Forums / In game politics / Midgard 27

Midgard 27
17:37:43 Feb 9th 14 - Mr. Mereth:

Seems as though the OOP war will eventually sway into our favor and after our core is cleansed of the orc filth that is pilots i look forward to this era - we should have a good time! :-)

more are welcome to join. midgard, while small, is a fun place to be.

22:23:03 Feb 9th 14 - Mr. Cygnus:

Needs more blinding text.

13:40:25 Feb 10th 14 - Alrisaia (Ms. Lyrelai):

Um... what?

00:19:26 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Mereth:

so quiet...

02:30:11 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Cygnus:

Ashrak down for the count? 

02:57:41 Feb 19th 14 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia):

seems as such Cygnus - your name sounds familiar it's a star yes?

02:59:55 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Cygnus:

Constellation, but I had no idea till I googled it right now. I get all my names from Harry Potter.

00:42:47 Feb 25th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Cazic Thule):

So a bunch of old vets and some Fant players landed on Midgard to noob-stomp?

01:06:36 Feb 25th 14 - Edgardo (Mr. Cygnus):

And noob-stomp we have!

01:07:04 Feb 25th 14 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia):

nooooob-stomping? awesome i love getting stomped!!!! :-)

did someone say bohica?

21:50:15 Feb 25th 14 - Edgardo (Mr. Cygnus):

Where is the rest of Mythology? 

02:37:12 Feb 28th 14 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia):

who's mythology?

02:38:04 Feb 28th 14 - Rora (Ms. Crystal Goddess of War):

Another small kingdom in Midgard, Arkantos last era left Ashrak and started it I believe.

02:44:44 Feb 28th 14 - Edgardo (Mr. Cygnus):

Yeah, I was in Mythology at the beginning of the era, but I didn't see much activity from Arkantos so, I left. I assumed he was one your guys side, he attacked us around the same time, Crystal started moving against us. 

21:31:26 Mar 1st 14 - Rora (Empress Aurora):

15:14:13 Mar 1st 14 - Xerxes The Great (Sir Xerxes The Devil):

i wanna come back and play


The era is almost over, basically just waiting for someone to cast arma. If it were cast now by Wizengamot on a 1 building city right now, they should have time to finish the era, if not.. restart arma

22:31:53 Mar 1st 14 - Dark Knight Endo:

dont worry, i almost have magic 9

01:23:04 Mar 3rd 14 - Xerxes The Great (Sir Xerxes The Devil):

i dont have the time to play soit doesnt even matter

19:00:28 Mar 17th 14 - Dark Knight Endo Argrif:

finally had a successful arma cast x-x
hurry up and vote!

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