Forums / In game politics / More Backstabbing By MrFuzz

More Backstabbing By MrFuzz
22:22:36 May 11th 10 - Sir Sorra:

Nothing new to report here other then what is becoming a frequent in this game.

     Mr.Fuzz, joined our kingdom, farmed up, sent armies into our core left the Kingdom and is now attacking us. This, like the majority of traitors acts,  was completely out of the blue, No notification or anything. This type of behaviour is nothing new to Vu but the weird thing is that you wouldn't have suspected this from someone who actually has kept there era name/reputation in his era history and is a long playing member.

     Here is his Era History. I'm surprised such an old player would do this. I mean, people who appear with no history's that do such a thing isn't exactly shocking. But people, like this, who have history and that have been playing for 10+ eras and do something like this, now THATS something you don't hear of often

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Paladins of the Orde of the Frozen Flame

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz).

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz).

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz).

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz).

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Angels

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Angels

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Angels

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Angels

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Imperium Of Knights

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Imperium Of Knights

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Imperium Of Knights

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Dorian Empire

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Dorian Empire

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Girl Power

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of The Knights of the Black and White

Sir Fuzz
Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs

Sir Fuzz
Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs

Sir Fuzz
Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs

Sir Fuzz
Lived in Era 46.

No known history.


   Anyway, I'm just posting this for the informing of the wider VU community about this snake. Not only has he backstabbed the whole kingdom this late in the era, but we have for some time been having a leak of information from our forums. I can almost stay without a shadow of a doubt now that it was him leaking forum information. Don't be fooled by his long history, he's lying backstabbing scum waiting to strike when your most venerable.

It's snakes like Mr.Fuzz who dampen the sprits of VU.

22:25:29 May 11th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Maybe he got fuzzy between his ears?

22:25:46 May 11th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Look how many times he has been killed that is rather shocking for a person who has been playing, for as you said, 10+ eras

22:31:02 May 11th 10 - Mr. Path:

Heh, you harbor snakes anyhow.  Right off hand I can think of your buddy Kat/Edd doing the identical thing age 34.

For that matter, considering how closely you two follow each other age after age for all these might even be  the same person.

Even if you aren't, I don't know how you can consort with that type of person for so long and not expect something like this to be a regular occurance.

22:35:01 May 11th 10 - Mr. Sun Jian of:

I dont remember him being a bad person when we were in Knights of the black and white. He was fairly quiet though.

22:45:28 May 11th 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

he has died 24 times and restarted over 17 eras, thats a very sad record of playing, I think that gets award for biggest loser in VU

22:45:41 May 11th 10 - Sir Sorra:

Path WTF? Well, I don't Know Edd/Kat's History but every KD that Iv come across with him, ranging From Sparta Led By Sanoh to Lighting Dust Lead by Zondervan and a RANGE of other Kingdoms In between lead by a VARIRTY of rulers. I and I'm VERY sure the rulers can also testify that Edd has always been an outstanding loyal player. And Trust me, We've come across each other quite a bit.


Anyhow, It's funny you use this thread to take shots  at me about how this should be a regular occurrence because I consort with traitors and all. It's pathetic actually, to say one should be betrayed because he a friendly with alot of member of the VU community (is responsible for training many upcoming new players aswell) who makes friends with just about everyone and is called upon to mediate situations. Im sure Im friends with people who have shady pasts, but calling on me to be betrayed because I am friendly with everyone until I seen firsthand proof of their actions is pretty pathetic on your part.


AS for edd, Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, BUT all I know is that I've been with him a lot, mainly after era 34, and from there, he has never been known to do t this kind of thing. Also, This thread is not about edd, so Path, please just stop.



And to Samual

LOL your SOO right.

Maybe he resorted to such actions because he realized the only way he could possibly gain any cities is to snake his allies while their backs are turned.


22:53:47 May 11th 10 - Sir Sorra:

Sir Ophiucus


17:45:28 May 11th 10
he has died 24 times and restarted over 17 eras, thats a very sad record of playing, I think that gets award for biggest loser in VU


LOL, If for nothing else other then being a snake, his name should be remembered for this record.

I don't know weather to laugh of cry, I know people that came just out of Tut a couple of eras ago and have more skill then this noob. But then again, his skill level is not surprising as he has to resort to such tactics to get a bump in the scores. He cant even Farm right lol.

Looks like Visual Utopias Tutorial has let this little snake down, he fell through the cracks so to speak. Learned absolutely nothing from this game except how to widdle his way in by lying, and snake others when he's there not looking.

AS a matter of fact, ZETA REALLY needs to make peoples history visible when there applying for Kingdoms. I probably wouldn't have let an atrocious history like this in lol. Not to mention Id love to see weather said person has a history at all and if so, whats it like.

23:10:32 May 11th 10 - Mr. Path:

Sorra, you've been in kingdoms with Kat/Edd both before, and after he betrayed Angels.  I rechecked history by the way, it was Era 33.  I'm not going to go in depth in research here, but id say youve been with him ~75% of all ages?

I'm not sure what you are trying to say in his defense.  He committed the same act and you've gladly partnered with him before and after the fact.  So yes, you probably shouldn't be surprised if this type of stuff happens, because that is the type of people you hang with.

This happened to me exactly once, in my first age.  Never since.  Why? Because I don't associate with that type of person.  It's not a shot at you so much as words of advice or perhaps a revelation about the type of people you play with. 

PS- I never said "you should be betrayed" or whatever crap you wrote in your above post.  That is just your poor reading comprehension showing through.  I said you should expect it is all.  However, I will take your "pathetic" remark as a compliment.

23:25:37 May 11th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Its the past and thats all history, the fact is mr. fuzz or w.e just shouldnt be let into another kingdom again. Im desperate for players but he wont find a home here.

23:29:25 May 11th 10 - Mr. Samual:

I am not here to cause arguments or stand up for either one of you, but I have to say that the past is the past so whatever happened between you two, as I have not gone into major interest of reading what happened should in this case stay there really. Life is to short, so do you really want to spend it holding grudges, especially against someone you don't even know across the internet on a game. So guys if we can just have a mutual friendship between each other, this means being nice to each other then I am sure the forums would be a lot more inviting to read. 

23:29:48 May 11th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

Mr. Fuzz
Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Fuzz) and was a member of Girl Power


Girl Power is shamed by this act :(   He was in my kingdom :'(

23:31:20 May 11th 10 - Mr. Samual:

I fought against Girl Power that era I seem to remember

23:32:31 May 11th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

I went on a backpacking trip right before we all came OOP so I have no clue what happened. 

23:36:14 May 11th 10 - Mr. Sun Jian of:

Wait I remember that era. It was me and Uroril that faced Girl Power. Man that was a crazy era.

23:44:47 May 11th 10 - Mr. Path:

Well, technically, what Fuzz has done so far is history.  I don't know the status of what hes done so far, but if he stopped right now would you not kill him? 

"Thats all history" and "the past is the past" are the cries of the people who don't understand, and set themselves up for repeated betrayal like this. 

Theres a word to describe how *some* people pay attention to this history and take preventative action.  The particular quality of which I speak is commonly known as "wisdom".

Wise people pay attention to all this "worthless history stuff that's all in the past" and they  draw certain conclusions from it.  Sometimes people can be given second chances, but there would need to be a good reason to take such a risk.

I would be glad to teach you this arcane quality known as wisdom, but I am a bit busy currently.

23:56:59 May 11th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Well I would have to disagree with what you just said, I do read people's history and take caution while playing with them but I do still give them a chance. If I am convinced they will play fair, then that does not mean I fail to understand a persons previous treacherous behaviour it just means I have room to give people a second chance. 

If you would like to learn how to forgive people for something that happened on an internet game, not real life. Then please feel free to let me know Mr. Path.

00:06:06 May 12th 10 - General Zondy:

hey i read my name... sup

00:10:38 May 12th 10 - Mr. Path:

I am no stranger to forgiveness, however I am not foolish enough to forgive and forget just because some arbitrary amount of days has passed.  While Kat has shown shame over his actions by changing his name, Kat has never shown any remorse for his actions or made an apology.  But, to be quite honest, even if he did I don't think that would change things for me.   As you said yourself, its an internet game, not real life.  Things are more fun when you have enemies. 

00:13:49 May 12th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Well that is where people have there own opinions. I am not going to try and force mine on your and I would trust you not to do it either

00:21:23 May 12th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Mr. Path i wish you luck and fortune in the future... may others hospitality treat you with such favor.

00:36:56 May 12th 10 - Mr. Path:

Well, you won't find me taking my armies back into my kingdom core, disbanding and attacking unguarded mines.  So, I have nothing to fear about not being forgiven for betrayal.

Maybe you need to stress this point to Sorra as well.  Tell him to forgive Fuzz ...or has not enough arbitrary time elapsed for forgiveness?  I defer to you Samual, since you seem to be the authority on this.  If Samual thinks enough time has passed, maybe you should recruit him Teirdel?

00:40:38 May 12th 10 - Sir Sorra:



No Path, Your way of, I haven't played nearly 75% of my eras with Edd.


Also, What In Edd's defence is that he hasn't acted in the way you described him acting in any of the other Kingdoms he's been with me in, Not to mention I haven't meet a person so far who has said/talked bad about Edd in the sense your saying. I, and  bunch of leaders along with players spanning a variety of KD's using historical/game records can attest to Edd's Allegiance. If you couldn't understand what I blatantly said in Edd's defence then I believe YOUR the one with the poor reading comprehension son.

 So yes, you probably shouldn't be surprised if this type of stuff happens, because that is the type of people you hang with.

Again, Poor reading comprehension this time coupled with very poor understanding of the situation. Mr.Fuzz is not a friend, I have never heard of or interacted with Mr. Fuzz in past eras. So stop trying to make it seem that I've been backstabbed by people I regularly hang around with.

As for you advice, thank you very much path but I don't need it. Iv been around quite a long time, Much longer then my history states. Only few people in this game have been actively around longer then I have and are still active. I have never been betrayed by a close friend because I know how to pick friends.

 From what I Judge edd's personality to be, I would say it is highly unlikely that he did this "for no reason". Yes, If he did leave the KD and attack, that isn't right, however, I HEAVILY doubt that edd just decided for NO REASON WHAT SO EVER to leave the KD and attack,(at that, I bet it was a really serious reason) Or that he planned the leaving and attacking his host KD early on during his joining. Me and Edd have gotten into alot of fights over the eras resulting in us saying some nasty things to each other, even during times when he was in My Kingdom. That being said, he never left and always stuck it out to the end.I never saw a change in his performance or professionalism during those times. However, this little snake named Mr.Fuzz has left and attacked his host KD from behind for no reason what so ever, and what's worse, Judging by his troops movements and where they were prior to his leaving shows that he actively planned this. Not to mention the timing of it, only a couple days left.


And yes, It may be an Internet game where its fun to have enemies (I agree with you there), But I will tell you that its NOT fun having your core destroyed a couple days before Era end by a snake. I do have plenty of people I do not get along with in this game and activlyseek to fight every time we are on the same map, however, none of those people who I consider rivals/enemies have resulted from them snaking me. Yes, most of them have had HUGE fights with me, but none of them have snaked me.

Snaking like this is the ultimate sin when it comes to VU.

00:54:53 May 12th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Path i would be more than happy to take in most people. Samual among them, ive played with him before and even though he can be a pain in the neck when it came down to it we got along just fine. Mind you we didnt treat each other real well but hell we made do in Agenda. If you ask me there are times you need people like him that question the small things.


Also i would like to know when forgiving someone was deemed a weakness. Just curious it seems most of VU has this perspective on things. Though when asked in another formatt they reply differently. it is okay to be cautious i understand that as well, i understand that. but bring up things that happened long ago on another issue entirely is simply, pointless. it leads to (thank god not this one.. yet) heated arguments. Path if you and sorra want to duke it out feel free to make a misc forum post for it. Im sure most of Vu would agree it is a post worth the time it would take to read it. Same goes for you especially Sorra, your a good friend and you know ill support you. Hence my obvious bias. However it is what it is. Dont reply to his post if need be. You are fanning flames that do not need it. Good luck boys.

01:10:14 May 12th 10 - Mr. Sun Jian of:

Sir Teirdel


18:54:53 May 11th 10

Path i would be more than happy to take in most people. Samual among them, ive played with him before and even though he can be a pain in the neck when it came down to it we got along just fine. Mind you we didnt treat each other real well but hell we made do in Agenda. If you ask me there are times you need people like him that question the small things.


Also i would like to know when forgiving someone was deemed a weakness. Just curious it seems most of VU has this perspective on things. Though when asked in another formatt they reply differently. it is okay to be cautious i understand that as well, i understand that. but bring up things that happened long ago on another issue entirely is simply, pointless. it leads to (thank god not this one.. yet) heated arguments. Path if you and sorra want to duke it out feel free to make a misc forum post for it. Im sure most of Vu would agree it is a post worth the time it would take to read it. Same goes for you especially Sorra, your a good friend and you know ill support you. Hence my obvious bias. However it is what it is. Dont reply to his post if need be. You are fanning flames that do not need it. Good luck boys.


When you give way too many chances to the person.

*Glares at Kath*

I have given him way too many chances.

01:13:23 May 12th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Kath and Kat are two different people... Sure you got the right person on this, Path? :p

01:13:35 May 12th 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

Sir Sorra I regret to inform you that the events are taking place in your kingdom are justice from era's before.

01:16:17 May 12th 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr


07:13:23 May 12th 10
Kath and Kat are two different people... Sure you got the right person on this, Path? :p

Yes, he got the right person. There is a Kath and there is a Kat in game. While the former is a legend in the field of backstabbing, the latter is no slouch either.

01:16:53 May 12th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Hmm you make an excellent point Sun Jian. Ill keep that peice of advice close to me.


Though the ability to forgive, ignorance of youth? or wisdom of the elder?

01:17:27 May 12th 10 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

"Justice" is to be carried out in a just way. Not by backstabbing the whole Kingdom in a time of war. Luckily, we have armories in the core as well as out of it, so his little plot will not last long... Also his armies are small and crappy.

01:20:56 May 12th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Was just wondering TBL... I know more about Kath than Kat so... Yea, just checking ;)

01:24:29 May 12th 10 - Mr. Sun Jian of:

I know right. Well Kath did not really listen to what I had to say like relations and we ended up destroying the kingdom.

02:24:53 May 12th 10 - Mr. Pesto:

poor bastard...

02:41:19 May 12th 10 - Mr. Sun Jian of:

For me???

02:44:09 May 12th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

Also i would like to know when forgiving someone was deemed a weakness <---- because in Vu forgiving a known backstabber or anyone who has betrayed a kd can lead to your entire era and weeks of gameplay down the pan for no reason other then you took a chance on someone who was always likely to screw you over :) forgiving backstabbers is a weakness. the more people who shun them the less of them there are :D

03:39:28 May 12th 10 - General Zondy:

Kat has played with me.. and never done anything backstabbing or anything of the sort.

Please keep the topic to the topic..not trying to pull ppl in it had nothing to do with.

03:52:58 May 12th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Yeah I'm depressed that Fuzz actually played in BoW... oh well at least he left.  Sorry Sorra, did you kill him though?

04:08:52 May 12th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Don't worry Arthur, i have some armies onto it... :)... He won't last more than 15 hours. (Maybe we need a science called transportation, where troops can move faster, the higher level it is... but that is for another time.)

04:22:44 May 12th 10 - Mr. Path:

Oh, but, but, Have some forgiveness in your heart...let him go! : (

You meanies are holding grudges.  Ancient history I say.

And regarding Kat, you can't say he has "nothing to do with (this)".  Considering this is his signature move, I consider him germane to the discussion.

05:15:58 May 12th 10 - Mr. Eddthestolen:

omg not this again! Path won't you leave me alone! i remeber that era i was supposed to join sorra in another world but i was in Angels, I would like to point out i never attacked Angels and i never planned to attacked my own kd at all. What happened was that while in Angels we have a NAP partner if i recall right drug lords or something like that,. Well one plyaer in that kd left their kd and had free cities out. I seeing this sent my army out immediately to get one of those cities to raise my eco. It was all well when the leader of the other kd told me that the city was  "reserved for them and that he was going to take it by force. I told him that the city was kdless and therefore was for grabs for anyone. I decided to tell my leader about this and hope he would side with me. This really made me mad when my own leader took the other kd's sides just because they were friends and didn't care about me. It was then that i decided to join sorra on another world but i had to die on this world. I decided to leave angels but i sended a lot of messages that i wouldn't attack them because they were my kd. Instead i attacked Drug lords for being cry baby's n wreck a lot of their cities like 10 or so. After messages from my kd to stop th madness i decided to stop and just die. So yea then i died and went with sorra. Idk how you would consider this tritorous when it was the cause of bad leadership that led to this.


P.S sorry for the long paragraph and grammar mistakes =)

05:34:54 May 12th 10 - Sir Sorra:

The above > What Fuzz Did.


Mr. Pesto


21:24:53 May 11th 10
poor bastard...
Mr. Sun Jian of


21:41:19 May 11th 10

For me???

He was talking about Fuzz.

05:53:32 May 12th 10 - Mr. Path:

That is not all of what happened Kat.  I do not have selective memory about the event and clearly remember what happened.  Sure, it started with you attacking our closest ally, the kingdom Cannabis, but by the end you were taking Angels cities and attacking our armies.  Your said your reasoning was something along the lines of  "I need to join my friends on another map, and I want to have some fun too, lolz"

You not only attacked our mining cities, you also destroyed some of them.  The only reason you stopped attacking Angels is because TBL spoke with you, and you realized that if you kept taking Angels cities, it would delay you rejoining Sorra on some other map.  TBL I believe was the person who put you down, but not before you attacked his army 4-5 times, causing great losses in the process.  The whole time you were pouting "hurry up and attack, I need to go join my friends (Sorra apparently)"

If your story helps you sleep at night, then fine.  But don't mistake it with what really happened.  You didn't change your name to hide from Cannabis, you changed your name to hide from the fact you tried to destroy your own kingdom from the inside. for me, I'm still Path, no hiding needed here.

06:00:04 May 12th 10 - Mr. Eddthestolen:

I never attacked you i merely reclaimed my own cities that u took from me! sure i atatcked you guys but my army was too strong so i suicided on you guys and i clrealy sended messages saying what i was going to do. And i told you guys to kill me because i couldn;t resign because my real name was incorrect apparently.I had friends in preds whom i wanted to give my cities because they were nice to me.

06:01:39 May 12th 10 - Mr. Eddthestolen:

Oh also what the hell you talking about? I always been Kat or edd and sometimes very rarely like once or twice dog and spike.

06:12:18 May 12th 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

well path is right for sure about one thing "Edd" your an idiot, you and Knigh should join a club together.

06:13:38 May 12th 10 - Sir Sorra:

Well Path, Im sure it happened quite differently from how you describe. Your either adding details, removing them or are not giving the correct atmosphere to the situation. An earlier example of this was when you tried to give the false perception that iv been backstabbed by a close friend (Mr.Fuzz) because that's the type of people I hang around with.

BUT ANYWAYS, None of this matters as it's not a thread about Kat. This is a Thread about Fuzz and like Zondervan said....

``Please keep the topic to the topic..not trying to pull ppl in it had nothing to do with.``

If you can't stay on topic, please, dont bother posting.

06:16:10 May 12th 10 - Mr. Path:

First you say "i never attacked Angels" Angels being the kd we were in
Then you say "sure i atatcked you guys"

: / 

I probably would have respected you more if you just continued to lie and deny. 

Furthermore, you weren't "reclaiming" anything.  I woke up the morning after it happened, not knowing what had happened at all the night before and my mine city had been taken.  I'm pretty sure you hit Stalin's mine as well.

Anyhow Sorra, there you go.  That is the mentality you are working with.  If you want to know why Fuzz did what he did, ask Kat.  What you will find is that people like this always have some excuse and fabricate a lie so they can think of themselves as justified.  Its ironic, but most traitors don't like to think of themselves that way and will do anything they can to convince themselves they aren't one.

06:32:01 May 12th 10 - Sir Sorra:

Well, I don't think he was trying to be deceptive about it. You can tell when someone trying to deceive by their choice of words and sentence structure, and when someone is either really tired or has poor command of the English language. I believe that in this case Edd fits in the latter (tired of course lol)

Anyways, enough is enough Path, Drop the situation. I guarantee you, jugeing by how you're so firm to prosecute edd, that a thread has undoubtedly been created (maybe two lol) on this before. I have much to say on your feud with Edd but I will not derail this thread to get into a long discussion with you about a completely different situation. This is not that thread. Feel free to dig up that thread and fill it with whatever insight you believe you have. This thread was created about Fuzz`s actions. I say again, if you can not stay on topic then don't bother posting.  

06:59:11 May 12th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Sorra your just helping add to the discussion. Keep topic on about fuzz. Then sorra contact an admin 2 a) lock thread or b) remove all post not in its agenda.

07:10:09 May 12th 10 - Mr. Path:

Once again, I fail to see how this is offtopic.  The topic is Mr Fuzz is a backstabber, and that we all need to be on the lookout for this evil snake.  When I think of backstabbers, I think of Kat.  I then point out that you sleep with snakes nightly in the form of Kat/Edd.  Both players pulled almost identical moves against their kingdom.

Just because you don't like the direction the thread has gone doesn't mean you can say its off topic.  My original point is that this kind of event that is happening now shouldn't surprise you considering the type of people you surround yourself with.  That is still my point, and it is very much on topic in this conversation.

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