Forums / In game politics / Mantrax kingdoms - next era

Mantrax kingdoms - next era
14:26:20 Dec 7th 07 - Lord Carnage:

what's the weakest mantrax kingdom next era?
I'm going to join it.
Fantasia is just too boring ^^
And I won't have much time next era anyways...
and I'm hated by many fantasias :(

14:29:19 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Might:


14:48:22 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Mr. Might


12/7/2007 2:29:19 PM

Trio is the strongest next era, we will be imense, join us :)

We would love you to join   =)

15:05:56 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Might:

Why is trio always trying to get me to join them?

15:08:59 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

we dont want you, we want lord carnage

15:22:40 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

were the hell has my post gone!?


join freedom!

15:32:47 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I dont think he wants to go that low....

16:38:40 Dec 7th 07 - Lord Carnage:

didn't anyone notice the word "weakest"? >_>

I'm talking like Japeyes... (me and katsu wuld rulez!)

some small kingdom, small politics, easy life...
somewhere I can retire to ^^

16:46:36 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sun:

The weakest one would be one that does not exist. Hence join that null KD, and do a one man show.

16:59:24 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Go kdless and see if you survive or join trio and be assured you survive

17:12:45 Dec 7th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

DarkRiders will start in Mantrax unless Zeta opens first. we are not the weakest, but we are not the strongest either. what we are is honest, hard fighters, and we dont break treaty agreements.  Next era we will be recruiting. the players we seek are:

active: at least on once a day.

honest and honourable

obedient: nothing is worse than a rebel with his/her own agenda, so teamplayer falls under this one.

if someone from another kingdom wrongs you...bring it to the vices, we will deal with it. if there is a problem between kingdom mates, we will help you settle it.

for new players, we will be happy to train you.

for experienced players, when filling out the app. please tell us what kingdoms you have been in and how many eras you have been playing, this will help us to determine positions.

17:14:55 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

fuk off

join trio, we dont care about none of that *beep*, just the fact if your actice ( you are)

17:30:03 Dec 7th 07 - Lord Carnage:

I'm definitely not joining any kingdom Revenge is in... (chill man..)

Rhianna - Obedient? O_O

Of course I could just land kingdomless and join some nearby faction... beheh

17:32:21 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

im joking dude lmao, im not that insane, well if you want to listen to my toaster... ill let you if you want? hes dying to talk =)

17:36:50 Dec 7th 07 - Lord Argyle:

Though he has a point, playing alone will give you lots of things to do.

17:38:38 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

just because everyone hates you on fantasia, doesnt meen no one does on mantrax, going alone would be pretty silly, you would end up getting ut on newb world,

join trio

17:41:06 Dec 7th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

by obedient i mean willing to follow directions and yes, orders when told not to attack so and so, or whatever...

17:44:52 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

sounds odd to me, some women on a power trip......

anyway,  join trio, its beter

19:31:13 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Allan:

Revenge shuttup.... your sp@mming way to much. Carnage I do apologize for Revenge he had too many cookies today and he is very wound up.

But Trio isn't really much of a hard working KD. we're all pretty much laid back lol. If you do wanna join a KD on Mant we're not really the "strongest" just the most strategically advanced lol. But Trio will win next era :P

20:17:46 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Can somebody strangle that mr Revenge, getting sick of his stupid remarks

20:28:10 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I would strangle myself but then that woudnt be fun would it !

20:28:35 Dec 7th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc strangles Revenge*

20:53:35 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Plague:

you could join assassin's creed next era its new and i hope it goes well some members from ritz are joining and some other people but we still need some more

21:33:47 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Might:

Lord Carnage, why don't you join Holy Cows? You could be a awesome Cow.

Imagine a cow ripping apart humans, elves, orcs, and those pesky halflings.

22:40:58 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lucimorth:

we could create a kingdom as two orc mages and get molested by big kingdoms :P

22:54:27 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Last Savior:

heres an idea...everyone in this post could keep blowing carnage...maybe then helll join your kingdom

23:50:07 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Mr. Might


12/7/2007 3:05:56 PMWhy is trio always trying to get me to join them?

who is mr might ? ^^ i must have been high

hmm revenge i counted you asked him six times lol

00:36:35 Dec 8th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

Mr. Last Savior


12/7/2007 2:54:27 PM
heres an idea...everyone in this post could keep blowing carnage...maybe then helll join your kingdom
why is there always some immature dirty minded child that has to ruin a perfectly enjoyable thread?????

01:07:38 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Allan:

I'll tell you Rhiannia...

becuase many people are very stupid.

01:36:57 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Last Savior:

no i just find it quite funny how all of you would probably do anything to have him in your KD...almost embarrassing if you ask me...nothing to do with being stupid

01:42:13 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Might:

GADZOOTS! Lord Carnalade, The Gorgeous Gorgons have taken over Tacoville! What are we to do?

04:51:25 Dec 8th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

Mr. Last Savior


12/7/2007 5:36:57 PM

no i just find it quite funny how all of you would probably do anything to have him in your KD...almost embarrassing if you ask me...nothing to do with being stupid

did it never occur to you that carnage was asking for information to better judge what kd he could best benefit with his exp? yes, it woud be nice to have an exp player, but i will not beg him to join DarkRiders. he is intelligent enough to make his own choice based on the information he receives. yes one person is being rude and begging him. i would hardly say that we all are. but even if we were there is no call to be crass or vulgar in your choice of words. it is ignorance and unintelligence that resorts to such words to express themselves when there are plenty of other, better, cleaner words that will do just as well.

07:47:38 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Allan:

Mr. Might


12/7/2007 7:42:13 PM

GADZOOTS! Lord Carnalade, The Gorgeous Gorgons have taken over Tacoville! What are we to do?



Its Gadzooks... thank you very kindly...

oh! and kudos for Rhiannia


P.S. Rhiannia, Join trio we need a girl so we don't look like a boy band :P

07:52:01 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

I like metal...

07:55:19 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Meltyface:

woohoo rock on metal brother

12:09:41 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

just wondering
trio will be on mantrax next era who will be coming to challenge us ?

12:12:20 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

no one, because we rock!

13:26:37 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Plague:

assassin's creed might be your ally or against you not sure

14:40:14 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Its:

revenge please do not make a badd name for musketeers respect to other srry for his behviour can you cool down revenge:)

14:41:15 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I can....

but will I...

16:13:01 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Might:


18:30:55 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Blunts:

yea and....

20:07:56 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

lol, nice use of the 'couldn't care less' tone Blunts ;)

00:05:13 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

right about now mr its, i would make a disclaimer on revenge, you know, one of those statements that says that what he says does not reflect the feelings or intelligence of the rest of the kingdom he has joined....that way whatever he says or whomever he offends, you will not need to worry about it making you or your kingdom looking bad. we all understand that almost every kingdom usually must deal with those lacking intelligence or maturity or both, until that person either learns better or leaves the game.

00:07:02 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

oh, and thank you kindly for the offer mr allen, but i had better stay with my kingdom...they know me and tolerate my quirks rather generously. :o)

00:07:33 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Might:

Rhiannia is using her superior intelligence to insult Revenge ^^

00:13:51 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Look, I like to spam , I like to flame, I enjoy being flamed because I taste better after, I dont care what she thinks because If she dared come to Mantrax Intelligence wouldn't be needed because I would pwn her so bad she wouldn't go near the computer without crying

00:14:04 Dec 9th 07 - Sir Griffith:

that is the worst kind of insult

00:19:06 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Might:

Revenge it all went well with your comeback until of got to the part where it completely destroyed it. The word PWN obliterated your post.

00:19:57 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

awww, you poor baby, now dont go throwing tantrums, i AM coming to mantrax...and i accept your challenge....oh yeah, you should know, i DONT cry.

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