Forums / In game politics / Midgard Era 48 or 49

Midgard Era 48 or 49
23:03:53 Aug 14th 10 - Endless Dream:

No idea which era it would be but when will it open Zeta? Most of these lower worlds started before the extra characters did so no one is having a clean start

23:08:12 Aug 14th 10 - Mr. Vuggster:

This map exists still? Zomg!

15:22:43 Aug 19th 10 - Mr. Fantastic:

Indeed. Goodluck to all of my foes, you shall need it!

23:14:58 Aug 19th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

DragonLords Of Midgard

Kingdom Banner

Name: DragonLords Of Midgard
Members: 2
Created: 8/19/2010 2:30:47 PM
Leader: Mr. Rohan of Skyrim

Compare kingdom



Anyone on midgard/not but going to be join this KD ;)

04:58:32 Aug 21st 10 - Mr. Caddy:

I'll just put this here.

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Midgard
Sexual Awakening6Ms. Sex Panther617
Swag6Mr. Munchies262
The Royal Guard4Mr. Panic V177
Butt Buddies2Mr. Fantastic160
Delta1Mr. Caddy100
You Got Dwarfed4Mr. Tiberius The Dwarf94
Renegades4Mr. Jangsta79
Mad Autonomous Domain5Mr. Archblade61
Rainbow Celebration11Mr. Harvest31
DragonLords Of Midgard1Mr. Rohan of Skyrim24
Blah Blah Blah3Mr. Kotew2

11:29:47 Aug 21st 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Midgard
Sexual Awakening6Ms. Sex Panther155
Swag8Mr. Munchies100
Butt Buddies2Mr. Fantastic37
Mad Autonomous Domain5Mr. Archblade35
You Got Dwarfed4Mr. Tiberius The Dwarf27
Renegades4Mr. Jangsta23
Delta1Mr. Caddy23
Rainbow Celebration11Mr. Harvest8
DragonLords Of Midgard1Mr. Rohan of Skyrim6
The Royal Guard2Mr. Panic V5
Blah Blah Blah3Mr. Kotew0

16:15:15 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Caddy:


Delta vs. Swag

any others?

16:45:44 Aug 22nd 10 - Ms. Jessica Alba:


16:51:24 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Tight Likea Tiger:

I am fighting a constant war, trying not to touch myself.  ;(

16:54:55 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

Mad                          vs             Swag

they are 3 separate wars as far as I know

17:17:34 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Rohan of Skyrim:

Sexual Awakening8Ms. Sex Panther1370


DragonLords Of Midgard1Mr. Rohan of Skyrim100

funny really , as they are halfling they should be roughly 2000% of me , as they all landed before me by atleast two days aswell. 

But o well :) 

17:19:27 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Tight Likea Tiger:

We suck and you dont..

But o well..  ;)

17:21:32 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Rohan of Skyrim:

Atleast your aware of it :)

17:31:54 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Tight Likea Tiger:

Well we are now thanks to you.. Cheers, for destroying our delusions of grandeur.. ;)

18:34:22 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Rohan of Skyrim:

Im a bit upset then when i asked for relations i didn't even get a reply , where as Marksmen got a Join us or die

19:43:33 Aug 22nd 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

it wasnt a join us or die it was me being nice because he didnt have a KD and nobody was making one with him and i said send an app in and see if you can get in :)

But he made the KD instead :)
And why have relations when your on midgard ;)

06:08:48 Aug 23rd 10 - Mr. Valael:

so which kds are located where? I have an itching to get my hands on some combat though id prefer allies closer to home.

08:05:42 Aug 23rd 10 - Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox:

Heeey guys and gals ;)  I, Zaphod Beeblebrox, hereby declare war on the entire world.  As I started just a few hours ago everyone has a little handicap, you're gonna need it.

09:56:23 Aug 23rd 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

lol :P we are ready to show you the only true swag, and steal your own.

18:48:51 Aug 23rd 10 - Mr. Fantastic:

STG on this world came up faster than in Fantasia or Mantrax.

Midgard is the new Fantasia.

18:56:00 Aug 23rd 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

true that :P
Now all we need is the 50% rule gone :(

18:56:53 Aug 23rd 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

lol yeah :P

03:36:49 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox:

What kingdom is good enough to have me in it?

05:52:53 Aug 24th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

we are the best ;)

07:07:57 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox:

If you want to keep it that way then you should beg me to be in your kingdom ;)

07:30:52 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. King:

2 gud 4 u

08:17:12 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

swag is always open for new recruits :)

14:39:37 Aug 24th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

but swag is ruppish you dont wanna join them ;)

15:19:08 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Panic V:

Oh yeah, I'm active again... Royal Guard is a one man show... hahah sorry fellas

16:37:13 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

We are the only ones with swag, so we canīt be rubbish :P

19:22:45 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. King:

Swag is a word for the inarticulate peoples. I guess your the only uneducated ones too.

20:47:04 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

Swag is a word for those who like to have fun, rather than argue about language and grammar :P

21:12:28 Aug 24th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

SWAG = Some wierd arguing G@ys :P

21:21:41 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

lol :P

18:31:52 Aug 26th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

recent activity by The Swag:

1.Delta removed from core area
2.Mad removed from core area
3.Renegades removed from core area

now, the question is, whos next? ;)

03:42:27 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Fantastic:

Recent activity by The Butt Buddies:

1. Farmed
2. Farmed some more
3. We have really high incomes now

Now, the question is, who is first!?

07:30:48 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

lol :P I would like to be first to receive a huge gift of farmed up gold ;)

19:17:41 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Druss:

Rencent activity:

Wareazy member of Thrush decides to quit his KD in the middle of a war with Swag and SA, to join Swag. We were all working hard to prevent the invasion, but now at the last second he jumps out and sends everything he has against his former kingdom. He had everything in place and ready for the switch, I guess honour or loyalty means nothing to him.

I'd love to know how that application with Swag went. I guess there were no questions asked and just said sure come on in and help slaughter your old buddies...

19:51:39 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

Wareazy contacted us some rl days ago actually, and we urged him to join as soon as possible. Personally I would not attack former kd mates, but its his choice so...

20:04:12 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Druss:

And it was your choice to accept this traitor. 

20:12:03 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

I was not aware of the fact that he would attack after we accepted him. As I said, its his choice, not ours.

20:48:55 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Druss:

It was as much your choice as his. You chose to accept him or urged as you say. Don't play dumb and say to me you didn't know he was going to attack. You are at war with Thrush, what were you expecting him to do?

20:50:13 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

As I said I personally would not have attacked, it is tiresome to repeat myself...

21:00:46 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Hot Rod:

durrrr it might have been his choice/decision but in the end of the day it's with the kingdom that the responsibility rests.  If you choose to shrug aside such responsibility and pretend the actions of a member of your own kingdom are none of your concern... well let's just say that's an interesting way to go about things!

21:08:39 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

Well I am just a vice so I donīt have the final say in the matter. I have stated my opinion and will personally leave it at that.

04:39:01 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Agaton:

Hmpf, I was hoping on a fair fight against Swag, who has bragged about they greatness like noone else here. This kind of treachery is appalling and show whats seriously wrong with VU and its honor codex. I will look forward to whack you and your ridiculous kingdom to the ground and see you burn, not because I am angry but because you and your kingdom needs to be stated as an example to others.


05:01:28 Aug 28th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

agaton go bag to farming :P

05:16:06 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Some Fcked Dwarf:

You are selling 915920 food for 683713 gold (0.75)
1 time offer lady's and gents if it is still there tomoro i will bump it up ;)
I did it by accident but who cares all must be gone by the time i wake up ^_^

07:46:02 Aug 28th 10 - Ms. Sex Panther:

hmmm swag's getting a nice image here ;)

taking in traitors and all :P

08:21:42 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

Well as I said I would personally not have attacked, and would have preferred if he had left thrush alone, unless they attacked him first. But he made his choice, and we have SA coming up, so hard decisions have to be made.
Its not like we would not beat thrush anyway, just look at my kills, they keep sending these low lvl troop armies at me like they are supposed to stop me, I have hardly any losses so far lol.

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