Forums / In game politics / Music XII

Music XII
12:54:40 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Dude:

We're recruiting! Next era the leader will be me! Spoon! My iron fist regime will once again destroy the innocent and leave the sinners!

I think Music showed it can fight this era! Are you interested in an interesting era? Send an interesting application to the interesting Music! Interesting, no?


15:44:58 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. William The Teddybear:

:O!!! can i join?

15:49:24 Aug 15th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:



16:24:35 Aug 15th 08 - Lord Random:

hey dude, lets spoon ;)

HA see what i did there!

17:08:20 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Music Music 20 Mr. Gilth 80

Glad your going to be king again, Spoon :) Good luck with it :D.
oh, don't forget, ur having exams the coming year...

19:46:55 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Dude:

yesh! everybody can join! !11





Sure, I'm always in for some spooning! Get me tonight, I'll be drunk as hell.. That's way more exciting! :D


Glad that I'm king again aswell! I might be a bit rusty :(
And well.. Exams, they're not untill the end of the year! :) So they're on my -do not care- list :)

19:54:11 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Ingo Von Lucker:

Anyone can join ?!?

*shouts* Hey Surviver .... come over here ... theres another Kingdom you can mess up !

19:56:35 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Selocgotatanandcold:

Ingo he's already messed Music up before.....

20:01:05 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Ingo Von Lucker:

Oh forgive me ... didnt knew that you already had the "honour" :-D

23:24:12 Aug 15th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

musics a good kingdom and spoons a good leader "_" kudos on next era

23:35:12 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Ehh, good luck! I wonder how pks did so good....probably because of mass members...

23:59:29 Aug 15th 08 - Duke Schneizel:

spoon you baka (japenesse)!! :P taking up Music again :p lol... i knew you couldnt resist the call of VU :P just like i cant resist it either ;) hehe ;)........... the greatest are often alike eh? ;)

00:20:02 Aug 16th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

GO SPOON!! oh, good luck to music too, but really, GO SPOON!!!

01:23:07 Aug 16th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Mr. Spoon

8/15/2008 6:54:40 AM

....My iron fist regime will once again destroy the innocent and leave the sinners!

Didn't you already rape all the cattle and ride off on the women?

Good luck Spoon!

02:40:33 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Don't know if you remember me or not Spoon but you and Kobuskan taught me just about everything I know about the game in era 24 I think it was. Best if luck to you and Music :) Spoon ftw!!

14:13:46 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Dude:

Thanks HP :)


Uhm, well, that's not something to ask me Master Mind! I only played the start of the era this one :)


salamong you sakana! You know I can't quit or anything :P




And hey Ruby! I sure do remember you :) I think we got rid of you after you went inactive suddenly! :P
Hows it been? :)

16:59:39 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Pretty good:) I went inactive because I lost my internet:-/ Was a little busy with school as well. But I'm back for now:) I graduated 2 months ago so hopefully I can be a little more active on VU now:)

14:49:04 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Dude:

Losing internet is always crap! Always keep a backup :D
Congratulations with graduating! :)

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