Forums / In game politics / Midgard (re-made)

Midgard (re-made)
23:06:41 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

... lets try to keep on topic the other midgard was deleted... cough.. i mean locked

07:20:23 Apr 25th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


08:12:43 Apr 25th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol... OKie... So update the war.

08:59:48 Apr 25th 08 - Sir Slade:

Whos killing who

15:36:54 Apr 25th 08 - Sir Valentine:

These are the wars i know..



wolfKnights of White Wolf




UNSCUnited Nations Space Corporation

KOThe Kingdom of Oxy*beep*s

15:51:06 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

oh.. im about to take on Lord of the rings kingdom "_"

as of this moment Royal is winning against Woflves only the future will know the true fate of things "_"

15:52:25 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

Elements must still have people in Mantrax.. it doesnt make sense for them to be this good this fast..

17:07:49 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Water:

maybe ;D

17:09:29 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Water:

me agaisnt TA *_*

19:50:20 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Knight Hunter:

lol Royal are NOT winning against wolves, we have them pinned back to there area, from which they cant advance!

21:31:45 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Sakreo:

lol then no one is winning

21:32:06 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Sakreo:

and you dont have me pinned down

00:15:59 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Dragon Might:

i have arrived!! >_>,

09:17:08 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Knight Hunter:

well u cant get past my block and we havent tried to get past urs yet

09:49:49 Apr 26th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol.. What is with Thatguy and Fraser's armies?

11:36:09 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

what u mean?

13:10:01 Apr 26th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol.. Its none of your business... Heh heh.. Jk..

Dude... where are your hoh armies? I have never seen your hoh army around me.. Whom are you attacking with??

15:07:20 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

im single handling killing Lord of the Ring(kingdom)... or at least 3 of its members

15:19:21 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Chuck Norriis:


16:17:29 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Patriot:

Water, your lucky our core isnt in that area, haha

16:21:10 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Air:

i thought it was the other way around ;)

16:51:55 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Sakreo:

iam pretty sure i can take your blocker when i want to

17:37:01 Apr 26th 08 - Sir Valentine:

boom & co (merged)

army info
commander:mr. sakreokingdom banner
size:brigade (around 5000)
status:moving north east

merged armies

owned by sakreo

frasers v
owned by mr. fraser

wooott! marching to wolf's blocker... 1 shall rise 1 shall fall... watch it live!... but too bad.. broadcast only available in midgard and around that area.. xd
i have the best seat in the house! i have scouts near it.. heh heh..

19:18:15 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Sakreo:



19:21:10 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Water:

Mr. Patriot


4/26/2008 5:17:29 PM
Water, your lucky our core isnt in that area, haha


fukc ;( i really like taking citys from ze little nubbies oh ok were is your core im coming

20:43:35 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

@ Thatguy,, you are attacking 3 members at once, but 1 *beep*, one inactive *beep* and me :p but dont think its over, dont think that you have won, that was HH's fold on Nirvana. we will fight till we are killed (or till we knocked you away of our core XD)

20:53:49 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Patriot:

Water, if I released that information then you wouldn't have a little exploration fun.  I can't ruin that, can I?



21:04:16 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

btw Zulikha, i know that the movies are called lord of the rings, but the KD is called Lords of the ring because all members are a lord of the ring :p

21:35:53 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Dragon Might:

yay go aragorn you can do it =-)

21:44:52 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Water:

i wanna wanna wanna .. give me your secret plans ;D maye we could go out tonight? u would tell ure secret desires ;D

23:27:49 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

.... HH wasent a good kingdom.. i dunno why your bringing it up.. it had some good people.. but was highly unorganized...

00:51:58 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Patriot:

lol water you just get more and more interesting every post. 


00:54:36 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Earth:

Water will soo kick all of your asses xD

00:57:20 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Patriot:

well technically Im not even fightning water.....yet ;)



01:15:24 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Dragon Might:

HH was a good kingdom it had some organization just the new members it took on did not follow orders very well if you fought us guy you would know that.

04:32:52 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Sakreo:

wolf is dead

06:39:28 Apr 27th 08 - Sir Valentine:

It looks like Royal won the -Battle of the Blockers-...

Lol... Sakreo.. Help me kick those Wolf asses.. They are poking me while i am in war with LOTR, KO and UNSC... Haih...

Damn Anna The Sorceress...

If only there is more time, i shall unleash my greatest halflings ever man. xD

07:05:14 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Sakreo:

 iam gonna wope some wolf ass lol

11:55:39 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Water:

congratulations thatguy for getting nr1 in midgard ;DDDD while u are doing nubbish wars im making a deal with ZE DEVIL ;D and u all will see my amazingness

12:51:09 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

i did fight u guys i killed u last era...

13:11:34 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

  • 05:15:52: Fire rains from the sky on our For The Rings army! 14 troops burned to death.
  • 05:15:57: Fire rains from the sky on our For The Rings army! 13 troops burned to death.
  • 05:16:03: Fire rains from the sky on our For The Rings army! 12 troops burned to death.
  • 05:16:05: Fire rains from the sky on our For The Rings army! 11 troops burned to death.
  • 05:16:08: Fire rains from the sky on our For The Rings army! 10 troops burned to death.
  • 05:16:10: Mr. Arathorn attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 05:16:12: Mr. Arathorn attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 05:16:15: Fire rains from the sky on our For The Rings army! 8 troops burned to death.
  • 05:16:17: Mr. Arathorn attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 05:16:20: Fire rains from the sky on our For The Rings army! 7 troops burned to death.
  • 05:16:32: Mr. Arathorn attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 05:16:34: Mr. Arathorn attempted to cast a spell upon us.

LotR has good magic "_" i lost 75 men.. 38k worth of the men so.. really not bad, not bad at all keep up the good work guys

13:45:55 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Arjun Ramchand:

you know... when i was in midgard i seemed to fair better than you buddy. i atleast had 500-1k troops ready to attack enemies by the time i was OOP. it was my first era and i didnt have much bad time in that era.

14:32:33 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

.... speakin to me?

14:56:54 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Water:

rof? only like that 75men ;D i would rofed all your armies ;DD arathorn needs to learn magic...

15:15:32 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

it was a joke, water to show what they are trying to fight me with lol... ive killed... like 5 of thier armies roughly 500 troops each and lost about 200 ponies "_"

15:18:53 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Well... KO are pretty much dead. Only me on my lonesome :(

15:22:56 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

well.. u  were pretty small to start with werent u killer..? even if your xpert u cant take on 2-3 xperts..

15:22:58 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Water:

thanx thatguy ;D now i know that u are training ponies ;D bwuahahahah im relaising my 1k gaia soon ;) u will see u little pumpkin

15:25:37 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

.... not only ponies but he only has attacked my pony armies...

15:27:08 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Yeah, and I'm *beep*, so I definitely can't take on 3 experts... Still, I reckon I might last for a tiny bit longer...

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