Forums / In game politics / Me Vs PKS 1vs37

Me Vs PKS 1vs37
14:11:28 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

this is the story of one guy who decided to be a jerk at the end of an era and attack a whole kingdom by himself.. everything i put in this is for fun and flaming me is allowed and even encouraged.. i will enjoy every angry comment people can throw at me. so please send me some angry words

now for the first embarresing post...

Hats Off Mountain with 14683 soldiers awaiting your orders, Necromancer...

Pamela is defended by 577526 soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor. The city is also defended by 339500 peasants.
Pamela has 1234 walls, which provide 48% extra defence.
Our strategists say that we currently have around 77% chance for a successful attack, 96% for a successful siege assault or .
We have prepared 2 days for this attack. It will take another 22 days before our soldiers are fully prepared.

2 days.. prepping and i got 1.8k nazguls against 577k troops.. what is this guy making Farmers??? this is fant.. for gods sake

14:15:07 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Is it an armoury?

14:18:02 Aug 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

end of era score pumping ;)

14:22:45 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Makedon:

It looks like you are hitting a city full of magicians...

something like what I have experienced:



I'm terrible sorry Mr. Makedon. But we have lost the battle.
Our army escaped to Poke.
We killed a total of 2340 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Ooo (your army)
Swordsmen 1 0 1
Archers 0 0 0
Knights 0 0 0
Magicians 0 0 0
Catapults 0 0 0



I'm terrible sorry Mr. Makedon. But we have lost the battle.
Our army escaped to Poke.
We killed a total of 1170 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Ooo (your army)
Swordsmen 1 0 0
Archers 0 0 0
Knights 0 0 0
Magicians 0 0 0
Catapults 0 0 0



They surrendered. Mr. Makedon. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 1021 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +5 extra experience.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Ooo (your army)
Swordsmen 1 0 0
Archers 0 0 0
Knights 0 0 0
Magicians 0 0 0
Catapults 0 0 0

14:28:41 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

i only have like 10k mus if it was 500k magicans he should have frozen, locusts, rof by now

14:47:59 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Oh nvm, stupid me just saw the amount of pez.. would be one big ass armoury if it was. Farmers to increase food prod... just he hasn't got the amount quite right? :P


Or as Osi said, end of era pumping.

14:57:44 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

cept hes an orc... hes using Gai lol

15:04:11 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Makedon:

1800 x 150 = 270000

if Gaia -> 577526 x 1 = 577526

577526 >> 270000

so you could not take that city.

577526 are all MU's. The defence the city has is the peasants and the walls.

15:09:17 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:


choose city empl. prod. morale gates
100% 100% 92% open
//tab down to the right city var opt = document.getelementbyid('cityid') for(var i=0;i

this city has 0 peasants and 0 are looking for a place to work.
there is space for 9519 more buildings and we can at this time build a maximum of 797 structures or 797 more walls.
it costs 3799 gold, 712 tree and 949 stone ( 7599 for walls) to build one building. each building take up to 30 days to build.

i took the city and im lvl 10 military..

05:59:39 Aug 24th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Crimson Wave II
owned by Mr. Von Darkmoor

owned by Ms. Jailbait

owned by Lord Oya

owned by Guildmaster Drenthinio

owned by Sir Harry The Crazy

owned by Mr. Xerxez

owned by Mr. Jonathan

Really Dark Blood
owned by Mr. Kayn

Savior Sephiroth
owned by Mr. Sephiroth

Dogum Gunum
owned by Mr. Fordius

owned by Mr. Spraitas

Big Boy
owned by Sir Soc Innewyork

owned by Sir Soc Innewyork

owned by Mr. Jdquench

Four Tree Farm
owned by Necromancer Holy Paladin

owned by Mr. Dreadlord

owned by Mr. Von Darkmoor

owned by Mr. Sephiroth

owned by Ms. Halle Barry

owned by Mr. Kobuskan

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[DB] Dark Blood
With Lord Oya as leader.

[Zone] The Twilight
With Mr. Von Darkmoor as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeepers
With Sir Grim Darkhammer as leader.

[WoL] Wolves of Lithuania
With Duke Vytautas Didysis as leader.

With Mr. Arkantos as leader.

[B] Boo
With Mr. Spook as leader.

[SHEOL] Sheolic Empire
With Mr. Zerocool as leader.

[Music] Music
With Mr. Gilth as leader.

[shyers] Shyers Empire
With Sir Half The Shyers I Use as leader.

[DP] Death Proof
With Necromancer Holy Paladin as leader.

Grumpy old Star
Member of: Dark Blood.

Sir Soc Innewyork
Member of: Dark Blood.

Mr. Xerxez
Member of: Dark Blood.

Mr. Ingo Von Lucker
Member of: The Twilight.

Mr. Fordius
Member of: The Twilight.

Ms. Jailbait
Member of: Dark Blood.

Khan Krtek Buldozer
Member of: Dark Blood.

Duke Vytautas Didysis
Member of: Wolves of Lithuania.

Lady Quietone
Member of: Dark Blood.

Mr. Jim Morrison
Member of: Peacekeepers.

11:12:24 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Whats the point? You have a city on HoH, wow! At 5th aswell, amazing!

There has your ego been rubbed enough now?

11:19:31 Aug 24th 08 - Khan Krtek Buldozer:

No, I think he just wanted to point out, that i am on the HoH, 7th, he just screwed up the highlighting. So, I am expecting all buckets of flowers and KFC chicken parts, or other forms of compliments in the VIP lounge. THanks Paladino.

11:59:12 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

*throws his underwear at khan*


12:49:09 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Can I have ur number plz!! xxx spoon

15:39:27 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Grimm Reaper:

i was expecting some real flameing.. and of course i have a large ego thats why i have the guts to do this "_"

16:12:29 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

do you think what you're doing is special, or that it even makes you a good player because you are taking cities all by yourself? ANYONE on Fant. that tries what you did, while PKS was moving everything they had at DB (and you knew that because they let you build in the core), could take out a few cities. Now what would be impressive is if you could sustain it...but you can't because you aren't that great of a player....

18:18:11 Aug 24th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

there you go someone actually flames me for once... jeeze been waiting for ever

and jim morrison ive killed like 20 armies and frozen double of that im not saying im the best player in the world but im still one guy and im not stupid i know i cant win this but this is way better then farming all era like the majority of fant do "_"

22:40:43 Aug 24th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

Thank you PKS for the good memories and fight i hope your fight with DB goes well for the rest of the era

23:01:44 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

i thought someone should shovel some *beep* on you! :)

23:13:11 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Sonicx:


Sir Sonicx. The city of Four Tree Farm is now under our command!
They had 581493 gold, 522590 stone, 721093 tree, 2638427 food and 47512 slaves in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 503 troops.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Super Sonicx (your army)
Gaia XXX 0 0
Hammerthrowers XXX 0 0
Ogres XXX 0 0
Shamans XXX 0 0
Nazguls XXX 0 0


You ran away? O.O

23:21:59 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Sonicx:

Necromancer Holy Paladin


8/24/2008 6:18:11 PM
there you go someone actually flames me for once... jeeze been waiting for ever

and jim morrison ive killed like 20 armies and frozen double of that im not saying im the best player in the world but im still one guy and im not stupid i know i cant win this but this is way better then farming all era like the majority of fant do "_"


No, no, farming isn't good enough for you, you have to go betraying kingdoms then feel big about taking cities full of peasants or MUs.

Move this to ingame politics.


01:10:55 Aug 25th 08 - Trigger Happy With Turettes:

Any one else notice this....

Mr. Grimm Reaper


8/24/2008 8:39:27 AM
i was expecting some real flameing.. and of course i have a large ego thats why i have the guts to do this "_"

01:46:44 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:


01:54:10 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Heracles III:

Oh, happy day for you.

02:09:32 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Heracles III:

And we are all so in awe of your ability to take control of defensless property. That is such an amazing feat, I mean really so skillfull as to be some kind of famous tactic or something. Gosh, we are so humbled by your brilliant manuevers. This has got to be one of the most ingenious plans ever devised in all of VU history. You must be so proud...

Everybody is going to remember this moment for all time.

02:14:16 Aug 25th 08 - Daimyo Chuck Norris:




05:48:19 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:


08:01:12 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Mr. Grimm Reaper


8/24/2008 7:39:27 AM
i was expecting some real flameing.. and of course i have a large ego thats why i have the guts to do this "_"

Trigger Happy had the same thought I did.


10:48:17 Aug 25th 08 - Khan Krtek Buldozer:

Well, i am sorry, all my fans, in the meantime i slipped back to Nr8, but i will do everything - even consulting Phelps's doctor - to pull myself together, and get better. Again, sorry...

*writes his number on Harry's dirty underwear and throws it back at Spoon*

11:07:02 Aug 25th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

"_" sonex is the only one so far with a good army "_" i couldent beat your army sonex i only had like 46% not worth the losses

11:12:01 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Mr. Opportunity


8/25/2008 8:01:12 AM
Mr. Grimm Reaper


8/24/2008 7:39:27 AM
i was expecting some real flameing.. and of course i have a large ego thats why i have the guts to do this "_"

Trigger Happy had the same thought I did.


No, I don't multi. I accidently posted in the wrong thread...


lal, yeah I saw it but for some reason. I carried on scrolling down.

00:37:51 Aug 26th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

DP Death Proof 1 Necromancer Holy Paladin
BLS Black Label Society 1 Mr. Death Proof 1

13:15:08 Aug 26th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

yea thats wierd but my multi is Grimm Reaper not Black Label Society

13:17:05 Aug 26th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

errr.... prepare to be deleted O.o

13:20:18 Aug 26th 08 - Mr. Grimm Reaper:

yea what the hell im Necromancers Holy paladins Brother and multi  "_"

and shut up emosgirl "_"

13:32:27 Aug 26th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

uhm, death to the multi!

Everyone grab your stones!

Or pitchforks and flames, depending on what kind of riot we're starting.

13:33:46 Aug 26th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

You shouldn't make it so obvious O.o

And stop calling me emogirl, that was ages ago...

15:28:08 Aug 26th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

obvious??? whats obvious that me and my friend are joking about multi's lol

20:33:48 Aug 26th 08 - Mr. Basch:

yeah right... you multi!!

21:07:22 Aug 26th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

Hey Opportunity, keep my name out of your mouth! Dont lump me in with that traitor...i am NOT a multi of that piece of sh!t, i have more honor and WAAAAYYY more sense than that

22:09:44 Aug 26th 08 - Mr. Heracles III:

There you go, Necro,  now your 15 minutes of  fame is over.

See ya ! Wouldn't wanna  be ya !!


01:21:10 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

lol funny coincedence though

01:40:48 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

Lol Lewatha was an emo!

05:27:25 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:


09:28:58 Aug 27th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

15 mins of fame???? im gonna be famous forever

09:57:25 Aug 27th 08 - Sir Chucky:

Mr. Grimm Reaper


8/26/2008 10:20:18 PMyea what the hell im Necromancers Holy paladins Brother and multi  "_"

and shut up emosgirl "_"

you got a problem with emos?
i'll stab you boii!!!!

10:05:18 Aug 27th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

funny, your still weaker that me :)

15:37:59 Aug 29th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

well.. duh

21:17:35 Aug 30th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

Sir Chucky


8/27/2008 1:57:25 AM
Mr. Grimm Reaper


8/26/2008 10:20:18 PMyea what the hell im Necromancers Holy paladins Brother and multi  "_"

and shut up emosgirl "_"

you got a problem with emos?
i'll stab you boii!!!!


wouldn't u rather use that razor for ur own wrists? O.o

21:46:59 Aug 30th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

hai, btw... you suck at betraying your KD... dont think you did anything did you? :P

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