Forums / In game politics / Military Recruiting

Military Recruiting
22:29:53 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Military:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Military
Members: 2
Created: 8/19/2008 12:45:17 AM
Leader: Mr. Military


We are strong, taught to be the best and to never surrender. Leave no man behind, whatever the situation may be. To not be scared or falter, no one can break our courage.
To do whatever it takes to overcome our enemy and achieve victory under any circumstance. Using tactics to thwart our enemies hold, no matter how strong our large they may be. We will engage our enemies in combat and vanquish them with force.
We are the Military. Only the strong survive, become a predator before you become the pray.

Join us if you have what it takes to fight alongside us.

*We have more then two members, but due to the 10 day rule they cannot be listed until next era*


00:51:20 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Athens:

I am definitely joining, sounds good and I'm an experienced player. I've got a few nice friends who said they're joining aswell, hope we meet next era.

00:59:00 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Falazar:

I'll join next era. Phx is basically dead and your morals sound great.Next era I would have been playing for 4 eras, but only two are listed because this is a remade account.

01:17:34 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Military:

Athens and Falazar, we would love to have you both aboard. You two sound like your equipped to be a great asset to our kingdom.

01:23:01 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Athens:

Yay :) I'll see if I can get some more people to join for "us" :) We're gonna pwn!

02:01:09 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Military:

Military will be heading to Zeta next era, so far we have a count of 8 members on the roster.

Plenty of spots open for anyone else who wishes to join.

02:07:36 Aug 28th 08 - Duke Arzun:


03:06:35 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Military:

What seems to be the problem Arzun?

03:12:16 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Athens:

He realized he selected Male on his gender option

03:37:57 Aug 28th 08 - Lord Nephilim The Redeemer:

Sarafan Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Sarafan Knights
Members: 5
Tag: SK
Created: 8/8/2008 9:46:59 PM
Leader: Lord Nephilim The Redeemer


The Sarafan Knights are Back




04:01:41 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Athens:

Lol, you can't laugh, you couldn't decide so you asked for Lord.

04:03:08 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Military:

appreciate it.

06:15:45 Aug 28th 08 - Lord Nephilim The Redeemer:

Mr. Athens


8/28/2008 6:01:41 AM
Lol, you


you are a tool


Is i was a Mr. i would be a Sir then a LORD!!! and thats what i have been if i was a Ms i would of been a Lady and then Lady again

so really the jokes on you buttercup

06:12:09 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Military:

Now now children, lets not fight.

06:17:07 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

^^that coming from a man named MILITARY =P

06:23:03 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Military:

Haha, what I meant to say was....


06:33:26 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Basch:

And make yourself exausted before the fight?

06:39:05 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Military:

If twenty pushups makes you exausted...then you sir are not in the right place.

08:48:54 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

FREEZE!!!!Now we talking normal pushups or Marine Pushups?

08:50:06 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Basch:

is there a difference?

08:52:08 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Very much so dude. Marine pushups three=1 and when you go up u have to lift urself off the ground and clap. so if they say 20 ur actually doing 60 =P

12:52:29 Aug 29th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Don't know what kinda crazy stuff your talking about, clap pressups? Don't understand your American ways...


Well anyway, In England Marine pressups = close arm press ups :)

13:02:48 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIII:

no when you have to push yourself of the ground and clap im in england but i still know lol

13:04:26 Aug 29th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Sorry didn't word myself properly, I understood the clap pressup bit, but i didn't understand the

Marine pushups three=1


13:10:54 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIII:

oh same here and im in england

17:49:08 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

ok 3 of those clap pushups equals 1 pushup. So you do that 3 times you just did one Marine Pushup

21:33:00 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

this guy real thinks his a marine

21:35:06 Aug 29th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

He is joining I he would probably know more than me because I do not plan on joining

04:21:06 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Actually parents signed the papers. I leave for Basic Aug 16 2010 =P

05:30:04 Aug 30th 08 - Sir Chucky:

dang another thread slade ruined

05:32:50 Aug 30th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

Aug 16 and your 16 right now your coincidently funny Justin

05:41:02 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Military:

Damn I missed a lot.

Marine pushups, yes.

Justin, rock on.

05:49:36 Aug 30th 08 - Sir Chucky:

wow justin you have 2 years to buff up, or simply lose weight, however fat or skinny you are

05:55:58 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lol im actually getting more fit then i was. Im Doing X Country instead of Football this yr. we run 9 miles every day. Great way to get rid of fat and all that. The more you sweat the better. You sweat the fat cells away which is great. Im at 190 LBs right now. Doc told me to stop cuz i guess its right for my height but i havent stopped

05:59:59 Aug 30th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

... um that doesnt make any sense... fat may be leaving but it will be replaced by muscle which will actually eventually add to your weight.... stupid

06:08:25 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

I have to get rid of the fat before i can get my muscle STUPID. And the only thing getting muscle is the Glutes and the CALFS DUMBSH*T. Now go find that dog or fuk buddy i recommended for you and let the big boys talk

06:10:59 Aug 30th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

i have a fuk buddy.. thank you i dont know why you act like you dont know me Justin.. i mean i understand the whole hypocritical *beep* thing... but last night was amazing you all tired from losing all that fat.. we gained you alot of muscle "_"

06:35:32 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Military:

Just the kinda thing I want in my recruiting topic.....

09:11:51 Aug 30th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

......*beep*'s.....Military recruiting.......Same thread........what is joke...but seriously WTF stop sp@m'ng the thread people.

19:18:51 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Sorry military and Nitral DISAPPEAR!

22:15:37 Aug 30th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

....what are you gonna do if i dont *beep*.

22:25:20 Aug 30th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

so... Justin you turning me down???

00:37:22 Aug 31st 08 - Mr. Justin:

@Nitral im killing you next era whether you do or dont simple as that.

@ Paladin- GTF away from me!!!!

00:39:15 Aug 31st 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

lol justin the only thing your killin is online comedy...i mean that must be a joke right.

Nitral im killing you next era whether you do or dont simple as that.

HAHAHAHAHA good ice breaker.

01:32:40 Aug 31st 08 - Mr. Hatchet:

SOO in conclusion...Military is awesome and you should all join.

01:35:41 Aug 31st 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

now now ladies... lets all be friends lol :)

01:44:23 Aug 31st 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Hatchet


8/30/2008 8:32:40 PM
SOO in conclusion...Military is awesome and you should all join.
I will make that the savior of this about Military...not about THE military, or how you are going to kill each other. are not helping yourselves by making enemies with everyone you have to have a spat with...would be better to not making your KD look like it is being led by a hot-headed person...

01:47:05 Aug 31st 08 - Mr. Hatchet:

the hot heads *cough* SLADE...are not in the Military...he thinks hes too cool for us

01:49:12 Aug 31st 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

I was just sayin for the people arguing in this threads to shut up before they say something they cannot take back and get bent in the upcoming era...words seem to cause more damage lately...

01:51:04 Aug 31st 08 - Mr. Hatchet:

yea i'de say many of the major wars begin right here in the forums, or through private messages.

so everyone, be nice

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