Forums / In game politics / Music III

Music III
00:25:12 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

How pathetic are you?! You can't win a war by yourself. You have to have a spy in Mirror! and then on top of that that spy betrays Mirror. I don't even have the words to describe how low and pathetic music is. Spoon your Kingdom SUCKS!!! Now all KDs see what they do? Trust them at your own expense. Just know, there may be a spy in your ranks, a spy that will turn on you the minute music snaps it's hands and tells it to dance. ZEON, Jester, and Abydos good luck with your alliance with this filthy kingdom. I would say more, but I can't find the right words........

00:28:24 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Condinho:

Nope, I was a lowly little guy that you squished last era without so much as a hello... but I learned in the little world, and did very very very will inside Mirror, then chose one of the people you warred, and joined

Anti-Legacy sleepers cells rock!

00:35:47 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

I will kill you you here i will kill you and music. I will make you quit this game

00:36:25 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:

If you want to win, or even if you want to beat LGC, do it the proper way.  But don't ruin other kingdoms because of your immaturity. I'm lost for words: I didn't think you (Condinho) could stoop much lower than being deleted multiple times for running multiple accounts in the past. But this? Wow. You're disgrace to this wonderful game.

00:38:33 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

No it was our fault I new he would do something like this

00:55:22 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

I will handle you personally, no one takes a cheap shoot out of me. I never die and now you will die for to remind you. Isaac is in town. not even luna wolves could kill me but I will always be out for revenge

00:55:42 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:


01:13:08 Jul 4th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

If this is true then I'm lost for words.

01:17:38 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

*sigh* It's true.

01:21:14 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

I find this deeply disterbing that Music can do such a thing..


Spoon i have lost a great deal of respect for you...

01:24:35 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

This is especially annoying for Jester since were the ones who broke through Mirrors blocker and had entered there core. We were about to take the whole thing to. Until of course Condinho switched sides because he knew he was closest to all the good cities and would be able to take them all first. It's obvious he used Jester and all of its hard workers because he didn't stand a chance of taking a whole KD alone. So he needed someone to take attention away from him. Jester broke through the blocker he switches sides takes the cities that should be Jesters. Of course I can't speak for everyone in my KD, this is just a personal opinion.

01:24:42 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Gabrilis:

Why sigheart has reoved 90% of his message?

01:25:58 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I put it back.

01:27:45 Jul 4th 07 - Sir Dionysus:

Well Sigheart, go take them now. I know you can't speak for your kingdom, but I can't imagine that anyone will want to be allied with Condinho or any kingdom that harbors him.

01:37:14 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

Is it possible that he wasnt a spy?

i mean he could just be a two face *beep* of a player, and not actually be a spy. he could have just seen the oppotunity to switch sides....

im not making excuses or anything, i think its wrong that Music have accepted him and he has done this. but its possible that he hasnt given away any intel on Mirror..... unlikely.. but still...

01:37:47 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I was in IE we didn't break NAPs that easily and neither does Jester(far as I know never read a thread about how Jester broke a NAP).

03:22:55 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I'm of a mind to call a kd wide man hunt on him, nap or no. That is not something anyone should do. Spoon, I suggest you make your statement.

03:39:24 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Draven:

spoon??? what the ell man? i have always respected you as a player but if this is true then Music just became a useless kingdom in my book.

04:15:50 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

The fact that Spoon still hasn't said anything says a lot.

04:31:36 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

Its probably 4-5AM where Spoon is what do you expect?

04:35:25 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Sorry about that last comment. But I think this was planned ahead of time mainly because of how easily that transition went. Jester breaks through blocker Condinho who was waiting for this leaves Mirror joins Music 10-15 minutes afterwards starts taking cities that should have been Jesters.

Fugging Condinho we were supposed to take those cities we were the one who had put serious troops into breaking through the blockers.

04:44:04 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Ok, nobody flame on sp00n so early. I really highly doubt he had anything to do with this, I'm speaking on my own beliefs but I personally am positive sp00n didn't know about this. This was not planned from the beginning of the era, we didn't even know Mirror's location for a while and we have no personal conflict with them that would make us do something like this. Please don't go overboard with your comments until sp00n can get on.

04:52:09 Jul 4th 07 - Lady Mifune:

I think we should all wait to hear from Spoon before we pass judgement. 

04:53:58 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Adelbert Rockbeard:

Is Spoon not leader of Music? And if he indeed is not online, then has he not promoted the viceroy who sanctioned the betrayal of Condinho!?
Truly his absence is not a fitting aliby! And the actions of Music reflect on its leader! Mark my words, for never will you see Mirror accept treacherous acts as this! Even if it means the certain ending of our existance! I only hope spoon finds wisdom to undo this harm! And banish the betrayer from his ranks forever!

04:59:04 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

qoute condinho:"Nope, I was a lowly little guy that you squished last era without so much as a hello... but I learned in the little world, and did very very very will inside Mirror, then chose one of the people you warred, and joined"

He chose an enemy of Mirror at random and joined. We weren't against Mirror in the beginning. We never knew where each others cores were. This was not a thing that was planned beforehand.

05:01:41 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Actually I knew where your core was and I was in the same area as Mirror.

05:04:39 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

We could see you Sigheart, we knew where you were, primarily from intel from the Jesters as well. But we never knew about mirror. They have only recently even grown into a large threat. They gained power when they defeated you. Even then we never had any hostile intentions until they used some rather unflattering words towards us in the name of one of their armies.

05:05:50 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Wait quick question where are your vices? They should be here.

05:06:53 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:


Kobuskan35ViceElfFant.1 days
Gallyon31ViceDwarfFant.1 days
Gilthas30ViceDwarfFant.1 days

05:07:33 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

nice post Rubyian! with kingdom members like that, who needs spies? rofl!!!

msn addresses, online/offline status, a nice summary of your members, their races, and who is active/inactive. sweet.

i don't think i have ever seen someone copy + paste their actual Kingdom page on the public forums.

05:08:06 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Then who let Condinho in? All those say one day except for Spoon's.

05:10:10 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Just give sp00n a chance to come on, Sig, why are you so upset anyway?

05:12:53 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Maybe because we wanted those cities, we worked for them, and this betrayal severly hampers mirror, cutting out on the chalenge they pose, and we hate traitors.

05:13:56 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:

I am furious but im trying to control my emotions and the rest of my angry kingdommates.  Thank you rubyian for that eye opener.

1. Only Viceroys and Leader can accept new members.
2. From that print screen, it is very clear who was the accesory.

NamePostsRankRaceWorldLast login

Kobuskan35ViceElfFant.1 days
Gallyon31ViceDwarfFant.1 days
Gilthas30ViceDwarfFant.1 days

Now, what is odd about that and what does it tells us.  Kobuskan, Gallyon and Gilthas' last log in was 1 day ago.  Spoon? Today

Thank you rubyian.

05:14:05 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Dak, sigheart is in the Illuminati Empire. They were killed by Mirror earlier in the era.

05:16:31 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Zach, just shut up and wait for sp00n. I hope that you will also notice that he is not online now to witness any of this. He hasn't been online through any of this. He may be the one who allowed condinho in. But we hadn't even scouted out condinho. We didn't know he was a member of Mirror.

05:17:59 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Your ignorance is showing.

05:18:07 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Actually I'm in Jester now. So is the rest of IE and were all furious do you know how long it took us to break therough the blockers?????? 3 days I'd say. We break through then quite suddenly we find a Mirror Member switch sides become Music( WHICH WE ARE NAPPED SO WE CAN'T TAKE THE CITIES BACK) and take all the good cities! You want to know why Jester is MAD(Pardon the acronym Mad against Drugs)? I'm sure you can guess.

05:18:35 Jul 4th 07 - Lady Mifune:

IE folded into Jester.

Please more comments until we hear from Spoon.

05:20:47 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

If by ignorance you mean lack of information than yes. Without a vice or sp00n online right now their isn't much I can do or say. Sp00n is an honorable player, I can guarantee that. If he wasn't, I would be in a different kd right now. Also, if this was some kind of plot, he would have at least said something on our kd foums for a coordinated attack or something and he hasn't posted all day about anything.

05:20:58 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:

You do not tell me to shut up.  Is that understood peon?  Its very obvious that you do not know anything in your kingdom.  How can you deny that?  its very clear and it came from you.  Are you trying to make up for your stupidity?

too late.

05:22:28 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

And Sig, I believe condinho will be kicked, then we(music, mirror, and Jester) can all do some kicking(and punching and raping and pillaging). But until we figure this all out, just have some patience.

05:24:08 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Zach, I'm trying to be polite but it is a bit of a frusterating arguement. Kind of one sided:-/

05:25:15 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

I'm not saying I have all the answers, but as many experienced players will tell you, Sp00n is an honorable player. Depend on that if nothing else.

05:25:44 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:

I dont know about you, but i already figured it out.

You and me against the world
Sometimes it feels like you and me against the world
When all the others turn their back and walk away
You can count on me to stay

Remember when the circus came to town
And you were frightened by the clown?
Wasn't it nice to be around someone that you knew?
Someone who was big and strong and looking out for

You and me against the world
Sometimes it feels like you and me against the world
And for all the times we've cried I always felt that
The odds were on our side

And when one of us is gone
And one of us is left to carry on
Then remembering will have to do
Our memories alone will get us through
Think about the days of me and you
Of you and me against the world

05:28:34 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Nothing is figured out lol, thats why I say you should wait for sp00n. He's the only one who can decisively end the arguement. Believe me when I say that I hate what condinho did. I am not supporting him in any of this.

06:19:35 Jul 4th 07 - Lord Eleutherios:

Milords and Gentleladies,
My friends in Mirror, I feel for you, and I have seen treachery before, once through the messengers, and once right before my own. But I have learnt to pin the fault on the traitor, and not the one who accepted him, prior or after. For the acceptor will have to face the consequences, as traitors will never betray only once, and will always have an excuse to turn against his colleagues.

Spoon would had never known what treachery the ruler in question is capable of when he accepted him into the kingdom of Music. I do request to let Spoon have his say, and do not push the blame solely on Spoon. I have known Spoon to be honourable and had always been true to his word. In this context, I will also expect Spoon and his High Council to do the right thing.

06:31:20 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Lucimorth II:

I followed all the posts in our KD forum. We only became hostile to Mirror after the "Death to Music" army. At first it was assumed that it was a *beep* mistake or something. Thats when we began being at war with Mirror.

You people should realize that things are not always as they seem. There is always a chance for something you did not expect. At least have the courtesy of letting Sp00n explain what had happened, then you can have the entire information that is available. It is very hard to judge what is truth and what is not in this situation because obviously no one wants to be an ass. The thing is that following actions must be an indication of what went on it this case. If this was planned by Music, obviously no harm will come to Cordinho, however if it was unplanned Cordinho should be kicked and punished, no doubt in that.

It also seems weird that Music would do this. We obviously wont survive alone and messing up relations with Jester and Zeon would be a retarded move. I am sure Sp00n realized that this action would not be greeted with open arms by neither Jester nor Zeon. Therefore, it is logical to assume that the entire event is a very bizzare set of coincidences that lead to the blame of Music. Most likely, everything is playing out as Cordinho planned, and now that he can take many powerful cities he may be able to be a real threat to a lot of people.

Therefore, hold your horses and let actions speak for Music before you deem us guilty.

06:46:20 Jul 4th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

ZEON, Jester, and Abydos good luck with your alliance with this filthy kingdom. I would say more, but I can't find the right words........

But don't ruin other kingdoms because of your immaturity. I'm lost for words: I didn't think you (Condinho) could stoop much lower than being deleted multiple times for running multiple accounts in the past. But this? Wow. You're disgrace to this wonderful game.

1. were not allied to jesters or music
2. that isnt the real condinho

06:49:33 Jul 4th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

i saw a mirror army that once said "i love Shyers' but you know what? i never got a phone call the day after. so be wary with army names they arn't always a good thing to go by

p.s. still waiting for you to call btw i had a really good time that night ;)

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