Forums / In game politics / Nirvana 35

Nirvana 35
16:19:17 May 12th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Delaware):

Lets get this party started.... who brought the blow up sex dolls? Who has the lube?

18:01:36 May 12th 15 - Lady Leila:

I do not know about that but just found out about Ser Barristan Selmy, and I am furious beyond belief!

18:04:12 May 12th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

What did you find out about the barrister? I myself have had issues with the law which led me to loose my job as a reverend at a local catholic congregation.

I need a good lawyer now to keep me out of jail aswell. Preferably with good references. Send me a PM.

21:21:45 May 12th 15 - Mr. Barney:

Don't worry Reverend Fondler, I'm sure everything will be fine! Besides, even if you go to jail whats the worst that could happen? You may just be a simple 'Mr. Fondler' now but I'm sure everything will work out.

07:37:46 May 14th 15 - Revolution (Mr. Aegon The Conqueror):

I'm ticked that the TV series has deviated away from the books as well, but I bet they asked Martin if he was important to the story... Likely the case was that he wasn't.

I just dont want spoilers from the tv series is all...
It'll destroy my reading experience.

07:38:46 May 14th 15 - Revolution (Mr. Aegon The Conqueror):

BTDubs, Uther Pendragon clocking back in under a different name. I'm rusty, been away for over two years. Anyone got any comments on the game dynamic changing? lol

16:10:58 May 14th 15 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia The Equis):

Any wars started yet?

18:46:28 May 14th 15 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

Everyone is still in protection

03:15:25 May 17th 15 - Juicebox (Mr. Durrak Wolfslayer):

How the Hell is it that I come to the politics forum and y'all spoil that shit for me? What. the. rage.

06:52:36 May 17th 15 - Revolution (Mr. Aegon The Conqueror):

lawls ^^^
It's ok, doesnt happen in the books

16:12:26 May 18th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Delaware):

collective is literally farming untouched with no threats at all

maleficent is farming except for one player

federation is dying to that one said player (kinda sad really)

look around is looking around

test is testing

in other new, i took out one untagged player and an attempted orc drop from federation

19:18:15 May 22nd 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Delaware):

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Maleficent10Ms. Crystal The Notso Active328
Collective10Ms. Lillith230
Look Around4Mr. Binh Loo Around100
Kingdom of Test1Mr. Barney32
Pinecone Crushers2Mr. Gromar7

Male and Look Around are warring, though participation is somewhat marginal.

Collective is still farming - 0 confirmed kills right guys?

Test is testing.

and noone invited Pinecones but they are out there hiding somewhere

20:27:07 May 22nd 15 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia The Equis):

Sorry I slaughtered those innocent peasants Horus... I felt sorta bad doing it ;-)

Do they count in kill count? 

12:08:37 May 26th 15 - Mr. Aisha III:

I removed my kingdom from Mantrax cause people do not talk, we did not have fun there, so we moved to Nirvana, cause people here were much nicer and it was more entertaining for us. And then we went quiet, for no reason, don't know whats up with going silent, its better to talk, apologies for not giving any statements from our kingdom.

Indeed we are farming like whores, we haven't done anything all era, except Dark Spawn that yells at me for saying we did not fight, he apparently killed 1500 Ponies or some crap xD So yeah, we are 99% farming our asses off like bosses ^^

We are shamelessly building up and not worrying about soldiers at all, just started training slightly now cause that guy Dark Tidal keeps sending Ponies at us, so now we have to actually do something and make a sort of contribution to the wars :P

So yeah... good luck all, and let us farm here in peace!

15:08:49 May 26th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

aisha... you  better get in here soon or there's a paddlin' comin your way

18:30:25 May 26th 15 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Spawn II):

Good luck everyone this era! :)

12:02:52 May 28th 15 - Ms. Lillith:

This is one of the rare eras when I was not forced to fight right away, a nice change of pace, but I prefer to fight though, this is sort of slightly boring, but you are all far away on the other side of the map.

16:30:13 May 28th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh Loo Around):

Sure is hot in this world or is it just me? All of the sudden hundreds of thousands of my peoples just melt from the heat :(

I better tell my peoples to wear sunscreen next time they head outdoors.

18:44:37 May 28th 15 - Mr. Eddy:

Or better yet not head out at all.

18:22:59 Jun 1st 15 - Mr. Ghengis Khan:

Coming to join the fun soon :-) Collective and Maleficent have been farming way too long this era, we really need to do some fighting :-)

Yes Mal has been fighting all era I know. Feel free to troll me now :-)

09:18:12 Jun 3rd 15 - Mr. Proble:

Considering things are quiet as the armies travel for several days to reach the battlefields, we are going to use this oportunity to learn more about crickets, bugs that is.

Crickets, family Gryllidae (also known as "true crickets"), are insects related to grasshoppers. The Gryllidae have mainly cylindrical bodies, round heads and long antennae. Behind the head is a smooth, robust pronotum. The abdomen ends in a pair of long cerci (spikes); females have a long cylindrical ovipositor. The hind legs have enlarged femora (thighs), providing power for jumping. The front wings are adapted as tough, leathery elytra (wing covers) and it is by rubbing parts of these together that some crickets chirp. The hind wings are membranous and folded when not in use for flight; many species however are flightless. The largest members of the family are the bull crickets, Brachytrupes, which are up to 5 cm (2 in) long.

19:21:37 Jun 3rd 15 - Mr. Ghengis Khan:

I need to join couple other kingdoms just to see how other kingdoms do things, the amount of planning and coordination we are doing is probably not even needed. We are taking forever to move offensively cause we need to have everything in full control over the map, and thats why it takes forever for us to make any kind of decisions, everything needs to be double checked. I would like to join some other kingdom just to get another perspective, to see if other kingdoms do what we are doing... But its fun, to make sure all parts of the map are well controlled, or at least it seems they are, we shall see how it goes.

My Mongol riders are on the way :)

19:25:35 Jun 3rd 15 - Ms. Elisa The Mage:

Magic Level
Level 9
Upgrading will cost 68,604,457,500 gold, 6,098,174,000 stone, 6,098,174,000 tree and 6,098,174,000 food.

Tell me when you guys want arma :)

19:26:24 Jun 3rd 15 - Mr. Bling:

just ask one of the experienced vets to join for the era, and have a look over things.

21:41:52 Jun 3rd 15 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia The Equis):

Elisa, that's a really cheap upgrade wow!!

Magic Level

Current level 8

Upgrading will cost 79,470,000 gold, 7,064,000 stone, 7,064,000 tree and 7,064,000 food.

21:45:10 Jun 3rd 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Swordsmen):

Alrisaia, look again. It's 68 billion not 68 million :D

21:47:28 Jun 3rd 15 - Ms. Elisa The Mage:

I have magic level 9 for 2 days now, my mining and farming sciences are up now as well as I do not need magic 10

09:45:19 Jun 5th 15 - Mr. Aisha III:

Von proving his worth once again :-) has us running around trying to find weak spots :-) 

Wars make game much more fun, from a semi inactive group of people now I have a highly active bunch ^^

Oh even mage said fck it and went and trained a large AMs army lol, everyone wants in on the battles :-) 

18:52:36 Jun 5th 15 - Mr. Ghengis Khan:

  • 19:21:37 Jun 3rd 15 - Mr. Ghengis Khan:
    I need to join couple other kingdoms just to see how other kingdoms do things, the amount of planning and coordination we are doing is probably not even needed. We are taking forever to move offensively cause we need to have everything in full control over the map, and thats why it takes forever for us to make any kind of decisions, everything needs to be double checked. I would like to join some other kingdom just to get another perspective, to see if other kingdoms do what we are doing... But its fun, to make sure all parts of the map are well controlled, or at least it seems they are, we shall see how it goes.

    My Mongol riders are on the way :)

  • 19:26:24 Jun 3rd 15 - Mr. Bling:
    just ask one of the experienced vets to join for the era, and have a look over things.

Thank you, I will do that one of the future eras, might join GvE as they say that is the most populated world at the moment. Well regarding this over planning that I thought was going on, it seems that I was wrong. Apparently I was ordered to wait till one of the skilled enemy players sent his army all the way into our core, and then I was told its ok to while the enemy was going to our cities that were very heavily defended I was able to "sneak" into core of War of Doom and pretty much take his entire income. I say "sneak" as a 100k army is not easy to stay unnoticed but even if they did notice it, they did nothing to stop it, and the leader of our kingdom forbids bunch of us to move to attack cause our core needs to be well defended as well. If they did the same for War of Doom he would have his core cities now.

21:46:23 Jun 5th 15 - Bran (Mr. Sly Sloth):

08:45:19 Jun 5th 15 - Mr. Aisha III:

Von proving his worth once again :-) has us running around trying to find weak spots :-) 

Wars make game much more fun, from a semi inactive group of people now I have a highly active bunch ^^

Oh even mage said fck it and went and trained a large AMs army lol, everyone wants in on the battles :-)

except when i try to fight you, you disappear from the map!

17:59:14 Jun 6th 15 - Mr. Aisha III:

Who are you again? One of the FW people, or when did you challenge me?
You have to forgive me, as I do not bother finding out who is who (everyone picks really weird names these days, they do not stick to their original names), so if you set up a challenge to me, please let me know who you are next time. I thought I was talking to Pure (and I do not really pay attention what he is saying) or the other troll that I do not know the name. Or maybe that was you. The one that wrote IM to me, I have told to come to Nirvana, that I will face you here :)

18:08:13 Jun 6th 15 - Mr. Force II:

I don't know why dwarfs are not more popular in VU, they are overall best race to play. Very easy to learn, and even if you are semi active like I am, if your kingdom allows you to do some building up, every player will come up with a massive army, in quite a nice period of time. You might say every race can do that, but I feel dwarves can do it faster, building inside the mountain they have lower building cost and they can go crazy with building quickly. Its very easy to come up with even 3 cities of 90k, you do not really need to invest in farms or lumbers, you can just buy it from market, you only need it basically for sciences and later on you just build a small farm city and you are fine.

When it comes to sciences, its pretty straight forward, you go right away with mining sciences, and your income is extreme even from beginning of the era. The guide says that military price is decent, so that is what you should do next. Its easy and good for new players to know right away that is the way to go, and nothing else should be attempted. So they know they are on the good way. After those two sciences you can do some farming or medicine depending what you need.

On my first era I was assigned to defend a blocker, and as a newbie on my first era I trained a 500k Axemen and 300k Runemasters and was the only horde in my kingdom. Just pointining it out, its quite easy to achieve, if you are set up on a blocker duty and you are not forced to go into large battles right away. People should play dwarves more, they are awesome!

:thumbs up:

18:12:13 Jun 6th 15 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Zugzwang):

Well played dwarf is not a match for well played orc or elf. Super well played halfling crushes every race.

18:19:34 Jun 6th 15 - Mr. Force II:

That might be true, but I mentioned if your kingdom helps you in the beginning, to fight of the orc, you will be fine. I am well aware that with army of the dead spell they have the upper hand, but the difference is, if dwarf has to fight orc at oop, that will most likely end up in death. But on the other hand, if dwarf has a little bit of time to build up, and then comes up with a Axemen army, I am not allowed to say my income now but it is much higher than all the orcs and elves (few halfers in Mal and human Binh might have similar incomes now on Nirvana) and if dwarf manages to fight them at this stage of the game, they will die. Of course if they set up their aotd spells than I would be in trouble obviously, but thats why our kingdom went aotd crazy this era and we do not have not even one halfer.

18:31:05 Jun 6th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

Well played orc, even versus a farmed up dwarf with 4 90Ks full of cavers, will beat the dwarf.

Your income is probably around 3.5 million (assuming mining 10) excluding stone.

19:22:45 Jun 6th 15 - Mr. Force II:

Is there ever a time in the era when you would prefer having a dwarf player in your kindom, rather than some other race? You sound as dwarves should never be played.

05:50:33 Jun 7th 15 - Mr. Tony Montana:

Two races that run similair growth and earning capacity are dwarves and halfers. The difference is the halfers ability to discover sciences the dwarf could only ever dream of, and experiences gains, which is why a dwarf will nearly always lose to a halfer.
If you enjoy dwarf, then focus on human or halfer. Halfer requires a lot more Q&A's from the right player, but humans done right, with the way they can manipulate the markets can be more effective earnings wise, as well as in battlefield

09:38:52 Jun 7th 15 - Mr. Scimitar II:

If you look at all that from a simple point of view to just how active the player is;
If you play Dwarf, there is not much skill needed, just make sure mining is up, get military up, and build 3-4 cities into mountain that will lower building cost, that is simple and easy to do.
If you play Human, like you mentioned, to perform best, you need high activity to be able to manipulate the market. Again you need to get your 200k city up, and you do not get building cost reduction, takes much more time and gold to build the city. Once you do it thought, you get extreme income. Knights are very expensive even comparing to Axemen, and Catapults are not that good cause if you get hit you are in trouble, again meaning you need to be active. Axemen also need to be sure not to get hit, but its much less than 40-20 that Catas have.
If you play Halfers, again you need high activity if you plan to get experience finds, you need to be the only person doing it, or the one lucky enough to have a large Advents army with experience, and hope that nobody else has it. Your game play must be going to enemy and hoping to get hit, and if you are inactive there is a good chance you will get hit and then slaughtered while you are not there.

Playing Dwarf allows you slightly lower activity, and in my opinion is better for little bit less active people. But its the small things that sometimes make the difference, like in previous eras we had examples. We were told always keep BTs from beginning of the era, you will need it later. So once we were up against Mal on Nirvana back on our first era, Force used 3 BTs to hit another 500k Dwarf army, and that was crucial, if he got hit that would cause a lot of trouble. Or last era on Mantrax when a veteran player dropped a 1 building city to aotd hit me, I used 3 BTs to get full prep on that city and slaughtered the army, even thought he might be stronger with aotd hits. Those aotd races do have a good tactic, doing the attack multiple times and getting the dead back is great, but they also risk a lot, and they can get killed while they are in the process of getting the dead back.

10:26:55 Jun 7th 15 - Mr. Aisha III:

Everyone should play the race they enjoying playing the most :) In the end its all about having fun in the game, that is what we are all here for :)

10:52:55 Jun 7th 15 - Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude:

or if you can be a dragon, then ignore alisha and be that

11:02:21 Jun 7th 15 - Ms. Lillith:

It is never a good idea to ignore aisha
If you do that, she gets you in a painful way
As it was stated before in one of the forum threads
They even need to apologize if they do something bad lol

11:27:39 Jun 7th 15 - Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude:

alisha is welcome to a firm grip on my balls anytime.. i like it rough

12:38:08 Jun 7th 15 - Mr. Aisha III:

Its Aisha, not Alisha. 

17:04:56 Jun 7th 15 - Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude:

i'll call you anything you want me to darling <3

17:26:57 Jun 7th 15 - Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude:

10:34:02 Jun 8th 15 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Spawn II):

Almost there :)

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Maleficent10Ms. Crystal The Notso Active107
Collective10Mr. Aisha III100
Look Around4Mr. Binh Loo Around16
Pinecone Crushers3Mr. Gromar2

17:36:19 Jun 8th 15 - Mr. Aisha III:

Shame we do not have vision all the way down south, I am interested to finding out what is going on there... I do not see movements around Binh's city, just now Stormy started moving, it has been quiet at that area for a while... Though that is all we can see, we can not see down south :(

20:23:57 Jun 8th 15 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia The Equis):

I just googled down south with an image search... Looks about right, you should check it out.

21:09:45 Jun 8th 15 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrow):

lol u make it sound like I was hiding in a nearby city, Aisha, when I actually just arrived . I really really hate travel distances sometimes:( and like al said, google is ur friend....

21:16:02 Jun 8th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh Loo Around):

I have been in hibernation mode for awhile.... And will continue to do so until someone bug me :P

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