Forums / In game politics / Mercenaries Embassy

Mercenaries Embassy
12:45:46 Jun 22nd 11 - Mr. Haldimir II The Mercenary:

The kingdom is now created, as for now we are currently on valhalla and latha. the kingdom is now accepting applicants. Also we are searching for representatives for each worlds for the kingdom to spread their service. 

Join us and be hired.

13:12:01 Jun 22nd 11 - Mr. Haldimir II The Mercenary:

The Mercenaries

In every battle between kingdoms, there always be a victor and a loser, the defeated kingdom will be disbanded or thrown to other worlds; and their members died or manage to survive, this survivors form small groups of bandits for them to survive.

Ages had passed and one man stood up and lead the small groups to form a one guild called the Mercenaries, a group of hired warriors to fight the cause of others for them to survive.

Join the Mercenaries now.

This Kingdom will fight for the cause of other kingdoms/individual players for a right amount(resources, cities or protect our borders).

The members of this kingdom are not required to spawn in the same world. He may choose what world he want, but still he must use the banner of the Mercenaries. 

We will change world of war in visual - utopia.

02:47:35 Jun 27th 11 - Mr. Haldimir III The Mercenary:

The Mercenaries are now in Starta. Anyone who are interested to join please do.

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