Forums / In game politics / Mortal Kombat: Zeta

Mortal Kombat: Zeta
08:36:32 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Sub Zero:

Mortal Kombat

Kingdom Banner

Name: Mortal Kombat
Members: 3
Tag: MK
Created: 8/22/2008 7:07:22 AM
Leader: Mr. Sub Zero



Next Era will be Zetamania

  Looking for Players with 4 or more era Exp. playing .

  Looking for people with leadership abilities .
 (You have been a KD ruler and the kingdom disbanded or have been
an Active Vice for "X" era )

  Accepting  Orc , Elf and Human Only . (2 Spots For Elf ) . 

We will stay in zeta until we are running strong and move up to Mantrax and Fantasia as we progress in skill .

08:39:22 Aug 30th 08 - Sir Chucky:

why only those races?
you racist f*ck!

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