Forums / In game politics / NAP BREAKERS!!!

05:54:54 May 20th 07 - Mr. Umbrella Corp:

Here is the place to list all of the NAP breakers so you will know who to NOT to trust in the future.

05:55:43 May 20th 07 - Mr. Umbrella Corp:

Biggest betrayers so far.

THC-Cannabis Lords

06:42:43 May 20th 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga:

Maybe add in some names as far as who in what KD broke the NAP first.

07:16:05 May 20th 07 - Sir Paffician:

So how did they break the NAP.... NAP is not for ever, so maybe tell a little more why and how they break it, before say to not trust them....

10:30:40 May 20th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

I came here to report this notorious nap breaker.


It all happened 1 sunny day, i was tired from work and i decided to have a NAP!  Then i was startled by two dogs fighting.  Can somebody help me? please?  Those NAP breakers need to learn their lesson

11:52:53 May 20th 07 - Lord Argyle:

Yeah give us names, and reasons, I mean, it could be you who broke the pact...we can't know that...

12:09:43 May 20th 07 - Mr. Eternal Oblivion:

Lets see...At first we had a NAP....
Then Mr. Spraitas was attacking a members town(Mr. RoyalDragon). I sent a letter to him and told him that our two kingdoms had a NAP incase he didn't know. He replied back and told me ok and he would leave...but not a bit after he replied back again and said he had to attack the town because he was trapped inside...By then the town was already gone. He told me that he will leave 0 troops in the town so royaldragon could take it back. Royaldragon tried to and didn't suceed...After that lil' problem we thought everything was still ok.
(I'm thinking that this is what started it...not sure though..they never gave a reason)
Now where it began.
Today we got on and saw Mr. Jibbly attacking our leaders city. And at the same time Mr. Jibbly and Mr. Awesome Man was attacking another members town(Mr. Israfil). We then saw Sir Snuffy sending 5k troops to the outside of my city..where he has stopped now..and not many days behind him was another army heading this way.

-- lil extra hehe :) --
I then sent around 800 troops to help Israfil. I defeated an army of 500 easily of course lost a few people...I then attacked the army of 2k troops with around 700 troops..and won after the second try. Sorry for the first era and first battle... :)

So, There is the people and the reason.

12:56:37 May 20th 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga:

Eternal Oblivion? As in, Tibia? Please, you people need your own names :/

13:09:19 May 20th 07 - Mr. Eternal Oblivion:

Ya, I figured someone would post a smartalic remark that has nothing to do with the purpose of the thread. I have saw alot of that on these forums.

14:09:35 May 20th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

what about those dogs who broke my nap? :(

14:12:41 May 20th 07 - Duke Dork:

Take them to a vet and shot them...

04:10:14 May 21st 07 - Lady Tantulii:

NAPs can have certain conditions.  Like a 24 hour cancellation period, for example.

05:00:15 May 21st 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

24 hours nap?  i usually go for 2-3 hours only

05:05:43 May 21st 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

What is this NAP you speak of?

05:18:57 May 21st 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

nap = like sleeping.  what nap are we talkng about here?

06:01:02 May 21st 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

haha. a 24 hour papa bear nap

07:10:20 May 21st 07 - Sir Scuba Steve:

Actually Mr. The Gladiator, bears normally hibernate for much longer than 24 hours, often times an entire season or more.

14:14:37 May 21st 07 - Lady Tantulii:

12-24 hours is acceptable.  3 is typically not, but the cancellation notice period should be mutually agreed by both kingdoms when the nap first takes effect.

18:46:42 May 21st 07 - Mr. Architect:

Heh, I dont know most of you, but I personally have never seen a single NAP that has a break-off condition set for less than 48 Hours, usually 72, But never 3.

19:51:08 May 21st 07 - Lady Esmerelda Weatherwax:

I think you are talking at complete cross-purposes here folks.  Consider the difference between:

a) A nap (no capital letters) which is a small sleep, and

b) A NAP, which is a non-aggression pact.

Then read the thread again.  :)

00:57:42 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Seraph:

He's doing it to be funny, Esmerelda... Just... failing.

01:01:00 May 22nd 07 - Ms. Noadea:

3 is not enough to do anything.  It is flatout hard to go anywhere in 3 ticks.

09:39:25 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian:

Plus many may not even connect in that time. it's like " Ok see ya tomorrow morning" and then when he comes back after sleeping he sees in the news that he recieved a message (saying: " Hey I'm sorry bro but our NAP is off, you got 3 hours to prepare) and already lost 4 cities.

I can imagine the face of that guy... hehehe

11:46:20 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Peaec IS Ard:

my veiw on naps are that they are not brill but they can work if you find a kingdom that has been playing for a long time and they see you as a threat they may just honer the nap but if they are new the nap normaly isent held for long thats why i normaly keep troops in resurve to kill nap brakers

17:20:16 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian:

sigh* yes, that is the backside of NAPs if you don't trust them. You may not be attacked, but you got to leave some of your troops behind just in case :(

03:19:28 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

i had a nap the other day, then the mail man broke it, but don't like him, if i don't get my bills and they are late it will cost me a lot in fees, but i'll keep y'all updated on my future naps.


sorry, my true feelings came out by mistake

03:24:16 May 23rd 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga:

I'm Shyers mail-man.

04:38:20 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Ptah:

I sort Shyers mail at the post office and it is histerical hearing him whine about his bills... Wolf gets the brunt of it but if he hadnt been trying to use the post office as his own little brothel I wouldn't be hiding his biggest pain in the asses bills so he gets *beep*ed out all the time...


oh sorry tmi

04:42:40 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

that's right mo-fo! hey did this month's Playboy come yet? and has my new penor pump arrived yet? this one was guaranteed to work!

04:56:54 May 31st 07 - Mr. Mayhem Xii:

who is this shyer u speak of

15:39:38 May 31st 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

he is a very important good-looking man, but becareful, he has a one fist of iron and one fist of steel. I heard he once punched a hole right thru someone and out the otherside.

20:35:09 May 31st 07 - Mr. Basch:

well phi are nap breaker and i cant be fcked explaining anything lol

22:54:12 Jun 2nd 07 - Mr. Soylentpurple:

Yar, damn those people who play music too loud next door and disrupt my NAP :(

23:40:46 Jun 2nd 07 - Lord Senturu:

basch check yourself. GoD broke the nap, by allowing baccus armies past there gates to attack us.

00:28:07 Jun 3rd 07 - Mr. Killstone The Destroyer:

there wasnt ever a NaP! but we decided to attack because they let baccus through to us

00:39:47 Jun 3rd 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

heres a seriously big NAP breaker..... Gods of Destruction..



00:40:58 Jun 3rd 07 - Lord Senturu:

KK there was a NAP with DE. and they formed GoD. we didnt attack even tho technicly our NAP wasnt with GoD but DE. but when you guys let baccus through it meant war.

00:42:13 Jun 3rd 07 - Mr. Killstone The Destroyer:

we had no relations with them because they where not DE any more so we could have attacked them without breaking NaP but we didnt once they let baccus through that changed our minds

00:49:10 Jun 3rd 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:



GoD is an NAP breaker........ we had an agreement on not to attack each other.. (my kingdom's name is The Demolishers) and their kingdom's core was right next to ours.


I went to sleep.. and the next thing i noticed when i logged on was my 60 k city was gone and there was an army of 50 k berserkers heading my way.. what's with these guys?!

00:50:10 Jun 3rd 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Atleast when you NAP someone and you hate em and want to remove the NAP.. and EVEN when you're about to break the NAP without a notification... plz dont do it while the guy's sleeping -.-

12:51:54 Jun 3rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Senturu, KK, why give in and reply to such stupid, no0bish posts made by losers who don't get this game?

14:45:34 Jun 3rd 07 - Lord Senturu:

i dunno...i was just kinda bored :/

18:11:34 Jun 3rd 07 - Mr. Jibbly:

guys biggerboom is talking about the GOD (gods of destruction) on zetamania lol not the old DE

18:30:59 Jun 3rd 07 - Lord Senturu:

jibbly read more into the thread. i know who biggerboom is talking. i was replying to basch's post

19:15:44 Jun 3rd 07 - Sir Razios:

lol I took Achilles Cities outta the southern core now POFF is fighting for control. Well Ill go join Erica's kingdom but not after I raze hell upon them, and nearly everyone knows how hard I fight... ;P

01:13:06 Jun 5th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

ya biggerboom sorry bout that... i suspect both KD's are gonna kill me now that i left GOD. i took one order and i'm the only one who followed through and attacked. not sure if i got set up but oh well

01:18:12 Jun 5th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

Mr. Soylentpurple


6/2/2007 10:54:12 PM
Yar, damn those people who play music too loud next door and disrupt my NAP :(


So true!!:D

01:59:13 Jun 5th 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Well Revenge as long as you're in my kingdom you're safe from GoD and from vampirefreaks..... ... Our kingdom wiped out Gods of Destruction..... Thx for weakening them btw razios.. that reallllyyy helped....... Even though i wasn't involved there lmfao.

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