Forums / In game politics / Nirvana 34

Nirvana 34
23:17:00 Mar 22nd 15 - Random (Mr. Nonono):

Who's playing? feels like a ghost town D:

23:52:33 Mar 22nd 15 - Ms. Manymistakes:

I suppose I could play again, but are there any KD's still playing?  I don't particularly want to play a dead world

23:57:21 Mar 22nd 15 - Mr. Killionaire:

Feels like a dead world. 

Maybe 5 people on it so far

Starting to reconsider :(

10:46:04 Mar 28th 15 - Mr. Sesughter Yisrahel The Moor:

4 members of MAL are playing , plus two members of kingdom of test , along with Luna wolves , im also here and im guessing random is playing.

so there is about 7/8 that i know of. Only people I know who they are is kingdom of test 

12:22:17 Mar 28th 15 - Mr. Sesughter Yisrahel The Moor:

seems like luna wolves and mal are the only two extremely near eachother

12:48:48 Mar 28th 15 - Ms. Aisha II:

When they change the map The Collective will return to Nirvana :-) 

As long as its not shatteredworldz we will play. Told my guys to play if they want but they do not want to start without me

17:23:01 Mar 28th 15 - Ms. Testingbadidea:

There's only me in kingdom of test

18:11:35 Mar 28th 15 - Mr. Fezz:

I already lost interest in this world ;(

GvE has the best concept / play style, at least in my opinion = I know it is not for everyone. 

I am more a fan of bigger kingdoms where everyone contributes  and the map is crowded vs being in a small kingdom and stuck with doing major heavy lifting and then chasing players across the map. 

Mal put up a good/close fight and the only reason we stood a chance is because some of their players aren't as active. 

When I saw them spawning besides, specially seeing them vet players I thought we were as good as dead. 

Oh well, I blame collective?? For not being around haha. To make this era as interesting as last one. Forum wise that is...

<3 Aisha. You helped me a lot on my first era. Thank you = maybe there is room for me next era ;)

18:31:00 Mar 28th 15 - Mr. Soccer Jests Naked:

get to fantasia all. That's where the real fun happens and all the glory is created

20:07:18 Mar 28th 15 - Random (Mr. Nonono):

don't mind me... just playing sim-city in a corner somewhere,,

10:48:14 Mar 29th 15 - Ms. Aisha II:

Fezz what was your name last era on Nirvana? :)

15:48:31 Mar 29th 15 - Mr. Killionaire:

Wasn't nirvana. 

My first start was when GvE Started the first era over Christmas 

I was mr wonderful lol. 

I have 3 accounts : Sherlock Holmes= played in zeta but not active now

Fezz on talent

This one in nirvana. 

No more Mr Wonderful hahaja 

01:01:35 Apr 7th 15 - Random (Mr. Nonono):

someone sell tree pls

08:28:29 Apr 28th 15 - Random (Mr. Nonono):

can one of the people from mal who restarted farm for arma pls?

09:03:51 Apr 28th 15 - Mr. Von Darkmor:

Im the only one alive and i havent restarted im afraid :P

09:27:16 Apr 28th 15 - Ms. Testingbadidea:

Magic Level
Level 0
Upgrading will cost 83,115,000 gold, 7,388,000 stone, 7,388,000 tree and 7,388,000 food. 

Don't worry only a few years till I got it.

21:08:27 Apr 28th 15 - Mr. Killionaire:


Can you ask someone to restart? Maybe crystal?

we have an elf that is level 9 since mid April but went afk now. 

Sucks but please help out if you guys can. 


22:04:55 Apr 28th 15 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

will do :-)

23:50:02 Apr 28th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

I'm not really playing much, but I'll help out by farming for arma. Just spawned as an elf.

00:11:54 Apr 29th 15 - Mr. Fezz:

Luna and mal are friends ;)

You guys rock

Thank you. 

23:55:06 Apr 29th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

if someone would like to help get arma more quickly, message me.

00:44:20 Apr 30th 15 - Mr. Killionaire:

Would selling stone for dirt cheap from all active members help so you can STG?

That is of random is ok with that too lol ;)

01:13:53 Apr 30th 15 - Ms. Testingbadidea:

You sell high, we buy, sell low, and feed you money, cast arma before you're out of protection!

01:19:39 Apr 30th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

that seems like a pretty good way to do it. Much quicker too as long as no one else on the map decides to buy it. I wont even need much of an economy, which is good cause it's not exactly booming right now.

I can only possibly be active for 6 hours on a weekday though so that doesn't leave much time for these transactions.

01:45:57 May 2nd 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

Quick update:

I have 6.7m gold and that will raise quite quickly. I'm not really building much of a mine since some of you are helping me by buying food for 3.99 each so I've opted to build a food mine :p

Hopefully arma will come quick!

05:38:05 May 2nd 15 - Mr. Killionaire:


Thanks for the update. 

Message me if you need anything that I could assist with


18:24:54 May 3rd 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

6 magic, 23.8m food on the market for 3.99. Once that's bought I'm waiting for 25k of my MU's to train, might get 2-3 arma attempts from that (more to come, we should have arma tomorrow at the latest).

23:56:47 May 3rd 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

Magic Level
Level 7
Upgrading will cost 26,212,500 gold, 2,330,000 stone, 2,330,000 tree and 2,330,000 food.

Also have 88 million gold, and need to buy tree/stone/food for the upgrades.

00:04:56 May 5th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):


Casting Armageddon from Crystal Shard II upon Yayyyy with 16% chance of success...Whaaaaack, the spell failed. When casting the spell 16542 of our Spellweavers died and 5514 got injured

Grr. Could have used a little luck there :/

06:55:07 May 5th 15 - Mr. Killionaire:


I don't understand why arma cast should ever fail. 

It is such a pain to end an era 

10:01:29 May 5th 15 - Sir Scimitar:

Looking forward for another era on Nirvana :-) make room for the Collective :-)

00:28:40 May 6th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

if I can ever get arma cast, I restarted so my peasant growth isn't the greatest when it comes to casting arma...

Sigh.. Sorry guys :/

...Whaaaaack, the spell failed. When casting the spell 13604 of our Spellweavers died and 4535 got injured.

04:56:41 May 6th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

Might get 2 attempts tomorrow:

Power: 0 0 Train:

(34 days)
In city: 5142
In training: 39815


Is it 30k MU's for optimal Arma cast?

I've been using around 15-20k with around a 13% chance

14:39:56 May 6th 15 - Mr. Killionaire:

Can't say I have ever done this

I think you should aim for over 20%

So maybe that amount of troops you got will do

Any MT?

14:47:29 May 6th 15 - Ms. Wild Rose:

There is a method how people do it, I've done it before, but it has been a while so I forgot the numbers. It goes something like this:
First you need to settle 3 cities near your armory where you will train mages.
In each of the 3 cities build 103 magic towers (I am not sure do you need more than that actually)
And then wait for your mages to train... and you need lots
I think its 30k per attempt, so for these three cities you would need 90k Mages
You would get about 25% chance (3 times) to get the Arma.
Not exactly sure if the numbers are correct, but that is the principle of how its done.

21:30:26 May 6th 15 - Mr. Killionaire:

Yeah that seems complicated and too much effort. 

To me it should be as simple as casting any other spell, and just have to do it on a 1 building city....

Hopefully, it works this go around. 

23:16:26 May 6th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

Are you sure you want to order the Spellweavers in to cast Armageddon upon with 23% chance of success?

We have 58455 magic power from this range.

If we fail the spell we will lose 32475 Spellweavers!

Whaaaaack, the spell failed. When casting the spell 24356 of our Spellweavers died and 8119 got injured.

I'm usually pretty lucky when it comes to arma, last 2 times I have I did it at 11% and 13% and got them both first try.

another 43k MU's in training, I'll go ahead and build up a city just a bit for even more peasants for this task. Been using them from my mine for about 25k extra peasants per day.

23:59:49 May 6th 15 - Mr. Killionaire:

I think it is this world. 

I have had back luck too. 

STGing with bad luck, same when attacking. 

I lots a battle against Von at 94% and the city had not troops lol

Nirvana is cursed

00:10:25 May 7th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

It'd be fantastic if this would work some time. By the time we finally get arma, I'm going to be back to whoop your butts ;)

01:29:09 May 7th 15 - Mr. Fezz:

Lol. Expect collective as well

01:17:28 May 9th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

Just an fyi I am still casting arma daily.. just very unlucky

Keeping track of my casts in my kingdom forum and will just post them here all at once.

I'm also building up somewhat of an economy for peasant growth. That's the only reason I'm only getting a cast a day, gold isn't an issue with the great help from some of you.

Wish me luck :p

21:01:41 May 10th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

16:40:58 May 7th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

Are you sure you want to order the Spellweavers in to cast Armageddon upon with 24% chance of success?

We have 61327 magic power from this range.

If we fail the spell we will lose 34071 Spellweavers!

Whaaaaack, the spell failed. When casting the spell 25553 of our Spellweavers died and 8518 got injured.

17:14:22 May 7th 15 - Mr. Von Darkmor:

Not having any luck with arma, cant believe one cast hasnt succeeded yet :P

Report -
17:18:04 May 7th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

that's the 4th attempt I think, granted the first two were at 13% chance.

these past two were 22 and 24.

Maybe tomorrow will yield better results :p

17:00:11 May 8th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystalgeddon):

Are you sure you want to order the Spellweavers in to cast Armageddon upon with 23% chance of success?

We have 55873 magic power from this range.

If we fail the spell we will lose 30188 Spellweavers and 440 magic towers!

Whaaaaack, the spell failed. We lost 30188 Spellweavers and 440 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.



Are you sure you want to order the Spellweavers in to cast Armageddon upon with 22% chance of success?

We have 54000 magic power from this range.

If we fail the spell we will lose 30000 Spellweavers!

Whaaaaack, the spell failed. When casting the spell 22500 of our Spellweavers died and 7500 got injured.

Are you sure you want to order the Spellweavers in to cast Armageddon upon with 25% chance of success?

We have 63910 magic power from this range.

If we fail the spell we will lose 35506 Spellweavers!

Casting Armageddon from Crystal Shard IV upon Yayyyy with 25% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. When casting the spell 17472 of our Spellweavers died and 5824 got injured.

01:12:02 May 12th 15 - Mr. Sorra The Locker:

What Kingdoms will be on Nirvana this era?

03:27:00 May 12th 15 - Mr. Killionaire:

Thank you crystal / Von for helping cast arma. 

I heard collective will be back

I am not sure Luna wolves will be around. 

Personally, I won't be playing nirvana this era and going forward, I plan on playing with bigger /more active kingdoms. 

This era was painful with too many inactives in our kingdom, but that is a constant problem...,


04:07:40 May 12th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystal The Notso Active):

a few from Maleficent will be around this era, me included although not very active.

09:11:56 May 12th 15 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

The Collective will be back, I hope there will be kingdoms like before, this world is where it all became most interesting for me. 

Like always, The Collective does not have NAPs and we declare war upon all. Only exception would be a KDless person or kingdom of only one person cause we do not want to ruin the game for people with a 10 vs 1 war. 

Good luck everyone

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