Forums / In game politics / Midgard Honor Awards

Midgard Honor Awards
23:40:27 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Tavernwise:

WOW!!! For a Kingdom to come into a World of n00bs (Midgard) and take over many, many Cities needs Awards!

The Pretend Tough Guys Award:  Top KD's to come into Midgard and beat brand new Players proving that they are really, very good, powerful Players when they come up against brand new Players (proving their manliness):

1st Place: Dynamite

2nd Place: Dorian Empire

3rd Place: Hellbunnies

The Real Tough Guy Award: Top KD's to come into Midgard & eliminate those "Pretend Tough Guy" KD's who came into Midgard & were able to beat brand new Players:

1st Place: Juicy (Player: Sir Abaddon)

2nd Place: Abydos (Player: Mr. Sazunas)

3rd Place: Juicy & Abydos (It's been fun to watch!)


23:46:39 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Unkown:

O ye thanks for my award :s

My first era and i,m in 1st in migard

00:07:05 Jul 17th 09 - Mr. Sazunas:

my first city was "honor" in Midgard. it was good sign.

00:09:51 Jul 17th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

lol there is no 'noob' worlds so to speak anymore, all the good KDs were spread across the maps ;)

19:38:37 Jul 17th 09 - Ms. Erin:

hey, tavern, we had to be hit sometime. it was a learning experience.

now that the era is over, i would love to say to everyone who kicked my ass, good job! this isn't sarcasm, this is sincere.

DE came in and nearly obliterated TEW, and it was good for us, in the long run. when it came down to it, it was farimer, pointbreak, tavern, and i, and when livious was active, he helped, too.

that sort of fighting taught us a) blocker placement is crucial aaaggh, b) everyone must commit to fighting an enemy, and not just five people, and c) honor really is only skin deep.

it's easy to look at us and say what you will, but the fact of the matter is that a third of us tried and the rest mooched. when it came down to it, we weren't a kd. belmont started wars, and then we were MAPd the day after, and it looked really bad that people didn't always have the chance to get the message.

then kath practically took over the kd and tried to be whatever, co-leader, as he put it. if he could've kicked belmont, he would've.

i was ready to leave four or five times this era, and had indeed been talking with DE for a while. when they hit, it was just the logical thing to do. ;]

so, award for biggest group of pretenders goes to TEW. thank god farimer took over, even if it was painful. he's the only one of us who really ended up committed.

ask pointbreak, though--i talked about leaving all the time.

08:25:20 Jul 19th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

well i leaved to see if i can helped in relations between choco and TEW

15:02:34 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Hellbunnies was in midgard? DANGIT I missed out!

15:06:05 Jul 19th 09 - Sir Santa:

And that would've helped TEW because...? (Remember, Choc had no strength on Midgard...)

The Pretend Tough Guys Award:  Top KD's to come into Midgard and beat brand new Players proving that they are really, very good, powerful Players when they come up against brand new Players (proving their manliness):

DE shouldn't be in that list for several reasons;
- The enemies we fought, in other words those who we're still playing, were not brand new. Many have several era's under their belt. Midgard can not be called a newbworld, after all, those vets who die on Fant/Mant/Zeta/etc, where do they end up..? Midgard among other worlds :)
- We did not come to Midgard to prove how fantastic we really are, we came to establish a foothold and form a defensive perimeter in case we needed it. When enemy resistance appeared weaker than expected, we simply pushed forward.
- We have no need to prove our manliness this way. If we wear tights, that says enough :)

15:21:00 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Billyb:

Err, sorry?

Crazy attacked us, you got killed.

17:21:00 Jul 19th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

Sir Santa


09:06:05 Jul 19th 09
And that would've helped TEW because...? (Remember, Choc had no strength on Midgard...)

The Pretend Tough Guys Award:  Top KD's to come into Midgard and beat brand new Players proving that they are really, very good, powerful Players when they come up against brand new Players (proving their manliness):

DE shouldn't be in that list for several reasons;
- The enemies we fought, in other words those who we're still playing, were not brand new. Many have several era's under their belt. Midgard can not be called a newbworld, after all, those vets who die on Fant/Mant/Zeta/etc, where do they end up..? Midgard among other worlds :)
- We did not come to Midgard to prove how fantastic we really are, we came to establish a foothold and form a defensive perimeter in case we needed it. When enemy resistance appeared weaker than expected, we simply pushed forward.
- We have no need to prove our manliness this way. If we wear tights, that says enough :)
well Santa i personally tells thanks to u because all my 22 members wanted war with big kingdoms and i told them we will get raped when midgard opens so prepare what happened in the next 15 tiks? DE appeared my members were like we gona get violated then some others were like we would raped them specially Fuzz, ok i accept i am not the best leading a kd cause to do that u need a lot of things... well but i personally thankz u because i told em get prepared build archers so did Farimer,Livious,Pointbreak,Erin they didnt got raped i did got raped by Hagar cause i left my guard down due to Lite didnt prepare himself i rushed to help all my kd mates (the poor in military ones) i did helped geting some cities back but at the same time lost some,that shows that no VU player is perfect and because somedidnt prepare themselfs they got their gangbanged and that ended up in mostly everyone leaving but i personally congrats Farimer,Livious for leading the kd until era end the started their wars the wages their wars. and for those who leaved TEW i am ok with it,if they had their personal reasons for leaving i am ok with it.

17:49:34 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Sunsual Seductionator:


19:49:43 Jul 19th 09 - Ms. Erin:

gonna throw this out there, belmont: you did not rush to anyone's rescue.

also, if you remember right, not all of your twenty-two members wanted war with big kingdoms.

honestly, most of us were trying to prepare. honestly, most of us were spread waaaay too thin.


reporting after the fact,
signing off,

20:14:10 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Tavernwise:

Got your back Erin! (Would love to be on your team anytime!) I admit that I was poorly set up... since I was new. There were mostly new Players as I saw it in TEW.

And I left TEW whem Belmont made the call by Letter or Forum :

RETREAT! Reset and start over... etc.

08:04:30 Jul 21st 09 - Ms. Porter:


Tavern, you did pretty damn well for your first era. good job. n' stuff.

are you on valhalla?

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