Forums / In game politics / NAP fest

NAP fest
18:46:18 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

So noobs NAPed all kingdoms in Fantasia?

18:52:53 Jan 5th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

+zeta and starta i think

19:03:31 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Dispater:

and nirvana

19:10:53 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Sutekh:

nope, just fanta, zeta and starta.

19:11:53 Jan 5th 09 - Sir Evans:

none of mantrax? :P

thats gotta be boring as hell... id leave if i was there

19:12:54 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

I feel left out :(

19:14:17 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Mars:

Which noobs are you talking about?? I see loads of noobs in all kinds of kingdoms :)

19:16:06 Jan 5th 09 - Sir Evans:

whoever moved this is mscellaneous... why... its politics,,,it contains diplomatic relations

19:16:22 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

19:26:40 Jan 5th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Did they really NAP ALL kingdoms? Or like...the strongest ones? O__o

20:52:56 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Messiah:


21:13:11 Jan 5th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

...what about Nirvana?

21:29:31 Jan 5th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

all kds to ;)

21:45:33 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

We suck
We even suck at the wars we are fighting :(

Man we are crap :(
Maybe we should just give up and leave the game all together :(!

21:55:39 Jan 5th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

I thought we were special Pengu :'(

22:05:29 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Barney:

You guys act like its a big deal. I mean; it's not unfair to NAP every single kd just so you can fight a kd half your size with half as many active members; right?

22:10:40 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Eros The Pimp:

Im not permitted to flame so will leave it at "$%^^££ £%&&**%^&("

and thats all i have to say about this matter -_-

oh...and perkie sux...

22:15:14 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Mr. Barney


1/5/2009 10:05:29 PM

You guys act like its a big deal. I mean; it's not unfair to NAP every single kd just so you can fight a kd half your size with half as many active members; right?

Nope not unfair at all
Thanks for the support :D!

Much appreciated

22:21:38 Jan 5th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

PENGUIN for NR1 Suckiest Person Ever. i want to win against messiah again

22:26:00 Jan 5th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

I will vote for you Penguin

22:29:29 Jan 5th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Mr. Roxbury


1/5/2009 12:46:18 PM
So noobs NAPed all kingdoms in Fantasia?


Mass naps are just a part of the downward spiral that vu and vu "honour" is on.

it is no longer seen as bad and flameworthy to multi, most people dont mind cross logging or townswapping. maybe they reacted to the fact that dark on starta napped everyone there and most of fant. or the fact fate and v only have like 1 kd left to fight. they are not the first to "mass nap" and probably not the last this era.

22:31:21 Jan 5th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

yup like LGC went to low worlds and naped some kds ;)

22:31:43 Jan 5th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

we just naped fantasian kds like pro, ret ;)

22:33:50 Jan 5th 09 - Sir Vidar:

i wonder what the percentage of naps is against the number of kd's that still can attack us... very small indeed. nap fest my ar$e. winning a war isn't just about fire power, it is strategy as well and knowing your capabilities.

nothing worse than building/warring/farming for RL weeks then being wiped of a map due to stupidity or foolishness. there is nothing dishonourable in protecting the investment in time people have made to this game.

It is your bad if you fail to have the ability to secure land or naps/maps that prolong your own survival.

22:34:21 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

lol, I think Dark already kicked someone off of Starta, and at the time ODC was not there EVERYONE includes all of 3 other kindoms....two of which are dead :P

And if Dark has NAPed most of Fant, why exactly are they warring them? :P

22:34:32 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

I agree with Osi
If you multi or kingdom hop its now a

" Meh "
" Its been done before "

Kingdom hoppers can now hop in peace knowing that people will still take them
I havent been playing very long, but since I started playing Ive seen a plumet in 'Honour' in this game
Proberly because of 10 year olds joining thinking because mommy told them they were specialz

22:38:11 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Barney:

Sir Perkunas


1/5/2009 1:31:21 PM
yup like LGC went to low worlds and naped some kds ;)


Some is plural. I'm sure you can see the 1 NAP we have with low world kingdoms. The only few NAPs we have were made because we needed them. If we didn't NAP Prospia at the era start, we would have been wiped completey by 3 kds totaling over 6x our power. And if we didnt NAP you know who, then we would have been fighting kds totalling 5x our power.

I'm pretty sure *beep*S whored up a bunch on NAPSs so they could come kill us; you guys honestly cant manage to fight anything totalling more then 60% of your power rating?

22:41:57 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

Osi, there is a critical difference. Small and new player kingdoms NAP out of necessity to stay alive, comparing noobs to V doesnt hold up. When you are on top of the world you are supposed to fight the odds, not get lazy. Getting NAPs is easy, turning them down is the hard part.

Are you saying VU is a lost cause?

22:53:06 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Yes, VU is a lost cause :)!

22:53:19 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Messiah:

Tbh we are still fighting 200% of our power - not counting LGC and others we are currently not engaging coz they are too far away. Ofc, those kds are also fighting other kds. So it might be 60% in practice. Either way, the point is, we're noobs. We'll NAP anyone. Just drop Onuris a pm and we'll sign whatever deal you wish (including deals related to pengy or me sucking / our schlongs / our buttz)

22:55:46 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Farmer Agamemnon:

<or the fact fate and v only have like 1 kd left to fight.>

damn, looks like my goal of not posting anything this era will go unmet:(

Wow, i honestly didnt know we were napd with Pro, Rebirth, LDK or MaD, not to mention the kingdoms on Mant, i guess I am going to have to pay more attention to our forums:S

23:00:03 Jan 5th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Osi, there is a critical difference. Small and new player kingdoms NAP out of necessity to stay alive, comparing noobs to V doesnt hold up. When you are on top of the world you are supposed to fight the odds, not get lazy. Getting NAPs is easy, turning them down is the hard part.

Are you saying VU is a lost cause?

its never a lost cause. just in my opinion it has gone downhill. now small and new player kds nap yes. but most fant kds havent exactly invaded the other maps. I dont think any top kd should mass nap. i cant remember the last top kd that did. just another downward step imo. I remember the days Dead1 was shunned as a nap breaker or togglo got a real hard time for being a mutli. now nap breaking is common place in some maps and I got flamed when a multi was deleted by tons of people comming out in support of multis. wtf is all i say to that one :D.

winning atm is everything and auspice would probably be hailed as a political genius and fantastic vu talent using mass naps and bugs these days.

23:15:51 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Its not VU going downhill, its the players who are. VU could use a little uphill work though....

I think VU started going downhill in era 27 or whenever it was that a few kingdoms started majorly abusing the Great walls to create impenetrable blockers and Zeta actually had to go in and manually delete walls and then remove them altogether the next era. Ever since then its been a downwards spiral as NAPS are pretty much required to survive because of the fact that cores are harder to defend and with the NAPS/Mass NAPs came a whole lot of drama because of broken promises, traitors, flaming and stupid immaturity.

23:17:29 Jan 5th 09 - Sir Vidar:

war is a treachorous affair my friend.. and this is just a game..

23:20:03 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Eros The Pimp:

Mr. Ptah


1/5/2009 9:53:06 PM
Yes, VU is a lost cause :)!
Im a lost cause...Pengy too...we suck

23:42:35 Jan 5th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Ruby Knight


1/5/2009 11:15:51 PMIts not VU going downhill, its the players who are. VU could use a little uphill work though....

I think VU started going downhill in era 27 or whenever it was that a few kingdoms started majorly abusing the Great walls to create impenetrable blockers and Zeta actually had to go in and manually delete walls and then remove them altogether the next era. Ever since then its been a downwards spiral as NAPS are pretty much required to survive because of the fact that cores are harder to defend and with the NAPS/Mass NAPs came a whole lot of drama because of broken promises, traitors, flaming and stupid immaturity.

agreed, go slap MAD for doing that! (then we got our wall deleted and we had an undefended core and MAD a non penetrate-able core ... wtf!)

23:46:33 Jan 5th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Can I join the "we suck" club? :D

23:47:04 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

"war is a treachorous affair my friend.. and this is just a game.."

yes it is, but its people like you that encourage people to dont care about "honor" in the game.

honor was a part of this game before, it just gat lost on the way.

i think this game us much more enjoyable when people are playing with a little bit of loyalty, honor and currage.

the later eras, it has popped up a bunch of people that think its fun to ruin this values and takes away that part of the game.

however, to get back on topic. with the new world and no great walls, i think its neccecery to have alot of NAP's. people will take advantage of those who dont have NAP's and the KD will fall to a overpowerd mass off players.

23:51:01 Jan 5th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Someone needs to start teaching people how to be honorable.  Sooner or later I am sure most of the current players will leave and then VU will just we don't want it to be.

23:57:49 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Eros The Pimp:

damn...admin got the Pimp flame eraser gadget out again

00:30:14 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

Can I join the "we suck" club? :D

you'll have to do something for pengy...

00:30:59 Jan 6th 09 - Sir Vidar:

I have never acted unhonourable in this game and i will refute any suggestion to the contrary. my point was it is a game and not everyone will play fairly, deal with it.



01:21:10 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

You guys (non-*beep*s) can say whatever you want. At the end of the day, you are not us, you are not playing in our kingdom, you are not the ones having to mess up your lives and schedules just to handle and manage the game, the kingdom and all those wars, and you are not the ones getting cranky and losing your temper with your own fellow comrade-at-arms. If you have the time to sit at the computer 20 hours a day to play this game and micromanage everything and war 200 kingdoms at the same time, well wahey... be my guest. But I want my own damn life, and my comrades want their own damn lives too. To me, that is more precious than the opinions of a couple of people who have no impact on me whatsoever.

And FYI people. Before our last NAP, we were warring about 5 kingdoms simultaneously from all FOUR directions, and we were not strong enough to decisively beat any single one of them. We were literally BEGGING for a NAP from Dark Riders (3 times) just to try and cut down one front, but they refused since they knew our situation - that we were engaged on too many fronts. Well, now that we have cut down one front, we are gonna cut Dark Riders down and teach them and especially their king a lesson they will never forget.

01:27:38 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Eros The Pimp:

Pimp nods. Bad Dark Riders.

01:33:23 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Sloth:

Retribution is still warring at least 400% of our kingdom strength if not more so you can all go *beep* yourselves.

01:35:25 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Banroth Death Proof:

V is very new to Fantasia, and we never intended on ending up on that map. We were ready for an OOP war with Prosapia. We were approached by ODC, Rebirth, Dark/Mystical, very early on in the era. I just wanted our guys to have some exp. here. Finwe you're just upset that you're being attacked by 3-4 different kingdomes. You guys aren't liked, that's not my problem.

01:38:24 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Sloth:

Thanks for your input Mr. Banroth Death Proof, but we could have agreed to NAPs with 6 different kingdoms like Vengeance or whatever it is you did, but we chose not to. It has nothing to do with being liked.

02:19:33 Jan 6th 09 - Duke Random:

don't you like me banroth :(

02:27:43 Jan 6th 09 - Sir Deadpool:

Mr. Righthand of Onuris


1/5/2009 8:21:10 PM
You guys (non-*beep*s) can say whatever you want. At the end of the day, you are not us, you are not playing in our kingdom, you are not the ones having to mess up your lives and schedules just to handle and manage the game, the kingdom and all those wars, and you are not the ones getting cranky and losing your temper with your own fellow comrade-at-arms. If you have the time to sit at the computer 20 hours a day to play this game and micromanage everything and war 200 kingdoms at the same time, well wahey... be my guest. But I want my own damn life, and my comrades want their own damn lives too. To me, that is more precious than the opinions of a couple of people who have no impact on me whatsoever.

And FYI people. Before our last NAP, we were warring about 5 kingdoms simultaneously from all FOUR directions, and we were not strong enough to decisively beat any single one of them. We were literally BEGGING for a NAP from Dark Riders (3 times) just to try and cut down one front, but they refused since they knew our situation - that we were engaged on too many fronts. Well, now that we have cut down one front, we are gonna cut Dark Riders down and teach them and especially their king a lesson they will never forget.

Well said my friend.

02:54:57 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

Prince Mielo

"agreed, go slap MAD for doing that! (then we got our wall deleted and we had an undefended core and MAD a non penetrate-able core ... wtf!)"

HOHOHO! Dont bring back that part of history. Now I missed walls. ;)

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