Forums / In game politics / Midgard Age 18

Midgard Age 18
17:02:58 Dec 13th 12 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

Kingdoms in Midgard
Obscenities from Space9Mr. Michael Corleone644
Black Dragons2Sir Black Dragon141
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline100

Anyone else joining?

11:51:38 Dec 16th 12 - Lady Lara Croft:

Something needs to be changed in this game.
Why does every Kd have to start at the same freaking place every era
Everyone sharing a core, and the rest of map is empty
That is just retarded.

12:53:00 Dec 16th 12 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

I traveled away :o

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Midgard
Obscenities from Space9Mr. Michael Corleone352
Equilibrium6Lady Leila223
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon121
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline100

00:28:43 Dec 19th 12 - Lady Lara Croft:

This is super funny.. Only three small kingdoms on this map, and people still do NAPs... I was really expecting to do a all for themselves war, but I see kingdoms share cores and show no aggression, just preparation for attack on us :) Funny

So when that 12 vs 6 is over, what do you expect to do?

02:03:14 Dec 19th 12 - Yukan (Mr. Mirai):

Probably kill me? I do own my own corner of the map lawl

11:37:18 Dec 19th 12 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

I thought being in a KD neutralized protection... ._. Was I wrong?

We have not attacked them and they have not attacked us.

We own more than three times more land than this ruler.

This ruler is protected by the 50% rule.

12:37:50 Dec 19th 12 - Lady Leila:

No, they have protection untill one of them attacks you
Then the entire kingdom will loose protection, but not before they attack.

02:26:01 Dec 21st 12 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

Oh geez who has been losing cities?

Lady Leila has won 5 battles, captured 4 cities and killed a total of 20486 men and women.

Lady Lara Croft has won 2 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 22345 men and women.

Lady Elisa Day The Mage has won 0 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 4541 men and women.

02:28:15 Dec 21st 12 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

Nevermind... I figured it out

MGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium8Lady Leila542
Obscenities from Space7Mr. Michael Corleone350
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline100
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon73
Noobworld2Mr. Elite XX22

02:50:52 Dec 21st 12 - Zond (The Lover For You):

Both kds have.. They NAPed and tried attacking us ^^


16:18:21 Dec 21st 12 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

Like I was saying in the beginning of the era, we were hoping for an interesting era, all for them selves, thinking there are only three kingdoms and it should be fair to all that nobody has allies.

But no, Dragons and Obsenities have decided to NAP and attack us. They sent scouts, built a magic town near us, and they had another armory near our core... Dragons being just above us.

To be honest I also suggested that we quit this world because people tend to NAP even on worlds where there are only three small kingdoms. I was thinking that it would leave them alone on the map and their only goal would be to cast Arma... that was the idea, trying to teach them a lesson not to NAP... But we decided to go for another path, to teach them a lesson that they cant win even when they seriously outnumber us :)

17:34:10 Dec 23rd 12 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

Dec 19th

Kingdoms in Midgard
Obscenities from Space 8Mr. Michael Corleone102
Equilibrium7Lady Leila100
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon43
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline29

Dec 21st

Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium8Lady Leila100
Obscenities from Space 7Mr. Michael Corleone71
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon28
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline20
Noobworld2Mr. Elite XX7

Dec 23rd

Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium8Lady Leila100
Obscenities from Space 6Mr. Michael Corleone56
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline19
Noobworld2Mr. Elite XX11
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon5

06:40:42 Dec 25th 12 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium8Lady Leila503
Obscenities from Space6Mr. Michael Corleone297
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline100
Noobworld2Mr. Elite XX73
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon5

Besides Equilibrium having less power compared to me than yesterday (55-something), nothing much has changed for me.

Merry Christmas. Love Miku Claus.

Good Night ._.

10:22:52 Dec 25th 12 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

Indeed, 1 percent higher :)
Oh, happy holidays to everyone who is celebrating

(Noobworld got alot more then previous time)

Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium8Lady Leila100
Obscenities from Space 6Mr. Michael Corleone60
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline20
Noobworld2Mr. Elite XX15
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon1

05:20:19 Dec 30th 12 - Elite (Mr. Elite XX):

Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium9Lady Leila408
Obscenities from Space 5Mr. Michael Corleone200
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline133
Noobworld2Mr. Elite XX100
Shadows1Mr. Maculet28
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon21

01:47:28 Dec 31st 12 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

Come on... Kill that scout... You know you want to X_x

06:59:34 Dec 31st 12 - Elite (Mr. Elite XX):

26h later:
Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium9Lady Leila385
Obscenities from Space 5Mr. Michael Corleone190
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline107
Noobworld2Mr. Elite XX100
Shadows1Mr. Maculet31
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon21

18:07:06 Jan 1st 13 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

New Kingdom :O

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium9Lady Leila321
Obscenities from Space5Mr. Michael Corleone162
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline100
Noobworld2Mr. Elite XX91
Audacity2Mr. Ghonnoria62
Shadows1Mr. Maculet27
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon18

22:48:50 Jan 3rd 13 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

I am extremely happy right now GAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium9Lady Leila247
Obscenities from Space5Mr. Michael Corleone105
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline100
Noobworld2Mr. Elite XX75
Audacity2Mr. Ghonnoria57
Shadows1Mr. Maculet29
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon17

22:55:59 Jan 3rd 13 - Lady Leila:

Its funny... 50% rule said that "attacking scout will not count as attack because he's attacking my town"... and I killed the scout, and suddenly my Kd looses 50% against the guy who NAPed all map and has only my kingdom to attack... Quite strange, this game is full of bugs...

But good job Grandline, you decided to farm for months and not attack anyone for months, just building up. That must be super exciting, but I guess we're all different.

23:06:40 Jan 3rd 13 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

"the guy who NAPed all map"

Last time I checked, 3 people (Noobworld & Shadows) does not equal a whole map.

"you decided to farm for months and not attack anyone for months, just building up"

Months? Also you went into protection because I had conquered a dwarf (sadface*)

23:23:18 Jan 3rd 13 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

And now we can think about:

Q: Why did I build up?
A: Because I couldn't attack anyone

Q: Why couldn't I attack anyone?
A: Because the nearest threats to me were smaller than me and would not attack my scouts

Q: If they didn't want to attack my scouts and lose their 50% protection, what would you do with your money?
A: Spend it on my mines/armies

Q: And what if they finally attacked your scout? (Large mining city in the dwarf's case)
A: I'd finally send my armies :D


"just building up"

No s***, of course I did. What else could I have done? After I conquered that dwarf, everyone but Noobworld and Obscenities were under protection.

One other thing I would like to add is that I have never once offered a NAP, MAP, etc etc. Its always been me just playing and someone else offers, then I choose to accept it or not depending on how pissed off I am at them during that moment.
(Noobworld didn't do anything to me & I didn't feel like being a dick and killing off Marculet/Shadows since he was so much smaller than me at the time.

23:44:55 Jan 3rd 13 - Lady Leila:

You told me that your spawning area was right there in between Obscenities and Dragons, you said you traveled quite a long time to end up in corner of the map. So ok, you had a late start, while others were building up.

You say you could not attack, you had a late start, so that is first lie.

I see now that you are right next to Elite, who had the same amount of land like you all the time. Next to him you have Obscenities and Dragons. You noticed on forums that we said they allied to kill us, we complained about it, you said you expect they will kill you too.

Then you decided to NAP them.
And you say you dont NAP, that is second lie.

When there are 4 kingdoms on the map, you NAP 3 of them, that pretty much means you NAPed all map, does not matter that my kingdom is the largest, you still managed to NAP most kingdoms on the map. The kingdom all the way down south is new, was not thinking about them, so sure you maybe are fighting them too.
So you NAPed most kingdoms, third lie.

You say people always ask you to NAP them, and I know for a fact that you told Elite that you are new player and he accepted your NAP. But I doubt you're really new player, you were around last era too, and the era before I think, Is that fourth lie?

I will not bother any more.

00:56:50 Jan 4th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

Leila I mixed up grandline with another player for another world, it wasn't grandline.

01:15:58 Jan 4th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Baratie):

"You told me that your spawning area was right there in between Obscenities and Dragons"

 - When did I tell you that?! I said I was in my little corner of the map

"I see now that you are right next to Elite, who had the same amount of land like you all the time."

 - They were in protection when they offered a NAP. They didn't do anything bad to me, so I accepted.

"you said you expect they will kill you too"

 - Because there was no reason why they (Or you guys) wouldn't have killed me afterwards

"Then you decided to NAP them"

 - I NAP'ed them? I recall saying I "never offer a NAP" (Meaning I have never messaged people asking for a NAP or otherwise). They message me for NAPs, then I think about how I feel at the time and respond. In this case only a solo player and Noobworld bothered to offer a NAP. I accepted.

The same applies to KDs. (Example: On Zetamania for the past (and total) three eras, I have been tagless and remained so, until someone messaged me asking if I would like to join them). I just don't like sending in requests to a random KD because it makes me feel weird :|

"you NAP 3 of them"

 - Napped one kingdom while they were in protection and the other person was a solo tagless player until he made his own little kingdom.

"The kingdom all the way down south is new, was not thinking about them, so sure you maybe are fighting them too"

 - Long as they don't attack me, I won't attack them (50% protection is a funny thing :| ...)

"I know for a fact that you told Elite that you are new player"

 - ._. I'm not even gonna answer this, especially since Elite should have known of my existence from two eras ago at least.

15:13:20 Jan 9th 13 - Zond (The Lover For You):

Through everything, and everyone. We still numba 1! 

Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium9Lady Leila100
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline39
Noobworld2Mr. Elite XX38
Obscenities from Space4Mr. Michael Corleone33
Audacity2Mr. Ghonnoria25
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon4
Shadows1Mr. Maculet1

18:01:32 Jan 9th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

I wish there were 9 of me :[

I take that back. We would kill each other XD

21:55:20 Jan 9th 13 - Zond (Mr. Wtf Game):

We picked up kdless ppl and the other kd that had more members... ate some of theirs and other gave up already xD

00:25:07 Jan 11th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

Lets go last era of Painful Bite >:D

Most Powerful ArmiesMost Powerful Cities

Trafalgar Law
Mr. Grandline

Eustass Kid
Mr. Grandline

Firestarter II
Mr. Elite XX

Mr. Elite XX

Leilas Elite
Lady Leila

Khan Stuckonmidgaard

Mr. Jger

Mr. Ghonnoria

Death Tombs
Lady Lara Croft

Its Maximum
The Lover For You

Mr. Guevara

Black Arms
Mr. Haterman

02:17:38 Jan 17th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite XX):

Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium9Lady Leila137
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline104
Noobworld3Mr. Elite XX100
Audacity2Mr. Ghonnoria69
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon4

13:17:34 Jan 18th 13 - Lady Leila:

I would like to congratulate the winners of Midgard this era
You fought well, good combination of farming for most era and final battle
It was good, you won with no problems :)

However I would like to congratulate my kingdom too
When you take a look at the era we had
There were
Dragons, Obscenities, Noobworld, Painful Bite, Audacity

In my opinion this is what every kingdom should do, fight it out, but from what I can see, most of the kingdoms on this world basically just NAPed everyone around and fought my kingdom. Sure, some of them did nothing for all era and now coming at our blockers only to get hit back even after farming for 2/3 of the era. Which I think is pretty pathetic, but the victory will be yours, so that is a good thing for your kingdoms.

I just do not see what is so fun about having a NAP with 4 kingdoms and fighting 1 kingdom, but I guess thats just my opinion and some people just like to NAP ? :) I dont know.

In the end, I would like to thank all my members, it sure was fun, it will be the last era of Equilibrium on this map, we will try our luck on a higher world, possibly there will not be as much NAPing there as it is here. :) To our enemies, thank you for giving us a good and interesting era, for us its much more interesting to fight all era then to do nothing :)

Kingdoms in Midgard
Equilibrium9Lady Leila100
Noobworld3Mr. Elite XX76
Painful Bite1Mr. Grandline75
Audacity2Mr. Ghonnoria49
Black Dragons3Sir Black Dragon4

13:35:04 Jan 18th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

Moving troops out when neither one of my two mining cities were finished = farming all era I guess :/

13:52:26 Jan 18th 13 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

Congrats to those that win the era!
Special thanx to Elite for honoring what he said
I hope you win the era

Thanx to all friends in our kingdom, it was fun to fight with you all
Last three eras of this Midgard, we won two, and we managed to kill Obscenities that won last era... So it was a good accomplishment because in all these eras we never did no NAPs, we had no friends, we killed everyone.

It is time to move on :)

  1. Mr. Assasin The Silent of Equilibrium
  2. Lord Darkness Falls of Equilibrium
  3. Mr. Jerrins White Ass of Obscenities from Space

16:56:42 Jan 18th 13 - Mr. Stormys Anal Conduit:

Those 4 kingdoms combined, equal your numbers. A 3, 2 or 1 man kingdom attacking a 9 man kingdom is usually suicide so obviously they are going to ally themselves to fight the massively superior numbers of Equilibrium.

18:21:59 Jan 18th 13 - Lady Leila:

Well lets take a look
My kingdom Equilibrium started with 6 members... we got 2 more, plus 1 that did not start till end.
So these six members were up again

Obscenities - 9 members (we kept killing them so some gave up)
Black Dragons - 3 members
Painful Bite - 1 member
Noobworld - 2 members (plus 1 from Obscenities after we killed them)
Audacity - 2 members

So lets say we did have these 8 members (one member just joined days ago)
We are up against 17 players

All the kingdoms did not have any enemies except Equilibrum
I dont know how fair is that Stormy?

18:45:54 Jan 18th 13 - Mr. Stormys Anal Conduit:

I am not on Midgard so I was only going by your post and Obscenities were not on the kingdom chart you posted. It just struck me as strange that such a big kingdom was complaining about being gang up on.. :)

19:13:16 Jan 18th 13 - Lady Leila:

That is because they all teamed up and we were actually thinking about quitting the world because it would be impossible to win with such odds... We even put a vote in the kingdom, and decided we will stay and fight till we die.

We managed to kill Obscenities, and Dragons.
While Elite was honorable and said he will attack us only after we finish this war... Grandline was farming all era, so did Elite...
Then later Audacity came, and shocking they also joined everyone else.

So once Obscenities and Dragons died, Elite joined the war, Grandline and Audacity coming from the same time, all the people that farmed 2/3 of the era.
I managed to kick back 2 of their big armies, chasing another one.
Grandline's army got bounced too, but they are coming again with reinfocements...

So I would say that bouncing people that were farming all era when you were at war since oop would be a good accomplishment. And we have already killed alot of them, which makes it look like the situation was not like it shows :)

19:36:31 Jan 18th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

My only ally until 2 days ago was Grandline, we spawned late next to him so we had to NAP. The other we gained 2 days ago, audacity, we decided not to war and just finish this era and cast arma (less wait for the people who are dead). The only other relation that we had was a CF with Obscenities.

20:28:22 Jan 18th 13 - Zond (The Lover For You):

Look at first posts of thread at other kds numbers. We simply made the 2 large kds that naped quick. Once weaken the smaller kds that naped attacked us.. we stand no chance spread so thin against ppl who farmed this long into the era.. 

20:36:16 Jan 18th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Reallife Stupid Game):

Zond I did not farm all era. The only reason why my armies were that big were because you people sold stone at around .6g (Sometimes far lower) each. That was a massive stg-fest for me.

20:39:05 Jan 18th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Grandline):

Hell I just bought 25m stone right now at .6g each (or around that)

23:08:51 Jan 18th 13 - Zond (General Cozen):

I didnt, nor did my kd unless they did so anyways and ignored the mails.

But still, you farmed either way. Dont matter. You can farm all you want, we leaving this world anyways. 

00:29:33 Feb 7th 13 - kzoolczat (Mr. Racistnigger):

fo all y'all black nigga homos in midgard. sook ma baws

01:18:27 Feb 7th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Mirai):

Er that age is over :s

01:35:55 Feb 7th 13 - kzoolczat (Mr. Twatlix):

just sook em for old times sake then, jeez :/

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