Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Era 33

Nirvana Era 33
10:13:34 Feb 11th 15 - Mr. Testtttttttttttttt:

OOP comes in 5-10 ticks, there look to be two mid sized 7-9 player kingdoms (Maleficent and The Collective) and 7-9 players who are solo or kingdomless.

Kingdoms in Nirvana
The Collective7Ms. Seven of Nine446
Maleficent9Mr. Bartimaeus269
Scoreboard1Mr. Reallynotrandom188
Dirty Birds3(1?)Mr. Polymer175
Ngati Kahungunu1Mr. Apocolypse130
Kingdom of Test1Mr. Testtttttttttttttt100
Measuring Stick1Mr. Valverde54
TheBoysAreBack2Mr. Hiding41
alcoholics3Mr. Insane Biatch18
Knights Radiant2Mr. Mithras9

10:28:10 Feb 11th 15 - Mr. Barny:

Barny here, this and GvE will be my only characters for now whist I wait for other characters to die. I see a group I saw playing Valhalla with my Brother is playing this world, which should be fun!

Might get banned this era by a multi sweep but if so I'll reference this post and be unbanned.

I have someone (Brother, in the past we've been on the same IP on and off) with characters on my account but I got approval/word from the Admin today on rules. We can never play on the same world and he can't have characters on my account or vice versa.

VU Admin (2/10/2015 1:22:58 AM)GOODBAD
You are not allowed to share accounts. Se he has to make his own account.

There's always a ban risk, but it can easily be resolved if you mail me after you've been banned.
This was Zeta's response to the message I sent him below:
You (2/9/2015 9:23:27 AM)
Hey there Zeta, I've been playing this game for 10~ years and once again my brother would like to try the game.

In the past (8~ years ago?) him doing this resulted in us getting banned by the multi-sweep. We accept that we can never play on the same world for fairness reasons, but right now I'm having him play on characters on my account which causes people who /whois him in chat to believe that he is me.

Is there any way that we can both play the game using separate account without being banned by a multi-sweep? I can provide timestamped picture proof that my brother 'Ronin' does indeed exist.

11:58:40 Feb 11th 15 - Mr. Barny:

I can actually see all 3 of DB's players on the map as well as Random/Apocolypse (#1/#2 HoH Halfings) and I have a general idea of where Maleficent and The Collective are.

This should be an interesting and fun era.

12:18:24 Feb 11th 15 - Random (Mr. Reallynotrandom):

GL and don't suck everyone :3

12:49:14 Feb 11th 15 - Mr. Scimitar Warbird:

It looks like its always better to actually start earlier to walk to a distant part of the map, possibly somewhere in the corner, we seem to always end up in middle of the map, so now we are going to get attacked from multiple areas for sure. But I guess it will make up for a nice era, good luck all and have fun!

13:05:15 Feb 11th 15 - Mr. Barny:

Gl hf everyone!

14:30:57 Feb 11th 15 - HorusPanic (Ms. Kid Friendly):

way to thread jack

06:20:00 Feb 17th 15 - Mr. Valverde:

It appears after 8 days of farming, Mal has decided to show their face and their target is the KD that just had 2 players come OOP and myself who fought the collective OOP. Not sure it will be much of a fair fight, but we will give it all we got.

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