Forums / In game politics / Next Era Zeta I

Next Era Zeta I
05:47:06 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

which kds will be in Zeta next era?

09:18:23 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Physcic Phone:


01:16:38 Jun 29th 08 - Sir Kev of Claidhmore:

For awhile Physcic... but that # will dwindle soon most come oop  :)


02:13:45 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Physcic Phone:

yea.. but i thought the question was how many will start.. not how many will survive

06:18:57 Jun 29th 08 - Sir Kev of Claidhmore:

True Physcic... I was projecting...

06:26:05 Jun 29th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Very realistic projecting =p

09:20:06 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Phoenixfires:

yea ill try not to take out an entire kingdom on my own ill share in the spoils this time  ;-D


10:02:26 Jun 29th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

a little bit overconfident, aren't we?

13:06:09 Jun 29th 08 - Sir Kev of Claidhmore:

Hardly Pirate...... of course if it is an 'elite Fant KD' he will take out two....

15:14:21 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

Hopefully Knights of the golden crown will be heading there.were on valhalla and are recruiting for Next ERA.

18:22:53 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

^^^^then dont go to Zeta. Starta is the place to recruit. Zeta is just like mant almost. nothing but wars. no place to recruit or train ur recruits

18:39:58 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Mojo Risin:

depends who you recruit..

18:52:54 Jun 29th 08 - General Ezatious:

Justin that is quite possibly the most stupid comment i have ever read, it did make me lol

18:58:54 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Mojo Risin:

I agree, but was trying to be more sutble!!

19:05:11 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

General Ezatious


6/29/2008 10:52:54 AM
Justin that is quite possibly the most stupid comment i have ever read, it did make me lol

That is wat i heard. U dont like my statements take it up with my sources if u can find them. BUt i highly doubt any fantasians whould talk to u.

19:06:18 Jun 29th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

who are your sources :D that would be a start

19:07:41 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Duke Fafnir the rest of his name is to long for me i just woke up. its in the NEXT ERA MANT thread

19:11:29 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Mojo Risin:

like i said, it all depends on who you recruit...

19:20:13 Jun 29th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

rofl fafnir...

19:37:37 Jun 29th 08 - Lord Tudelu:

Mr. Justin


6/29/2008 7:05:11 PM
General Ezatious


6/29/2008 10:52:54 AM
Justin that is quite possibly the most stupid comment i have ever read, it did make me lol

That is wat i heard. U dont like my statements take it up with my sources if u can find them. BUt i highly doubt any fantasians whould talk to u.

Ez got pwned. =)

23:11:51 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Phoenixfires:

lol thanks kev and pirate -_- ill hunt you down.  =-D  j/k depends if your in an enemy kingdom ;-)

23:16:04 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

Mr. Justin


6/29/2008 7:05:11 PM
General Ezatious


6/29/2008 10:52:54 AM
Justin that is quite possibly the most stupid comment i have ever read, it did make me lol

That is wat i heard. U dont like my statements take it up with my sources if u can find them. BUt i highly doubt any fantasians whould talk to u.

Ur a bit too arrogant.I survived on mant for 2 eras with a 6 man KD and we came 2nd,GODLIKE when we were smalled came 1st on starta and only got most of those members in the last week and were first it all depends on hwo those people are.the daciians are also a good example. and blackwaters early in the era were.and cannabis.

08:10:28 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Phoenixfires:

if my memory is correct GODLIKE wasnt very loyal to its naps and attacked them which could possibly be why they did well.   -_-

15:39:36 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Spook:

Boo will be on Zeta next era =)

16:59:14 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

Mr. Phoenixfires


7/2/2008 7:10:28 AMif my memory is correct GODLIKE wasnt very loyal to its naps and attacked them which could possibly be why they did well.   -_-

If your talking about within the last 7 ERA's then no ur information isnt correct.last era we didnt have any NAP's except Angels who we didnt attack.
The era before we NAP'd AC if i am correct.we were attacked 3 times before we done anything back and even AC admit this.before there were no problems with NAp's so ......

18:40:19 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Spoon:

I'm launching a new super-kingdom, the only kingdom on Zeta next era will be Ugly Drawings of Hotties

02:41:13 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Kev of Claidhmore:

I predict one KD will take Zet next era.... kill everyone else off completely.... Has that ever happened?  One KD takes whole map?

06:48:00 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Spook:


*Mr. Spook Cackles and floats away

09:46:32 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

Well, pheonix will return to zeta if i can get enough members >.>
we had a real good shot at killing everyone, but ahh well.

13:14:45 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Kev of Claidhmore:

huh?  Had a shot?  on what world?

13:42:19 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

kev, phx and roc where enemies. phx had a shot at taking zeta, but we lost, 20vs 80 isnt good odds :D

14:11:55 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Kev of Claidhmore:

this era?  last era we fought Pheonix.... wasn't that the blocker incident.... but it wasn't 20 vs 80.  They were the stronger KD till we took them down.

14:37:20 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Wilberforce:

Haha, i gota agree with Ez. Justin - just

15:45:19 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

kev, you are mistaken. it was indeed 20 Vs 80, as pheonix fought Phi, Roc, THC, DF and RS.
we only got defeated because of THC, who betrayed us during nap negotiations.
and yeah, last era, or one before, nnot sure which.

20:09:03 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Spook:

nobody acknowledged me =(

Isnt anybody afraid of my ghostly Boo?

20:20:53 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Phoenixgodly:

its ok spook for a brief moment i was a little affraid... brief....

and if i see phx.... ill kill them -_-  there can only be one!!!

23:34:37 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

go ahead, i look forwards to waring you! mwhaha! :-)

23:55:07 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Ok, I've been busy but I just HAD to post 2 things in here.

  1. THC did pretty much... f/a in that war. I killed the soldiers, I lowered your numbers and guess which pot-smoking bastards come along. To be fair though, there were 2 or 3 THC members who were extremely helpful and generally a pleasure to talk to. (Tanc and Mckane come to mind. Nobody else comes to mind)
  2. Its pretty obvious whos going to win next era.... Whoever has me on their team. ;)
    And I only play for one team so thats easy enough to figure out. ;)
I wonder how many people actually know what f/a means....

23:58:02 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Revengee:

Famous Anal !

THC did pretty much Famous Anal in that war

It fits :P

00:14:02 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

I will be in zetamania next era and I will hunt Justin.  Anyone who interferes will get pawned right on the spot!

00:21:56 Jul 5th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Interfere?! Can we join in?!

00:34:10 Jul 5th 08 - Sir Kev of Claidhmore:

What is wrong with Justin?  Who is Twamao?  And who is that masked man?

02:56:23 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Justin:

well ur going to be running into everyone but me and my kd on zeta. we are going to a different world to train the new recruits and get them used to the game and for testing purposes

08:52:19 Jul 5th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Erm..... and were are you goin to train new recruits? ^.-

08:55:31 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Look in my damn recruting thread duh!

12:15:34 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

Wraith, we had over 200k men in that blocker which was holding you at bay. a few of us phx members were prepping in the south to come up behind you, yet THC turned on us, and took out our southern frontier.
and never were we strongest. one of the vices of phx posted images of the map frequently, and i count just after thc took our southern border 7 blockers. all of which had to be manned well because there was enemies on each one.
so yeah, we might have been strongest, but in comparison, Roc, THC and PHI were all between 60-70% of our power.
we had 14% of our power to each blocker, so if a kingdom, for eg, ROC had 50% of its power to each blocker, we only had 24% power to hold you back.

i never took credit from ROC for the victory, but thc really screwed us over.

12:35:25 Jul 5th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Like I said, THC never did a thing. I had sent some nazzies in the South and was killing PHX soldiers. THEN Thc came in  and took over cities I had worked for. So as far as I'm concerned they did f/a.

18:51:19 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

THC did! not only did they take our southern frontier, which was going to crush you, they enticed a few of the members to sell us out.
yes, ROC delivered the killing blow, but if not for thc turning on us, i believed we wouldnt have all died.

18:55:25 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

wait, is it me or is justin an *beep*?
Mr. Justin


6/29/2008 7:05:11 PM
General Ezatious


6/29/2008 10:52:54 AM
Justin that is quite possibly the most stupid comment i have ever read, it did make me lol

That is wat i heard. U dont like my statements take it up with my sources if u can find them. BUt i highly doubt any fantasians whould talk to u.

all general ezatious has to do is say hi in the mirror. is he not in legacy? was fafnir not pwned this era, most likely by legacy? and besides, fafnir is a very rubbish source, he believes in crap. and thats polite.

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