Forums / In game politics / Mantrax age 13

Mantrax age 13
07:22:19 Mar 19th 12 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax):

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Star Wars 14 Emperor Palpatine 101
Royal Order of Claidmore 15 Prince Kevdwayne 100
Twenty Twelve 10 Mr. Twenty Twelve 79
Brotherhood of the Wolf 20 Mr. Garret Jax 78
Legion Of Roma 1 Mr. Samual 45
Forgotten Warriors 18 Lady Jade 41
The Odd Ones 7 Mr. Dalkadalda 26
Dement and Menace 2 Ms. Trinity 15
Trio 2 Mr. Hanky And His Light Saber 15
Army of Anubis 10 Prince Anonymous 0
Havok 4 Mr. Plokoon 0
Arcbound 4 Mr. Johhny Richter 0
Intrique 1 Ms. Intrique 0
The Royal Guard 1 Mr. Wolfgore 0
Bianchi 1 Mr. Lazyness 0
haha ortiz 1 Mr. Minykiller 0
Pawerful 2 Mzz Supawsticious 0
Notorious 1 Mr. Faustus 0
Infinity 1 Mr. Judge Dredd IIX 0



OBS: All diplomatic stuff for ROC has to be sent to a vice until our Prince Kev returns from the unknown.

20:11:04 Mar 26th 12 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax):

I admit it was much more satisfying making this post on the Zetamania thread.

And though I do like Brians song "Only look at the bright side of Life", I must admit we have done better on Mantrax.

But no-ones know what the clock is before the bar is closed and the last guest kicked out....... 


Kingdoms in Mantrax
Star Wars 16 Emperor Palpatine 250
Forgotten Warriors 19 Lady Jade 180
Brotherhood of the Wolf 20 Mr. Garret Jax 130
Royal Order of Claidmore 18 Prince Kevdwayne 100
Twenty Twelve 10 Mr. Twenty Twelve 46
Legion Of Roma 1 Mr. Samual 25
Trio 2 Mr. Hanky And His Light Saber 10
Dement and Menace 3 Ms. Trinity 7
Army of Anubis 10 Prince Anonymous 0

21:22:59 Mar 26th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Darlings):

You high, trolling or just dumbdumb?

21:46:48 Mar 26th 12 - McMax (Mr. The Roc Star):

3 guesses and all wrong. You are out Wilber......

21:49:40 Mar 26th 12 - Zond (General Dendarii):

We all know hes mcmax... geeze Wilber.

22:27:17 Mar 26th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Indira Gandhi):

Let me enlighten you then my, no-excuse-for-being-dumbdumb, friend. It's "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" from the film "Life of Brian" or "Monty Python's Life of Brian" however, it isn't "Brian's" song. It was sung by another person, to Brian.

:) No need to thank me for teaching you.

22:57:23 Mar 26th 12 - McMax (Mr. The Roc Star):

Ok Wilber, when you wish so, I will not thank you!

As for "teaching", I would rather prefer if you changed that to "reminding"...... I saw the movie first time back in 1982......

23:00:52 Mar 26th 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Boooyyyy):

Ah, threw a curveball at me there. Using the ole' "senile" excuse.

Seriously, no need to thank me citizen. It's what I do.

13:47:57 Apr 3rd 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Star Wars 20 Emperor Palpatine 10776
Forgotten Warriors 20 Lady Jade 9029
Brotherhood of the Wolf 18 Mr. Garret Jax 6409
Royal Order of Claidmore 18 Prince Kevdwayne 2876
Legion Of Roma 1 Mr. Samual 1863
Twenty Twelve 10 Mr. Twenty Twelve 1173


Star Wars :
Battles Won : 93
Battles Lost : 45

Forgotten Warriors:
Battles Won: 9
Battles Lost: 5

Brotherhood Of the Wolf:
Battles Won: 41
Battles Lost: 40

Royal Order of Claidmore
Battles Won : 27
Battles Lost : 38

Legion Of Roma:
Battles Won : 12
Battles Lost : 3

Twenty Twelve:
Battles Won: 17
Battles Lost: 21

Soo FW, hows the farming going? :P

Love JLT.

13:48:11 Apr 3rd 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

P.S. You'll neverbe as good as me at it. :P

Love JLT.

15:03:10 Apr 3rd 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Boooyyyy):

Surprisingly bad. Makes a change from OOP warring/general warring of every KD on the map though.

16:08:00 Apr 20th 12 - Sir Moonshine:

Any good updates?

16:29:15 Apr 20th 12 - Pure (Sir Pure II):

Your character Sir Pure II is the 18th most powerful ruler in Mantrax

Started 18 days late, ranked 18th in 15 days. Thats what you call a pro farmer!

17:59:55 Apr 20th 12 - McMax (Mr. Nobody):


Get killed (anyone, I don't care) and let the world start again :big-grin:

19:31:07 Apr 20th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Indira Gandhi):

Tis a fun era. SW are stoically and heroically holding out against the mass Elsin + Brashen midget hordes.

04:41:19 Apr 21st 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

I'm still farming.....good era.

18:26:51 Apr 21st 12 - Kobuskan (Sir Kob Kun Fine Thai Cuisine):

This was a fun era, till FW decide to take in a traitor

18:55:30 Apr 21st 12 - Legend (I am Han Solo):

Atleast there nice enough to kick/leave the traitor.

19:01:41 Apr 21st 12 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobi Wan Kenobi):

Apparently there was a mis communication and FW corrected it.

Still the traitor is in our core, good play Xerxes

20:57:59 Apr 21st 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

I mean, and this is just my personal opinion, even if we had kept him, it would come no where near to the amount of junk that's been thrown FW's way the past few eras....

22:04:42 Apr 21st 12 - Mr. Lokken:

What's all this noise?

22:11:59 Apr 21st 12 - Mr. Lokken:

"till FW decide to take in a traitor"

People who jump ship half way through a war have never had a place in FW. Why would that change now.... Guilty until proven innocent yes?

23:48:31 Apr 21st 12 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobi Wan Kenobi):

He had a  place in FW and it was proven quilty.

02:22:31 Apr 22nd 12 - Mr. Xerxes The Almighty:

How am I a traitor? Just because I left the the KD? I never turned my army onto any of your cities. I had no intentions of attacking StarWars, I was just going to resign my chaarcter, which I did.

06:47:03 Apr 22nd 12 - Mr. Lokken:

"He had a  place in FW and it was proven quilty."

Random player was accepted then kicked when found he jumped ship. Clearly he didn't have a place. But that's ok. Throw more mud.

07:24:54 Apr 22nd 12 - Mr. Devi:

Muds about the strongest thing I seen thrown all era...

10:06:18 Apr 22nd 12 - Legend (I am Han Solo):

I heard Xerxes jumped ship because he wanted to join the Dark Side of the force! And they had cookies :o

I want cookies 2!

10:50:27 Apr 22nd 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Indira Gandhi):

What happened to this? :

I am Han Solo (4/21/2012 6:41:13 PM) GOOD BAD
Not intressted.

Also, lol Devi.

10:51:28 Apr 22nd 12 - Legend (I am Han Solo):

Kobu promissed me better things to stay on his side.

15:10:53 Apr 22nd 12 - Pure (Mr. Ineedanewname):

19:51:28 Apr 22nd 12 - Legend (I am Han Solo):

Kobu promissed me better things to stay on his side.

Is it kid friendly?

21:42:11 Apr 24th 12 - Mr. Thick Rooster:

this looks like a fun map but anything can happen remember at the end of the day the best crew will win

21:46:44 Apr 24th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

or the team with the most bts in some cases!

22:47:55 Apr 25th 12 - Mr. Poppy:

+1 for me finding out this thread just now :D

other then that, first time VU and im loving it. i would like to see some updated guides tho, most are of a few years ago, and im asuming things change every now and then :)

so you pro players get to work and update them ( if they really are outdated) :)

Anyhow, may the best team win ^^

22:47:56 Apr 25th 12 - Mr. Poppy:

+1 for me finding out this thread just now :D

other then that, first time VU and im loving it. i would like to see some updated guides tho, most are of a few years ago, and im asuming things change every now and then :)

so you pro players get to work and update them ( if they really are outdated) :)

Anyhow, may the best team win ^^

00:00:34 Apr 26th 12 - Mr. Ramza Beoulve:

poppy aka Bloodshotrawr :-P and this is Mantrax (era is like nearly out and Zetamania thread is somewhere else) :-P

10:29:42 Apr 26th 12 - Mr. Bloodshotrawr:

omg, i thought i was on bloodshotrawr haha, superfail! :D  my bad, and how did you know im also poppy!! haxors

15:15:39 Apr 26th 12 - Pure (Sir Pure II):

If you go onto chat and type /whois (name) it comes up with all their characters,

04:21:43 Apr 27th 12 - Mr. Ramza Beoulve:


10:23:19 Apr 27th 12 - Mr. Nice Pot of Irish Stew:

add that to the new guide.. ;)

19:20:46 May 2nd 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Indira Gandhi):


20:38:13 May 2nd 12 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobi Wan Kenobi):

Go entertain yourself.

21:13:24 May 2nd 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Indira Gandhi):

I am, over you Kob. *fapfapfap*

00:34:05 May 3rd 12 - Electric Toothbrush:

never been in a kingdom that disbands after losing.... like a little child...

02:27:41 May 3rd 12 - Pure (Mr. Ineedanewname):

Aww poor Palpy, lost his MC and arma town so decided to disband his kingdom. It's actually really sad.

02:34:09 May 3rd 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Indira Gandhi):

He who giveth can taketh away. But then again, it's the opposite way round in this case (in regards to arma).

07:59:29 May 3rd 12 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobi Wan Kenobi):

Didn,t realize you where still our KD mr Electric Dildo, i sure did not see you tribute anything when it was most needed.

And Wilber, because it seems you are doing the thinink for FW these days.

Arma casting is like saying you except defeat and grant the victory to you opponent with respect, but it seems FW is determent to genocide everything on the map for there personal benefit, maybe this is also the main reson why this game is not gaining more new players.

You can't even respect the mayority of votes to end the era.



08:38:41 May 3rd 12 - Mr. Kentucky Fried Cat:

um that was my secondary MC which had almost no mages in it, so no loss. Electric if you bothered to be on skpe like the rest of the team , you could of voted. It was suggested by several members so I put it to the vote of those who were there. We all agreed tha the majority of the world wanted the era to end, we had accepted FW's victory but they want to take away from the spirit of fun of the game of having it continue until we are all gone, well after we had stopped fighting. A rocess that would mean the era goes for weeks more perhaps. Several members were so disgusted with it that they left before I disbanded. some will burn the cities and there have been plagues and dragons cast, but for most of us it means we will have a break from this world until the new era. Can't be bothered.

11:45:51 May 3rd 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Indira Gandhi):

This is from me, nothing to do with FW.

The simple fact of the matter is this. I was not alone in my wish for arma to be cancelled. Obviously only a slight majority did, 29:22 and 3 non-voters (all 3 of which were FW I believe). So some people in BoW/SW still wished for the era to continue.

Our enemies were not sufficiently killed to my/others liking. You guys had evicted the majority of our guys out of your core and you had many, many armies remaining alive. You even had people high HoH. The difference between 1st and 8th I found, was not huge. Few hundred K buildings lost and 70k AMs, and I dropped. It would not be difficult for a last minute whore for score victory and hell, some SW players were bragging about the mass amount of resources. Example, Jill having 1bill+.
SW - Were alive and kicking, and would of taken us days (weeks?) to finally be rid of you guys fully.
BoW - Our 2 man assault nearly became a 1 man assault, and some clever play and Devi could probably of been stalled long enough till era end of the NEW arma I cast.

Speaking of the new arma I cast. Who cancelled that? That was SW (pot and I can recast easily enough but you're undermining everything you're arguing about. I know, I should of protected the arma city abit better, but I was under the impression people wanted it to end now. Well played for taking it out though, I should of payed attention ;)

In addition to this, we were under the understanding that a new arma = a new vote. The plan/general consensus (as I understood it) had been to cast again after Warlock had taken your blocker, then after that, recast, then start slowly voting yes. Perhaps at tick 120 left.

The whole ragequit/b&d everything so Wilber doesn't get it, just made our killing of you speed up, and IF the system worked as it should (new arma, new vote), within 3 days of now I know alot of us would of voted yes.

Don't get all butthurt because we ruined your plan of survival, we were without a shadow of a doubt, the strongest KD of the era, and that should be reflected with the scores. Having a trace of anyone being alive and kicking and being nearly as strong as us on the scores isn't reflective of how it was a solo FW effort (again). As I said, once you guys had been hurt pretty bad, arma would of been recast and we would of voted yes.

Yes, I'm pretty mad right now, hence this message. Fed up of pathetic "hurr durr, look what FW did. Look at how homo they are." It's been a good era and all this shit-throwing is ruining it. Fair enough, disband KD to raze stuff. Fair enough, cast plague. Fair enough, cast dragons. Fair enough do everything in your power to stop/annoy us. But when shit gets thrown, it benefits nobody.

Kob, Palpy, Alban, etc, you've all been valiant opponents, however, that doesn't mean you guys should be obliterated any less. You've all had a good era and I respect you guys. You've been pretty honourable. Hell, I saw a Dwarf who hadn't been playing in 10+ days. Most KDs nowerdays would of long since fed on him. I praised you guys. I don't want to regret praising you.
We should be blaming ZeTa for the flawed/faulty system. The era would of ended only a couple days after the original arma should of, as the cleanup crew would be pretty swifty going through what spoils have yet to be razed. :)

11:56:46 May 3rd 12 - heroix (Mr. Chewbacca):

> Speaking of the new arma I cast. Who cancelled that? That was SW (pot and I can recast easily enough but you're undermining everything you're arguing about. I know, I should of protected the arma city abit better, but I was under the impression people wanted it to end now. Well played for taking it out though, I should of payed attention ;)

That was my decision alone. Had a nazgul scout nearby - why not. Doesn't seem like a lot longer time to wait for era to end taking in consideration it would have been almost ended if the first was not cancelled. Did that just for lulz.

And all our disband is the same as you quit the game in any RTS to surrender. Even thought you still have many colonies it's not worth wasting the time for both players watching them being destroyed.

12:17:37 May 3rd 12 - Mr. Lokken:

While I personally couldn't have cared less whether or not arma continued, if you don't want someone cancelling it, then don't "OMG!!!! ARMA BEFORE WE ALL DIE!!!1!!!" so early.

"Arma casting is like saying you except defeat and grant the victory to you opponent with respect"

Granting victory with respect? rofl. Do you actually expect me to believe that you believe that Kobu? Never mind. Not important. Arma casting (particularly this early) is like saying you think your going to lose but don't want to sit around watching the result of any mistakes you might have made. Quitting a chess game because the other guy took your queen. Kingdom deciding to cast arma = Alt+F4. Nothing else.

"You can't even respect the mayority of votes to end the era."

If you really wanted a "respectful" arma you would have let the war play out and wait for a real majority, then gone for an instant arma rather than hoping a fluffy poll of people who have lost (or want to avoid losing) some towns will enable your escape. There's a good reason why a low majority wont trigger instant arma. No chance of instant arma now though. No choice but to wait.

"Electric if you bothered to be on skpe like the rest of the team , you could of voted. It was suggested by several members so I put it to the vote of those who were there. We all agreed tha the majority of the world wanted the era to end"

I am truly glad that "a majority of Star Wars skype users who were there" were able to come to a consensus on what Mantrax wanted, unfortunately your consensus isn't really relevant. "a majority of Star Wars skype users who were there" decided they were going to lose and tried to arma their way out of "bad times" and someone else decided to cancel it.

"some will burn the cities and there have been plagues and dragons cast"

Your welcome to, however this sort of thing only shows your real motives for arma. Stop the qq and grow up.

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