Forums / In game politics / Mogrox Era 42

Mogrox Era 42
13:29:24 Oct 9th 09 - Master Advance:

Discussions....if any

13:38:31 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Viraj:

wow... ur a loner

14:37:28 Oct 9th 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:


15:10:12 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. The Bear Jew:

wtf is mogrox?

15:11:36 Oct 9th 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

Like the new world haha latha has been open like 6 days fensteria like 2 lol now mograx haha whats next I am expecting like another 2 worlds to pop up this era haha

15:21:06 Oct 9th 09 - Ms. Sharpie:

Mogrox uses the old map!

15:35:26 Oct 9th 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

does it :O I so want to go there >.< Is there merges or walls as well???

15:36:40 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. The Bear Jew:

that would rock! id so play vu again for that world!

23:43:54 Oct 9th 09 - Master Advance:

Girl Power

Kingdom Banner

Name: Girl Power
Members: 3
Created: 10/7/2009 6:09:06 PM
Leader: Ms. Lillith



We are recruiting, girls only

No Males allowed.

We will be hunting all males down >:D


In red is a male......

23:51:18 Oct 9th 09 - Ms. Sharpie:

And we ae changing banners...

23:56:22 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Rofl charley

01:02:41 Oct 10th 09 - Lord Reddragon Ghost III:

Maybe they hunted him and is their slave.

01:45:03 Oct 10th 09 - Master Advance:

That is probably it Lord Red.

01:46:33 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

sex slave that is. grooooosssssss

02:57:34 Oct 10th 09 - Ms. Lillith:

We could not help if he was female, he was a poor little kitty cat so we picked him up and nursed him to health.

We called our kitty cat Prince Charley :) a very nice name if you ask me

03:16:04 Oct 10th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

*Mews and is all adorable and stuff* :3

06:33:48 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Brayan:

Lolz Prince Charley. Just... lolz

08:35:05 Oct 10th 09 - Princess Medusa:

Awwwww I want to join too! :D
I did not even see this Kd and I already made an army with that like 2-3 days ago :D

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Girl Power
owned by Princess Medusa

Good luck to you! :)
Girl Power \o/

17:34:27 Oct 10th 09 - Master Advance:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Mogrox
Girl Power 4 Ms. Lillith 161
Death List 4 Mr. Caligo 100


Its almost even now.....

20:51:46 Oct 10th 09 - Ms. Lillith:

Pffft wait until we are OOP

21:16:05 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Samual:

That'll be a long wait...

21:44:09 Oct 10th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

^Says the

Wasn't it also you that said that people on VU have no lives while insulting one of my friends an era or two ago in some huge flame topic where every other word was a childish swear? The irony...absolute...irony.  Then picking a fight with me.  I just wanted to relax and goof off...but if you are going to be like that...

21:48:27 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Samual:


22:27:31 Oct 10th 09 - Master Advance:

Prince Charley The Kitten


15:44:09 Oct 10th 09
^Says the

Wasn't it also you that said that people on VU have no lives while insulting one of my friends an era or two ago in some huge flame topic where every other word was a childish swear? The irony...absolute...irony.  Then picking a fight with me.  I just wanted to relax and goof off...but if you are going to be like that...


What I don't get is that I have looked at your history and you said that you would screw around in building cities then destroy them and move on. Why did you just move on? Why not play what you have,

22:35:21 Oct 10th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Alright, you want the story? I planned on taking this era off.  I have said it in the past and never really managed to keep out of things and typically got begged to join some KD and I would.  Well, I wanted to change my I did.  I didn't want to play, so I just disbanded my lifeguards and burnt my starter city so that some player wouldn't be bothered by it sitting there inactive.  I got bored, changed my name again, repeated the same thing.  I think I did it like 3 times.  Now, I looked in the Recruitment Centre thread and saw this "Girl Power" kingdom...and couldn't help but chuckle a little.  I sent their leader a message like "Can I join :)" (reference to Soccer for those that know him) and immediately got an invitation even though I was a I laughed a little to myself and said that I was just joking and then several hours later I decided to join just for fun.  I thought I would just farm and maybe teach new players some basics if they needed them. 

Great story huh?

22:39:49 Oct 10th 09 - Master Advance:

Well we can't prove it wrong.

22:41:09 Oct 10th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Well, I died while still in protection so I am not sure how anyone on any world could really harm me :|  and the 50% rule would stop anything else.

22:48:45 Oct 10th 09 - Master Advance:

No I mean the story in general.

23:16:02 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Charley is dead already..., and I thought we were going to be meeting on the map... : (

00:24:58 Oct 11th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:


lol, did i mention that i love you?

and Death List... wow

all of you are pretty much back together.

Except for my friend Merlyn that i told to join you guys that era. After that he just kinda stopped playing. I wonder what happened to him.

17:46:22 Oct 11th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Girl Power

Kingdom Banner

Name: Girl Power
Members: 5
Created: 10/7/2009 6:09:06 PM
Leader: Ms. Lillith


We are recruiting, girls only

No Males allowed.

We will be hunting all males down >:D
Of course you cant have an all girls kingdom without a kitty cat


Well thanks makes sence when you have charley and mr. fuzz both in your kingdom so 2 out of 5 of ur players r male...

18:50:50 Oct 11th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

I believe Arnold speaks for all of us in our kingdom.

18:53:27 Oct 11th 09 - Duke Random:

charley i love you...

can i join girl power.. I'll wear a dress :)

04:45:18 Oct 12th 09 - Master Advance:

We are not whining. We are just pointing out how funny your description of your kingdom info is. No Males Allowed yet there is two males in it. Interesting.....

04:49:05 Oct 12th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

The fact that you care so much suggests otherwise.  Please discuss something more interesting than what you can point out in your excessive free time :|

06:34:27 Oct 12th 09 - Mr. Merlyn:

well the fact that the map is the old one!

I will own this world

too bad i will only have 30ish ticks OOP


18:28:50 Oct 12th 09 - Mr. Wins:

lol finnaly someone ontopic again :D
if we could like merge again that wuld be realy frikin awesome yeh ! :D

19:38:41 Oct 12th 09 - Mr. Loner:

world vs loner? :)

20:50:51 Oct 12th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

I wonder how many people on this world aren't a multi? o.o

21:42:14 Oct 12th 09 - Lord Boston:

Me, but I can start one if needed.

21:50:53 Oct 12th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Nah nah...too respectable of a player.  And it wouldn't be OOP by the time the era ended.

21:58:16 Oct 12th 09 - Lord Boston:

Darn... maybe next era.

22:17:56 Oct 12th 09 - Master Advance:

Mr. Loner


13:38:41 Oct 12th 09 world vs loner? :)

You can't even last against one person let alone the whole world.
Ha what a newbie.

22:18:26 Oct 12th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Prince Charley The Kitten


19:50:51 Oct 12th 09
I wonder how many people on this world aren't a multi? o.o


Im not :P

22:24:19 Oct 12th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

I am kind of sad with Master Advance allowing an admitted multi in his KD...

22:30:25 Oct 12th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Prince Charley The Kitten


21:24:19 Oct 12th 09

I am kind of sad with Master Advance allowing an admitted multi in his KD...


Hey its accros 2 worlds its acceptable in the rules

and shot me then :L

22:32:05 Oct 12th 09 - Mr. Samual:


Kingdoms in Mogrox
Girl Power 5 Ms. Lillith 132
Death List 6 Mr. Caligo 100
Lone Rider 1 Mr. Loner 43
PUTU 2 Mr. Tungus 3
OutLawZ 2 Master Cloutier 0
Hospitallier Knights 1 Mr. Guillaume Villier 0
The Best Kingdom in the Universe 2 Mr. Zairo 0
Brethren Forever 2 Mr. Dragon The One And Only 0

22:35:40 Oct 12th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Show me the rule that says that it is acceptable.  It specificially reads that you shall only have ONE account.  No mention of per world...


This will be my only Visual Utopia account = You are only allowed to create/use/manage etc. the one and only one account that you have created. You are for example not allowed to manage your friends account when he's on vacation.

23:11:10 Oct 12th 09 - Master Advance:

Prince Charley The Kitten


16:24:19 Oct 12th 09

I am kind of sad with Master Advance allowing an admitted multi in his KD...


Which might be?

23:15:19 Oct 12th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Prince Charley The Kitten


21:35:40 Oct 12th 09

Show me the rule that says that it is acceptable.  It specificially reads that you shall only have ONE account.  No mention of per world...


This will be my only Visual Utopia account = You are only allowed to create/use/manage etc. the one and only one account that you have created. You are for example not allowed to manage your friends account when he's on vacation.


I think you'l find if u multi on the same worlds it is against the rules and u get banned but if u multi across 2 seperate worlds u dont get banned... -_-

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