Forums / In game politics / Mystic is Back

Mystic is Back
03:59:35 May 17th 09 - Duke Ralfardious Windscar III:

Next era i am remaking mystic...anybody care to join?

16:40:52 May 17th 09 - Duke Ralfardious Windscar III:

o come on do i have to put info to make you guys post?!

16:46:16 May 17th 09 - General Zondervan:

good luck!!

17:14:02 May 17th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

Good luck Griffy :)

18:07:54 May 17th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

good luck again :)

19:56:27 May 17th 09 - Mr. Bragi:

good luck :D (i made a bigger smiley than you! :P)

22:53:13 May 18th 09 - Duke Ralfardious Windscar III:

where....b t dubbs braggs you wanna join me next era?

00:18:03 May 19th 09 - Mr. Bragi:

i was talking about those who posted good luck before me :P and im joining RoC xD

01:06:08 May 19th 09 - Duke Ralfardious Windscar III:

any the info for mystic next era...sorry im a bit late

Leader: Me...doi
If you"re interested in joining send in your app with majority of questions answered. If

you were personally invited, be sure to say so in your app.

2+ eras of play (preferred but will take in new members)
good team player
very active in forums
somewhat active in chat (at least be in it)
very active in game (get on at least twice a day (more is appreciated))

App Questions
¨ˆ  Why do you want to join?
¨ˆ  How many eras have you been playing?
¨ˆ  What are your past names and kingdoms?
¨ˆ  Which races have you played? Best race?
¨ˆ  Are you an offensive or defensive player?
¨ˆ  How good are you with teamwork?
¨ˆ  How long do you plan to stay with Mystic?
¨ˆ  How active are you in playing the game? Chat? Forums?

Ill be making the kd next era, so if you want to join as of now, pm me

01:09:16 May 19th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

¨ˆ  Why do you want to join? I dont. you tried to make me come but i hate you.
¨ˆ  How many eras have you been playing? more than you.
¨ˆ  What are your past names and kingdoms? Random.
¨ˆ  Which races have you played? Best race? played all bar orc and troll, good at human, halfer and dwarf.
¨ˆ  Are you an offensive, defensive or 1337 player? 1337.
¨ˆ  How good are you with teamwork? i AM the team
¨ˆ  How long do you plan to stay with Mystic? i don't.
¨ˆ  How active are you in playing the game? Chat? Forums? no.

01:16:28 May 19th 09 - Mr. Bragi:

-i try to :P
-classic question: is there anything else to VU? (besides forums of course)  :P
-what if im a nolifer and only log on once a day but stay on all day long? xD

-i dont i just wanna fill the application
-i think i started era of Virgin havent played all since but :P (and i have failed to learn much during that time xD)
-Names: Bragi, Braggi KDs. ummmm.....look in history :P
-Races played before: Elf, Troll mostly. Best race: i dont know, none xD
-how can you categorise ppl in VU like that? you pump blockers get your merge bigger than the other KDs and take theyr core :D
-ummmm.....alirgth.....i hope.......xD
-kinda hard to stay with you if im not gonna least not yet but who know what will happen i future eras? xD
-kinda active in chat i guess :P at least if im online(and watching VU) ill be there :P

nooooo he did it before me =(

12:41:31 May 19th 09 - Duke Ralfardious Windscar III:

i hate you random


00:38:07 May 20th 09 - Sir Fever Reducer:

omg you only hate RANDOM! If i were you I would take a knife and pierce his heart!

Hey but I also luv him!

12:50:55 May 22nd 09 - Duke Ralfardious Windscar III:

OMG ME TOO....its a hate love relationship....

i hate loving random

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