Forums / In game politics / New Faer banner

New Faer banner
20:18:54 Jul 3rd 10 - Lord Vicious Pimpalicious:

I was wondering if you guys were open for input on swapping your banner arround again. The one you have now is abit harsh on the eyes and breaks with the harmony of the map in the game. Maybe i could convince you to either swap back again or go with another option. At least it would be fun.

21:08:50 Jul 3rd 10 - Endless Dream:

Deno... you should change that to FATE  perhaps, you look closer to extinction this era then FEAR :)

21:15:50 Jul 3rd 10 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

remind me who you're warring again endless?

21:17:44 Jul 3rd 10 - Endless Dream:

Deno: so erm yeah, can we NAP? we don't want to die plus I'm kind of disappointed Fear didn't die without me (htf did they win last era?)... gotta show them fookers who has the biggest penor
DOA: who are you?
DOA: we have the biggest penor, go away

let go of those control issues, your penor may grow ...... ;)

21:21:14 Jul 3rd 10 - Endless Dream:

12:15:50 Jul 3rd 10 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

remind me who you're warring again endless?

I'm not a Vice, you'll have to ask them  if you want an answer

21:26:30 Jul 3rd 10 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

I know who you're warring, I just wanted you to say it, maybe it would serve to remind you of how stupid your bragging sounds to everyone else.

21:35:59 Jul 3rd 10 - Endless Dream:

I'm not bragging (we may die this era dunno yet to early to tell), I'm responding to flame bait with flame bait :)

and speculating ;) and sharing the <3 ? ;)

21:48:24 Jul 3rd 10 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

no, you're insinuating that our efforts as a 28 man kingdom versus a 44 man kingdom are unappreciated and I don't think you realise how rude you're coming across as.

I kinda feel like abandoning my armoury and giving up my mines to DoA... and letting you see how it feels to be "close to extinction"....


22:04:36 Jul 3rd 10 - Mr. Aligreat:

She said some really mean things. I would do it if i was you.

22:04:49 Jul 3rd 10 - Endless Dream:

You could do that if you like.  Your call.  You are a Vice you can make that call. I'm not afraid of dying.

If I come across as rude what does Deno come across as?
just curious :)

22:13:18 Jul 3rd 10 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

come prep on my arms ali and i'll decide if I wanna give it to you :)

endless, I know you and deno don't like each other, but don't encompass the whole of fate, who're acting as your meatshield, into your personal battle.

22:14:17 Jul 3rd 10 - Mr. Vencrow:

Penor battle.

I'll beat ya'll with my eyes closed and fantasizing about Endless.

22:15:05 Jul 3rd 10 - General Zondervan:

come on gals and guys. we havea  fant thread :P

22:19:56 Jul 3rd 10 - Endless Dream:

Random, control your boy and I'll stop ;)

btw, did I come close to scoring a bullseye? you seem cranky today :p

23:03:51 Jul 3rd 10 - Duchess Amon:

pimpys banner is friggin better.. :D Fear rules.. wtf is the pink bunneh about????

pink crap sucks!!!

.. endless..  OMG ur not beeing stalked!!!.. Every friggin post in here is yours :O :D


....and no Im not in FATE Jade.. you and ur skanky bf needs to get your mouth glued.

<3FEAR<3 (you ppl <3 know who u are<3)

23:06:55 Jul 3rd 10 - Lord Vicious Pimpalicious:

It is kind of ironic to think about, that if i post in a thread that i made myself. Some hag is going to accuse me of stalking her :-)

23:07:27 Jul 3rd 10 - Endless Dream:

*spanks Lill* <3

sssh I'm doing the stalking today (thought that was obvious) ;)

23:08:59 Jul 3rd 10 - Endless Dream:

Deno, not in this thread I won't  - but I might return the <3 :p

hag? not yet :( close but not yet... I need a few more years for that :)

*crys* hag awww lol
is that the best you can do? :p

23:33:54 Jul 3rd 10 - Duchess Amon:

ze spanks are ze one and only Jaz/aka. Ninja kittes.. WB is still alive.

our motto is: " we pay attention"

our philosofy is:" We innovate it, now copy use and abuse it"

our goal is: "BOW" "For u shall like it!" >.O
(and if not then u shall pretend to do so or we will make u cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a hearing"^^

 For honour and glory! MJAU!

(RP points? do I get them? :P)


23:49:29 Jul 3rd 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

not for that.  It doesn't follow the RP rules

23:55:53 Jul 3rd 10 - Mr. Sage Salamon:

I kinda feel like abandoning my armoury and giving up my mines to DoA... and letting you see how it feels to be "close to extinction"....

lol gotta love how much FEAR is hated >.< ... thats really nice thought Random, but too bad even if u did such a thing that FEAR would be the ones at the end of era to say "FATE sucks and let us die" and we by no means want that :P hehe ;) the more they're confident, the harder they will fall :) and then maybe we can fix this fecked up game called VU

You guys at FATE did well so far... for what activity you had.. and this loss was a product of circumstance... so dont sweat it

00:04:52 Jul 4th 10 - Endless Dream:

SS :(

don't burst my bubble
it's suppose to be all about me :p

00:13:04 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin:

05:55:53 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Sage Salamon:
I kinda feel like abandoning my armoury and giving up my mines to DoA... and letting you see how it feels to be "close to extinction"....

 and then maybe we can fix this fecked up game called VU

You guys at FATE did well so far... for what activity you had.. and this loss was a product of circumstance... so dont sweat it

There is nothing to fix about VU. DOA is the one fvcking it up more and more. They fvcked it up last era, and they fvck it up this era. Who knows... maybe next era, there will be a huge alliance taking place specifically to gangbang DOA down :)

And with regards Fate's loss.... well, they are 26 players fighting 45 players after all :)

00:22:44 Jul 4th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

I dont see a gangbang going on and as for kingdoms having a lot of players I specifically remember FATE got up to about 42 players at one point.  So I really dont see what your point is.

Random <3

01:12:52 Jul 4th 10 - Lord Vicious Pimpalicious:

ehh. This thread is about the lack of quality in the current Faer banner. I dont know what all you guys are talking about.

01:15:10 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

"14:06:55 Jul 3rd 10 - Lord Vicious Pimpalicious:

It is kind of ironic to think about, that if i post in a thread that i made myself. Some hag is going to accuse me of stalking her :-)"

Next army's coming for you mate ;)

01:26:15 Jul 4th 10 - Lord Vicious Pimpalicious:

Oh, noes. Not for me ? . I got this great farm spot i am sitting in atm. Please do not come and interupt my farming. 

01:35:04 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Boba Fett:

Is it just me or is faer being spelt wrong?

01:46:27 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

I like it better this way Boba.

@Vic, :P

04:54:09 Jul 4th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

Hai guize, wotz goin on in heer??

05:05:57 Jul 4th 10 - Chancellor Vicious Hunkalicious:

I specifically remember FATE got up to about 42 players at one point.  So I really dont see what your point is.

Since you can "specifically" remember such details, please enlighten me as to when this was. Certainly not since I've been here.. Think we hit about 35-36 at max since I joined.

Perhaps you're confusing us with MAD when they recruited half of a nub world or something a few eras back.

05:08:23 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

I love the new FEAR banner. It's unique and different. Me likey <3

05:25:26 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

I love the new FEAR banner, it's sexy ;)

05:51:53 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Negasonic:

Jessica Rabbit would of been sexier

06:17:50 Jul 4th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

^_^ I could be mistaken though I thought you guys got up around there when you were placed on Fantasia alone with GOTF and Sol Invictus and held out for that era.

but I dont really like the banner doesnt really strike FEAR in my heart sorry ^_^

07:40:44 Jul 4th 10 - Chancellor Vicious Hunkalicious:

Yea that's the era ii'm talking about :) MAD had 40+ that era. We topped out around the figure I said earlier and have been cutting back slowly since then.

I do agree on the horrible pink banner tho :p

09:29:56 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Gruhmbar:

I thought this was about the new faer banner, not the fear banner. :P 

15:05:33 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

It would be easy to confuse MAD with FATE. They're both terrible, terrible KDs.

15:10:08 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

Eh, a little too frontal there Petite :P  Try something a little more... sly ;)

16:37:13 Jul 4th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

It would be easy to confuse MAD with FATE. They both achieve the same.

19:03:59 Jul 4th 10 - Lady Skittles:

Our New F.E.A.R. Banner  is sexy ....  >.< 

06:39:40 Jul 7th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

So much <3 in here.

08:37:49 Jul 20th 10 - Mr. Bling Fcukers:

poke meh <3

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