Forums / In game politics / Midgard Wars I

Midgard Wars I
18:06:06 Jan 18th 08 - Ms. Goblin Lord:

New world called midgard so post any wars or info here

18:11:19 Jan 18th 08 - Sir Mars:


20:12:13 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

midguard is the same as testa. look on the KD highscores and testa isnt there, midguard is, while on the hoh pg testa is but midguard isnt. plus look @ midguard KD's, and compare to testa KD's.

20:12:14 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

midguard is the same as testa. look on the KD highscores and testa isnt there, midguard is, while on the hoh pg testa is but midguard isnt. plus look @ midguard KD's, and compare to testa KD's.

03:36:22 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

lol nice topic...

03:38:55 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

so what is it called?

midgard or testa?

03:39:03 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Potato:

Yeah. This thread is full of excitement!

04:49:50 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

is nothing happening in this new world?

05:18:02 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

lol im starting to understand the politics on this world......

06:35:04 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

OMG theres wars in Midgard?!

06:38:54 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Method:

The wars in Midgard are so intense and cruel that no one dares speak of it, hence why the silence on this thread.

So please do stop adding mindless posts here as we are all too busy engaging in our fierce battles to have time to reply.

Thank you.

06:48:39 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

spokrn from a person with half an eras eperience.
Thank you for your kins words.

But, hence it is silenced because there are no wars,

07:09:10 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Method:

lol @ Mr. Fire Nova

you may have misjugded the "kins" words I have "spokrn".

Clearly you are as good at understanding the real meaning of a post as you are at assessing one's experience level by reading his posts.

Oh and btw, 2 days hardly makes for half an era...

What about you? How much experience you got?

19:41:46 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

You talking to me or this "Fire Nova" multi?

I have 7 eras experience.

22:33:52 Jan 20th 08 - Lord of The Dawn:

he's talking to my multi Fire Nova,
for he wouldn't dare bespeak to you in such an un-humble way, oh Great God Might The God of Cows!

@Fire Nova
... the guy made a funny joke, stop talking and laugh!


22:36:04 Jan 20th 08 - Sir Dramborleg:

@ Lord of the Dawn

you're the first one that tased war ; )

06:16:32 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. The Warrior Ones Called Skiepe:

well the thing is there are like no wars here :p.

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