn't talking to you =P

18:28:44 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

lol thray got anything to back up your words? It doesnt matter if you were tlaking to CE or DE we fight together and defend each other.

18:30:22 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Thray The Resistant:

lol omg... ok w/e.. talk when you've actually done something to me

18:35:27 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Trohs:

they were mystical members and we have not attacked yet so you see we did not breack our nap i was odered  to do nothing to you members just kill mystical and none else 

18:37:01 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Thray The Resistant:

Your attacking smart one. Don't try to get out of this one. Now that I don't have to worry about fighting two front lines, I'm going to destroy all your small armies

18:43:51 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

and leaving the big armies ? hehe

18:59:35 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Fever Fang:

lol Dont worry I think Fever is eniugh to feed on there bones. =P

19:00:42 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Trohs:

trust me they will get bigger alot  bigger now that i am mad

19:25:10 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Combat Wombat:

gotf what ya doing who ya warring

19:28:29 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Struddle:

Then maybe if you have a problem you should talk to Soki who took it upon himself to attack Darkfaith.  THE LEADER OF GUILD OF THE FALLEN.  You attacked a founder of our Guild.  He was not a member of Mystical but one of the Four founders.  So your thoughts on the subject are incorrect and unjustified.  Your kingdom attacked us first thus breaking any kind of relations that we had.

The war with CE will be a long and brutal one.  You will also find we are not an easy enemy to kill.

19:30:26 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Trohs:

you lying and if it were so then you should have talked with our leader instead of attacking

19:39:21 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Thray The Resistant:

LOL talk to the leader? If Soki was attacked accidentally by one of our members why didn't the leader talk to me about it? You guys contradict yourself so much. Cao Cao says he can control his mebers, but it really doesn't seem like it the way his members act in and out of the battlefield.

19:40:20 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Fever Fang:



You Are sentenced to a life in Fever Town Jail and to be FEEDED On by HIGHLORD FEVER.


19:45:34 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Trohs:

we didnīt have any CF with you guys

19:50:40 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Struddle:

fine you want proof?

2008-12-28 - Todays News
00:58:07: Ranryuu lost a battle against Fear from Mr. Soki. The army escaped

Darkfaith was not online at this time but I was.  As I am usually the only man online at the time and when I see his army moving one turn and then refresh and it's gone I must assume that your kingdom is involved and has attacked us.  TRUTH BE TOLD YOUR MEMBERS KNEW WE HAD RELATIONS.  THEY JUST CHOOSE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT.  Yes I did let go of the fact that you were attacking members of Mystical when they moved to GOTF as I figured it would take some time to figure out what happened.  But no even though you knew that we had relations the simple HONEST TRUTH IS THAT YOUR MEMBER SOKI ATTACKED OUR GUILD!  You talk and say we should have spoken to your leadership.  But it was known that we had good relations with your kingdom.  Your members are to blame.  Your leadership is to blame as it cannot control what it's members do.  You must face the actions of those who refuse to listen and do as they please.

20:05:05 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Thray The Resistant:

"we didnīt have any CF with you guys"

oh is that your excuse? Attacking a kd from behind when both leaders discussed that we were going to stay at peace while we finish our wars. But, then you attack us from behind and take our mines while my men are fighting against our current war at the time. If thats how you guys play than, I'd be happy to let everybody know that CEASE 2 EXIST ARE BACKSTABBERS AND DO NOT KEEP THEIR WORD. DISHONEST PEOPLE IN CEASE 2 EXIST. DO NOT JOIN THEM/NAP/MAP/CF OR THEY WILL BACK STAB U!!

22:26:56 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

Cease to exist are one of the most honest kingdoms i was ever in (except my current one and FF). You on the other hand ive never heard of and can only assume your twisting rumours....shut up!

22:33:16 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Eros The Pimp:

Cease are legendary for their loyalty and honesty. Go find another chain to yank.

22:38:17 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Seloc:

CE are the biggest traitors I've ever seen in this game and I've seen bad things!!!
For one they deliberately overtook us on the HoH when it was decided amongst the DE leadership that we were not allowing them to overtake us!
You want proof just open up your kingdom page.
Also they've been city stealing from us at DE, we have long decided to take all the cities upon Mantrax but they've gone and started taking some! this is dishonorable and quite frankly they are lying scum-bags! do not even think about relations with these people as they are sure to have more spots combined than you ever will upon your geekish little faces.

22:39:37 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

seloc *facepalm*

23:18:50 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Thray The Resistant:

"Cease are legendary for their loyalty and honesty. Go find another chain to yank."

Pimp shut up. I've killed you and your kd for the past two eras. This is the first era I don't have to waste my time with you, so I'm feeling pretty good. Don't ruin it plz.

And Sir Evans, I haven't heard of you either so, it really doesn't matter =P

23:24:55 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

funny ive been here 13 eras... or do you only come on forums when you want to moan ?


edit : sorry make that 14

23:31:15 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Spoon:

Evans is teh pwnzerer!

23:57:33 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Thray The Resistant:

nope... I've been here for 5-7eras. I rarely post, but because of the stupidity of CE I'll defend my old kd and now my new kd GOTF.

00:17:12 Dec 29th 08 - Mr. Eros The Pimp: are arguably the biggest traitor of all...and a coward. Why a good KD would let a coward like you in god only knows.


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