Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Age 20

Nirvana Age 20
19:28:34 Jun 20th 13 - Princess Aisha:

Please keep the trolls in the other thread, lets try to have a decent thread of Nirvana, considering we have so many people and so many fights going on. 



Battles won: 104
Battles lost: 55

Storm Cloaks 

Battles won: 34
Battles lost: 33


Battles won: 87
Battles lost: 42


Battles won: 33
Battles lost: 30


Battles won: 24
Battles lost: 48

Pink Cloaks

Battles won: 57
Battles lost: 87

Current wars: 

Big attack by Storm Cloaks on Valar was stopped, and after some recovering it seems like Valar is starting attacks on Storm Cloaks at the moment. We will see how that will go, good luck to both kingdoms.

Pink Cloaks was making a lot of progress on Candlewax south right after oop time, when we were not really ready, while Sleepless was coming in closer. Attempts to get diplomatic relations with Sleepless failed as we got rejected, and Sleepless attacked few of our outposts in the north, but while Pink Cloaks were attacking, Sleepless used the situation and attacked Pink Cloaks where they did not have many defenders. Soon after armies of Candlewax were in place and we managed to destroy all the attacking armies of Pink Cloaks and it looks like they are in trouble now, about to die. 

In the north, we hear of new core rebuilding of Zerg who lost their core in oop war against Valar and Candlewax who NAPed right in the beginning. Some would say taking an easy way out, others would say making a good tactical move to have the upper hand in the war. Also in the north as Storm Cloaks reported, Candlewax has one guy who is doing some distracting and attacking both Storm Cloaks and Sleepless up in the north. 

I think that sums it up, I hope the era continues to be as fun as it was so far.

19:43:31 Jun 20th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Deleted your character yet?

20:15:01 Jun 20th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers From Zerus):

valor wax :-)

21:41:29 Jun 20th 13 - Konspyre (Captain Zealot):

Don't forget to mention the fact that we already beat 3 KD's in the OOP war despite the terrible start.

Also, dear everyone, don't build huge cities that take several mine spots as it only screws up an already terrible landing spot even further. Thanks in advance.

16:20:56 Jun 26th 13 - Jondy (Sir Jondrus Kilowatt):

I did some testing. New players have no chance if they land on a map with these players. The players here will make excuses as to why they are attacking a non-aggressive player. NO fecking Honor left in this game whatsoever. You are all are a bunch of fascist pigs. No wonder new players don't stay. Go ahead and throw out your petty excuses. I don't want to fecking hear them. You are all on my shit list from now on.

16:32:31 Jun 26th 13 - Konspyre (Mr. Slavik):


So, what did you test?

And why is it predetermined that new players don't stand a chance?

Why wouldn't someone attack a non-aggressive player, if there's nothing to gain from leaving him alone? It's a war game you know. =/

Also, please explain your interpretation of the words 'honor' and 'non-aggressive player'. Don't you mean 'farmer'?

What makes us fascist pigs?

Why are you generalizing the whole population of Nirv because of something likely to be done by only a few players?

If you answer all of these points in a satisfactory manner, I might consider actually taking you seriously.

16:36:43 Jun 26th 13 - Jondy (Sir Jondrus Kilowatt):

dude shut the feck up. I don't want to hear your garbage. I wasn't specifically talking about you. The people know who they are.


16:38:18 Jun 26th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Thats why 10 man kd rule kinda sucks :/

16:46:03 Jun 26th 13 - Pure (Sir Binh The Orc):

Jond, am I one of these players?

18:48:16 Jun 26th 13 - Lady Leila:

Why would you start on a world that is so far in the era already? 

Why not wait for another world to open, looks like Fantasia is done, so in two real days time it will open, and everyone will have equal chance. If you are a new player, go on one of the lower worlds, less people there and better chances for newbies.

22:22:59 Jun 26th 13 - Electric (Electric Galactic Avenger):

Those newer players are welcome to join my kingdom on Zet where we might not survive every era. but i will do my bestest to train em, and Protect them and to teach them to protect themselves. We have mostly newer players. 6/9


Battlestar Galactica

Kingdom Banner

Name: Battlestar Galactica
Members: 9
Created: 5/9/2013 10:18:14 PM
Leader: Ms. Galactic Gaurdian

Compare kingdom


The Fight for Humanity begins!
Fight to survive
Cylons are everywhere! 

This is a teaching Kingdom all New players are welcome, only requirements are an open mind and the ability to log on at least once a day!

We are currently on Zet


12:44:16 Jun 27th 13 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord Immolation Death Bear III):

which son of a bitch cast plague haha

13:15:54 Jun 27th 13 - Sheriff Timmion:

I asked Finagle to cast plague to learn a little more how it worked, before his main mage city got taken by Valar.  We found that we could cast plague cheaply by lowering the mages in the casting low as 25000 mages could cast plague.....but the duration of the plague would be very short.  I think the plague that we cast will only last 12 ticks.   

The mage cost of the plague seemed consistent at about 50% of the casting he would have lost nearly 150000 mages if he had cast it at full power.  Regardless of mages used, the tower cost seemed to be nearly flat.

Also, some cities were quite resistant as targets..I assume those cities has defensive mages in them ...possibly because I was playing with Earthquake a little earlier in the era.

The ability to control duration is interesting.   On our initial failed invasion of Valar, shortly after they finished off most of Zerg's initial cities, we debated casting Plague as a preliminary blast, but we decided not to because we would end up sending our own armies into the plague.   If however, we can control the timing of the plague, that increases its usefulness as a pre-invasion tactic.

02:26:56 Jul 8th 13 - Struddles (Toaster Struddle):

If you wanted to know how plague works ask around some of the older players as to how plague can ravage a world. Personally I've casted it on fant and nearly cost a nap partner the era win. Plague if casted at full strength will roughly decimate an army/city. It is uncontrollable and spreads based on sight range and every city infected has a chance of spreading it is virtually impossible to control and even with a low duration it can still spread to your core and if the duration isn't long enough it will not do the necessary damage. Basically plague is an uncontrollable devastation that cannot be controlled easily. I don't recommend casting it to try and soften the enemy core as it can still spread to your armies or it won't do enough to matter and you will be wasting mus.

12:28:31 Jul 8th 13 - Electric (Electric Atticus The Wolf Raped):

put army out of city and cast cure plague, no more decimate army. 

20:27:35 Jul 8th 13 - Princess Aisha:

People seriously, teach your new players how to build cities. This is just bad.

Teach them what is rainbow and not to do it. Also the ratio of homes to other buildings, I mean seriously... 

Houses 25 people.
In construction:0
Homes filled:0%

Each farm produces around 12 food per day.
In construction:0

Each mine produces around 7 gold per day and around 6 stone per day.
In construction:0

Each lumbermill produces around 8 tree per day.
In construction:0

Magic Towers
Will defend your city from magic and make it much easier for your wizards to cast long range spells.
In construction:0

Gives extra defence and increases line of sight.
In construction:0

Increases the morale in your city and the armies stationed in the city.
In construction:0

Lowers training time and makes you able to train more troops in your colony.
In construction:0

Stores one hundred times more resources than farms/mines/mills.
(All buildings can store an unlimited amount of resources)
In construction:0

Increase the preparation time when attacking your colony.
Built:446 / 3343Build:
In construction:0

When you destroy buildings they will become Wreckages and will disappear over time.
Wrecked buildings:0

20:43:10 Jul 8th 13 - Zond (The Gravitation):

if the city i think it is, it was built that way on purpose. and doesnt belong to a new player

23:25:24 Jul 8th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers From Zerus):

rainbows are pretty

23:38:49 Jul 8th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

deleted your character yet aisha?

23:43:42 Jul 8th 13 - Zond (The Gravitation):

if she deletes it, how will she will reply to u ^^

03:02:39 Jul 9th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Paschal Candle):

@Aisha, I believe what Zond said is true.

Look at what Binh have in his 2 90k city that I captured.

Houses 25 people.
Built: 19777 Build:
In construction: 0
Homes filled: 6%

Each farm produces around 5 food per day.
Built: 24606 Build:
In construction: 0

Each mine produces around 3 gold per day and around 2 stone per day.
Built: 39430 Build:
In construction: 0

Each lumbermill produces around 7 tree per day.
Built: 6000 Build:
In construction: 0

Magic Towers
Will defend your city from magic and make it much easier for your wizards to cast long range spells.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Gives extra defence and increases line of sight.
Built: 187 Build:
In construction: 0

Increases the morale in your city and the armies stationed in the city.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Lowers training time and makes you able to train more troops in your colony.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Stores one hundred times more resources than farms/mines/mills.
(All buildings can store an unlimited amount of resources)
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Increase the preparation time when attacking your colony.
Built: 2 / 2362 Build:
In construction: 0

Houses 25 people.
Built: 19809 Build:
In construction: 0
Homes filled: 29%

Each farm produces around 8 food per day.
Built: 38316 Build:
In construction: 0

Each mine produces around 5 gold per day and around 4 stone per day.
Built: 31874 Build:
In construction: 0

Each lumbermill produces tree.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Magic Towers
Will defend your city from magic and make it much easier for your wizards to cast long range spells.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Gives extra defence and increases line of sight.
Built: 1 Build:
In construction: 0

Increases the morale in your city and the armies stationed in the city.
Built: 735 Build:
In construction: 1944

Lowers training time and makes you able to train more troops in your colony.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Stores one hundred times more resources than farms/mines/mills.
(All buildings can store an unlimited amount of resources)
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

04:31:40 Jul 9th 13 - Mr. Orpheus:

and azarucs city...

Houses 25 people.
In construction:0
Homes filled:76%

Each farm produces around 6 food per day.
In construction:0

Each mine produces around 5 gold per day and around 4 stone per day.
In construction:0

Each lumbermill produces tree.
In construction:0

Magic Towers
Will defend your city from magic and make it much easier for your wizards to cast long range spells.
In construction:0

Gives extra defence and increases line of sight.
In construction:0

Increases the morale in your city and the armies stationed in the city.
In construction:0

Lowers training time and makes you able to train more troops in your colony.
In construction:0

Stores one hundred times more resources than farms/mines/mills.
(All buildings can store an unlimited amount of resources)
In construction:0

Increase the preparation time when attacking your colony.
Built:2169 / 2362Build:
In construction:0

06:01:34 Jul 9th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Velenus):

Aisha please shove off.

Did you expect my peasants to live off of rocks in my 200ker?

Production for production

Homes for workers and 750k+ troops

2k guard towers for sight

2k tavernes for orc campers

7500 arms for training


06:20:01 Jul 9th 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc):

Hey, don't post my uber-secret town setup here!

And indeed, that town was supposed to be a mine. Yet, when I saw the Candlewax armies coming I decided it'd be best to give up all but one town. Which means I had to be able to feed my people (farms) and train new soldiers (armories). To have sufficient peasants, I built some extra homes. Warehouses to make sure my resources would be kept in this town instead of losing everything when my other towns were taken over. And the taverns would keep my peasants happy in case an orc army showed up.

So far for the plan, city was still taken ^^

19:11:40 Jul 9th 13 - Struddles (Toaster Struddle):

That's is assuming that everyone pays attention to what is going on and has the coordination to do so.  A lot of people don't notice or pay attention to plague and that is what ends up costing them the most remember it can spread from city to army and from city to city.  The spread is based on vision.  I will give a short example

You have Cities A-Z.  City A has plague casted right before tick change and becomes infected and has vision over cities B-E (Assuming very small vision range just to simplify).  City A during tick change has a possibility of spreading to cities B-E (I cannot remember the value for it I used to know it but whatever).  Only city B becomes infected still a fairly small endeavor but can still be unnoticeable at this point.  A will attempt to infect cities C-E still and city B which has vision of cities C-M will now have a chance at infecting these cities.  So Cities C-E will now have to pass 2 rolls to not get infected.  While cities F-M will have to pass one role.  This continues on and on and this also the spread is not necessarily limited to cities closest to the core of the plague being the first ones infected. This is one of the bigger "problems with plague and why it is so tough to get rid of.  It requires 100% coordination with both you and your enemy and even if you have cured a city, if 100% of the cities are not cured in one turn (this is where people don't understand how to stop it.) it can re-spread all over again.

If you want to find out how much damage it can really do look up some of the old forum topics.  And if you haven't heard of the Plague Clause which was literally put in every NAP after I casted a Plague on Fant that wiped out roughly half of everyones armies and cut their production down by about 60%.  Dig around some of the old forum posts you'll find things about plague in there somewhere.

01:33:18 Jul 10th 13 - Fire Lord Crazy (Mr. Immolation Deathbear II):

Yeah I agree with old mate, I build an extra 20k houses or so in big cities or 200k cities Purely for the extra troops and troop production. And not having to move your army out to pay ridiculous upkeep. and rain bowing is also used for people who rather defend 2 cities instead of like 4 or three. or people who build 1 food city and then when that gets taken they fcking starve or it cripples them because they have to buy large sums of food etc. this goes for anything basically rain bowing is not as horrible as people make it to be. I don't practically rainbow but I tend to make 1 or 2 rainbow cities out of around 10 cities build. and honestly why care if someone rainbows, so long the ratio is decent.

10:56:23 Jul 13th 13 - Lady Leila:

Nirvana has never been this quiet lately, after all those wars, it looks like its going to a calm period now. Wars of kingdom Candlewax are over, now we can all enjoy in peace and watch Valar and Sleepless finish their battle, and then wait for Arma... 

Any idea how long it will take?
In the meanwhile, my adventurers are wandering around, exploring, and finding really nice things out there. The countryside is full of nice things to find, you just have to be patient.

Our adventurers found a magic ring! It increased the magic level within our realm.
Our adventurers found a very unusual crop! It increased our farming science.
Our adventurers found a secret dwarf mining tool; increasing our mining science.
Thursday - 2 days ago
Our adventurers found a very unusual crop! It increased our farming science.

04:38:04 Jul 14th 13 - Ms. Selendis:

02:01:34 Jul 9th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Velenus):

Aisha please shove off.

Did you expect my peasants to live off of rocks in my 200ker?

Production for production

Homes for workers and 750k+ troops

2k guard towers for sight

2k tavernes for orc campers

7500 arms for training

leave  my girl alone :) you only wish you were as good as her....

04:38:45 Jul 14th 13 - Ms. Selendis:

nice finds Leila].


04:44:41 Jul 14th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Binh The Supernova):

"leave  my girl alone"

If she wanted to be left alone, then she shouldn't be poking others :P

" you only wish you were as good as her...."

At ganking or attacking restarters? lolno

12:16:54 Jul 14th 13 - Princess Aisha:

Yukan, your name this era was Nakuy right?
You were one of the best, and by far the most active member of Pink Cloaks, hardest to kill. We kept sending armies to you and you kept kicking them back, even when we sent few people at the same time, you managed to make it in every town in time to kick them back, because you were using the speed of the ponies.

We have nothing but good words about you this era as Nakuy, you were by far the best enemy we had this era, but do you also remember that it was me who noticed that you move your pure ponies armies in the least 20 seconds of the tick? I told Leila to attack, and then while you tried to rush your ponies down south to meet her I waited for last 20 seconds of the tick and then froze half of your Ponies, making sure Leila is able to take your city, and that was basically how you died down south.

And now you say I am attacking restarters, that is just pathetic, when you receive respect and praise for your well played era, be honorable and do the same. Obviously after you restarted you had no chance, so if that was your city that I mentioned, I apologize, did not know it was you.

13:15:10 Jul 14th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Binh The Supernova):

How am I supposed to be angry about my 200ker being taken when you're being so nice :|

14:47:48 Jul 14th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

deleted your character yet aisha?

21:09:17 Jul 14th 13 - General Paper:

So i have been playing Visual Utopia for almost 9 months now, and through the forums i am constantly seeing

05:47:48 Jul 14th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:
deleted your character yet aisha?

Can anyone fill be in on what this is about?

21:40:46 Jul 14th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Binh The Supernova):

I think it was:

Aisha says something (I don't remember)

Someone insists that she played on Fantasia and played poorly

Aisha says if she died to a bad player early game, she would delete her char. Also says she didn't play Fantasia recently.

Someone says a person named Aisha did die to (I think) Pure (Who is apparently a bad player/I don't get this) on Fantasia

Aisha insists that it wasn't her

And now Bell keeps saying that

It started in the first Nirvana 20 thread that got deleted by Zond*

01:20:00 Jul 15th 13 - Ms. Nicolepwn:

it was her. and she did die. and she did say that she would delete her character.

07:25:35 Jul 15th 13 - Mr. Roq:

Can one of the admins just start the next era so people don't have to wait forever for arma...

07:57:56 Jul 15th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

it was her. her history matched up with the other characters she had previously played from that account. her sister also played in the KD at the same time.

but she refuses to delete her character after vowing before everybody she would.

11:07:18 Jul 15th 13 - Lady Leila:

We want Arma :)

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