Forums / In game politics / Mutual Respect

Mutual Respect
19:39:12 Feb 13th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I thank SOME of my kingdoms allies this era. You have all done a magnificent job and i would also like to thank our enemies for making life interesting... some of which actually now fit into both of these categories. :P

Fate~ Though things haven't turned out the way we had planned or even how we would please i still hold respect to your decision. Best of luck to you in the following era and keep ruling with an iron fist.

HiV~ I would have to say there is only one ally that i have ever had that is more enjoyable then your lot (that information is withheld) though i hope to see quite a future with you guys. You never get a hot head and you are always calm and collective in your planning and execution of plans. This makes you all a deadly force to be reckoned with.

BoW~ Even your newest players this era are good at what they do and i know that under your guidance we will start to see more and more excellent VU players come along under your banner. I have never warred your kingdom before and though it was cut short by diplomacy it may actually be best that way. I was actually at war with myself when marching on your front. You all are good and dear friends to me. Best of luck to you all in the coming era.

Fight Club~ I dont really know what happened in the activity of your break up but i have noticed that from the ashes a magnificent phoenix has rose to spread its wings. Though this is a new turn of events i thing the best is in store for you all. Keep doing what you are doing.

Bear Machines~ The war earlier this era was eventful and to tell the truth i never saw you guys coming, but you are back slowly regaining your land. I guess had we scouted more we would have seen you but congrats on your surprise attack,

Brethren Forever~

Though you guys cannot reply to this message (rofl) i really did enjoy the wars with you this era and the very short alliance last era.

also i am sad because the one and only dragon king will not be able to attempt flaming next era. Best of luck to you all where ever you may roam.

Burning Legion~

We've had a good and long run. All i can really say here is that i know you will find a place in the VU community because you are one of very few players in this game that knows how to hand someones ass to them. BTW i hope ill be able to finish that project for you in time.


The members of the kingdom are great people and show much promise; though i do not like their leader, i like the people. Best of luck.

Ravage Regime~

You are the fierce bunny rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Keep the small size, you work efficiently this way you and guys kick some major ass.

19:41:31 Feb 13th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

This is me giving my respect to those i have met politically or violently in the game this era. You all have something going for you, and i want you all to know that you have my respect.

Best of luck

23:35:27 Feb 13th 10 - Death Lord Draven The Pitbull:

Same to you and yours man ;)

23:54:38 Feb 13th 10 - Mr. And Ezzington:

Awesome. A circle-jerking thread. Pass the tissues around. :)

00:02:38 Feb 14th 10 - Duke Random:

holy shit you had alot of naps....

00:15:25 Feb 14th 10 - Lady Blood Soaked Madness:

<3 Uther and Fed 

00:48:46 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Not all of these were NAPS

BoW and Fight Club were enemies

Fate was a mutual understanding gone wrong

Brethren was war

Only NAPs on this list were Ravage Regime, HiV, and Glads and apparently Glads doesnt like me anymore, so they dont even really count anyways :P (jk)

00:49:22 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Ezzington i guess you could call it that...

want to join ;)

00:52:06 Feb 14th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I appreciate the words Uther.  It was an interesting war to say the least.

00:53:25 Feb 14th 10 - Mr. And Ezzington:

Thanks, but no thanks Penisdragon.

00:55:03 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I am seriously glad it was cut off before the end of it came around. rofl

Though i am glad to see that you guys are climbing a bit and cant wait to see how things unfold next era

00:56:13 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

First of all Pen is Celtic for Chief

So the last name means ChiefDragon..

not PhallicDragon (rofl)

01:12:18 Feb 14th 10 - Lady Blood Soaked Madness:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

01:40:15 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

The beginning of that video is hilarious

it made be laugh

01:42:17 Feb 14th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Run Away Run Away 

Ah haha

15:48:26 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. William Snowman:

wait.... i am a bunny rabbit o.0 do bunny rabbits have rhino's as pets? NA'AH!!
I am the black knight ^^

16:50:27 Feb 17th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


well how can you do that when you aren't bleeding... and last time i checked your torso was in tact.


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