Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Age 4 Me thinks

Nirvana Age 4 Me thinks
23:52:43 Jan 10th 11 - Mr. Arthur Dent II:


Ok guys, lets get ready ;)  Good luck ya'll.  you gonna need it.

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Kingdom of Hearts II7Mr. Eddo3218
Riders of Iscariot5Mr. Canadia145
Pi Factor3Mr. Arthur Dent II100
Legion Of Roma1Mr. Punisher0
Some Guys1Mr. Jeffrey0
Flames2Mr. Fafnir The Old0
ELITIANS2Mr. War Beingxi0
BREEZY6Mr. Thizzle0
Ad Libitum6Mr. Denomnom0
The Rippers2Mr. Agressive Entity0

00:28:13 Jan 11th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

Maybe.... just maybe, I'll play on Nirvana.... dunno, haven't used my third character yet. :P

02:29:34 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Arthur Dent II:

You should join us, we might want a new player ;)  but we can't get too large, don't want to have an unfair advantage.

20:42:57 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. New Guy:

Good luck everyone, I'll see you on the battlefield ;)

20:53:40 Jan 11th 11 - Ms. Liquid Latex Pink Sex Machine:

<3 Arthur

22:42:47 Jan 11th 11 - Ms. Sexual Dee:

much <3 for my Arthur :)

01:08:02 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Arthur Dent II:


You too Sexual Dee, whoever you are, lol.  Name changes are frustrating, but I can still make a guess, cause you have sex in the name ;)

01:19:21 Jan 12th 11 - Ms. Sexual Dee:

It was supposed to be Sexual Desire... but since you're not allowed to have "sir" in name, it turned out to be Dee... very annoying

Admin said he will not change it, so now I know I will pick names more carefully...

01:45:17 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Don Flamenco:

Hello Arthur Dent.  Bow sucks.

01:47:44 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Arthur Dent II:

Hello Don, love you too ;)

03:50:10 Jan 12th 11 - Lady Pink Femmes Fatales:

<3 Arthur 

15:20:37 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. New Guy:

Can some untagged player put my name in for kd leader? I want to see the scores.

18:41:00 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Kingdom of Hearts II7Mr. Eddo1704
Amazons4Ms. Liquid Latex Pink Sex Machine239
Riders of Iscariot5Mr. Canadia226
Pi Factor4Mr. Arthur Dent100
Brilliant Stupidity2Mr. Puppy4
Legion Of Roma1Mr. Punisher0
Some Guys1Mr. Jeffrey0
Flames2Mr. Fafnir The Old0
ELITIANS2Mr. War Beingxi0
BREEZY6Mr. Thizzle0
Ad Libitum5Mr. Denomnom0
The Rippers2Mr. Agressive Entity0

I hate how the "Disband kingdom?" button is on the same place that "List other kingdoms" normally is.

15:58:35 Jan 13th 11 - Mr. New Guy:

Bump, somebody help me out please. I need someone to put my name in

16:54:25 Jan 13th 11 - Mr. Taniwha:


17:18:23 Jan 13th 11 - Mr. New Guy:

Thanks guys!

01:36:41 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I suggest that everyone attacks us and Amazon ;)  Or else this is gonna be a boring world :P

01:37:58 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Pi Factor7Mr. Arthur Dent100
Amazons4Ms. Liquid Latex Pink Sex Machine51
Riders of Iscariot5Mr. Canadia41
Crazy Train4Mr. New Guy33
Kingdom of Hearts II7Mr. Eddo32
Legion Of Roma1Mr. Punisher0
Some Guys1Mr. Jeffrey0
Flames2Mr. Fafnir The Old0
ELITIANS2Mr. War Beingxi0
BREEZY6Mr. Thizzle0
Ad Libitum5Mr. Denomnom0
The Rippers2Mr. Agressive Entity0

Sooooo... yeah.  Is Kingdom Hearts even playing?  I thought they would be our biggest enemy cause they have the same # of players, but it looks like ya'll wont join the party

05:32:54 Jan 15th 11 - Ms. Liquid Latex Pink Sex Machine:

Who doesn't want to attack pink sexxxy lips ;)

05:59:07 Jan 15th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

I tried, dropped in a crowded area, and then moved on.... maybe next time. lol :P

06:14:52 Jan 15th 11 - Lady Pink Femmes Fatales:

lol, looks like the entire map dropped in the same area :D

08:03:32 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Sebek:

It seems i'm in for a good old fashioned gangbang =(

02:47:07 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

Lady Pink Femmes Fatales


23:14:52 Jan 14th 11
lol, looks like the entire map dropped in the same area :D
I'm all for a good fight, but it's just me and a buddy. lol 

So I chose to try for better odds on another fresh world. :D

We dropped by you and in between a bunch of randoms who would've been screwing our eco. Would've just been a feeding frendzy. 

07:10:10 Jan 16th 11 - Lady Pink Femmes Fatales:

It is a feeding frenzy lol, good call ;)

07:59:48 Jan 16th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

Bah, I'm sure I could've given you indigestion, at least. :P

23:59:07 Jan 24th 11 - Mr. Ultimit Solider:

Pi Factor9Mr. Arthur Dent13
Amazons5Ms. Liquid Latex Pink Sex Machine6
Union for Independence2Mr. Gold Miner1

Holy shit, this map looks like fun! I'm sure there were no NAPS decided before the era began, either!

00:05:55 Jan 25th 11 - Lady Pink Femmes Fatales:

You'd be correct. There were no NAPs decided BEFORE the era began :)  

@Arthur, so when we finish off Union (watch out they have a mean spanker up there lol) do I get to spank you and Helios? ;)

00:18:03 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Ultimit Solider:

You'd be correct. There were no NAPs decided BEFORE the era began*

*only after we realized we couldn't fit all 14 people in one kingdom.

00:25:52 Jan 25th 11 - Lady Pink Femmes Fatales:

David, go fcuk yourself on another thread please unless ofc you're playing on this map.  Why we chose to NAP them is none of your business although it's not difficult to discern we might have friends playing in that kingdom and unlike FW and Music we decided AFTER we dropped to NAP them.  Go troll PKS and Horus on the Zetamania thread if you're that bored, they're like 3 or 4 eras now of NAPing on that map and owning it. 

00:25:56 Jan 25th 11 - Ms. Liquid Latex Pink Sex Machine:

We're an all female kd, Arthur has manbits so that was never going to happen.

@ Pink haha Oh snap :3

00:34:35 Jan 25th 11 - Lady Pink Femmes Fatales:

glad you called Snap and not Jinx ;) 

00:37:28 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Gold Miner:

Nice to be noted only several hours after forming ^_^ I guess a new 2 man kingdom is the highlight of this world as opposed to a war development.

00:45:18 Jan 25th 11 - Ms. Liquid Latex Pink Sex Machine:

Sell moar tree please :)

05:03:27 Jan 25th 11 - Lady Pink Femmes Fatales:

Yes, somebody sell trees so the elves can cast arma later :)

06:47:04 Jan 28th 11 - Mr. Eirian Draconis III:


Character news

21:34:19 - Mr. Sexy Hero Guy has joined your kingdom!

- See older news

Now what kingdom am I apart of again...?

06:58:39 Jan 28th 11 - Lady Pink Femmes Fatales:

Just in time lol, arma will be cast soon

have fun

08:09:50 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Heliostratos:

Casting Armageddon from Push Luck upon Timebomb with 25% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. When casting the spell 19390 of our Spellweavers died and 6463 got injured.

btw Zeta, don,t bother opening this world again


18:49:51 Jan 30th 11 - Wolflord Karac:

Arthur.... where you be?

21:58:17 Jan 30th 11 - Mr. Rand Althor:

i think he quite

00:25:20 Jan 31st 11 - Ms. Sexual Dee:

He quit the game after the cheating on Talents...

I would like to thank the girls in Amazons, thank you for the idea of all girls Kd, that was a fun era, and I am glad we managed to do that before I quit this game, it was a great experience.

Also, a big thanx to our allies Pi Factor for a nice era and casting of Arma :) and thanx to enemies for making it more interesting :)

Goodbye friends :)


00:18:09 Feb 2nd 11 - Mr. Gold Miner:

Bye bye. Constantly running to survive was fun I guess :P

16:32:03 Feb 7th 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

i might have a character for the next round on this world, whose going to be around? maybe I'll solo, who knows!

16:37:34 Feb 7th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Ok, so - Friend and I have been considering playing on Nirvana. What kingdoms are around, is anyone recruiting, or is anyone willing to consider starting something new up with us? lol ;D

15:16:57 Feb 9th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

you can join kingdom of hearts!!! it's only me right now because i just got back from my 90000 minute ban!! But yea i'm back and ready to go =)

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