Forums / In game politics / Moving to fantasia

Moving to fantasia
23:03:51 Nov 19th 10 - Mr. Pug:

Hello, I'm Pug, the mightiest magician ever known on a planet called Midkemia. Recently I have visited the world called zetamania and collected a few losers to do my biddings. I have taken the liberty to called this group Every Visual Utopian Loser aka Evul. Recently, I found zetamania to be a boring and desolate place to live in. So I have decided to relocate to fantasia.

I'm hoping other kingdoms in other worlds find the wisdom in this so fantasia will become a more livelier place to be in for next era.

One more thing, please be gentle to these losers. They are fairly new at this :(

00:18:12 Nov 20th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Love Muffin:

You don't seem so great to me.

00:24:53 Nov 20th 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

zeta to fant... slight increase in skill level there. And trust Vuggy to have the first comment

01:48:52 Nov 20th 10 - Mr. Pure The Inactive:

Lol do you even need mu on zeta. I think there is higher skill level on like on one of the lower worlds LOL.

And ofc vuggy would.

01:56:55 Nov 20th 10 - Sir Jondrus Cornball:

Vuggy why are you such an arse to new players?  Something is wrong with you. You should be banned for discouraging new players in this game. You are the sole reason many new players quit. :)

02:18:19 Nov 20th 10 - Mr. Binh The Elf Master:

Good luck on fant pug. :)

16:32:38 Nov 20th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Love Muffin:

Nah. I am the sole reason newbs shouldn't brag.

17:14:12 Nov 20th 10 - Mr. William The Evul One:

You are?? o.0 you are very very very evil! everybody should be able to brag...

21:10:18 Nov 20th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

Pug you!

21:23:11 Nov 20th 10 - Clown White Fang:

your an imbecile vuggy. Good luck Pug

22:27:07 Nov 20th 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

leave vuggy alone before we gang bang you, you butt plug >:D

01:28:46 Nov 21st 10 - Ms. Failure The Goddess of Losers:

leave pug alone sfd before we give you a bang somewhere you know you want it ;)

02:44:02 Nov 21st 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

wait we are talking about my ear arnt we ?

08:30:54 Nov 21st 10 - Mr. Crom:

good luck pug,seems you guys had a pretty good start km no.1 so far, keep going.

omg duke some fucking drunk you are

09:04:04 Nov 21st 10 - Mr. Gimli:

Leave sfd alone and vuggy. They are the only ones left to screw the forums around. Everyone else has been banned or left the game =\

11:46:58 Nov 21st 10 - Mr. Underated Sexmachine:

Goodluck guys but looking at the lineup and the sheer numbers you have you most likely wont need it. 

It would have been good to see Fant stay at around 15 person kingdoms so the era could be challenging for everyone and thus FUN for a change.

12:17:24 Nov 21st 10 - Mr. Gimli:

I  would say 20 members.

12:27:54 Nov 21st 10 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

you guys are slacking there days, i shouldnt be able to touch the hoh players list with how much i have logged in

15:09:54 Nov 21st 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

hankers your always there coz your the SHIZZ "D

19:18:36 Nov 21st 10 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Lol solo oop fun :)

00:24:57 Nov 22nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"Lol do you even need mu on zeta. "

Um yeah...  you kind-of do.

03:19:40 Nov 22nd 10 - Mr. Grim Darkhammer The Ancient:

Considering that between PKS & Susu we have two of the best casters on VU throwing magic back and forth you better have MU.

Oh yeah, good luck on Fanta Pug. Sorry you got wiped out.. err "found zetamania to be a boring and desolate place to live" .

04:41:12 Nov 22nd 10 - Mr. Pug:

*Pug giggled.

Good thing this mighty magician got ressurrected by the goddess of death so he can live a happier life elsewhere. :)

06:06:46 Nov 22nd 10 - Mr. Narcissus:

Good luck Pug. =]

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